Read Owning Wednesday Online

Authors: Annabel Joseph

Tags: #Erotica

Owning Wednesday (21 page)

BOOK: Owning Wednesday
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He crawled over her, spreading her wide. She thought she would die from the anticipation of feeling him slide deep inside. But of course, he didn’t. She pulled and tore at the restraints in earnest.


“Stop it, baby. You’ll hurt your hands.” The head of his cock nudged just at the edge of her opening. He slid in a little, then out, a ruthless tease that made her even more frustrated. She closed her eyes and pouted, trying to pretend he wasn’t there.


No. He wasn’t having that.


“Look at me, Wednesday. Open your eyes.”


She did, and whispered, “Daniel, please, let me come.”


“I want to fuck you first, Wed.”


“Okay. Yes, fuck me now!”


“Right now?”


If her hands hadn’t been restrained, she would have attacked him. “Yes, right now. Please! Right now!”


“You’re awfully bossy for a submissive. I think a bossy submissive like you should be put to bed with no orgasm and no cock. Maybe with a toy in your ass and explicit instructions not to touch yourself.”


That idea filled her with horror. “I’m sorry. I’m not bossy. I’m desperate!”


“Desperately horny,” Daniel said.


“Please! Please give it to me!”


“Beg me.”


“Please, please give me your fucking cock! Your fat, hard, beautiful cock—please let me have it, Daniel. If you’ll just please fuck me now, Daniel, I’m yours, whatever you want!”


“More,” he said, and she moaned in frustration.


“Please slide your big, fat cock inside my cunt, please. I’m so wet and hot and horny for you. I’m so fucking wet I’m going to come the second you’re in me! Please, give me your cock right now!”


“Oh, Wed, I love you so much. If you want me to fuck you, darling girl, then I’ll fuck you, and you can come as much as you want.”


He slid inside her, a controlled, slow tease. Her walls parted; each inch he entered was an excruciating build to writhing ecstasy. As soon as he filled her all the way, as soon as his hips rested against the insides of her thighs the last scrap of her control fled. At last she reached that peak and slid down it into pure, mindless euphoria. “Oh, ohhhhhh…” She contracted on his cock, rode it, and let the waves of orgasm combust her. Her pussy felt wrung-out, and her body went completely limp. She closed her eyes, finally satisfied.


He laughed against her lips and whispered, “I’m guessing twice more at least.”


She shook her head. She was so spent and so blown away from that massive climax that she couldn’t possibly come again—but yes, he did make her come twice more, holding her down, fucking her, devouring her before he came himself with a low groan.


Afterward he lay back beside her, just studying her. He caressed her wrists, which were still tethered to the bed.


“You like this?” she asked. “Seeing me bound up here for you?”


“You know I do.” He stroked her shoulder, then down between her breasts to the curve of her hip.


“Why? Why do you like it so much?”


“I guess because it shows how much you trust me.”


“How much I trust you?” She laughed. “Quitting my job and flying to Australia with you and a suitcase full of scary toys shows how much I trust you.”


“You love those scary toys, Wednesday. You can’t live without them. You won’t live without them,” he added. “I’m sure my itch to spank you will return all too soon. In fact…”


“Oh no.”


“While you’re already all tied up there…”


She screeched and laughed as he brought his broad hand down on her ass with a stinging slap. Soundproof room or not, that night the other hotel guests got an earful of someone getting spanked, wailing and giggling at the same time.

Chapter Eleven



Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday.


That mantra had gotten him through the afternoon’s stress and aggravation. He’d already called her from the set to tell her to put on her stockings. What a day.


The project was coming along pretty well, minimal artistic differences and less tantrums by the talent every day, but yeah, there were still tantrums. He was used to them. He worked with these big movie stars all the time. They were a lot like children—pleasant if they got their way, but if you told them no, well…


But he could tell Wednesday no, and she’d bow her head and obey. He could tell Wednesday anything while she had stockings on, and he’d get his way. There was no feeling quite like it, and he loved her for giving that pleasure to him. He stalked through the hotel lobby, his breath tight, his hands in fists. What would she have on up there? Black, white, pink, dark green, lilac, red? He didn’t care, as long as there were stockings, as long as she was ready to be under his command for the evening.


He got in the elevator and waited through the climb to their floor. He was already halfway hard just thinking about her. He moved his laptop bag in front of his crotch to hide the growing tent. He breathed a sigh of relief when the elderly couple beside him got off on the fourteenth floor. Only six more floors to the twentieth.
Come on, come on, come on, come on.


He fumbled with the key, opened the door, and God, there she was.


. Of course. White was exactly what he needed when he was stressed-out like this. She was so elegant, so beautiful. The high garter belt she wore emphasized the curve of her hips, tapering to thin, impossibly graceful legs. Her bra, sheer and corsetlike, pushed up her round, soft breasts like offerings. Clamps—he needed clamps to put on her nipples, and where the hell would he fuck her first?


He crossed the room, shedding his clothes.


“On your knees.”


She was down in an instant, her mouth open to receive him. She knew he liked to guide himself to her lips, that he loved to hold her neck and thrust inside, so she waited passively and accepted him almost reverently when he entered her mouth. That gratefulness for cock, that blind desire to please her owner, it was something vanilla women didn’t understand.


