Owning the Beast

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Authors: Alexa Riley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm

BOOK: Owning the Beast
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Owning the Beast



Alexa Riley

Copyright © 2014 by Alexa Riley. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or
transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or
other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of
the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical
reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For
permission requests, email to
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Publisher’s Note: This is a
of fiction. Names,
characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination.
Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any
resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies,
events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.





, this ones for you. D:



CHAPTER 1 *Annabella*


. I don’t think I’ve felt this alive since
Father’s death two weeks ago. And although I’m afraid of what’s to come, I
welcome the feeling. It’s better than the numbness I’ve been living in. Anxiety
was a constant knot in my stomach these days. The fear of not knowing what was
to come was the hardest to deal with. My heart was pounding so hard against my
ribcage that I was almost sure the driver could hear it as well.

Tearing my eyes away from the lush green hills, I turned my
focus back on Logan. When he’d picked me up from the agency in Seattle, he said
that his boss, Mr. Stone, had sent him to retrieve me. Now, I have not met my
future husband yet, but I felt a pang of disappointment when it had sunken in
that he did not turn up to meet me himself.

I had dressed my part to the best of my abilities, a yellow
sundress with white polka dots that came to a stop slightly above my knees
along with a pair of simple white flats. A lady at the agency had even helped
curl my usually straight, long raven hair, tying it up in a white bow to match
my dress. I started to second-guess my choice of wardrobe after noticing the
look the driver had given me, mumbling something about how “you don’t look like
what the boss usually orders”.

One thing I could assume, just from my driver, was that my
husband-to-be must be a very, very rich man. Coupled with the fact that this
was one of the nicest cars I’d ever seen in my life and overhearing John at the
agency say that I’d fetched a higher price due to the fact that my virginity
was still intact. I wasn’t trying to hold on to it, really, I just never got a
chance to have a life outside of my family. Growing up in Mexico City, Father
and Mother rarely let me out of their sight, which was understandable from some
of the horror stories I’ve heard over the years. My father did his best to keep
me hidden away, even going to the extent of having Mother homeschool me.

After Mother was killed by Mexican drug cartel when I was
fifteen, I took on her role in the family. Father loved her dearly and was
utterly destroyed by her passing. He merely existed, and I often felt that he’d
only kept on living to keep me safe. That was up till two weeks ago where he
had suffered a massive heart attack, causing my perfect little world to come
crashing down.


I am completely alone in this world. That loneliness was
probably the main reason why I was in this car to begin with.

I sat at Father’s bedside for three whole days before he’d
finally slipped away. I had absolutely no idea what I would do without him by
my side. I’d never been so terrified in my life. The thought of returning home
without him, without his protection, it just wasn’t going to happen. I could
die, or worse. While Father might not have let me out of the house much, I
could still hear the screams, the gunfire and the police sirens from the
outside every day. Father said they left us alone because he’d paid his dues,
whatever that meant. I have no money, my Spanish isn’t fluent, and my bright
blue eyes give away the fact that I’m not one hundred percent Mexican.

When I had shared my fears with Father’s nurse from the
hospital, she gave me a man’s card. A man who could get me out of Mexico and
give me a whole new life in America. Mother was American and often spoke
wonderful things about her country. I grew up speaking English, with Spanish as
my second language. Mother always said that we would move to America together
one day, but that dream died the same day she did.

And that was how I found myself faced with this choice. I
kept asking myself if this made me a whore. While I might not be selling myself
to a different man each day, I was still selling myself to one. I wonder what
he’s like. My parents’ marriage was a beautiful one. They loved each other
deeply and I longed to have that with someone someday; to make a home and fill
it with children, to love without living in fear each day. While we might not
have had much, Father and I had love, and now, I have no one. I should be
thankful I had even made it out alive. I am never going back.

Father said that I was the most stubborn person he has ever
met. I drove him crazy with my constant chatter and my need to always have
things done in a certain way, but he always said that I would make a wonderful
wife one day. I made it my goal to make Father smile after Mother passed away.
Nothing made me happier than when I could get a laugh from him. I’m not sure if
I ever truly did though. Maybe if Mother was still alive, he might have fought
harder to stay, to live.

I was determined not to lose the battle this time. I will be
a wonderful wife—that was the plan, anyway. I talked to some of the girls at
the agency before I was picked up. I asked a lot of questions about what I
should do and what American husbands would like from their wives. Most of the
things they told me were sex related but I took as many notes as I could. After
all, most of the women there were call girls. If anyone knew how to make a man
happy, it would be them. The agency not only did mail-order brides, they also
housed women who men could rent by the hour. Some of the women tried to talk me
into staying, saying that I would be freer there than being trapped in a
loveless marriage. I had my U.S. citizenship because of my mother, but I also
wanted protection. And love. They laughed at the idea of a happy-ever-after,
claiming I was naïve, and that if a man had to get a mail-order bride then
there must definitely be something wrong with him.

