Passion and Surrender (The Billionaire's Temptation Book 6) (5 page)

BOOK: Passion and Surrender (The Billionaire's Temptation Book 6)
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All she could do is groan in response.
Curse him

“Shall I take that as a yes? Or should I find out for myself?” He nuzzled her until she couldn’t help but kiss him, her body coming to life for the first time in a very long time, her need erasing her guilt, so that by the time he pulled away, her breathing was heavy and her knees were threatening to buckle on her. “There’s a good girl.”

She couldn’t believe him—couldn’t believe that she’d somehow succumbed to his charms. “You’ve got some balls, Marshall.”

His smile kicked up as he kissed the tip of her nose. “Among other things, princess.”




Chapter Five


Marshall knew he was playing a dangerous game when it came to Harper, but in his defense, he had
in all his life crossed the line with an employee or coworker. So then, what the hell was his problem? At least the chemistry between them seemed to be mutual, even if Harper was hesitant. Not that he could blame her, given their circumstances.

Back at Clio headquarters, he let them into his office, half-wondering where his temp was, since once again there was no one at the desk outside his office. Something would need to be done—starting with a new agency.

Due to the late nights he too often spent in his office, he’d designed himself a comfortable seating area, which came in handy just now as he settled them in on the soft leather sofa, instead of attempting to work at his desk.

“Let’s start with the vibes for couples.” Marshall dug through their shopping bags and laid out on the coffee table all the toys designed for couples.

Harper started to pull them out of their boxes, taking care to line up all the packaging and components with the matching device. Given that these were all high-end products, the packaging on each was decent, at the very least, though Marshall had taken special care with his own product lines to make sure they immediately spoke of luxury.

Holding up one of the couple’s vibes, Harper wrinkled her nose at it. Shaped like a
, each end was bulbous with a vibrating tip and was designed to have one end inserted so that it hit a woman’s G-spot, while the other tip stimulated her clit. Though it could be used on its own, it was actually designed to be worn during intercourse. “Is it just me or does this look like it might be uncomfortable once you have it inserted along with your partner thrusting into you?”

“It is rather bulky, though I’d imagine that probably helps with that full feeling that some women like.” Though he wasn’t sure how comfortable it’d be to have his cock rubbing against it. “From a guy’s perspective, though, I’m not sure how pleasurable it’d be.”

Harper’s brows perked up in amusement, as if suddenly his lack of experience with the device somehow validated her own inexperience. “Do you mean to tell me that you haven’t tried this sort of toy before? Dr. Foley, I do believe you’ve been slacking off on your research.”

“You, my sweet, have no excuse for not using toys designed to give a woman pleasure. I, on the other hand, haven’t been with anyone since filing for divorce, and these products are relatively new. Given that they’re designed for a couple, I do believe that I have a valid reason for my lack of experience with the product.” Marshall thought of offering her an evening of research—in his bed, of course—but worried it’d be a little too much, too soon, and given that they’d be working together, he had time to be a little more patient.

“I think the idea of stimulating the clit and G-spot are good ones on the woman’s end, but do vibrations really help stimulate the guy and give him pleasure? There’s just got to be a better way to design this, though it might require a different method for producing vibrations. One that wouldn’t result in something so bulky.” She chewed her lip, looking deep in thought as she turned the device around in her hand. “This one also doesn’t come with a wireless remote, which means it could be a bit of pain to change through the different settings once it’s in use, although some of the others are wireless.”

“Regarding the vibrations from a man’s perspective, it can certainly help things, but only if it’s not making things uncomfortable. But there’s also the issue of size. Some men are more generously endowed, and women can also vary in how tight they are. For our vibrators, we were able to overcome that difficulty by making the girth of the shaft expandable. We could use a similar technology, starting out with something rather slim.” It was something to mull over at the very least.

The others weren’t terribly different in design, and after a bit of discussion on the various advantages and disadvantages of each product, he decided to pick up the item she’d been most curious about. The vibrating cock ring. “Do you have any sort of experience with cock rings?”

