Read Pack Alpha Online

Authors: Crissy Smith

Pack Alpha (18 page)

BOOK: Pack Alpha
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She complied and he pushed her T-shirt up and over her head. Gage leaned down and captured one of her pert nipples in his mouth. She arched into him while he sucked. He forgot all about the top once her beautifully smooth skin was revealed. He continued to kiss from one breast to the other, running his hands down to push off the cotton bottoms she’d put on.

Marissa raised her hips, helping him by shimmying out of them. Gage sat back to peer at her.

She was flushed and breathing hard. The T-shirt had twisted around her wrists, giving him a devious idea. Gage reached up and tangled the material tighter before he pressed her wrists against the mattress.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

Gage grinned. “Keep them there,” he ordered.

She was already nodding before he’d even finished his sentence.

“Good girl,” he praised.

Now that he had her at his mercy, Gage slid down her body and spread her thighs, opening her up for his view. She was already wet so he slipped one finger through her folds to spear into her pussy.

“Oh,” she gasped.

He wanted a better reaction than that. Gage lowered himself between her legs so that he could reach her with his tongue. He held her thighs wide, swiping at her opening. She hissed before she grabbed the back of his head and forced him down on her harder.

Gage licked up her juices, enjoying her flavor as it burst over his tongue. She tasted sweet. Her legs shook but Gage didn’t stop. He knew how to bring his mate pleasure. As he added a finger, Gage wrapped his arm around one of her thighs to keep her still. Marissa was trying to buck up but he wanted her to have to take what he gave her. Marissa’s arms were still over her head so he was happy she was following his directions.

He brought her to the edge of climax then backed off, removing his mouth and fingers.

“No!” she cried out, reaching for him.

Gage caught her wrists and pushed them back to the mattress. “Keep them there.”

“Please,” she begged beautifully.

Gage lowered his head so he could brush his lips over hers. When she opened for him he once again lifted away.

“Ugh,” she protested.

He just grinned down at her. She stuck her lower lip out in a pout and he laughed. It wasn’t an expression that he thought he’d see on her face.

“What?” he teased while trailing a finger down her stomach.

“I want you,” she said.

“I know,” he replied. He was throbbing with need but he also enjoyed this little game.

“So stop teasing me!” she demanded.

Gage lifted a brow. “Who’s the Alpha?”

Marissa huffed out a breath. “You.”

“And I take what I want, when I want,” he said.

“You want me,” she said, wiggling her hips.

Her body brushed over his cock and he had to clench his teeth so he didn’t groan.

“If you don’t behave I might just go take a shower and jack off on my own,” he said with a slap to her thigh.

Marissa’s eyes widened. Gage wasn’t sure if that was because of his words or the love tap. But he was going to find out.

“Roll over,” he ordered.

She didn’t waste any time turning onto her stomach, giving him the perfect view of her firm ass and flawless back and shoulders.

“Up on your hands and knees,” he said.

Marissa lifted up and gave a wiggle of her hips.

Gage smacked her butt. “Don’t get cocky,” he said. “Or this will turn into a punishment.”

When his hand had landed on her skin, she’d moaned. He didn’t know how he’d gotten so lucky to find a mate who enjoyed the same play that he did and could handle his dominant side, but Gage knew he was lucky.

“Now,” he said, raising to his knees before her. “I’m going to claim every inch of you and you’re going to remain perfectly still.”

He had no doubt that he’d given her enough time to get control of her pleasure. He wanted her to enjoy every minute and now that he’d allowed the passion to cool a little he could make her hot again.

“Do you understand?” he asked.

“Yes, Gage,” she whispered back.

“Good girl,” he praised. He lifted his hand then let it drop down. The sound echoed around the room as his palm struck her flesh.

Marissa hissed but wiggled again.

“Stay still,” he reminded her.


She didn’t sound sorry at all. He let his hand fly again, this time a little harder. He would never use his full strength against her even if she was a shifter. He had no intention of ever hurting her.

What Brandon had done was against every single thing that Gage stood for. An Alpha protected and cared for his Pack.

He couldn’t think about that. Marissa deserved every inch of his attention.