I figured that maybe he was just lonely.
But what if he’s
a cruel man
? my mind kept asking me. Logan, the driver, seemed nice enough.
We might have only spoken a few words to each other but he puts me at ease.
Would such a nice man take me to someone who would potentially cause me harm?
Maybe I really am naïve…

Drawing my eyes up to the rear view mirror, my gaze met
Logan’s. Embarrassed at being caught staring, I went back to looking out the
window. The sun had almost fully set by now and instead of vast green fields,
there are now hundreds and hundreds of trees blocking everything else out.

“We’re almost there, sugar,” Logan said in a slow drawl,
pulling my eyes back to him once again. “You sure you wanna do this? You look
like you’re about to bolt from this car. You must be new. I’ve never seen you

 Returning his stare, I was unsure of what he meant. Has my
future husband been married through the agency before?

“Has Mr. Stone been married before?” I asked, curiosity
getting the best of me.

Logan released a bark of laughter along with a forceful no.

I guess that means he’s been using the call girls then. I’m
not sure which was more unsettling, the thought of my husband using call girls
or that his driver thinks the idea of him getting married was laughable. These
thoughts weren’t doing much to help settle the pounding of my heart.

“Here we are. Welcome to Creston Falls.”

Logan slowly pulled the car up to a big black gate that
looked to be about fifteen feet tall. Rolling down the window, he punched in a
code and the gate opened with a creak. As we pulled up the long, rocky drive, I
took in the majestic sight. The mansion resembled a castle out in the middle of
nowhere. If this were to be my home, I have no idea how I am ever going to keep
this place clean.

Stepping out of the car, I tried to settle my thoughts. Out
of the corner of my eyes, something moving by one of the windows caught my
attention. Stepping forward to get a better look, I saw a shadow of a man
backing away from the window.

Turning to Logan, I asked, “Was that Mr. Stone?”

“He’s the only one home right now, so I reckon it was. Go on
in, I’m sure he’s waiting for you. I’ll park the car in the garage over there,”
he said, pointing to a large building to the left of the mansion. “When you’re
done, have Mr. Stone call me or walk on over and I’ll take you back to the city
if you like.”

Before I could ask him what he meant, Logan hopped back in
the car and drove off, leaving me to my fate. Taking a deep breath, I took the
final ten steps to the door and slowly opened it.



CHAPTER 2 * Griffin*


I hate the wait more than anything else. The anticipation of
having someone unfamiliar see my face for the first time. I used whores because
even though I shouldn’t care about what women thought of me, I still do. I
paced back and forth in my bedroom, wearing grooves into the carpet, constantly
looking out the windows to see if Logan is back with the latest one yet. It’d
been months since I last called the agency, and I was on the edge. I hated this
part of myself. This need for release I can’t seem to take care of myself.
Sure, I could get by with jerking off for a few months, but it left me feeling
so goddamn empty. Fucking a whore who probably didn’t give a shit about me was
much better than fucking my own sorry, scarred-up hand.

Looking down at my hands and seeing those mangled scars did
nothing to ease my anxiety. I knew the looks this new whore would give me.
Pity, disgust, revulsion… At least until she remembers what I am paying to have
her here for the next few hours. Most of the time, they just focused on the
dollar signs. I’m not an idiot. I know what I look like. A beast.

I paced the room once again to check the windows. It’s raining
and  slowly getting dark outside.

Running my hand down the right side of my face, I felt the
familiar jagged lines. Pushing the onslaught of images away, I tried to block
the memories from my mind and focus on the present. I had enough to worry about
without adding onto my stress.

Light flooded the room and I looked down just in time to see
Logan pulling up in front of the manor. I watched the car carefully to see if
it’s the same blonde from the previous time. At least a familiar girl wouldn’t
spend half the time I paid for pretending not to stare at me. Moving the
curtain to the side, I tried to get a better look. The car door opened and a
dark-haired woman stepped out.

My chest tightened and I was momentarily stunned by her
beauty. As her head lifted up to look towards where I stood, I was shaken out
of my daze. Stepping away from the window, I clutched a hand to my chest.

“Fucking hell.”

She was the most beautiful and innocent thing I had ever
seen in my life. I barely caught a glimpse of her, and yet I felt breathless,
overwhelmed. Beauty. So pure and perfect.

Who sent that woman to me? Was this some kind of a sick
joke? The agency must be pissed at me for going so many months without placing
an order. This had to be their idea of a good fucking laugh. Send the
scarred-up freak a new girl. Well, fuck them. I’ll send this girl back ruined.
I’ll show them the monster they’re laughing at.