The way she blushed had him thinking she did have a partner who’d worn one for her—although the thought of her with another guy fucking pissed him off to no end, even if he had no right to feel anything remotely close to jealousy. “The way I see it, it prolongs everyone’s pleasure, and though it might not hit her G-spot, the vibrating extension will stimulate her clit. With some modifications…we could make sure the guy got a bit more out of it too. Maybe add another band with a vibrating plug that sat behind the man’s balls, hitting that sensitive spot—or with an extension that could be inserted anally.”

Suddenly, his innocent little scientist seemed a lot less innocent—and he fucking loved that bit of juxtaposition. He picked up the balm Aria had liked and opened it, quickly realizing it was unlike most lubes on the market. It was more the consistency of lip balm, and as he ran his fingers over the smooth surface, the heat of his touch melted it just enough to coat his fingers. There was a nice herbal and citrusy smell to it, and it felt great on his skin. As he massaged it, the balm warmed up with a tingly heat, and he quickly realized why Aria liked the product so much.

“Give me your hand, Ms. Jones.” When she hesitated, he took her hand in his and turned it so her palm was face up. Taking a bit of the balm, he slipped it onto the inside of her wrist in lazy circular motions, feeling it heat up between their skin. Her eyes went just a little wide and her breath caught in her chest, making him want to massage the balm into her clit to see the sort of effect it would have on her. “What do you think?”

“It’s hard to know for sure but…I think it could be quite…effective.” She tried to pull her hand free of his, but he just pulled her closer…close enough that he could smell her perfume as it mingled with the citrusy herbal scent of the balm.

“Maybe we should explore its benefits further.” Marshall caught her mouth in a kiss, tangling his fingers in her hair and pulling her to him as his tongue danced over hers, loving that she no longer seemed to be fighting what was between them.

Shifting them, he laid her back on the sofa, pinning her under his weight with his hips moving against hers so that his hard cock rode against her heat, his need for her casting out all other thoughts. Grabbing her hands, he lifted them up over her head and pinned them there, both her wrists held tight in one hand, so his other was free to wander, cupping her breasts and teasing her nipples. “Tell me you want this, Harper. Tell me that you want me to fuck you…that you want to feel my tongue on your clit, that you want my cock between your legs.”

“I do. I want this so bad, Marshall. But…” He could feel her hesitation, and knew it had less to do with what was between them, and more about their situation.

He pulled back and kissed her, reining in how badly he wanted her, and then got to his feet, before pulling her up into his arms. “I think we should head out for the afternoon. Maybe continue our research at my place.”

“Marshall…this is crazy. You know I’d like nothing more, but, you’re my boss, you’re in the middle of a divorce with a crazy woman who’s having your baby, and I…well, I’m not in a great place either. We both have issues that make this a bad idea.” She let out a weary sigh, but he couldn’t bear the thought of letting her go.

“I’m taking you home with me, Harper. And we’re going to work.” He’d make sure of it. He’d also make sure they completed their research in a most thorough manner. “As for my ex, you’re right—she is crazy. So if you’re thinking that I’m somehow still hung up on her, you’d be mistaken. As for her being pregnant with my kid, well…I’ll believe it when I see the DNA test—or a pregnancy test for that matter, since it could easily be just one more of her lies.”

“Have you slept with her recently?” Harper cocked her head to the side, pinning him with a steely glare. “Because she didn’t look pregnant to me, which means that if she is pregnant and it’s yours, then it had to be fairly recent, right? And no offense, Marshall, but if you’re still fucking her, then I’m not getting involved in your mess.”

“Harper…I swear it’s not like that. She came over about three-four months ago, really upset, and I felt bad for her—but I swear I don’t remember sleeping with her.” He knew how it sounded, especially if he had any hope of pursuing something with Harper. “I only had a glass of wine, and then…that was it. I woke up the next morning, and she was gone. It was odd, and I definitely felt off the next day, but I didn’t give it much thought—until a few weeks ago when she announced she was pregnant.”

