Read Passion Light Online

Authors: Danielle Elise Girard

Passion Light (15 page)

BOOK: Passion Light
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“We need to plan a strategy.” Evan said. “It’s time. It’s why I came here…to be here for you as my mate.”


It was nice to feel that she was important to someone; that she mattered for more than her organizational skills. It seemed impossibly romantic. “Romance was something I had given up on completely.” she said. “You make me feel romantic and you attract me, too.”


“It is much more important in our society to have this type of connection to your spouse,” he said. “It’s not so much a romance as it is a necessary part of our lives. If we miss it we never achieve our full potential. With you, both of us as a couple can be the best of what our society can achieve. Will you come with me and see what we can do together?”


“Maybe I will,” Isabelle said, “but maybe not just yet. I’ve hoped I could change things here and benefit everyone. I’m inclined to trust you as much as anyone I know but trust comes hard after everything that has happened.”


She watched him grunt and nod again. Then he said, “OK, we’ll do something else while you decide whether you want to trust me.”


He reached for her and drew her over his aroused body and began to kiss her and make love to her.


It was great way to pass the time. Water splashed out onto the stone floor as she slid on top of his legs and wrapped her own around him. His organ was hard and available for her to touch and he took the opportunity to touch her, too. She had never had the chance to explore such an impressive man. His private parts actually fascinated her. She wanted to explore them very thoroughly so she did. He liked it, too.


They made a remarkable amount of noise and splashed water everywhere. Their fingers explored finally settling on their quest for sexual satisfaction, but the sex seemed different from what she generally saw looking through the peephole in the rooms of the castle. It seemed cleaner and wholesome and natural, not demeaning and sad. Best of all they were learning about their bodies and how they were made and satisfied.


They came together his long organ sliding easily into her eager passage. It felt incredibly good. He was both strong and gentle. He took a long time to make sure she was fully ready and well loved before he pushed her into the pleasure they were both seeking. She felt no discomfort only happiness and fulfillment.


Her orgasm flashed over her and he seemed to glow everywhere he touched her. He followed her into ecstasy.


“What are we doing?” she asked him breathlessly.


“Learning…practicing…getting to know what we both like,” he whispered against her neck. He smiled with pleasure, something she had never seen him do, his white teeth gleaming momentarily and his face took on a kind of severe handsomeness that she had never before noticed. He was indeed a very attractive man. Then he licked her and kissed her and touched her more as she did him.


He slid a couple of long fingers into her passage and then settled his thumb into just the right spot to give her satisfaction. He worked his fingers in her while never letting his thumb leave her hot spot. His two fingers were as big as most men’s cocks even large ones and Isabelle loved clamping down on them while his thumb did its magic. She came in minutes but wanted more, particularly more of his rock hard cock. She took his hard organ in her mouth as deep as she could sliding her mouth over it over and over again while her hand slid up and down the lower portion of his shaft as she could never take it all in her mouth. The movement of her mouth and hand on his cock gave Evan incredible pleasure. He was enjoying every minute of it and realized he wouldn’t last much longer as he felt the buildup to an orgasm. Isabelle knew it too, as his balls got tighter and tighter until he exploded down her throat and into her mouth. As she slid her mouth off of his now semi-hard cock a bit of cum leaked out of her mouth, which she wiped off with a finger and licked it off as if to savor every bit of his love juice. He smiled with great pleasure.


Evan was so turned on by Isabelle’s eagerness to pleasure him that he picked her up like she weighed nothing and sat her down on his face and wanting tongue. Isabelle leaned forward both of them adjusting to the perfect position. His tongue plunged into her and began to dart in and out of her while his hands found her breasts dangling to be pleasured. This was a whole new sensation for her. She had never had a tongue fucking before, and she loved it. This man was a sex machine but not in a rough way. He pulsed his tongue in and out of her with an occasional lick around her clit as a lovely surprise. She felt her juices flowing over his face as she came for what seemed like many minutes. She wanted him to stop and begged him but he moved his hands to cup her butt while moving his tongue to the her nub, rolling it around and around and across her special spot. Isabelle began to feel another orgasm coming. She began to shake as she exploded again, this time even more intensely. It was as if they were learning to have stronger and stronger orgasms each time they had sex.


It was hot and thrilling and ultimately satisfying and unlike anything she had ever experienced.


After they had come so many times Isabelle lost count, she was too sleepy to stay in the tub any more. Evan lifted her out and dried them both and tucked her into bed. Wrapping her in his arms he followed her into sleep.

Chapter 15


A disturbance woke them late in the afternoon. When Isabelle woke Evan was already up and dressing. “Something is wrong,” he told her.


