Paired Objective: Matched Desire, Book 2 (11 page)

Read Paired Objective: Matched Desire, Book 2 Online

Authors: Clare Murray

Tags: #ménage;aliens;m/f/m;sf;futuristic

BOOK: Paired Objective: Matched Desire, Book 2
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How far could she push Cam before he responded? How far could she take it before Russ joined in?

Casually, as if by accident, she rested her hand on Cam’s thigh, making sure the side of her hand brushed against his crotch. His cock immediately stirred, but she pretended she didn’t feel it, leaning closer as if merely shifting position. Because she was listening carefully, she caught the slight intake of his breath. He didn’t respond, though, keeping his arm wrapped lightly around her.

By now, Russ was through the City gates and past the cadre of soldiers who guarded it. They waved him on after a brief visual check, which left them with a clear road ahead. Any traffic came from the opposite direction. People were fleeing to the safety of the walls after last night’s drama.

“I’m going to put the solar panel up to offset the battery drain,” Russ said, flicking a switch. “That should let us eke out a few extra miles.”

Pretending interest, Abby wriggled in Cam’s arms. That let her brush against his burgeoning erection. “How many extra miles?”

“Anywhere from five to thirty, depending on sun coverage.” Russ met her eyes in the rearview mirror. Was he aroused too? Twins apparently felt whatever was happening to their brother. Not as strongly, but she’d heard it described as
ghost sensations
one day, while listening to Slater and Arden chatting in the small patio garden.

Subtlety wasn’t working. Abby managed to wait until they’d put a few miles between them and the City before allowing herself to employ more blatant measures. This time she feigned sleepiness, angling herself so that the curve of her breast rested against Cam’s palm. Her head rested on his shoulder, which cushioned the bumps in the road. He was so comfortable, it made her want to burrow into arms and never emerge.

When he moved his thumb, grazing her nipple, it was all she could do not to gasp. After months of deprivation, of being too frightened for arousal, it was as if her body was trying to make up for lost time. This time, she wanted to go all the way. There was no sense waiting. Who knew what lay around the corner?

“How long until we get…to wherever we’re going?” she asked.

“There’s a safe house in about fifty miles,” Russ said. “It’s actually a former nuclear shelter, location known only to the government. We’ll be safe tonight. It’s a straight run to Chicago from there too. If necessary, we can call for air pickup.”

“All right.” The fact that they’d taken control of her safety gave her a heady little rush. That was another facet to her lust—this likely wouldn’t last. Once she got to Chicago, she’d have to wrest that control back, find a job to support Grammie. The elderly woman wouldn’t be suited to a scavenging life, so they’d have to find somewhere to settle down…

No. Not now.
Abby pushed thoughts of the future away. She wanted to live in the moment.

The road ahead remained clear, although they had to limit their speed to thirty since the asphalt was battered and worn. At least the major potholes had been mended, if crudely. She guessed people must try to maintain the thoroughfare as best they could for trading and traveling purposes.

Her hand still rested in Cam’s lap, but the man hadn’t responded except for that brief caress across her breast. So Abby used her thumb to trace a line up his cock, keeping the touch light, exploratory, even when he twitched against her. Because she couldn’t see his face the way she was sitting, she wasn’t able to tell how he was receiving this. But he didn’t push her away, even if he wasn’t reciprocating.

She reached the head and drew a line back down to his balls, cupping them as best she could through the stiff fabric of his jeans. Back up again, just enough to tug at his zipper. He made no move to stop her as she pulled it down, so slowly that the click of each individual metal tooth was softly audible.

She didn’t reach inside right away, choosing instead to toy with the fabric of his boxers. It was a delicate balance, preserving this hushed anticipation while taking care not to let her growing yearning slip away. She wished she could see his expression. Was he passive because he wanted her to stop, or was he enjoying her taking the lead?

Russ still drove in silence, only the back of his head visible. She had a sudden, wild thought of luring him into the rear of the van. Twins were connected—but how closely? Would he be aware of what she was doing to his brother, or would it take further incitement to draw him in?

Wanting to push her boundaries, Abby kept stroking Cam. Delicately, she freed his cock from the boxers. She’d given him ample time to stop her, but he hadn’t moved. Her hand closed around his shaft, sliding upward before stopping provocatively at the sensitive spot underneath the head.

