Paige's Warriors (Bondmates Book 3) (20 page)

BOOK: Paige's Warriors (Bondmates Book 3)
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“But Casey’s here. I want to talk with her.” The words came out in a mumble as the pillow beneath her cheek fit itself even more perfectly to her head and neck.

“I’m staying the night on the Reaping ship,” Casey said. “Nast has an old military buddy onboard whose time is almost up. He hasn’t been able to find his bondmate yet and is growing more agitated by the day. I’m going to partially bond him and hope it gives him the strength to get through the disappointment of not having found his Matriarch.”

“You’re so sweet.” Paige sighed. “I love you.”

“I love you too, and I’m so glad you’re here. Now go to sleep.”

“Kay, night.”

Chapter 9

Trenzent al’Doun, Supreme Commander of the Kadothian Empire


He found Paige sleeping on the furry brown sofa that someone had converted into a bed for her. The frame had been folded out into a flat surface big enough to sleep three, and when he saw her snuggled up to the dream pillow he couldn’t help but smile. She was beautiful, with her deep brown hair spread about her.

And she was bigger.

A quick calculation put her at five foot ten inches, and he took in all of her longer, but still curvy and delicate limbs. Standing next to her, he cupped her face, his massive hand no longer dwarfing her like it used to. Before he could stop himself his gaze went to her breasts, also larger than they used to be, and stared at the nipple beading behind the pliant fabric of the black sheath she wore.

It had ridden up in the back, and he yearned to caress the pale globes of her buttocks, but he wanted her awake while he did it.

Some of his thoughts must have reached her in her sleep, and she moaned, arching her back and rubbing against some imagined lover. Her thighs squeezed together, and she reached out in his direction, a little frown marring her lovely face. When her eyes fluttered open and those pale blue orbs fixed on him, she sighed sweetly and said, “You’re back.”

“I am.”

“I missed you.”

“How are you feeling?”

“Well, all I’ve done since Casey and Jaz left was eat and sleep, so I’m feeling pretty good. How was your day?”

“Long, so very long.”

“Tell me about it.”

He contemplated taking her into the bedroom, but decided she looked too comfortable to move her. “As I told you before, once I leave my position as Supreme Commander—”

“Wait, you’re leaving?” She leaned up on her elbow, her pink lips tightened in a frown.

“Yes, I had mentioned it earlier.”

“Sorry, I must have forgotten. Why are you leaving?”

“I can no longer command if I am bonded.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Because I am of more value to my people staying on Kadothia, ruling my territory, and protecting my Matriarch. It is what I have looked forward to from the moment I left my mother’s house. Having a family of my own to love and protect. I have served the Empire well, I deserve peace.”

Right away her expression softened, and she relaxed again. “Well, that’s okay then. Just as long as you want it. I don’t want you to change who you are for me—if that makes any sense. From what I’ve read about you and from what I’ve learned from other people, you’re awesome.”

“Pardon me?”

“Seriously, Tren, you’re amazing. You’ve saved so many lives, done so many heroic things, and you are humble in a way that astounds me. It’s kind of intimidating.”

“I intimidate you?”

“What? No…I mean, yes. Gah, come down here, I’m going to get a crick in my neck looking up at you.”

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he began to remove his boots while she crawled up behind him, her warmth covering more of his back as she nibbled on his neck. “By the way, I think I like being bigger. I can touch more of you like this. And I don’t feel like I have to climb a ladder to reach your mouth.”

“If you keep doing that, I am afraid I cannot continue to tell you about my day as you wished.” His fingers fumbled with the buckles for his boots when her teeth scraped his neck then she sucked on him, hard. “Are you feeling needy, my bride?”

“I am, my mate,” Paige responded in perfect Kadothian while nibbling on his ear before pulling back.

Smiling at her, he kicked his boot off and replied in a mixture of seven languages, “I take it your crystal implants are working?”

