Parting Chances (Fighting Chance #1) (12 page)

BOOK: Parting Chances (Fighting Chance #1)
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“I don’t think it’s going to be that easy. And how is it possible that you had all that stuff in your closet already?”

She laughed. “What can I say? I have an inner slut who is just dying to get out. Oh, I almost forgot.” She yanked me back into the bathroom. Kyler rummaged through her makeup case before pulling out a tube of lipstick.

“The final touch.” She applied the bright red lipstick to her lips then turned to me.

“Uh, no.” I tried backing up, but she held firmly on my wrist.

“Wonder Woman has some serious red lips. You need this.” She gripped the back of my neck and applied a layer of lipstick to my lips. After blotting and having Kyler deem me perfect, I threw on a dark blue pea coat and we headed out to the boys’ house for the party.


“Kyles! My cup is empty.” The red cup in my hand looked empty to me, so I tipped it upside down to prove it to her, only to have liquid spill out onto the floor. “Oops. Well, it is now.”

“Haley, how much have you had to drink tonight?” Kyler took the cup away from me and searched my face.

I scrunched up my nose. “Not nearly enough.” Before I could stop myself, my eyes wandered over to Eli who was sitting on the couch…next to his date. Okay, I know I was the one who told him to move on, but I didn’t think he would this quickly, and I didn’t think it was going to hurt as much as it did. When I arrived and saw her draped all over him, I wanted to turn around and leave. But Kyler wouldn’t let me, so I did the next best thing…I got drunk.

“You can’t really be mad that he’s here with someone.” Kyler refilled my cup and handed it back to me. I took a sip and choked slightly.

“Water? What the crap? You gave me water?”

“You need to hydrate. Plus, you’ve had enough alcohol for a while,” Ms. Responsible informed me.

I might have scoffed at her, I’m not sure, but I was already bringing the conversation back to Eli and his date. “But why would he bring her here?”

“He didn’t bring her here,” Noah said, sliding up to Kyler. “Kathryn has a class with Eli and me, and the party was brought up and we invited her and her friends.”

I turned my glare on him. “
did this?”

did this! You told Eli to move on, and he did. You can’t fault him for that. And you’re going to confuse the poor boy if you cause a scene about this whole thing,” Kyler chimed in.

“What? I did not! He’s supposed to hear the words I’m not saying. He’s supposed to wait. He’s mine!” I practically screamed at them. Kyler and Noah just stared back at me, completely baffled with my outburst. With a huff, I turned away from them and surveyed the room. I watched as
leaned into him, giggling and whispering in his ear before standing up and heading to the bathroom with her girlfriends. Without even thinking, my feet started moving in his direction.

“Hales. No!” Kyler yelled from behind me. But my feet had a mind of their own, and I was too drunk to stop myself.

“Eli! There you are!” I squealed when my feet stopped in front of him on the couch. He looked up at me, clearly surprised.

“Um, hi, Haley.”

Without thinking, I plopped myself down on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Wha… who are you supposed to be?” I slurred, eyeing his red and blue plaid shirt, dark washed jeans and his thick black framed glasses. Eli opened his mouth to speak, but I interrupted. “No, don’t tell me. Um, you’re…Clark Kent!” I grinned, applauding myself for figuring out his costume.

“No, actually I’m not. I’m just Eli.” He shrugged uncomfortably, resting his hands on the couch next to his legs to avoid contact with me.

What the hell was his issue?!

Oh right, me.

I leaned forward slightly, making sure he got a good eyeful of my cleavage. I watched as his eyes zoned in on that area and gave myself a mental pat on the back. Just as quickly as he looked, his head shot back up, and he stared me in the eyes.

“Haley, what are you doing?”

“Me? Nothing. Just sitting here, talking to you.” I walked my fingers up his chest and tapped him on the nose when I finished. As smoothly as I could, I glanced around the room. Noah and Kyler were staring at me, shaking their heads. But my focus was on Kathryn, who had returned from the bathroom and was now shooting daggers at me.

“Haley, you can’t do this. You can’t get jealous when I’m with someone. You told me to do it.”

“Why does everyone keep saying that? Eli. I’m not jealous. I’ve just let you flirt with what’s-her-face. Apparently that’s what I
you to do.” I waved my hand over my shoulder in the direction I last saw Kathryn in.

“Kathryn? Does it matter if I
flirting with her? Does it matter if she’s my date? Why do you care? You made it perfectly clear you don’t want to date me.” Eli gave me a hard look, daring me to argue with him.

“No. Eli. No. Listen. Listen to me. I made it clear that I still wasn’t ready, but I didn’t want you to go out with that hussy. And you can flirt with me now. I don’t mind.” I tugged at the hem of my tank top, exposing more of my cleavage.

Eli narrowed his eyes, shed his plaid shirt, threw it over my shoulders and quickly worked the top buttons closed.

“What are you doing?” It was what I was thinking, but I was not the one to ask the question. Eli and I turned to find Kathryn standing behind us, arms folded across her chest.

“I’m talking to Eli. What does it look like?” I rolled my eyes at her. I was drunk enough to be completely annoyed with her, even though I didn’t even know her.

She thinks she can steal Eli away from me? I’ll show her.

I gave her a smirk before leaning close to Eli and pressing a kiss on his neck. I wanted to see Kathryn’s reaction, but Eli had me standing on my feet in two seconds flat.

