Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2)
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There was just a hint of the setting sun on the horizon by the time Fabian pulled up in Cassandra’s driveway with Lucian and Damien. He glanced up at what he knew to be Sirene’s bedroom window and wondered if she was up yet.

It had been a long night for her too, so she was probably tired. It would certainly be the ideal situation to find her still in bed and to have the advantage of that element of surprise.

They knocked at the door and heard footsteps approaching from inside which Fabian guessed to be Chloe’s. She tended to move lightly on her feet and it was confirmed as her, when she pulled the door open.

“Fabian; it’s wonderful to see you.” She cried and then spotted Damien and Lucian behind him. “Hi Damien, Lucian, how are you both? Come in.” She stepped back to give them access and they walked past her and into the house.

“So where is Cassandra, Chloe? Is she home?” Fabian asked, his eyes moving around the living room as if looking for her when in fact he was looking for Sirene.

“She’s gone away for a week, to see her family. Now she’s feeling much better, she thought she’d go home and spend a few days with them. Were you hoping to see her?” Chloe asked.

“It’s ok. So you’re alone?”

Chloe grinned. “You’re looking for Sirene aren’t you? It’s ok Fabian; you don’t have to pretend to see one of us. If you want to see her, she’s still in bed. Seems someone kept her out really late and she’s exhausted. She went to lie down again a few hours ago.” She grinned at him and winked, as if sharing some secret with him, but he had no further interest in pointless chatter with her.

“Lucian.” He spoke quietly. Lucian stepped forward and within seconds, he had Chloe under mind control. Her eyes were blank, her expression almost serene and he nodded to Lucian and Damien, watching as they took her and led her into the living room, stripping out of their clothing as they walked.

Damien sat in one of the single seater lounge chairs and instructed Chloe to take his cock into her mouth. She bent over the arm of the chair and her lips closed over him. While her head bobbed up and down sucking on him, Lucian grabbed her hips from behind and with one smooth lunge, he thrust into her.

Fabian watched them for a while, feeling his cock stirring in his jeans. So Sirene hadn’t ruined him completely with her stupid stunts, but he wasn’t interested in joining in with them, certainly not yet anyway. His eyes shifted up, picturing her sleeping in her bed, and he knew he had to get upstairs before she possibly woke and came down.

He preferred that she not see what was taking place in the living room. With the garbled sounds coming from Chloe, as Damien’s cock was pushed deeper into her mouth with every thrust of Lucian’s hips, it was possible that the noise from the fucking would wake her anyway.

He needed to get upstairs now, and had just started to head for the stairs when Chloe suddenly pulled away from Damien’s cock and screamed as she reached her orgasm. Fabian spun around to them again. “For fuck sakes keep her quiet, I don’t want her waking Sirene.” He ordered, watching as Damien pushed her back down until his cock was deep in her mouth.

With the noise reduced at least for now, Fabian quietly climbed the stairs to the upper level of the house.




I wasn’t sure what woke me, perhaps just the smallest sound, but I lay there quietly in the darkened room, my ears straining to listen for some sort of noise. Something sounded like it was muffled downstairs but that was probably the TV. Chloe was home and alone since Cassie was away, and with me sleeping, I wasn’t exactly keeping her company.

I must have been tired. I could see it was dark, so I’d slept for hours. The way I was going I’d end up living to vampire time at this rate. As soon as I thought of vampires, I thought of last night and what I’d done to Fabian. The familiar guilt flowed through me and I silently cursed. Fuck it had all gone so wrong. I was supposed to hate him, to punish him, torment and torture him but it had well and truly backfired on me.

Ok, I’d done it. I’d used a couple of spells on him and he’d suffered, I’d seen it for myself, but what I hadn’t counted on, was how it would leave me feeling. I was fucked, it was fucked; everything was fucked. I was suffering too. That was the joke in all of this. The tormenter had become the tormented.

Even if I could get near Fabian again to mess with him, although choking the life right out of me was probably about the only contact he’d want with me now, I didn’t want to do anything more to him. It was wrong and he was an arse, but I liked him. Maybe I just had a thing for assholes? All I knew for sure was I couldn’t do anything more to him. I was going to have to contact my clients and tell them I couldn’t continue working for them. There was nothing else I could do.

What the hell was I going to do about Fabian? It was all so confusing for me. For a while last night, he’d acted like he cared about me. I knew enough about him, to know he was a parasite. He used anyone and did anything to look after his own sexy hide. Chances were he’d been using me. I was just blood and sex for him, and yet, even once he knew what I was, even after that first spell, he’d treated me surprisingly well. He’d bathed me and dried me so gently after, and I couldn’t really imagine him doing that too often.

I should have known, when that little voice inside told me I couldn’t go through with it, I should have stopped, but no, I’d put that second spell on him and fucked everything. Well, I’d done my job for that first round of fucking with him, but I couldn’t do it to him again. I was too invested, too close, to do my job. I had no chance of him ever forgiving me. Killing me was probably the only thing on his agenda right now, but the job was over for me. I couldn’t do it, I’d failed.  

I raised my hand to my cheek in the darkness and felt the tenderness there from when Fabian had hit me last night. God, he’d been so angry and his face filled with such hatred. I could have lived with his anger. I’d hurt him; I’d attacked his manhood, but the thing that had upset me the most was that ice cold stare he’d given me when he ordered me from his home. I’d never in my entire life had someone look at me the way he had and that was what hurt the most now.

God I was such a fool. How could I like someone like him? He was a vampire, a blood sucking parasite. He used women; he didn’t care about anyone but himself. Hell, the reason I was even here was because I’d been sent by the two vampires he’d tried to have killed. He’d sired one and desired the other, and yet had ruthlessly decided to dispense with them? How the hell could I like him?

