Paranoiac (17 page)

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Authors: Attikus Absconder

Tags: #Fiction, #thriller, #horror, #gore, #macabre, #brutal, #psycholgical thriller, #psycholocial horror, #psycholigical suspense

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Eager to play, I ripped off her cheap,
thin, black cheekies and stuffed them into her mouth. She started
to gag, her eyes still roaming and out of focus. Her magnificent,
plump cunt had a soft, tuft of hair resting on top of it. I grabbed
at her powder blue dress and slowly tore it off of her. Her tiny
breasts were exposed and I clutched at them greedily. Her nipples
were puffy and pink and succulent. I couldn’t wait any longer. I
used her once pretty dress and wiped the filth from her blushing
gash. Molly started whining Davis’s name over and over again but
there was nothing he could do. She was solely mine and now he would
never have her again.

I unzipped my pants and freed my
bulging cock for the first time. The air was cold against it and it
was pumping painfully. Molly tried to squeeze her legs shut but she
was too weak and dazed to deny me. I slid into her with little
resistance. She was so warm, wet and tight. I had dreamed of this
moment for so many years and it was finally happening. I thrust
over and over. Harder and harder. I groped and sucked on her
amazing, tiny, breasts. Squeezing them as hard as I could. She was
spasming and her cunt gripped around my cock. As much as I wanted
to cum so bad, I wanted this feeling to last forever

Say you love me!” I
moaned out at her, thrusting faster and faster. Her juices were
flowing all over me. She didn’t answer me, all she did was cry and
moan. “Say it!” I said grabbing her throat with both hands. I
couldn’t finish unless she told me. She HAD to tell me. “Say it
goddammit!” I screamed in her face, my hands squeezing around her
neck tighter by the second. Her eyes were turning red and bulging.
I could feel her larynx crushing underneath in my palms. “Say it!
Say it! Say it! Say it!” I howled, thrusting over and over again.
Her snatch was constricting my shaft, sending me into ecstasy. I
was so close to cumming. “Say it! Just say it!” Blood was coming
out of her ears, nose and mouth. Her hands her locked around mine,
trying to untangle them from her thin, delicate neck. “Say it! Say
it now!” Her face was turning purple and the blood vessels in her
eyes were bursting under the pressure. She was choking, gagging for
air but I didn’t give a shit. I just wanted to cum inside of her.
“You love me! You know you do! Don’t lie to me!” I stuttered out,
quivering as tiny, pleasurable shivers ran through my body. My cock
was tingling with a building pressure. Molly’s body started
convulsing. Her pussy clamped down on me and finally I came. I
moaned loudly and felt my jizz pour into her. The colors around me
seemed more vivid and enthralling. I thrust slowly, savoring every
pleasurable second until I finally collapsed on top of her. Her
body laid irreversibly limp and unmoving as I tried to catch my
breath. I pulled out of her, wincing at my tender member and used
her dress to clean myself off. Out of breath, I was completely

I stumbled backwards, zipping my pants
up. My mind was calm and back to normal, the beast was hiding
within but I could still feel him nearby, waiting. Looking out to
the gory horror that laid before me however, the fear began to set
in. “M-Molly?” I whimpered, realizing what I had done with clear

Journal Entry Twenty Nine

I slowly walked up
Molly’s unmoving
. The panties I had stuffed
into her mouth were laying on the floor and her jaw was slacked
awkwardly to the side. Her eyes were blood shot and had rolled into
the back of her head. My stomach shot up into my throat, my heart
frozen in my chest. “What have I done?” I whimpered, pacing back
and forth in a panic. “No, no, no, no!” I repeated compulsively. I
can’t believe I did this… Why did I do this? I stared at her
broken, nude body then tried to look away but I couldn’t. Blood was
beginning to pool into a small puddle behind her head. Her legs and
crotch were smeared with blood. Cum was dribbling out if her and it
was mixing with the crimson red, it sickened me. I looked over at
her once beautiful dress. It was covered in filth and

I fell to my knees and started crying,
“No… Molly I’m so sorry!” My heart was broken and shattered, just
like her body. What came over me? Why? Why did I do this?! I sobbed
and sobbed and sobbed. I didn’t want to see her like this, I
couldn’t bear to see what I’ve done. Sniffling and shaking I laid
her dress onto her body and closed her eyes. Her face was already
bruising, swollen, and I could see the bloody clump of hair plopped
next to her.

I couldn’t stop weeping. The love of
my life. My reason for living, was dead and it was all my fault. I
was the one who did this. Though I was trying to block the violent
images from my mind, they had kept slipping through. What scared me
the most was that I enjoyed it. And I enjoyed it a lot. I looked
down at her ugly corpse and picked up her soiled cheekies. I
pressed them to my nose and inhaled deeply.

What am I doing?” I
whispered in shame, tossing the underwear next to her body. I had
to hide her before anyone started looking for her. Davis had to
know that she came up here to check up on me. I needed to act

I continued pacing around the hallway
mumbling, “What do I do? What do I do?” But I was in a panicky
quiver and my mind was drawing a blank.

The rug!” Said the voice
from within as it ruffled its’ feathers in annoyance. “Roll her up
into the rug.”

I looked at the soiled rug that ran
the length of the hallway, “The rug!” I exclaimed running over to
Molly’s empty vessel. Grabbing her feet, I aligned her body
parallel to the end of the rug. I kept pushing down my feelings of
disgust and horror.

We can’t forget her
shoes,” The calm voice said, sounding almost bored. I bolted down
the hallway and picked up her shoes. There was laughter and music
still coming from somewhere in the house. Lucky for me the party
was catching its second wind and someone had turned the stereo back
on. I ran back over to Molly’s body and slipped her little, black
flats back onto her adorable feet. Her body was still warm. I
frowned and flashes of my carnal rage flickered in front of me.
Grabbing at my hair, I pounded at my head trying to forget. “You
have to get it together!” I sobbed, shivering with fear. Starting
to pace again, I tried to psyche myself up.

