Read Paleo Cookbook For Dummies Online
Authors: Kellyann Petrucci
Paleo Cookbook For Dummies
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Table of Contents
Part I: Exploring the Paleo Lifestyle
Chapter 1: Becoming Paleo Smart
Perusing Paleo foods in a nutshell
Getting quick results by eating Paleo
Making Paleo work in your busy life
Reaping the Rewards of a Paleo Diet
Losing weight and looking younger
Clearing up gut and skin issues
Undergoing the Paleo Transformation
Identifying why Paleo works better than other approaches
Switching on your healthy genes with Paleo
Chapter 2: Creating a Paleo Lifestyle
Getting an Overview of Living Paleo
Seeing Paleo as more than a diet
Considering the living Paleo solution versus modern medicine
Following Basic Rules for the Paleo Lifestyle
Sticking to the 80-percent rule
Increasing the amount and quality of sleep you get
Coming Together: Stress Management and the Paleo Lifestyle
Examining your body under stress
Understanding how stress affects food choices
Practicing Paleo Fitness: Movement by Design
Making exercise a requirement, not an option
Keeping your modern-day body strong and lean
Chapter 3: Discovering Paleo Superfoods
Green Light Foods: Loading Up on Paleo Superfoods
Yellow Light: Approaching Some Foods with Caution
Making superfood produce work with intestinal issues
Chapter 4: Launching the 30-Day Reset
Reaping the benefits of the Reset
Understanding why you need 30 days
Feeling shaky, crazy, and tired
So What Can I Eat? Recognizing Your 30-Day Reset Power Foods
Picking the right Reset proteins
Fixating on Reset-friendly fats
Packing the pantry for your Reset
Sizing Up Reset-Friendly Portions
Addressing Common Questions about the 30-Day Reset
Chapter 5: Stocking Your Cave Kitchen
Clearing Your Kitchen of Non-Paleo Goods
Clearing out the refrigerator and freezer
Refilling Your Kitchen with Paleo Foods
Cooking Smart to Retain Flavor and Nutrition
Keeping healthy fats healthy: Smoke points
Chapter 6: Hunting for Paleo Foods
Shopping Primally: Where to Go
Community supported agriculture (CSA)
Part II: Simple Paleo Soups, Salads, and Snacks
Chapter 7: Savoring Comforting and Nutritious Paleo Soups
Paying Attention to Ingredients
Chapter 8: Packing Nutrition into Paleo Salads
Seizing the Versatility of the Salad
Chapter 9: Spicing Up Paleo Cooking with Sauces, Dressings, and Salsas
Separating Good Calories from Bad
Chapter 10: Snacking Paleo-Style
Getting the Most from One-Minute Snacks
Part III: Primal Paleo Main Dishes, Sides, and Desserts
Chapter 11: Better Than Bagels: Breakfast for Living Paleo
Expanding Your Breakfast Options
Chapter 12: Paleo Lunches to Recharge Your System
Chapter 13: Paleo Seafood and Fishmonger Meals
Chapter 14: Protein Recipes for Paleo Meat-Lovers
Shopping for Top-Quality Meats
Chapter 15: Paleo Perfect Spice Blends
Tapping the Healing Power of Spices
Chapter 16: Namaste! Paleo Vegetarian Sides
Understanding How Vegetables Keep You Looking Young
Chapter 17: Redefining Desserts
Spotting Sugar in Its Sneakiest Forms
Part IV: Paleo Slow Cooker Options and Kid-Friendly Dishes
Chapter 18: Paleo Slow Cooker Meals
Getting the Scoop on Slow Cooking
Chapter 19: Paleo Recipes Kids Will Love
Packing Kid-Friendly Paleo Lunches
Chapter 20: Ten Favorite Paleo Foods
Organic, Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
Organic, Full-Fat Coconut Milk
Chapter 21: Ten Essential Tools for a Paleo Kitchen
Any Paleo aficionado will agree that your Paleo journey starts with food. Discovering the yes and no Paleo foods, converting your kitchen into a primal one, and creating your own Paleo meals can help you lose weight, boost immunity, fight aging, heal conditions, and perform better.