He pulled her up, and she gave a quick gasp before he kissed her, rough, passionate, deep. He was only getting started for the evening. No one knew that better than she.


“Go kneel on the bed, Wednesday. I want to look at you.”


“Yes, Sir.” She got on the bed, facing away from him, then bent forward from the waist so that her back was arched, her legs spread, her pert bottom cheeks opened just so. He had taught her this, the exact posture he liked. She still had some light marks from the night before when she’d had a paddling before bed. He looked at her for a while, stroking his half-erect cock, gazing at the ass he’d enjoy later.


He chose a toy to put in her, a small one, because when he finally took her, he wanted it to hurt a little bit. He spread her ass cheeks and inserted the lubed plug carefully. Her flinches and moans were lovely, and his cock twitched again. When the toy was seated and Wednesday was blushing, he ordered her back to her feet.


He went to the drawer in the bedside table to pick out some clamps. They had several pairs, each producing varying degrees of pain. The set he selected wasn’t as rigorous as some of the others, so she was able to wear them for a longer time.


He pulled the shelf of her demi-bra down enough on each side to expose her pink nipples. She was so hot already, he barely had to roll them between his fingers before they were as hard as stones. She gazed at him as he attached one clip, then the other. She gasped, fidgeting against the pain but not protesting. No, never protesting. He met her gaze, and the look she gave him said,
I want to come right now, Daniel, but I’ll do as you say.


There was a delicate chain attaching the silver clips between her breasts, and another longer chain that trailed between her legs. Sometimes he used that longer chain to tether her to something or lead her around, but tonight he attached the clip on the end of it to her clit.


“Walk around,” he ordered. She did, without hesitation or protest. She looked beautiful with her features strained and all her most sexual places stinging under his control. The chains swung gently as she moved across the room and back in his direction.


“Touch yourself,” he said quietly.


She sucked in a breath and swallowed hard. “Daniel—”


“No, you may not come.”


She sighed and reached between her legs with trembling fingers.


“Stroke yourself,” he said. “Don’t just play around.”


“I’ll come,” she whimpered.


“Don’t you dare. Don’t you dare come.”


He watched her touch her hot, wet cleft for about ten seconds before he was ready to pounce on her. He crossed to her and thrust his fingers into her center, coating them with her slippery fragrance. She pressed against him in wanton invitation.


“Don’t come,” he said again as he dragged her to the couch and pushed her onto it, positioning her on her knees. “Spread your thighs and arch your back. Give me your hands.” She reached back, and he took her clenched fists and held them at the small of her back as he thrust deep inside her. He reveled in the feeling of taking her, impaling her. With each stroke, each wicked slide, the stresses of the day retreated, replaced by the scent and texture of her skin. He dug his fingers into her hair, parting the strands and gripping them roughly.


“Don’t you come. Don’t you dare. If you do, I’ll use the crop on you.”


He moved his fingers around to tug on the chain attached to her clit. She gasped and went up on her toes. She rubbed her lithe body against him, and seconds later he felt her come. Rhythmic undulations and warm wetness. His balls tensed, and he felt his own climax approaching. He gritted his teeth, reaching for control.


“You naughty slut,” he whispered in her ear. “You’ll have to be punished now after I’m done having my way with you.”


“I’m sorry, Daniel.”


“Not as sorry as you’ll be when I’m cropping your ass the way you deserve.”


She made a frightened moan that resonated deep in his pelvis, sending heat into raging flame. He wanted to tear her apart, fuck her to pieces. He rode her hard and fast, to the sounds of the silver chains jingling and her frantic little pants. He held her hips with a punishing grip, clenching his fingers as the wild lust inside him rose to a fever pitch. He pressed forward against her in one final joining and let the orgasm roll over him. His legs shook as hot liquid release pounded from his balls to his cock.


He caught his breath and pulled away from her. She stayed as she was, still and ready, waiting to be told what to do. He took his time just looking at her, because he never loved her more than when she was like this. Absolutely, totally in thrall to him, all animal sensation and desire. It was he who had made her that way. He liked to keep her that way for hours on end.


He wrapped his fist in her hair, breathing down her neck. “Are you ready to be punished?”


“Yes, Sir.”


“Put your hands on the back of the couch, lover, and don’t let go. Don’t you dare move those hands.”


“No, I won’t.”


“Hush,” he said. “Just do it, no lip.”


He went for the crop, rummaging around in drawers and under papers. Their stuff was scattered everywhere because they always dropped everything when they were done and crawled into bed and fucked. He found it hidden—purposely, he was sure—at the bottom of a pile of clothes and books. He came back and thwacked it hard against the arm of the couch just for effect. Those small flourishes, they really did it for her.


He made a big fuss out of positioning her properly. He pulled at her hips, cupped her spectacular, round cheeks, parted her knees even farther, and made her stick out her ass.


“You stay just like that. Be a good girl and take your punishment. I’ve told you a million times not to come without permission.”


“I know, Daniel. It’s just… It’s hard for me not to—”


“Are you making excuses?”


“No, Sir.”


“What do I want to hear from you?”


“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Sir.”

BOOK: Owning Wednesday
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