Only then did Cam act, closing his hand around her breast and sliding his thumb back across her nipple. She watched his hand, eyes glazing briefly. She was in a headspace where the slightest movement made her clench, aching and wanting more. When Cam’s hand traced its way down her stomach to the apex of her thighs, her soft gasp rose above the noise of the engine. She slid her hand off his warm skin to unbuckle the seat belt, earning her a warning grunt from Cam.

At that, she finally sat up to look at him, giving him her best mischievous grin. He narrowed his eyes in reply. “It’s dangerous to ride unbuckled, Abby.”

She marveled at the way his voice was even, unperturbed. Her own words were half-breath when she managed to get them out. “We won’t crash. You’d catch me if we did, anyway.”

“Don’t ascribe too much superpower to us.” Cam softened his words by pulling her half on his lap. “I’ve already held out longer than any man ought to be able to.”

“I was a bit afraid you might be disapproving,” Abby whispered.

“No.” He spoke a split second before his lips descended upon hers. With a sound of surprise, she flung her arms around his neck, letting him bear her down onto the bench seat. He wrestled his seat belt away with one impatient movement and propped himself above her, arms on either side of her neck.

His jeans were still on, buttoned but unzipped, allowing his bare cock to nestle tantalizingly against her crotch. Abby thrust against it, nipping at Cam’s lower lip. What had started slow and easy had turned into a firestorm of desperation. By now, Russ had to be aware of what was happening.

Logic and emotion both told her that the men were a package deal. The logic part balked just the tiniest bit at that, still clinging to a pre-defined notion of normality.

Her heart, however…

“Goddammit,” Russ said.

Abby broke the kiss, turning to look for the other Twin. She was utterly pinned down by Cam, so all she could move was her head. She blinked as Russ glared at her from the front seat. The van was stopped, engine turned off. When had that happened?

“It’s about time you noticed,” she told Russ.

The glare on his face froze, then softened into a vaguely quizzical scowl. “I
three miles ago.”

“Why didn’t you stop?” She stretched, feeling hungry, sexy, powerful, especially with the way his eyes were riveted on her.

“There wasn’t a good place to pull over.” It was a flimsy excuse, one she instantly saw through. There was no other traffic, and the highway still had two lanes in decent condition if someone wanted to pass.

No, the delay wasn’t external—there was something Russ was struggling with. His chiseled jaw was set, brows drawn down slightly as he regarded them, one arm still resting on the steering wheel.

He’d needed an explicit invite to join them last time, she remembered. Would he need one now? She watched him, unable to bridge the gap this time.

After a moment, he swore. Metal clanked against metal as he ripped his seat belt away in a move so fast it blurred. Seconds later, Cam’s weight lifted and Russ’s face replaced his. Cobalt eyes blazed down at her.

“I’m a virgin,” he said tightly. “Just so you know.”

“I’m not a virgin, just so you know.”

He blinked at her rapid reply. “It doesn’t matter to you? You don’t mind?”

Unease rippled through her until a light thrust of her pelvis confirmed he was hard and ready. Any hang-up Russ had was purely in his own mind and definitely wasn’t physical.

“No, I don’t mind. Why the hell should I mind?” Pleasure withheld made her snappy. Damn, maybe she should have sounded more understanding, tried to be kinder, gentler. But Russ laughed, that tense expression relaxing as he continued to regard her.

“You’re a treasure, Abby,” he said. His kiss was deep and slow, ratcheting her passion back up to maximum. She tore at the zipper of his jeans until the fly came undone, then worked at the button until she could easily slide the black denim down his waist.

Hands—Cam’s hands—pulled up the hem of her shirt, interrupting the kiss with Russ to expose her bra. She arched her back, giving him access to the strap so that he could undo it. Russ let out a hiss at the sight of her bare breasts, bending to take one in his mouth. When Cam suckled the other one, Abby arched again, pelvis coming into delicious contact with Russ’s body. When she reached to undo her jeans, however, both men prevented the movement.

She wriggled, but they gave no quarter. Only when she stopped protesting did Russ tease her fly open, underscoring his control over her.
control. Her jeans were peeled slowly from her, exposing her bare thighs one inch at a time. He paused halfway down to press kisses on her skin, trailing maddeningly upward until his lips were mere inches from her panties, until she could feel his hot breath there.