“Yeah. I miss a few words here and there, but they are starting to work. The Healers said they activate slowly over time in order to keep from frying my brain. The language crystal is one of the first that turns on, along with bits and pieces of the Bel’Tan library. I have access in my brain to a collection of knowledge from the whole Universe. Oh, and I can interact with the ship now! Computer, lights to forty percent. Montana lodge view without scents and sounds.”

The lights dimmed and the far wall transformed to a fireplace with wood burning orange, yellow, and red. The colors of fire on Earth. She tugged at him until he was lying on his back, her soft hands pulling at his armor. “How do I get this off?”

He took a deep breath, scenting the chemicals in her system that were part of the growth regime, along with her earthy arousal. “Perhaps I should leave this on.”

She stopped pawing at his gauntlets long enough to glare at him. “Excuse me?”

The urge to tease her overcame him, and he couldn’t help himself from saying, “I cannot introduce any semen to your system before the growth regime is over. It will disrupt your hormone balances in a negative way.” At her horrified expression, he had to bite his inner cheek to keep from smiling. “A foot could grow out of your forehead.”

Her gasp of shock made him burst out in laughter, holding his sides as they ached from mirth. Lord of Life, it had been a long time since he’d felt so happy.

Suddenly she jerked back. “You’re lying!”

He only laughed harder as she launched herself at him, calling him names and hitting him with her ineffective fists. Afraid she’d hurt herself on his armor, he restrained her wrists, noting the way her body clenched in arousal. Hmmm, his
liked to be restrained. Considering he did as well, he knew just what to do to her to make it good. Her body softened beneath his as he placed gentle, apologetic kisses on her neck. “Forgive me, bride, but you should have seen your expression.”

“Jerk,” she grumbled as she lifted her neck. “I know the Healers told me sex would be okay toward the end.”

“I do not want you to feel pressured for anything you’re not ready for.”

“Tren, you have no idea how ready I am. Or wait, maybe you do. Can you feel me through the bond?”

“Yes. Can you feel me?”

“Oh yeah.” Her breathing grew choppy as he lowered his shields fully, baring his emotions to her. “I can feel how much you want me…how your cock and balls ache. How do you function like this? It’s too much.”

Raising his mental shield, Tren cuddled her close. “Easy. You will get used to it, I promise you, and you will learn how to protect your mind as well.”

Licking her lower lip, she studied his mouth. “When you orgasm, I’ll be able to feel it?”

“After we fully bond, if the passage between our minds is opened, you will orgasm when I orgasm.”


“And I will feel your pleasure as well, though I may close down my side of the bond during your climaxes. The male body cannot provide as many orgasms as Earth females can, but I promise you when my cock is deep inside of you, filling you with my seed, you will come all over my dick.”

“You, naked, now.”

Trying to keep a smile off his lips, he pushed off of her. “As my bride wishes.”

After showing her all the hidden catches, they both worked at getting him naked as quickly as they could. Once he was fully nude, Paige spread herself atop his body, her head now resting below his chin while her pelvis lined up with the hard press of his cock. Her legs were still nowhere near as long, but she felt better on him now, and he wasn’t as afraid of breaking her.

As if sensing his thoughts, she seductively began to run her feet up his legs, making his blood heat. “I love your body.”

Her hand passed over his scar and his thoughts turned back to the curious looks and outright stares he’d received today. They’d all grown used to seeing his metallic jaw, and he wondered if he should return to the way he was. Then again, he didn’t relish how he scared civilians with his appearance. While he wanted the scars to remain as a visible reminder of the terrible things the Hive did, how no one was safe, he no longer felt the need to keep his face ravaged looking. A peace came over him as she touched his cheek again, nothing but acceptance and love coming through their bond.

And lust.

She tilted her hips and rubbed against him with a throaty little moan. He took the hint and when his hand skimmed over her rounded buttocks, he paused to give them a hard squeeze, loving the way she filled his hands. He slowly raised the shift over her buttocks, caressing every inch of her exposed skin. The more he touched her, the stronger their bond grew until their pleasure began to merge.

At least it did before Paige startled and withdrew a bit from their bond. “What was that?”

“My shields are down. You are feeling an echo of what I feel.”