On the fifth smack, Marissa was pushing back.

He stopped.

“No!” she wailed, dropping her head, panting.

“Don’t move.” Gage waited until she nodded before he began again.

Marissa remained frozen but her moans and gasps grew in volume. His cock was so hard that it was painful. But Marissa was responding so sweetly.

After twenty swats, Gage grasped his cock and moved to press against her pussy.

Still Marissa did not move.

“Perfect,” he murmured, pushing in.

She sobbed, actually sobbed, and Gage withdrew before he slammed back in. Marissa would be able to feel him each time his hips hit her reddened ass. The pleasure-pain would keep her on the edge until he decided to let her come.

With a tight grasp of her hips, he pounded into her until it was even too much for her to follow his order and she was pushing back to accept him.

The familiar tingling at the base of his spine signaled his need for release so he reached around and fingered her clit hard.

Marissa screamed then her body clamped around his cock as they orgasmed together.

He was panting and shaking but managed to pull her gently to her side so that they could lie together. He stroked her arm basking in the afterglow. Marissa already had her eyes closed while he petted her. Gage cuddled her close, vowing to never let her go.

If he could protect her from having to ever see Brandon or his father again he would. He knew that his dad and the Council thought that facing those who’d hurt her would help Marissa overcome her past but Gage wasn’t so sure. He really wished that he could take her away.

With a heavy sigh Gage settled further into the mattress as he tugged Marissa over him. All he could do was hold her while she faced her demons.

Chapter Eleven




The coffee was strong and sweet, which was a good help to start her day. Marissa was tired and out of sorts. The Council would arrive soon and she was nervous.

Gage glanced across the kitchen table at her when his cell phone rang. The sense of dread that filled her must have been shared by the others at the table since all conversation stopped. Or maybe they had been expecting the call. It wasn’t like they had a reason to be afraid, after all.

“Excuse me,” Gage said while standing up. He paced away as he swiped his finger over his phone. “Hello.”

Marissa watched him as he strolled to the sliding glass doors then pulled one open. He closed it behind him but every shifter in the room leaned forward. They might be able to hear but she sure the hell couldn’t. She’d just have to wait until Gage came back inside and told her what was going on.

Luckily it was a short conversation. He hung up the phone then turned around. His gaze met hers and he smiled. She nodded going to him as he headed back into the house. Marissa moved quickly so that her palm was in his and she felt the heat from his body when he held out his hand to her.

It was so nice to finally have someone to lean on. She’d always considered herself an independent woman but in reality she’d wanted someone to take care of her.

She’d never had that before and Gage was the perfect mate. He might be demanding and stubborn but she trusted him completely.

“The Council will be arriving soon,” he said. “They’ve already spoken to Brandon and his father and now want to hear our side of the story. I’ll go first but after that they want to speak with you,” Gage said to her.

Marissa nodded.

“Just remember that they’re here to pass judgment on Brandon and his Pack. They can’t and won’t harm you. You are my mate. They accept non-shifters as they would a shifter or human. You’re safe here.”

How Gage knew what she was worried about she didn’t know but Marissa was grateful. She was learning a lot about herself the more time she stayed with Gage. He’d brought up her non-shifter status several times but when he did it was never with disgust.

“I’ll make sure the study is ready,” Logan said. “I’ve been in meetings with the Council before and know how they like things.” He rushed out of the room.

“It’s going to be fine,” Gage’s father said, walking up to her. He lifted her chin. “You are our family and the Council is here to protect you and punish Brandon. I know these men that are coming today. Each one of them led their own Packs with love and caring. They will be horrified to hear how you were treated.”

There was just so much happening, and so quickly, that Marissa actually felt somewhat light-headed.

“Would you like some air?” Cain asked from beside the door. “We could take a short walk in the back but stay close enough that you’ll be available for when the Council needs you.”

Marissa looked at Gage. She’d love to go outside but she didn’t know how he’d feel about her being alone with Cain. She would never have given it a second thought before Gage but now she wanted to be considerate of his feelings.

“I think that’s a great idea,” Gage agreed.

