Pack Security (Were Chronicles) (13 page)

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Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Pack Security (Were Chronicles)
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“What’s going on?” he asked.

Commander Green motioned toward the ruined vehicle. “Gregory Stevens has been killed.”

“The Cast leader?”

Shifters tended to band together for protection and secrecy. Gregory Stevens was the leader of the local falcon shifters group, called a Cast. Even now that the world knew about the shifter communities, it was still necessary.

He, himself, was a member of the city Flock and had only met Gregory once since Cody’s family had always been in a different shifter faction.

The Flock, made up of several different species of bird shifters, was bigger than the local Cast. The Cast consisted only of falcon shifters.

However, the Cast was made up of several high-powered men and women. This was going to be huge.

Cody would have to contact his Flock leader, if Anton hadn’t heard yet. Gregory’s death would throw the entire Cast into disarray. Which could lead to chaos for all bird shifters in the town, maybe even farther.

His boss grasped Cody’s shoulder, hard. “This is a goddamn mess. As soon as this gets out…”

“I know.” Cody balled his hands.

“I have to head in and start making calls. Contact the mayor and chief,” Commander Green stated. “Get started. We need to move fast on this. I’ve already called in our own people. The crime lab arrived just before you.”

Cody nodded.

“Gregory’s people are over there.” Commander Green motioned with his head.

Two dozen men and women stood just outside the scene. Some clutched at others and the wave of despair and anger that echoed from the group touched Cody.

“I’ll take care of them,” he spoke quietly. “My team should be here any minute.”

Commander Green patted his shoulder. “Send all reports straight to me. Until we know who might be involved, I’m coding this confidential for now.”

“Got it.”

Cody didn’t watch his boss walk away. Instead, he gave his full attention to the burned- out SUV. He stepped as close as he could without getting in the way of the agents gathering evidence.

His nose twitched with the horrid smell of seared metal and melted plastic. Scorched flesh mixed with the other scents. He ran his sharp gaze around, hoping to pick up anything that may help give him answers.

Scuffled footsteps sounded behind him, but he didn’t turn. Using his enhanced shifter senses, he tracked Ryder and Byron’s progress to him until they stood waiting for him to acknowledge them.

“Chloe is trying to get the Cast inside and settled. She said to tell you they’d be ready to interview by the time we get there,” Byron informed him.

“Good,” Cody responded. It would be easier and give the group time to calm. Chloe was good with people. She’d make sure that procedure was followed and that they didn’t discuss anything with one another.

“What kind of bomb?” Cody asked out loud.

“C4,” Ryder confirmed.

He inclined his head in acknowledgment. Ryder would know. After years of service with the Marine Corps, he was an expert with explosives.

“Get with the tech, see what you can find out,” Cody ordered Ryder.

“On it.”

Cody turned to Byron. “I see security cameras.” He pointed. “Get those tapes and round up everyone who works in security. Someone had to get inside to set that bomb. Once Ryder’s done, pull him in to help you.”

“Yes, sir,” Byron said and strode away.

Cody crouched where he was. He just needed a minute to put everything together.

Gregory had been an attorney in a law firm he owned. If he remembered correctly, the firm had recently come under fire for taking a case on shifter rights.

That might have something to do with Gregory’s death.

If there were any threats made against the man, his security team should know more.

A car bomb spoke in a big way. Made a statement. It wouldn’t have been easy to get into the Cast’s property. Either the bomber had been talented in breaking and entering, or someone on the inside was involved.

He stood and rubbed his jaw. He hadn’t had time to shave and the bristles of his beard sounded rough against his palm.

He had to start interviewing witnesses. And he
more coffee.

The crowd inside the gate had disappeared when he made his way through. There were more techs taking pictures and gathering evidence as he hiked up the long walkway to the front of the house.

The door stood open and he could hear voices coming from inside. He followed the sounds until he came to a large dining area. He stopped in the doorway and watched.

Chloe had three people sitting at a table, all with cups in front of them. Tears fell from their eyes. Gregory’s family. Chloe was trying to offer them comfort, but he knew that nothing would ease the family’s grief.

Cody sighed quietly. Damn, this part of the job sucked.

He stiffened his shoulders and stepped into the room.


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About the Author



Crissy Smith lives in Texas with her husband, daughter, and three Labrador retrievers. The three dogs love to curl up under her computer desk and nap while she writes. It doesn’t leave a lot of room for her but what’s a woman to do?

When not writing or reading, she enjoys hunting, camping and shooting. But she has a girly side too and is addicted to pedicures and coffee.

She has been writing since she was a teenager and still loves everything to do with the paranormal. Her stories and characters all have a place in her heart. She loves the Alpha male, the dominant werewolf, and the Master vampire, which find their way in most of her books.

Learn more about the characters she has created at her website where they have their very own page. It will be updated from time to time to let you know what's going on with them. Also you can find out who will be in the next book.

[email protected]

Crissy loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at




Also by Crissy Smith


Seduced by the Neighbour

Lacey’s Seduction


Bid High

Fated Love

Vamps in the City

Were Chronicles: Pack Alpha

Were Chronicles Pack Enforcer

Were Chronicles: Pack Territory

Were Chronicles: Pack Rogue

Were Chronicles: Pack Community

Were Chronicles: Pack Mates

Were Chronicles: Pack Daughter

Were Chronicles: Pack Hunter

Were Chronicles: Pack Council

Corporate Wolves: The Favour

Corporate Wolves: Losing Control

Secrets: The Shifter and the Dreamer

Shifter Chronicles: Birds of Prey

Caught in the Middle: Magical Ménage

Bite Me!: Savage Love

Summer Seductions: Summers’ Girl

Cloaks and Daggers: Vampire Hunter

What’s Her Secret?: Last Call


Totally Bound Publishing




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