It wasn’t just the incredible sex; I’d seen that he had a softer, gentler side to him. It was that and his wit, his intelligence, all of that combined was what made me like him. None of it mattered now anyway. I’d fucked it; I had no one to blame but myself.

Somehow it suddenly all seemed too much. Maybe it was just fatigue, or a moment of weakness. Maybe it was hormonal. I got more emotional when I was closer to that time of the month, but as I lay there in the darkness, I felt unexpected tears spring to my eyes, and I didn’t even bother trying to fight them. I rolled over onto my side and with my face against my pillows, I gave in to the sadness I felt inside, and began to sob quietly to myself.




Fabian sat quietly on the lounge chair in Sirene’s bedroom and contemplated all the ways he could make her pay for what she’d done to him. Death would have been the most effective at removing the very real problem that she was. Last night she’d made him so angry. He would have enjoyed watching her die as he squeezed the life right out of her. He wanted her to pay for the pain, humiliation and torment she’d subjected him to but now, since he’d had time to sleep on it, he wasn’t so sure he could take her life. Damn her, she made him weak. Despite everything, she’d affected him enough that sitting here in her room now, in a perfect position to take her life, and he couldn’t fucking well do it.

Of course he could get someone else to do it for him that was the most obvious thing to do. She would be gone, problem erased, so why did thoughts of her gone forever make his stomach tighten? Even when the images of what he endured last night flashed through his head, he still couldn’t get up and go choke the life right out of her. She was a lying bitch, and the greatest bane of his life, a bloody witch. So why was he sitting here procrastinating like a fucking pussy?

“You are so fucked up.” He thought to himself. How could he have let a damn woman get to him like this? He’d remained immune to them for 500 fucking years and now this tiny scrap of a woman generated the first real interest he’d felt in centuries, and she had to be a fucking witch. He wasn’t joking when he’d said that never ended well.

He was pulled from his tormented thoughts by what sounded like a muffled sob from the bed, and he listened for a moment. The sound came again and he realised it was. Sirene was crying and every single thought that had crossed his mind to torture her, harm or kill her, was instantly wiped from his mind.

He stood and quietly moved towards the bed, his footsteps silent on the plush carpet. Once he was by her side, standing there in the darkness, he had no idea what to do next. He didn’t know what to make of the feelings coursing through his body, but for all she’d done to him and no matter how angry she’d made him, he suddenly found himself overcome with a need to protect and comfort her. What the fuck was going on with him? This damned woman was making him soft.




I don’t know what it was that made me suddenly realise I wasn’t alone. Just a feeling I guess and I tensed up, straining to see into the darkness, but I was only a witch, I didn’t have the ability to see at night.

I reached across to turn on the bedside light and when I flicked the switch, there he was; it was Fabian.

I stared up at him, so shocked at first to see him, I didn’t even think of casting a quick spell to protect myself; I just looked at his beautiful features that were shimmering and blurring from my tears. My lips trembled, not so much with fear, but from my crying, which I couldn’t seem to get under control, even with him standing over me, probably contemplating all the ways he was going to kill me.

He dropped to his haunches by my side, reaching out to cup my cheek in his large hand sweeping his thumb along under my eye, wiping away my tears. He switched hands, repeating the action, wiping away my tears from under my other eye, but when  he grazed over my sore cheek from where he’d hit me last night, I flinched.

Fabian turned my face to the light and his eyes closed briefly at what he must have seen. I already knew, since I’d seen my cheek earlier before I’d gone back to bed, and there was some swelling and redness to it.

“What are you doing here Fabian? Have you come to kill me?” I asked nervously.

“If you had asked me that last night my petite one, I would have said yes. You have no idea how much I wanted to come and make you pay for what you had done to me. You are lucky that I chose to sleep on it rather than act on my first instincts.” He said.

“So you’re not here to kill me?” I raised hopeful eyes to him.

“You know I was still undecided when I came here tonight. I am angry with you Sirene. You hurt me and humiliated me and I’m a proud man. I do not appreciate you using me as a source of entertainment for yourself.“

Suddenly we both heard a high pitched scream followed by a deep groan and I sat up in bed, my heart thumping. “What the hell was that? Oh my god. You didn’t come alone did you? What are they doing to poor Chloe? They sound like they’re killing her.”

“Trust me, they are not killing her.” Fabian told me. “Wait, listen.”

After a few minutes we heard Chloe scream out again. “God yes, please do it again, fuck me harder.”

“I thought people couldn’t talk when they were being mind controlled? Are they fucking her with no mind control?” I asked, trying to tune out the screams, gasps and grunts coming from downstairs.

“No, I can assure you Chloe is under mind control, but there are various levels of it. We can put them deeply under so they are like robots, only doing what we ask of them, but then there is the mind control your friend is under. She’s not deeply controlled. She is aware she’s having sex, she can vocalise her feelings as you just heard. She can respond to what Damien and Lucian asks of her, but trust me, by morning, she will have no memory of any of this.”

I frowned at him. “How can you think it’s fair to treat women the way you all do? You are using them, belittling them and just because they won’t remember afterwards doesn’t make it ok.”

“We are vampire Sirene. We do what we have to do to survive, and survival means blood and sex. We don’t have time to date women, or try to convince them to let us go ‘all the way’ as you might say. It may seem harsh to you but it’s not hurting the women, not really. We take their blood, we take their bodies, but we give them our blood to heal them of any injuries they may sustain and we remove their memories of what happened. I fail to see where the harm is in that my beauty.” He grinned briefly. “Does Chloe sound like she is not enjoying what my sons are doing to to her? Trust me, most women enjoy the sex, they just don’t remember it the next day.”

I snorted. “I think we are just going to have to agree to disagree on that one Fabian. I bet it pisses you off that you can’t wipe my memories doesn’t it?”

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