Paris (Entangle Me Book 4) (10 page)

BOOK: Paris (Entangle Me Book 4)
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Edmund looks at me, a rather appreciative look on his face. “I don’t usually do this - in fact I never do this - but would you ever consider getting treatment for your problem?”

I frown. “What do you mean?”

“I think I could help you get over your fear of heights once and for all.”

Wow. There goes a twist in the story I did not expect.


End of Part Four



“Cheers to you,” Dr Edmund raises his glass to me and I grin shyly and clink my glass to his.

“Please, it’s really not necessary.” I blush, giggling as I sip back what is my fourth glass of white wine. I think I should stop, but Edmund keeps insisting on getting another drink once I finish mine.

“Yes, it is. You’re so young and look at what you’ve achieved, you have a massively successful business. And it all due to your own merit, that is very impressive, Lacey,” he glances at me speculatively through his glasses.

“My achievements? You have your own clinic in Sydney, that’s pretty hard to beat!” I say. No wonder his skin is so good, he knows the best products to use. Maybe I should ask him to recommend me some things too.

“To be honest, sometimes I think about a sea change. I’ve been to the States a few times and there’s lots of opportunity there.”

“Do your wife and kids get used to you always travelling?”

He knocks back the rest of his wine, keeping his eyes on me. “I don’t have any children, and I don’t have a wife.”

I’m surprised. He’s old enough to be married with kids. Or maybe he’s gay? That’s probably why I feel so comfortable with him, surely that’s it.

Suddenly, the indicator bell rings and the PA comes on.

“Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Thank you,”
the female flight attendant announces in a clear, soothing tone.

Is the flight almost over? How did this go by so quickly, it only feels like I’ve been on the plane for a few hours chatting to Edmund. Somehow I’ve spent fifteen hours listening to Edmund talk about how he travels between LA and Sydney frequently, how his brother has just welcomed his third child, how he is the perpetual bachelor of his siblings, how much he loves Vegemite and the fact that he eats plenty of whenever he comes back home from a work trip abroad. In between the meals, snacks and drinking he’s one of the most welcoming and friendly strangers I have met in a long time.

There’s nothing sly or sleazy about him, he’s just a genuinely nice person. And to be completely honest, it’s nice to just knock my head back and laugh with a complete stranger. Not to mention I’m in first class, which is
worth the money compared to sitting back in cattle class.

“Why not?” I ask as I put my seatbelt back on. I don’t feel uncomfortable badgering him about his personal life, he is extremely easy to talk to. Very non-judgemental too.

Edmund smiles at me, his crystal blue eyes twinkling as he adjusts his seat up. “Believe it or not, you are the first person in a long time to ask me that. A lot of my friends are single and unmarried too, but that’s what happens when you put work first. It becomes your first and only priority and any spare time you have, you just want to have fun. I don’t have any regrets to be honest, I’ve had a very fulfilling life.”

“I can totally relate. When you have your own business, having complete control is both a curse and a blessing. You never have a day off, and everything you do needs to be perfect.” I smile at him. “Cheers to you for making it work.”

“You sound like you’ve been pretty busy the last few weeks, what are you going to do when you go home?”

I still can’t believe he isn’t bored of talking to me yet. I didn’t even get to watch a movie as we’ve been talking the whole flight!

“Cleaning my apartment would be a good start. I think my floor was covered in plastic bags and tissues when I left, it could have passed as a loony bin,” I joke.

He chuckles again. “It’s good to see you have your priorities straight. But again I have to give you credit, I think it’s pretty amazing what you’ve done with your career. You’re young, bright with a big future ahead of you.”

“That’s sweet—”

“And you’re beautiful too.” He looks at my face intently.

I blush furiously. Okay, what is up with that? I’m going to pretend that he’s gay, not an older straight man flirting with me. Because that would be odd,

“So, thank you for helping with my panic attack,
Edmund,” I say, keen to change the topic. I like saying it. Doctor Edmund Wright. It has a nice ring to it.

Edmund sits up, assuming a more formal appearance. “You’re welcome, I’m always happy to help anyone in need. Even if it’s during my time off!”

“I really appreciate you offering your help.”

He waves his manicured hand gently, dismissing my gratitude. “I really think that your fear can be fully cured. The fact that you are flying regularly is a step in the right direction, and it seems from what you are telling me the only niggling problem is anything that involves you being somewhere elevated and being forced to look down.”

“Oh yeah, I definitely won’t be going to Sydney Tower anytime soon. The observation deck freaks me out!” I grimace, shuddering internally at the thought.  

Edmund listens intently. “My clinic’s techniques heavily rely on interoceptive exposure, which involves carrying out exercises that bring about the physical sensations of your panic attack. In short, we can force you to confront your fear and in the process remove the conditioned response that the physical sensations will cause an attack to happen. So if it involves going up to Sydney Tower and getting you to look down, so be it. But we can start easy, try virtual reality heights to ease you in and then move onto real life simulations. Or if you prefer a more hands on approach, the therapist can apply graded in vivo exposure, where they can personally accompany you in some of the exercises. It is a very affordable plan.”

“I don’t know what to say doctor. That is very kind of you.”