“Haley, whatever the hell you are trying to prove, you can stop. You’re drunk.” He turned from me, and with wide eyes, reached for Kathryn. He scanned the room before heading quickly up the stairs with her clutched to his side.

He was taking her to his room?
Pretty sure I was going to vomit. I looked around the room and caught Kyler’s worried eyes. She started to make her way towards me, but I rushed off to the kitchen before she could give me the pity party I knew was coming.

After I found the stack of cups and the keg, I filled my glass full of the gross beer and downed the glass, then filled it up again and downed it once more. The third time I filled it up, I decided it was time to go back into the living room. I stumbled my way into the room, muttering apologies to people I bumped into. Kyler and Noah were across the room chatting with another couple. Noah’s eyes found mine. He arched his brow as if to ask if I was okay. I lifted my head in a slight nod. Oh, I was just dandy. Noah, content with my nonverbal response, returned to his conversation.

My shoulder found the wall in support as I sipped my beer, a haze washed over my mind. I felt someone approach next to me and started to turn to talk to them, when I saw Eli and Kathryn make their way back downstairs. Eli said something to Noah, before helping Kathryn into her coat and walking out the door. I tipped the cup to my lips and chugged the rest of it, then crumpled the cup and tossed it near the closest garbage bag.

My brain completely shut off. The alcohol had seeped into every available space, which made it hard for me to care about my actions anymore. I turned to the guy next to me and took him in. Drew was grinning down at me, his mouth moving in words I couldn’t make out. If my brain had been clear, I would have smacked him and walked away. However, I was anything but being reasonable right now. So I grabbed my ex around his neck, pulling his mouth down to mine. My back slammed against the wall, as Drew pushed against me, taking the kiss deeper. There was a little part of my brain that was screaming,
“What the hell are you doing, Haley?”
but I ignored it. I had just given up on this night and was thankful there was something to take my mind off everything I had messed up.

He left. He left with her. He was completely over me.
Those were the last coherent thoughts my brain made before everything turned to a haze, and I pulled Drew closer.




My mouth felt like I had a thousand cotton balls shoved in my cheeks. I rolled over and tried to get comfortable again. But something was off. This pillow was not the usual one I slept with. I blinked open my eyes taking in the room. A room that was not mine.

Sitting on the table next to the bed was a bottle of water and a note. I grabbed the note and read:

Hales, drink the water. I’m in Noah’s room. Knock when you’re awake. -Ky

Noah’s room? Why would I care that she was across town…


I shot up in bed as last night’s events rushed into my mind. The stupid Wonder Woman costume. The never-ending supply of booze in my cup. Seeing Eli with Kathryn.

Oh no…

Sitting on Eli’s lap and drunk flirting with him. Shoving my boobs in his face. Kissing his neck…

I buried my face in my hands as memories of last night hit me. The most vivid memory was of Eli staring angrily at me and going upstairs with Kathryn, then leaving with her later that evening. I sat up and looked around the room again. Sure enough, I was in the guest bedroom. I didn’t remember getting up here. Who helped me into bed? Why could I not remember the rest of the night’s events?

With a huff, I fell back onto the pillow. Whose bright idea was it to keep filling my cup last night? And why the hell was I so upset about that Kathryn girl? I had made it clear to Eli that I was not going to be distracted by a relationship this year. I told him to move on. He did. So why does my heart ache this much?

A knock at the door startled me out of my thoughts.

“Come in.” My voice was rough, and my throat was in dire need of some water.

Kyler’s head poked in the room as the door opened. “Hey, girl. How are you feeling?”

“Mortified.” I reached for the bottle of water and chugged it down.

“You remember what happened last night?”

“I think so? I wish I didn’t remember so much.” I groaned.

“Yeah, you were pretty drunk and all over Eli in the beginning.” Kyler laughed and dodged the pillow that I threw at her head. She quieted down quickly and had a somber look on her face. “Do you remember what happened at the end of the night?”

I shook my head. “Just that he left with that girl and I drank…a lot.” She was still staring at me, looking like she was trying to figure out a way to tell me something. “Oh shit. What else happened?”

“Um, you don’t remember making out with—”

made out
with someone? Please don’t tell me it was Eli. Please!” My face reddened, and I buried my head in the pillow sitting next to me.

Kyler shook her head. “Not Eli.” She paused and cleared her throat. “Drew.”

My head whipped in her direction. I had to have heard her wrong. I swear she said I made out with Drew. My
Drew. “Excuse me?” I whispered. Please tell me I heard her wrong.

Kyler’s blue eyes shone sadly, and she shook her head. “You heard me right.”

My hand went over my mouth, and I gulped down air trying to keep myself from throwing up. “I didn’t even know he was there! How could I do that?” I was in denial. There was no way I would kiss that jerk. No way. Not after all he put me through. No matter how drunk I was, I just couldn’t do something like that.

“He showed up when you were busy flirting with Eli. You were wasted, Hales.” My mind went in a thousand different directions, but one horrible thought crept through them all. My eyes popped wide, and I looked down to take myself in. I was still wearing Eli’s plaid shirt, and it was still buttoned to cover my cleavage, and my shorts were still on. Only my shoes were off. My breath rushed out in relief.

Kyler’s hand clutched my arm. “I promise, I got to you as soon as I saw what you were doing and extracted you from that situation. Drew tried to stop me, but Noah got in his way and forced him to leave.” She cast her eyes downward, a knowing sign she wasn’t telling me something.

“What? What else?” Seriously, what else could there be? It wasn’t like I wasn’t already mortified enough or anything.

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