“And you actually think I believe that?” She scoffed at him and turned to go when he grabbed her arm and pulled her to him.

“I swear it’s the truth, Harper. I don’t remember what happened.” Which was more than a little odd, though he suspected that she’d drugged him.

She was still looking at him as if she didn’t believe a word out of his mouth. “What’d she do? Roofie you?”

“Why does everyone keep asking me that?” He let out a weary sigh. “Though the truth of the matter is that
…I do believe it was something along those lines, since I can’t remember what happened, and that’s totally out of character for me.”

“Wow…that’s really messed up, Marshall.” Her brow furrowed and some of her anger turned to pity.

He cupped her cheek and kissed her sweetly. “It is, which is why I can’t dwell on it. Now grab your things, because we’re getting out of here and heading to my place so I can fuck you until you don’t remember anyone’s name but mine.”

It looked like she was going to argue with him, but in the end she packed up the toys and grabbed her handbag, pausing for a moment at the door. “Work first—and don’t make me regret this, Marshall.”

“You have my word, sunshine.”




Chapter Six


Walking into Marshall’s home, Harper had to admit that she was pretty damn impressed. Though the home was large, it still felt warm and welcoming, with plenty of natural materials throughout, from the stained wood beams overhead, to the stone details and soft leather furniture. It definitely felt like Marshall—classy, warm, and masculine. “This is really nice.”

“I’m glad you like it.” He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her close, his muscular body hard against her soft curves. “After a long day, it’s nice to have a place to retreat to that feels like home. When I was with Claire, I always felt like a guest in my own house. She had the place decked out like some ode to modern design. Everything was cold, hard, white and chrome. Made me crazy. I was happy to let her keep the loft when we split.”

Somehow, Harper could see that, despite having met Claire for mere seconds. That woman didn’t seem to have a warm and comforting bone in her body—which was in complete contrast to Marshall. How the two of them had ended up together, she hadn’t a clue. And in a way, she was relieved to know that this wasn’t the home he’d once shared with his wife. “Well, I think this place suits you perfectly—and it really is gorgeous. I guess that’s one of the advantages of owning your own successful company.”

“That and inheriting a good chunk of money. I sometimes wonder if that was Claire’s original motivation.” Marshall shrugged and seemed to shake it all off, as if Claire was of little significance, despite the problems she was causing him. He tipped her chin up and stole a kiss, his stubble rough against her skin as his lips lingered on hers, making her want so much more. “Get comfortable, Ms. Jones. I promised that we’d get work out of the way first, and I intend to do a most thorough job of seeing just how well the products work.”

She wanted to argue that thoroughly researching the products would mean getting naked, and that he was clearly blurring the lines, but before she could say anything, he’d spun her around, and with a hard slap on her ass, had her moving across the room, the sting across her cheeks doing all sorts of
things to her. Scooping up the bags, he fell in by her side, his hand on the small of her back as he steered her towards his bedroom.

“You don’t waste any time, do you?” She couldn’t quite believe that they were actually going to do this. But as she looked up at him over her shoulder, she found him irresistible and damn sexy with his dark, mussed-up hair, warm brown eyes, and rough stubble. He was so tall—muscular too—and she had to admit, that she’d always been a sucker for a tall man, and had even more of a weak spot for intelligent men—which Marshall certainly was. Not that she ever indulged herself.

Well, today, that was clearly going to change, especially if Marshall had anything to say about it, since he already had his hands and mouth on her body as he moved them into his bedroom. He kissed her hard, his tongue darting past her lips as he gripped her hips in powerful hands, so she could feel the energy coursing through him just below the surface. It made her think of a feral beast, its body coiled tight in waiting as it stalked its prey, getting ready to take it down in a primal struggle.