I started to roll her body up into my
mother’s expensive, old rug. She was much heavier than earlier but
after the first few rotations it got easier. “Where am I going to
hide you?” I grunted almost halfway done with rolling her

What the fuck?” Yelled a
man’s voice from the top of the stairs. I looked up to see Davis’s
face crumpled with a combination of worry and disgust.

Oh, hi Davis! I spilled
something on the rug and I’m rolling it up so I can get it cleaned
tomorrow,” I said lying, horrified and mortified.

Tears were rolling down his cheeks and
he looked distraught. “I saw you rolling her up Isaac! What did you
do?” He bellowed out, still standing at the end of the hallway. His
fists were clenched and he was glaring at me with so much

Kill him! He knows!”
Screamed the voice. I felt the thing inside of me uncoil and I
charged after Davis. Before he could even comprehend what was
happening I slammed my shoulder into his chest, tackling him at
full speed. Davis’s mouth jutted open, his eyes went wide and he
gasped for air. I saw it all in slow motion. He flipped awkwardly
down the stairs and his body slammed down each wooden step. I could
hear his bones cracking as he reached the floor at the bottom of
the stairs.

Bit by bit, I walked down the steps, a
humming sound buzzing in my ears. When I finally reached the bottom
of the stairs I saw Davis’s awful, contorted body. His eyes were
wide open and were filled with tears as he tried to breathe. His
neck looked all wrong. It was bulging on one side and was twisted
and deformed. I stared at him indifferently as he started to fade
from existence. After a long moment of misery his eyes went glassy,
his body stopped spasming and choking for air like a fish out of

I was at a loss. Two people were dead
because of me and I didn’t know how to fix it. I ran a million
scenarios through my head as I sat at the end of the stairs,
glaring at Davis’s slack-jawed expression. The only thing I could
think of was hiding Davis’s body with Molly’s and telling everyone
they had gone home. I needed to go downstairs and tell everyone the
party was over, tell them it was time to go home. Then I could
finish cleaning up this mess and never think about it again. I
would erase this memory from my personal history and continue my
life in solitude. Then it would just me and the monster scratching
behind my eyelids. I heard the velvet laughter within but I pushed
it away, ignoring it.

Journal Entry Thirty

I grabbed
Davis’s heavy corpse and dragged him down the hall. There was no
remorse for killing him but I still didn’t want his blood on my
hands. And though I didn’t want to be a killer and I already had
three under my belt. But I had to kill Davis, it was inescapable
and out of survival.

Finally, out of breath, I brought him into the
His bones popped and
disjointed as I hoisted him into the bath
. I
shuttered and clenched my jaw in disgust. There was insanity around
me. This was supposed to be a perfect night and in an instant it
had spiraled out of control. I had slid the shower curtain shut and
hurried my way to the living room.

Music was
blaring loudly from somewhere inside the house. I ran down the hall
and into my lounge hoping that nobody would call the police for a
noise complaint. As I rounded the corner and passed the threshold
into the kitchen, everything went blurry again. My surroundings
streamed out of focus and my queasiness returned.

everything came back into focus, I was tripping through a doorway
and fell into the living room. Rosanna ran over to me quickly, her
flats slapping against the wood floor. “Isaac, are you alright?”
She said trying to help me up. I scanned the room dazed, trying to
get my bearings. “Looks like you’ve had a little too much to
drink,” She teased steadying me.

I stared at
her dumbfounded until I suddenly remembered why I was running here
to begin with. “Yeah, I guess so,” I blurted out nervously.
Everything depended on me getting everyone out of here. “Hey Rosie…
Davis and Molly left early. I think I’m going to wrap this party up
a bit too. Can you find Vince and let him know?” She was glaring at
me with a puzzled look and her usually dark-skinned complexion went
pale. I felt my monster tense up, as if it were going to

I-Isaac, what’s on your shirt? Oh god, it’s all over you!” She
grabbed me by the arm and inspected it urgently. “Are you hurt? I
don’t see anything.” Rosanna picked up my other arm and continued
scanning me for injuries.

I looked down
at my clothes confused, trying to figure out what she was going on
about. “Oh no!” I choked in fear. My hands and clothes were smeared
with blood and grime. My monster chuckled in excitement. It wanted
an excuse to wear my body like a glove. “Uhh…” I fumbled, tongue
tied. Rosanna just stared at me scared and befuddled.

don’t see any wounds,” She said putting my arm back down gently. I
could see the gears slowly turning in her mind, doing the math,
putting it all together. I walked over to the fireplace and turned
my back to her. “Isaac, where did you say Molly and Davis went?”
Rosanna questioned, catching on slowly.

Kill! Kill! Kill!” Screamed the leviathan from within. I
pushed it down but it fought back, teeth bared. “They went home,” I
said flatly. She had to believe me. For this to work, she had to
buy this. I didn’t want to let the beast out but it was nipping at
my heels disobediently. “I-Isaac, did they really go home? Just
tell me what’s wrong.” She was walking towards me, her feet tapping
loudly on the wood flooring. I didn’t know what to do. At this rate
she would at the least go tell Vince.

Give in…” The beast whispered impatiently. I winced, unable to
make a decision. I couldn’t let Rosanna or anyone else find out my
dirty little secret. I wouldn’t let them ruin my life!

Isaac?” She questioned, reaching out to touch my shoulder.
“Did you and Davis get into a fight? Vince said something like this
might happen.” Rosanna added trying to sound sincere.

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