“I want to sleep,” she said. “Why doesn’t anyone around here let me sleep?” she complained. “We are newlyweds. We ought to be left alone more.”


Evan answered her with a grunt and a nod. “Get up and get dressed,” he said. “I hear guards coming. They will be here shortly.”


“I need to wash,” Isabelle grumped, but she got out of bed and grabbed her clothing.


“No time,” Evan told her. “I’ll try to get more courtesy for you later, but now we have other worries.”


A hard fist banged on the door and Evan held it closed, giving her just long enough to pull on her clothing, socks and boots. The tunic hid her well-pleasured body from view but she felt far from fresh.


The guards at the door said, “Your uncle needs you immediately. Something is wrong with Angela and the baby.”


Isabelle and Evan ran to the stairway to the next floor and the rooms Uncle occupied. 


Uncle was standing next to the bed that held Angela looking appalled and grim. He spoke softly to her in disjointed sentences.


“You must hold on, Angela. Isabelle is here. She can help you.” His voice was low and infused with the hint that he did not believe what he was saying.


The bed was covered in blood, rivulets running onto the floor. Angela’s eyes were opened but blank.


Isabelle ran to her and placed a hand where the pulse in her neck should have been, but there was nothing.


“What happened?” she asked her uncle.


“We were having sex,” he said. “Just a little rough.”


“I told her this afternoon not to have sex,” Isabelle said. “She complained of not feeling well and some bleeding. Did she or the guard not tell you?”


“She said she did not think you knew what you were talking about and that she did not want to stop having sex. When I let all my weight down on her she screamed and then the blood just gushed out of her. You have to do something. What about the baby?”


“Uncle, she’s dead. She bled out. I have no way to help her.”


“Can’t you take the baby?” he asked.


Isabelle placed her hands on Angela’s now flatter belly. “I can’t feel a baby, plus Angela was not far enough along. The baby would have been too premature,” she told him. “I actually believe Angela was not pregnant. I think she had either an infection or a tumor and it burst. She would have looked pregnant but it was swelling from illness, not a baby. It could have been a miscarriage, but I don’t see anything that looks like a fetus, either.”


Her uncle stood and looked at the gory bed, trembling with shock or anger or something. “This is your fault,” he said.


“I had nothing to do with it,” Isabelle said. “She was already dead by the time I got here.”


“Other pregnant women get tender loving care from you, but not Angela. You ignored her.”


“I didn’t ignore her. She ignored me, and worse still, my advice,” Isabelle said. “If she had paid attention or sought my help sooner she might still be alive.”


“Your job, the only job you have, is to serve me! You do what I tell you to do,” Uncle yelled. “I say what goes on here, not you,” and he swung a hand, intending to slap Isabelle. Evan moved quickly behind her. He reached out with a long, muscular arm and caught Uncle’s hand before it connected. He set her aside and pushed Uncle down onto the bloody bed. “She’s my wife now,” he said. “You don’t touch her…ever…or I will kill you.”


Uncle turned to the crowd watching in the doorway and yelled for his new guard captain, Olaf. “Lock both of them in her room again.”


She looked back at Evan and shook her head at him, trying to keep him quiet until they were alone, not that he seemed inclined to disagree. He seemed to need no explanations. It was very convenient in such a fraught moment to be able to communicate without talking.


They were marched back to her room and shoved roughly past the door, which was locked immediately.

Chapter 16


“Things just got a lot worse,” she said to Evan. “I knew she was dying.”


Evan grunted and nodded…again.


She was getting tired of it. “What do you mean when you do that?” she asked.


“When I do what?” he asked, sounding annoyed.


She was both annoyed and frightened and lost her patience entirely. She turned and literally stomped toward him. “You grunt and nod. What does it mean?”


“It means either I agree with you or something is just as I expected,” he said. “Plus, you’re right. Things just got a lot worse. We need to take action and put your uncle out of his job. He is a poor leader.”


“You are right,” Isabelle agreed. “Uncle can be unpredictable…and vindictive. What do you want to do?” The glow his lovemaking had brought to her skin and eyes had faded and she looked tense and anxious again. Evan resented the setback and wanted more than anything to fix things for her and for their relationship.


“We need to bring my people into the castle without your uncle knowing,” Evan said. “It shouldn’t be difficult. They could appear in the great hall or anywhere else if we wish it so. The tunnels don’t really matter except that we could confront your uncle’s men in many locations rather than one or two if we plan our strategy well.”


“Yes, we can…at least at night. Your people’s absence would be noticed in daylight, but perhaps not right away. We can get them in under cover of darkness without anyone knowing, except for people who will help us. Uncle and most of his men don’t necessarily notice what’s going on outside. They have other interests and very little discipline and lots of distractions.”


BOOK: Passion Light
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