Barely breaking away from his kisses, he tore the clothing from her body, his intensity spurring on her racing heart as she tried to maintain some semblance of control. And then she realized that it was pointless. She was no match for Marshall when he was determined, especially when he’d already stripped her naked, his hands possessive and his mouth hungry.

“You’re fucking magnificent, Harper.” Too impatient to wait for her to get around to undressing him, he made quick work of it himself, so that he now stood before her, naked, in all his powerful beauty. And he was beautiful…like some pagan sex god carved out of marble, his cock hard and long and absolutely perfect.

She told herself to snap out of it, to stop ogling him like she’d been on a year-long fast and he was a perfectly seared steak, even if it felt just like that. It’d been years since Josh, but…she couldn’t think about him. Not now. Not when she was with Marshall.

So instead of coming to her senses, she dropped to her knees before him, her fingers around his hard length and her tongue lapping at the glistening jewel of pre-cum at the tip of his erect cock.

“Fuck, Harper…” The need in his ragged voice had her wrapping her lips around his girth and eagerly sucking him, his fingers knotting in her hair and slowly thrusting into her mouth. “You look so fucking perfect with my cock in your mouth…I swear, it’s doing me in.”

She felt herself go wet, loving how he was taking charge, controlling the pace and how much of him she’d take, so it was all she could do not to come right then and there, her clit so swollen, it ached to be touched. As she moaned against his cock, desperately wanting all of him, he thrust into her mouth, giving her more with each pass as she stroked his shaft and his balls, feeling them tighten in her palm. Sensing how close he was, she sucked him harder, swirling her tongue around the head of his cock as she squeezed her legs together against the thrumming ache of her clit and the emptiness that begged to be filled, to be stretched tight around his hard length as he fucked her.

“Not yet, Ms. Jones.” With a desperate groan, Marshall pulled his cock away, leaving her to protest, even as he lifted her to her feet and then scooped her up onto the bed, flipping her onto her hands and knees. “Don’t move, or there’ll be consequences.”

And just to make sure she understood him, he slapped her ass, her pussy gushing in response as the flicker of red hot pain melted into the very essence of pleasure and need, leaving her desperate for more—and almost certainly guaranteeing that she’d be misbehaving. “Just so you know—this is a one-time deal, Marshall. So make sure you get everything out of your system and investigate all you want to investigate, because this thing between us is not happening again.”

“Sunshine…you can’t handle everything I have to give you—at least not yet—so I suggest you forget about issuing out demands when your ass is bare and sticking high in the air.” The humor in his voice sounded so sexy, it nearly killed her. “Now let’s see what Mistress Aria packed for us.”

“Mistress?” She swallowed hard at the thought of all the extra items she may have thrown into their shopping bags.

“Did I not tell you? Must have slipped my mind.” Except that she could tell he hadn’t forgotten that little detail—not in the very least. “Looks like she anticipated our needs beautifully, Ms. Jones. Question is where to begin?”

“Aren’t we supposed to be working?” She glared at him over her shoulder, only to find him kneeling on the bed, holding a pair of leather cuffs and a flogger. Her already racing heart skipped a few beats as she felt her wetness slip onto her thighs. But…what the hell…in for a penny, in for a pound. She might not have ever had an adventurous sex life before this, but she’d always been curious, even if she never thought to pursue it, and if she was going to actually sleep with her boss, then she might as well make it a night she’d never forget, since it’d likely be ages before she got laid again.

“We are working, Ms. Jones. I’m thinking of adding a secondary product line to help us expand beyond vibrators. And that means we should do a complete and thorough investigation of all there is to offer.” Gently, he ran the flogger down along her spine, so she couldn’t help but shimmy in response as the soft leather strands slipped down over her ass cheeks.

She found it nearly impossible not to moan and shift back towards him, desperate for more, for all he had to give her, even if she was giving him a hard time about it. “What if I’m not into that sort of thing? Did you ever think about that? Hmm?”