Bursting through the double doors of my bedroom suite, I
stomped down the hall and made my way down the stairs with a mighty roar. I was
breathing hard, angry as hell by the time I had gotten to the main entrance.
Jerking the front door open, so hard that it slammed against the wall, the
dark-haired angel standing outside my front door let out a small sound of
shock. I guess nobody let her in on the scarred monster joke.

“Get inside,” I bellowed, captivated by her perfection and
livid that this was just a game. I intended to get my money’s worth and show
the agency that Griffin Stone wasn’t a man they could fuck with.

Sidling past me on shaky legs, trying to stay as far away
from me as possible, she made her way through the door and into the foyer. She
stood there with big fearful blue eyes, looking at me as if I was about to
spontaneously combust. She’s not that far off the mark.

I slammed the front door closed and prowled towards her. She
backed up further into my home, and I stalked her, step for step. Lowering my
head to gaze down at her, I could feel the menacing smile forming on my face.

“They didn’t warn you about the freak at Creston Falls, did

Keeping quiet, she continued to back up, slowly and
cautiously, as if trying not to make any sudden movements. I raked my gaze over
the innocent yellow dress she’s wearing several times. I knew she’s a paid
whore, but she pulled off the virginal look really well. Her dark hair, long
and soft. If I weren’t so fuming mad, I would have smoothed my fingers through
it. I wanted to nuzzle her and breathe her in. But all I could see now was her
beauty mocking me, and it made my blood boil.

“What’s your name?” I growled out.

“Annabella,” she squeaked out, barely above a whisper.

“Well, Annabella, it looks like you’ve been sent here as a
statement. But I intend to make one of my own tonight.”

My anger flowed like molten lava through me, but I couldn’t
help but feel this incredible pull towards her. I felt like I should be
protecting her from myself, like she’s mine to watch over and not simply just a
paid whore.

She continued to back up and I met her step for step, and
soon enough, the back of her legs hit the bottom of the staircase. I had
successfully steered her to where I wanted her. Now it’s time to quit this game
of cat and mouse and get down to why she was here. She stopped in her tracks
when her feet could go no further and peered up at me with wide eyes.

“Turn around and go up those steps, Annabella. You’re about
to get what you came here for.”

I could see her chin begin to tremble, but she took a deep
breath and squared her shoulders. I could see she had made the decision to be
tough and to do as I say. A small bit of pride wormed its way into my chest
when I saw that there was still some fight left in her. Turning around, she
strode up the steps with her head held high. I couldn’t help but wonder if she’d
still be holding her head up high when I’m through with her.

I followed her closely up the stairs and grabbed her upper
arm once we reached the top. A jolt passed through me when my hand touched her
skin for the very first time. It was the strangest feeling. A scarred up hand
touched that perfect skin of hers and all of a sudden, my soul was shaking with
need. I ignored the prickle of her gaze on me. I knew she was staring at the
grotesque scars on my face. Everyone stared. Why would she be any different?

Not pausing to give my mind time to think about it, I pulled
her towards the wing my bedroom was located in by her arm. I always took the
whores to a guest room as I didn’t like to mix them with my private life, but
something about Annabella made me want to have her as a part of my life. I’ll
have plenty of time to think about the repercussions of this decision after she
leaves. But at this very moment, I need her in my bed.

The double doors were still wide open from when I burst
through them earlier. Stalking across the room, practically dragging her along
behind me, I pulled her in front of the four-poster bed and released her arm.
Jerking her arm away from me, Annabella raised her chin in defiance. I am
always ready for a good fight. I felt the urge to shout my injustice at the
world for having someone so beautiful and perfect sent to me as a goddamn joke.

“Don’t you ever put your hands on me in anger again!” she
cried out.

I was a little shocked that she had spoken at all. The
whores don’t usually speak. They do their job and then they leave. I could see
that Annabella was different though. I could
how different she was.
I could also feel how fucking hard I was, so fucking hard I could barely walk.
I love the fire and the sparkle of challenge I could see in her eyes. This
night might not be so bad after all.

“You can drop the innocent act, Bella. I plan on getting
what I paid for. Now.”

Her eyes widened in shock and her soft, full lips parted in
a silent gasp.

“Take your clothes off and get on the bed, Annabella. I’m
tired of this bullshit act and I need to fuck. It’s been months since I’ve had
any pussy and I’m planning on fucking you through the floor with that attitude
of yours.”

She looked stunned by my words, as if she hadn’t been talked
to that way before. I could see tears starting to form in her eyes, but she
didn’t let them fall.

“Is that how this is going to be then?” she questioned
softly. “Is that what you want from me?” she whispered, and I could see her
fighting not to let the tears fall.

“I said drop the act, Annabella! This is not some fantasy I
requested. The agency clearly sent you as a joke. They’ll know better than to
fuck with me once I’m done.”

Finally, one lonely tear made its way down her cheek, but
she nodded and began to take her dress off. A part of my heart broke when I saw
that she was upset by my words. I knew this was just some elaborate scheme
though. It had to be. I needed to remember she’s being paid well for this act.

