Paper Doll (34 page)

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Authors: Janet Woods

BOOK: Paper Doll
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‘It was a wonderful way. I’m proud of you.’

‘It’s unhealthy to have as much money as he had accumulated. I felt like cashing it all in and making a grand bonfire out of it on Guy Fawkes Night. I won’t pretend I know how, but the money just keeps growing in the bank vaults like mushrooms. No matter how fast I spend it, it just keeps multiplying. I don’t understand a damn thing about money, even though I pretend that I do.’

Martin laughed.

‘Then I remembered there were lots of children like Lisette, who needed a home and good food while their mothers recover from illness, and for those who lose their mothers we try and find homes for them.’

‘Dearest Julia. I can’t tell you how much I adore you.’

She beamed a smile at him. ‘I’m so glad, because I’m sure we’ll be perfect for one another.’

Ben scrambled on to the sofa next to Martin and subjected him to an intense and thorough examination. He patted Martin’s head, touched his cheek, and grinned when Martin wiggled the end of his nose. It had been a while since there had been a man in Ben’s life. He must have liked what he saw because his arms slid round Martin’s neck and he squeezed him tight. He turned and smiled at her, saying firmly, ‘Dada.’

Not to be outdone, Lisette demanded to be put down. Standing in front of Martin she banged her palm on his knee for attention.

‘Hello, my lovely.’

Lisette giggled, then coming over shy, returned to the safety of Julia’s lap.

‘Well, they seem to approve of you, so that’s one hurdle over with.’

The children lost interest in the adults and headed for the toy box.

Martin stood and held out his arms to her and she rose from her chair and slid into them. He smelled so familiar, and she felt she belonged there in his arms. His mouth touched against hers in the longest of kisses.

He gazed down at her afterwards, through eyes full of love. ‘I’ve imagined this so often.’

‘So have I,’ and she laughed. ‘Kiss me again, then I must finish packing. We’ll leave after lunch, or in the morning, whichever suits you.’

‘Today would suit me better. I have a busy practice to run.’

They set off, Julia occupying the back seat with the two children and the terrier. All three of her companions fell asleep within half an hour, while the Labrador kept Martin company in the front seat, and panted against his thigh and offered him affectionate sighs and the occasional lick. Martin wished it were Julia.

Julia was wishing the same thing. Leaning forward she planted a kiss at the corner of his mouth then softly whispered against his ear, ‘I love you, Martin.’

Outside, the sunlight shone through the showers, the air was filled with a silvery light and a rainbow arced across the sky.

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