He gave her a teasing smile, slipping his fingers along her slick and swollen slit, and then brought his fingers to her lips so she could taste herself. “Are you really going to try to deny that you’re not turned on by the thought of it? Though, by all means, if you want me to stop, just say so. I would never do anything to you that you didn’t want…didn’t truly enjoy. So tell me, Ms. Jones…would you like me to continue?”

Damn him
. When she glared at him over her shoulder, there was no heat to it, knowing that at this point, she was in too deep to deny just how much she wanted him. “Might as well, since I already have my ass in the air.”

The first lash fell hard, no doubt punishment for her sarcasm. And the sting was absolutely glorious, as was the touch of his hand afterwards as he gently soothed her skin, the gesture sweet and caring. “I find you very entertaining, sunshine.”

She was still trying her best to resist him, though her tongue still had a mind all its own. “And you need to get on with it if we have any hope of finishing work tonight.”

“Such a mouth on you…” The next lash fell quick and hard across her ass cheek, the sting blossoming into pleasure as she went so wet, she could feel it slipping onto her thighs. This time, when he brushed his fingers along her slit, he let them dip in, teasing her so she couldn’t help but push back for more with a needy cry, desperate for his touch, desperate to have him fill her and make her come. “You’re so wet…and so fucking tight. It really has been a long time for you, hasn’t it?”

He was still thrusting his fingers in and out of her slowly, teasing her clit and slipping his fingers up to her ass before slipping back inside her, until she was biting back her moans. Gently, he let the soft leather of the flogger dance its way up her spine until her skin was electrified, breaking out in goose bumps as a wave of need slipped over her skin. “Come on, Marshall…don’t be such a tease.”

“That’s the best part. Well…
the best part. But if you think I’m going to rush through this when you’ve given me just one night, then you can guess again. I’m going to take full advantage of every moment I have with you.” He pulled away and lashed her ass again—and this time the leather caught just enough of her pussy to make her ache for him desperately, her clit throbbing in desperation. “What is it you want, Ms. Jones?”

She groaned, knowing there was no avoiding it. “I want you to fuck me, Marshall.”

“Oh, I will, sweet girl. But first let’s see how this balm works when applied to something other than your wrist.” It didn’t take long for him to get out the small tin. A moment later, he was lazily circling his fingers around her clit and along her slick folds, dipping into her as a warmth tingled over her skin and a minty herbal scent filled the air.

The warmth turned into a heat that was at once searing hot and ice cold, sensitizing every nerve so that she was teetering on the verge of coming, his touch doing things to her that no one had ever done before. Her hips pushed back against his hand, searching him out, wanting him like she’d never wanted anyone else before, her focus now single-minded as her need for him obliterated any other thought. “Please, Marshall…”

“What do you think of the balm? ’Cause I have to say…you’re even wetter now.” Leaning over her with his broad chest pressed against her back, he kissed her cheek, his stubble rough against her skin, sending a shiver coursing through her. He reached into the drawer to grab a condom, even as her ass twitched and shimmied, searching him out, as his length nestled teasingly between her cheeks. “Patience, sunshine. I promise to take good care of you.”

She needed to see him…needed to watch his magnificent form and his erect cock as he sheathed himself in latex. With each movement, she could see the muscles and tendons shift below his taut skin, his nimble fingers—the fingers of a surgeon—making quick work of it all. And then he was brushing the head of his cock against her slick opening, teasing her until she dropped her head to the mattress, her ass high in the air as if in offering.

It was then that she heard the quiet buzzing sound. He slipped the U-shaped couple’s vibe inside her, the vibrations against her clit and G-spot nearly doing her in, since she was already riding that edge from him teasing her. All it took was for him to slide his cock inside her, his wide girth and generous length pushing her over the edge, so she came with that single thrust, his name on her lips as she cried out, her body quivering in its release.

And yet, they were only just beginning.

BOOK: Passion and Surrender (The Billionaire's Temptation Book 6)
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