“Come along then.” Cain waved to the door.

Marissa lifted her face for a kiss from Gage. She’d thought it would be just a peck since the other two men were in the room but he wrapped his arms around her back and held her in tight before he plundered her mouth. She was panting and aroused by the time he pulled away.

“Just a reminder of who you belong to,” Gage said.

Like she could ever forget. Her ass was still a little sore from him marking her the previous night. She knew her cheeks were red from blushing so she kept her head down and strolled through the door that Cain had opened.

The wood deck was solid as she walked carefully across it to the stairs. Once she was standing on the grass she stopped and closed her eyes.

The last time she’d done this was when she’d first made love with Gage. She’d felt like things were out of control then too. But now she had someone she could lean on, depend on. Marissa smiled before she took a deep breath.

She could handle the Council. Sure, she was nervous but the one thing she wasn’t was weak. She’d grown up having to fight for herself and Elizabeth. Even though her sister was older she was also unable to stand up for them. Elizabeth just didn’t have it in her. But Marissa could and did when she was able.

Now that she was the mate to an Alpha she had to call on that strength. Only Gage would be there for her and her for him. They could rely on each other and care for the Pack.

A Pack. In her heart Marissa had always wanted to belong but had never admitted it to anyone. Since she didn’t think that she’d ever be accepted she couldn’t deal with the letdown. Now she didn’t have to.

She could make decisions about the Pack and help where needed. The biggest way she could think about being needed was to be there for other non-shifters. To make sure that no one else suffered as she had.

Maybe Gage’s father could help her reach out to some of the other non-shifters. He’d said that he knew of Packs that had them.

Decision made, she opened her eyes and turned.

Cain sat on the top step of the porch peering out at the trees. When she moved he glanced over at her.

“Sorry,” she said, embarrassed that she’d forgotten about him.

“No problem,” he told her and stood. “You needed a break and fresh air always helps.”

She nodded. “Yeah.”

Cain smiled. “You remind me of someone from my Pack. You like to be seen as strong and independent but you need someone to care for you.”

Marissa wasn’t surprised Cain could read her. It was always the quiet ones that saw more than you wanted them to. “Is she special to you?”

Cain jerked back and she hid a grin. Oh yeah, she had his number right back.

“She’s just a girl that I grew up around. She didn’t have any family and my father made sure she was taken care of,” Cain said.

Marissa could tell by the way his gaze darted around that Cain wasn’t about to admit his feelings for this secret woman. “Where is she now?”

“Emily’s enrolled in school,” he said. “She wanted to go away and try to make it on her own, although she still comes back for all the big Pack events.”

Yeah, if this Emily was attempting to make it without the support system of the Pack they did have a lot in common.

“I’d like to meet her someday,” Marissa said. “It’d be nice to have some real friends.”

“I’ll make sure she’s home the next time Gage visits. I doubt he’ll go anywhere without you from now on,” Cain said.

Marissa planned to make sure her mate never left her behind.

Logan appeared at the top of the porch. “They’re ready for you, Marissa.”

Damn, she guessed she’d spent more time in her mind than she’d thought. “Okay,” she said. She rolled her shoulders back and lifted her chin. It was time to do what she needed to—she would not be intimidated.

Cain grinned at her as she passed and Logan dipped his head. Marissa strode forward and walked through the kitchen toward the center of the house. Gage had shown her where his study was before and she had liked the space, especially the warmth of the room with the heavy furniture and wood-burning fireplace.

She was glad that the Council had come to Gage’s house. It was probably the place where she felt the most comfortable at the moment. Plus he’d be close by.

The house was quiet and Marissa hadn’t realized how much that seemed wrong until just then. Logan had requested that everyone stay away while the Council was there, even sending Hannah off, so only her, Gage, Logan and Gage’s dad occupied the house. She didn’t even know when her sister was going to make it back. Gage had said that Logan was taking control of the travel plans and there was nothing she needed to worry about. Marissa was kind of happy about that. She felt guilty enough that Elizabeth and Greg’s honeymoon had been interrupted that she didn’t want to screw up getting them back into the territory.

BOOK: Pack Alpha
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