Party at the Pond

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Authors: Eve Bunting

BOOK: Party at the Pond
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Frog and Friends

party at the pond

Written by Eve Bunting
Illustrated by Josée Masse

To my granddaughter, Keelin Taylor Bunting


To my sister Geneviéve


Table of Contents

Frog's Party

Frog Dance

No Kisses for Frog

Frog's Party

Frog liked fall.

He liked it when the leaves from the trees fell into his pond.

They were like little boats that sailed across the water.

He played “boat races” with his friends.

And also with himself.

Sometimes a big leaf would drop and Frog could make a leaf hat.

But the best part of fall was his fall party.

Each year he asked his friends, Raccoon, Rabbit, Squirrel, Possum and her babies, to come. There was food to eat and there were games to play. And each one did a party trick.

This year he also asked Chameleon.

“Why?” Rabbit asked when he told her.

“Chameleon lives by himself. I think he is lonely,” Frog said.

“Please do not ask him,” Raccoon said.

“We like the party the way it is. With just us.”

“I do not want to be rude,” Frog said.

“But it is
party. And I am going to ask him.”

On party day Frog dusted and cleaned.

He gathered nuts and berries and some flies as a treat for Chameleon. And for himself.

He made a leaf hat for each of his friends.

The party was fun. They all looked spiffy in their leaf hats. Even Chameleon wore one. But he was very quiet. He did not join in the games.

“He is new and he is shy, that is all,” Frog said.

When it was time for party tricks Raccoon did her juggling act.

Possum did her “swinging-by-her-tail” trick. Her babies held on tight.

Squirrel did his “jump-from-tree-to tree” trick.

Rabbit did her “hop-skip-and-wiggle” trick.

Frog did his “dive-with-somersault” trick.

“Your turn, Chameleon,” Raccoon called.

Chameleon did not look happy. He ran and hid in a pile of leaves.

“You do not have to do a trick,” Frog said kindly. He blinked. “Oh my, Chameleon! You have turned yellow.”

Chameleon ran to another pile of leaves. He turned red.

Everyone clapped.

“That is such a good trick,” Rabbit said.

“How did you do it?” Squirrel asked.

“I do not know. I just did.” For the first time, Chameleon smiled.

The party was wonderful. Everyone helped with the cleanup. Even Chameleon. Each time he changed color they stopped to clap.

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