“It’s what I do. I really think your phobia can be treated in as quick as 6-8 weeks.”

Hmm, that would be pretty good. In as little as two months I could use elevators, go hiking, go to the amusement parks again. I can go up to Tristan’s place without having an anxiety attacks every time I go to the bathroom.

The pretty flight attendant comes over and takes our wine glasses and reminds us to pack up our belongings. I quickly zip up my duffel bag, while Edmund only has his iPad and wallet with him.

“Count me in,” I nod and smile at him.

He smiles right back, looking at me intently. “Brilliant. I look forward to working with you,” he says adamantly. “I must say, I never thought of sourcing new clients on my flights but maybe I should try it more often!”

I put my hand on his shoulder, patting it gently. “Thank you so much! You’re amazing, I’m so glad you sat next to me.” I give him a wide smile.

He rubs his lips with his fingers, staring at me curiously. “Likewise, you have been an absolute delight. Do I get the pleasure of your company again once we are on dry land?”

Suddenly, the pilot makes an announcement through the PA.

“Ladies and gentleman, we will now make our descent into Sydney. Flight attendants, prepare for landing please. Cabin crew, please take your seats for landing. Thank you.”

I couldn’t think of a better time to touch down.




“Here is my business card. Do call me to make an appointment. I look forward to your call,” Edmund hands me his white business card, looking at me intently. I take it and peer down at the plain black text.

Dr Edmund Wright

Clinical Psychologist

“Wow, you’re a full on shrink!”

We’re standing outside the airport, as the taxis line up to pick up outgoing passengers. “Maybe I can whine to you if I have any problems too,” I tease.

“Oh, Miss Ryan feel free to call me anytime,” he grins at me, a charmed look on his face.


Suddenly a white car pulls up and it honks at us. Edmund looks at the car and pulls up the handle on his large brown suitcase. 

“That’s me, sorry I have to go.” He extends his hand out and I shake it, his hand is warm and soft. I expect him to let it go quickly, but he strokes my knuckles for a few extra seconds. “It was really nice meeting you, and I hope to see you soon.”

Edmund waves gently at me and walks towards the car. What was that? Was he…flirting with me? Surely not, he is way too old for me. He’s thirty-nine, almost
. That’s fifteen years older than me, why would he find someone like me appealing at all? Not that I should care because I’m head over heels for someone else, who I can’t wait to see. Tristan should be back in Sydney in two days and I would love nothing more than some quality alone time with him.             

The next available taxi pulls up and the driver comes out and takes my black suitcase. As soon as I get in the back and give him my address, I whip out my phone to call Hansley.

He picks up after the fourth ring.

“Sis! Are you back?”

“Yep, just got in the taxi out of the airport.”
“I could have picked you up you know.

“Nah, you’re at work.”

“How was Paris, did anything interesting happen?”

I grin to myself, suppressing the urge to tell him about Tristan and me. Not to mention the fact that he was attacked with a knife by his ex-bosses’ daughter, or the fact that I had to dart through Paris to go up to the thirtieth floor of one of the tallest hotels in the city to save him. Tristan and I have decided to keep things quiet, which means nobody can know about us. Not anyone in the firm, not anyone in his family, not anyone in
family. The only person who does is Gabe but I trust him to not say a word.

“Yeah it was fun, so I wanted to call about our parent’s anniversary. Is the guest list all confirmed? How is the video slideshow coming along?”

He chuckles. “Man, when are you not planning an event? Yeah, yeah, it’s coming along. Video is done, oh add one more guest to the list from the one I emailed you half a week a week ago. Tristan’s mom is coming. She was able to get the day off to come up from Wollongong.”

My ears perk up. His mom will be there? The idea gets me a little nervous inside, does she know about me? I would love to get to know her better.

“That’s awesome! She’s coming!”

“Why? You barely know her.”

I struggle to find a plausible excuse. “Umm…anyway the guests do know they need to bring a dish right?”

I hear him groan. “
, they know.” 

I giggle. “Just checking! Anyway, I’ll come over and see you tomorrow to go through the details. Bye.”

It feels good to come home, with a brand new beau.





If you enjoyed this book, found it useful or otherwise then I’d really appreciate it if you would post a short review on Amazon and or Goodreads. I could use all the love I can get. I’ll reward (or punish) you with more of my work!

I do read all the reviews personally so that I can continually write what people are wanting.




I could not have done this without the following people (you know who you are but I’ll embarrass you anyway)

To my love Andrew – thank you for being my first beta reader, go-to opinion for male lingo and being you.

To my parents – thank you for saying I should have written years ago, I’m glad I’m finally doing it now.

To GY – thank you for starting before me. We’ll both get there one day, I know it.

To May – thank you for all the helpful advice from the very start, you have been an absolute godsend!

To Tracy – you are brilliant, that is all.


Maggie Way is old enough to write about sexy romance, but young enough to blush at the steamy scenes. She hails from Sydney, Australia and lives with her boyfriend in who gets the privilege (and curse) of being the first to read her work.
When she isn’t in her own make-believe world conjuring up fresh and romantic adventures that lets her readers escape the daily grind, she likes to travel and watch cheesy movies while having fine cheese and wine with her girlfriends. 
You can contact her at
[email protected]


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