No matter how much she wriggled and twisted, she couldn’t press herself against his mouth. Abby let out a growl of frustration, doing her best to clamp his head between her thighs. Russ laughed, rewarding her with a kiss directly on the fabric of her underwear. Then he squeezed her, warning her to stay still, and she felt a slight nip as he began tugging the garment down with his teeth.

Abby cried out, the sound half-lost in Cam’s lips as he bent to kiss her. She kissed back frantically, arms still pinned under his weight. Both men seemed determined to drive her utterly insane. As Russ finished divesting her of her panties, she tried hooking him toward her with her legs.

“Condom,” she managed, brushing the word against Cam’s lips.

“Twins undergo mandatory birth control injections, remember?” he said, pulling back. He cocked his head expectantly, and Abby heard the unspoken question loud and clear.

“I’m clean,” she said. “They didn’t…”

She shut her eyes, recalling her close call. Come to think of it, Senator Green likely had
sexually transmitted, given his multiple dalliances with women. If he’d carried through…if she had stayed…

“Baby,” Russ said. The unexpected endearment startled her into opening her eyes. “Say the word, and I’ll go back and kill them.”

Intense, these men were so intense. They lacked some of the social skills she’d once taken for granted, like small talk, but who needed small talk when most of the world lay in ruin?

Abby managed a smile and a touch of humor to cover up the feelings his words stirred up. “Not
, please.”

As she’d hoped, her words prompted an easing of the hardness around his mouth, which she further softened by initiating another kiss. The slight control she gained was unraveled in seconds when Russ parted her thighs and pressed the head of his cock against her entrance. She let out a whimper of need.

One thrust, and he was inside her. She drew in a sharp breath, torn between watching his satisfied expression and letting herself adjust to his unexpected girth. But he paused in acknowledgment of her slight discomfort while Cam bent over her to kiss her exposed throat.

“So sexy,” he whispered. His stubble rasped against her skin, and she bucked against Russ.

“More. Now.” Abby punctuated the demand with a thrust of her hips. She was going to melt if he didn’t move. Turning her head to the side, she nibbled at Cam’s earlobe, gasping as Russ withdrew then plunged forward. Her eyes crossed with pleasure, then immediately refocused as the depth of his thrust bordered on discomfort.

Cam cradled her, preventing her head from ramming into the bench seat’s fixed armrest. That freed her hands to fumble the button of his jeans free. Turning her head to the side, she lapped at the head of his cock, relishing the groan he made. He nudged against her lips until she parted and let him in, whimpering a little as Russ continued to thrust.

“So damn close,” Cam rasped, easing into her mouth. He still held her head protectively, which was a relief because she was beginning to feel as if she might fall apart. Carefully at first, he began to fuck her mouth. She kept herself as receptive as possible, doing her best to ensure her teeth didn’t scrape his skin.

That got progressively more difficult as she neared orgasm. Abby fought to keep her jaw relaxed, barely registering Cam’s warning. Hot seed spurted against the roof of her mouth, and she swallowed reflexively, clutching at Russ to orient herself. His skin was hot and smooth against her fingers—at some point, he’d shed his shirt, revealing his muscles in all their glory. The sight nearly tipped her over.

She hovered on the edge, breathing hard, pleading wordlessly with her eyes as Russ met her gaze. “What is it, baby?” he asked. “What else do you need from us?”

“Don’t…know,” she panted, then let out a broken cry as Cam bent over her breasts, taking one into his warm, wet mouth. That was enough. Electricity pulsed through her, temporarily shattering the world into tiny shards of pleasure. She screamed her release, taken even higher as Russ pumped within her as his own groans mingled with hers.

.” She felt him release, stilling deep within her as he speared her with a fiercely bright gaze. She rippled around his cock in helpless pleasure, still coming down from it, still breathing too hard to speak.

They took care of her afterward, taking turns cradling her while they dressed themselves. Then, working together, they clothed her again and made sure she was able to sit up, drowsily propped between them. After a few minutes, she roused herself enough to look out the window. This stretch of highway was still deserted. It was possible someone had rolled on by and gotten an eyeful, but if so, they were long gone.

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