Slipping her dress off, Annabella stood before me in a white
strapless lace bra and white lace panties. Absolute perfection. Her gorgeous
body and flawless, sun-kissed skin had not a single mark in sight. She had a
small waist but was full and curvaceous everywhere else. Full breasts and wide
hips. I’ve never seen such a beautiful body in my entire miserable life.

“Take the underwear off as well,” I rasped out. I didn’t
realize how chocked up I got just from looking at her.

Annabella unhooked her bra silently and let it hit the
floor. Her breasts were perky and ripe, her dark pink nipples hard and erect.
My mouth began to water. I was going to enjoy this more than anything I could
imagine. Bending over, she slid her underwear off awkwardly, and I couldn’t
help but wonder if her unpracticed skill was yet another act. When she straightened
back up, I took in my fill of her pussy. Smooth and free of hair, I couldn’t
wait to get inside her. It’s been a long while since my cock had been inside
the warm sheath of a woman’s body, but something about this beauty standing in
front of me has me aching like never before.

I pulled my eyes away from between her legs as she turned to
climb onto the bed. I let out a groan at the sight of her round ass. It was
curvy like her hips and had that unbelievable sexy cup where her ass met her
legs. An ass like that belongs in a goddamn shrine. I’d definitely be fucking
her doggy-style tonight. And if we had time before she took off, I might even
try and get inside her ass. I hadn’t done that with anyone from the agency
before, but surely it’s on the menu?

Climbing onto the bed, Annabella laid down in the middle. I
couldn’t take my eyes off her as I made quick work of my clothes. Pulling off
my dress shirt and slacks, I threw them haphazardly behind me before walking
over to the side of the bed and tugging my boxer briefs down. I could feel
Annabella’s gaze on me and I knew she only saw my scars. They started from the
right side of my face and continued down to my right arm and torso. I felt her
gaze land on my dick.

“Looks like the girls forgot to tell you about something
else as well.”

My cock is big. I know it is. I’ve scared away enough of
them to know that not all women believe that “bigger is better”.

“Please, Mr. Stone. I’m…I’m… I don’t have any experience,
and you look so big and angry.”

I smirked. If this was the role she wanted to assume
tonight, I was more than willing to play along.

“So you’re the innocent virgin and I’m the big, bad wolf who
is here to take you, eh? Is that scene we’re acting out tonight? That’ll work
well since I can’t wait to eat you up, my dear. And you can cut the ‘Mr. Stone’
shit. It makes me sound like my grandfather.”

Climbing onto the bed, I made way between her legs, grabbing
her ankles and jerking them apart roughly. I needed to see all of her.

I never, ever went down on any of the women from the agency
before. I felt that it was fair since I had never asked them to go down on me
either. Usually, I just got in a quick fuck before they ran out of here as fast
as they could.

I do not like the touch of others. It’s been years since I’ve
had a woman who was not of a paid professional, and I couldn’t remember when
was the last time I had placed my mouth on a cunt. But this delicate
beauty—this angel who was laid out before me—had the most perfect pussy I’d
ever seen. I ran the tip of my index finger down her soft, puffy lips, which
were covered in a thin sheen of shiny dew that made my mouth water. Her scent
was intoxicating. She smelt like sweet peaches and cream and I couldn’t stop
myself from breathing her in. I stretched out on the bed and shouldered my way
between her long, shapely legs, my hard cock pressed into the mattress and I
began rocking my hips as I lowered my nose to her delicious pussy.

Taking a deep breath, I filled my lungs with her heady
scent, feeling my eyes roll back in bliss. “
. You smell good.” I
felt her legs tensed as she tried to close them, but my wide shoulders forced
her thighs to stay open for me. “Relax, Bella. I need this. I promise I’ll make
it really good for you. But if I don’t bury my face in your sweet pussy right
this second, I might just die.”

The moment her slick petals touched my lips, I ate it like I
stole it. I felt as though I couldn’t get in close enough or quick enough.
Wrapping my arms under her firm ass, I pulled her hips down, closer to my
mouth. I needed her entire pussy in my mouth and her sweet nectar covering my
face. I licked, sucked, nuzzled, and devoured every inch of her. I had this
overwhelming fear that she’s going to take my treat from me and so I did
everything I could to attach her pussy to me.

I heard her moans of pleasure as her hips tried to undulate
to my chaotic rhythm. Feeling her run her fingers through my hair, I smiled,
feeling her previous hesitancy being thrown out the window. Here was a woman
driven by her pleasure and she was letting her body follow my lead.

Her cries were growing louder and I held her tighter to my
mouth. Focusing on her clit, I sucked it into my mouth, caressing and flicking
my tongue across the little button several times before finally biting down
onto it lightly.

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