Paleo recipes are a big hit for good reason. The food is amazing, and the recipes are easy to throw together. They work. Simple as that. Paleo recipes are all based on clean, ultra-healthy foods that are anything but boring. You don't feel like you're sacrificing; more importantly, you actually feel alive, vibrant, and nourished after you eat, not exhausted, bloated, and uncomfortable.
When I wrote this book, my vision was to give you something different.
Paleo Cookbook For Dummies
is unlike any other Paleo cookbook you've ever read. It's a collection of 136 recipes from the best of the best Paleo chefs out there. Each chef has his or her own creative flair, which adds a lot of variety to your recipe choices. These brilliantly created recipes will shock your friends and family when they find out that the food they're eating is actually super healthy!
I wrote this book to make your life simple. I have a busy life, and I'm sure you do too. I hope this easy-to-read, comprehensive book on Paleo foods and recipes makes your life easier. This book is also a great way for you to share your Paleo passion. In fact, next time you have a potluck, ask everyone to bring a recipe from this book, and prepare to be amazed!
About This Book
Getting back into the kitchen and adopting the Paleo diet may seem overwhelming at first, so
Paleo Cookbook For Dummies
is organized in a way that makes the benefits of eating Paleo easy to understand. Use this book as both a reference and a cookbook; if you need to check on whether a food is a Paleo yes or no, you can find that information easily. If you're creating a menu for a dinner party and want to go all Paleo, you can pick your recipes and get to work. Or if Paleo is new to you, you can start with the foundational information and get to know Paleo superfoods, how Paleo eating can improve how you feel, and how you can get started with a cleansing 30-Day Reset. And know that you can skip over the shaded sidebars and anything marked with a Technical Stuff icon if you're under a time crunch; these bits are interesting, but you won't miss out on any vital information if you pass them over.
The recipes in this book will keep you well fed from breakfast through dinner, with healthy snacks in between. Here are some specific recipe-related conventions that apply throughout the book:
Vegetarian recipes are marked with a tomato in the Recipes in This Chapter list.
Temperatures are all given in degrees Fahrenheit. (If you prefer working in the metric system, turn to the appendix for help converting temperatures to Celsius and other measurements to metric units.)
All eggs are large unless noted otherwise.
All water is filtered so all the toxic elements are removed.
All bacon is free of nitrates, casein, gluten, and antibiotics.
All pepper is freshly ground black pepper unless otherwise noted.
All butter is grass-fed and organic. (If you can't find grass-fed butter, though, you can substitute conventional organic butter.) You may also replace any butter with
(clarified butter).
All salt is unprocessed. Good sources for unprocessed salt include Selina Naturally brand Celtic sea salt (
) and Real Salt brand sea salt (
At the end of many recipes, you'll see a note indicating that the recipe has been vetted by the team at Whole9 (
) and is considered acceptable for a cleansing 30-day Paleo launch, which I refer to in this book as the 30-Day Reset Paleo cleanse. These recipes don't include any added sugars (real or artificial), grains, legumes, or dairy. They replace butter with clarified butter (ghee). If a recipe includes a processed food (such as chicken broth, bacon, or tomato paste), you should choose brands that don't contain off-limits ingredients such as sugar, soy, additives, or preservatives.
To make this book practical as possible (because that's what it's really about, right?), I include web addresses for sources of products and other information. Some web addresses may break across two lines of text. If you're reading this book in print and want to visit one of these web pages, simply key in the address exactly as it's noted in the text, pretending as though the line break doesn't exist. If you're reading this text as an e-book, you've got it easy â just click the web address to be taken directly to the web page.
Foolish Assumptions
As I wrote this book, I made the following assumptions about you:
You want to change your diet, lose weight, improve your fitness, or manage some type of medical condition and have heard about the Paleo diet.
You want to stop eating processed and unhealthy foods to feel younger, healthier, happier, and more vibrant.