“Oh…” Her pupils dilated as she accessed her crystal implants. “Sharing pleasure. Got it.”

Laughing at the serious look on her face, he buried his hands in her hair then brought her lips to his in a lush, decadent kiss that had his body thrumming with the need to enter her, now. “You taste divine, my

“Eternal beloved.” She smiled against his lips as she said it.

“Yes, my eternal beloved. Now bare your pussy for my mouth. I need to taste you.”

He flipped her over on her back then spread her longer legs wide. With a watering mouth he inspected her flushed, dusky pink sex, now denuded of the dark hair he’d seen there earlier. This allowed him to see more of her folds and he gently traced one delicate piece of arousal slicked skin.

“You groomed?”

With a shy smile, she nodded. “They had all kinds of grooming products in the bathroom. I thought of dying the hair blue instead, but decided to go with the fully nude look. Casey mentioned that Kadothian men are fascinated by…an Earth woman’s body down there.”

He smiled and ran his thumb over the smooth surface of her mound. “Indeed we are. How could you not be fascinated with a thing of such beauty?”

A shot of embarrassment went through her, and he chased it away by rubbing his thumb on her clit, which was nice and hard beneath his thumb.

“You think,” she gasped then her back arched, “I’m pretty?”

“You are the most beautiful woman in the Universe to me, Paige.” He circled her clit harder, the soft rush of her pleasure pushing through the bond and making his dick pulse. “And your sex, with the soft folds of skin and how wet you are…
how much I enjoy it.”

He lowered his shields and poured his need into her. Paige screamed then thrust her hips toward his hand, her climax almost catching him in its grasp before he hastily retreated from her mentally. When he spilled himself it would be in her willing body, not on a pallet. The simulated fire painted interesting shadows on her body as he ordered the lights be lowered until they were barely a dim glow. Sweat sparkled on her skin as she gave another hard twitch, her abdominal muscles clenching.

If he was inside of her right now, he’d been feeling those muscles milking his cock.

The lips of her sex were wet with her desire, and he could see just how swollen her labia became after she’d had her climax. Her whole body flushed with it, the skin of her chest red, her cheeks pink, and her nipples softened before his eyes. In fact, her whole body grew loose and limp. When he sampled her emotions the satisfaction coming through her made him want to roar with pride. He’d done this, he’d pleased her greatly, and she adored him for it.

“Come here,” she murmured before reaching for his sex.

He couldn’t help the way he thrust into her touch, but his hips stilled when she laughed.

“My cock amuses you?”

“What? No, no, that’s not why I’m laughing. I was just noticing for the first time that I’ve grown apparently a lot during my sleep. Now I can properly grip your cock, even if I can’t get my hand all the way around it. You’re a thick boy.” She leaned down and licked the pre-cum that had gathered on the head. “Bet I can take more of you in my mouth now.”

He practically bucked her off the flattened couch when she swallowed his shaft down right to the back of her throat. She gripped his hips with a surprising strength and began to suck hard on his length, her soft tongue lashing him. He almost stopped her, but then he realized she really enjoyed this. Giving pleasure, making him feel good, brought her a deep satisfaction as well. Just as much as he enjoyed pleasing her, she enjoyed pleasing him.

Rell would love her.

At the thought of his blood brother, a strange yearning filled him. A sadness. Rell should be there with him, pleasuring their
. It was the way it was meant to be. At that moment he had a hard time recalling why he’d been so furious at Rell. Yes, he remembered having thoughts that the other man didn’t care about the men who’d died, but that wasn’t true. Rell had suffered just as much guilt as Tren. The difference was Rell had been strong enough to fight off the irrational anger that Tren had experienced.

Then Paige scraped her teeth along his length, and he shuddered. “Lord of Life, do it again.”

Licking him once, she looked up at Tren with such a seductive expression on her innocent face that he almost painted her lips with his seed that very second. “I’ll use my teeth on you any way and anywhere you want, but first I need you inside of me. Please, Tren. Take me. Make me yours.”

BOOK: Paige's Warriors (Bondmates Book 3)
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