Passionate Ink (5 page)

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Authors: Jan Springer

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Passionate Ink
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No, she would just have to take a wait-and-see approach.

After shampooing her hair and rinsing her soap, she turned off the faucets, slid open her glass shower door and stepped into her bathroom. Just then, she noticed a folded piece of paper lying on the floor.

Picking it up, she unfolded it and found a credit card inside. The paper was a receipt made out to Calder for a boat slip rental. The credit card was in his name.

Oh dear.
It must have slipped out of his pants when he’d hung them up. He might need the card tomorrow. The poor guy was probably frantically looking for it.

The receipt was dated yesterday and the marina where he supposedly was renting a slip was only about a half an hour walk up the beach.

Huh. She should phone him, let him know she had his card.

Wrapping a towel around her body, she treaded barefoot to the main foyer of her RV. Sitting at her bench seat, she quickly went through her files on her laptop and found the phone number he’d given her. Her heart picked up speed and she dialed his number. She wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed the call went straight to voice mail. She shivered at the intoxicating sound of his deep voice. Strong and confident. Listening to him soothed her rattled nerves and, at the beep, she left a message and hung up.

Placing the card and receipt in a nearby cupboard, she strolled back into her tattoo room, checked on the sterilization equipment and made sure everything else was okay. She stared at the footrests where Calder had placed his feet earlier today.

It was while she’d been tattooing him the first blackout had occurred. Actually, she’d fantasized about him while tattooing. Yet the tattoo hadn’t suffered due to her fantasizing, and when she’d come out of whatever spell she’d been in, he hadn’t seemed to notice. So what did she have, a split personality?

Yeah right.
Suddenly she could breathe under water like the ocean creatures? As if maybe her tentacle fetish had manifested into something…fantastical? Gosh! Was that even a word? A fantasy world to escape reality? Too much stress? Or had she pricked her finger and gotten some ink into her veins and hallucinated. She’d seen a movie about that once.

The shrill ring of her cell phone, echoing from the bathroom, made her scream as a jolt of surprise shot through her. She quickly padded down the hallway to get it.

Gosh! Was she ever jumpy. She needed to chill because she normally wasn’t the nervous type. But who could blame her? Especially after today’s strange events.

She noticed Misty’s number on her caller display and answered, knowing her friend was checking up on her, but it warmed her heart to know Misty really cared.

“Hey, how’s the date going?” Cat asked quickly, hoping to deflect Misty’s worry.

“Quit trying to change the subject. How are you?”


“I told you before you left that I was fine.”

“I just want to make sure. You know me. Do you have a headache or dizziness or anything like that? Chuck wants to know.”

Cat grinned. Yeah, Misty’s worrying irritated her sometimes, but not right now.

“Chuck. The fireman boyfriend who is going to make you so hot tonight?” Cat teased.

Misty didn’t take the bait, but plunged ahead with her concern. “He knows some first aid and I told him what happened to you in the ocean. He says you could have had some oxygen deprivation.”

Oxygen deprivation. Lack of air. Hallucinations? It made sense.

“No, none of that.” Thankfully it was the truth.

“No, she doesn’t.” Misty said to her hunk. She came back on the line. “That’s a good sign, he says.”

Oh thank God, Misty’s date was on her side. “I told you, you didn’t have to worry. Now go have fun.”

“What are you doing now?”

“Come on, already, miss worrywart.”

“Cat, indulge me.”

“Just had a shower, checked my equipment and now I’m heading off to bed.”

“Good. Good. Sleep will be good for you.”

“Go, will you? Have fun.”

“All right. Stay safe. Kiss. Kiss.” And then she disconnected.

“Thank you,” Catalina breathed and slapped her cell onto the bathroom counter, clutched her towel to her breasts and padded into her bedroom.

Her room was her sanctuary and with her RV slide-out, she gained an extra three feet of walking space. The room was decorated in brown hues and she had a small, flat-screen TV up on the wall beside one of her two windows. Normally she would roll into bed and watch the news or a movie, but tonight she was too tired to do any of that.

Flipping on the bedside light, she dropped her towel with the full intention of slipping beneath the covers, but froze as she glanced at herself in the full-length mirror on her closet door.

“What in the world?”

She moved closer to the mirror and gazed at the body art on her back. The octopus design and its tentacles stretching sexily up her spine looked the same, yet…they looked different too. The coloring seemed more vibrant than she remembered. And she swore the tentacles appeared…larger? More swollen? Longer than she remembered them and so unbelievably lifelike. If she stared hard enough, she could swear they even moved ever so slightly.

Catalina swallowed back the round of anxiety threatening to pummel her. Why would her tattoos move? And why was her skin so pink and flushed? Yeah, she’d had a shower and it had been hot, but her skin appeared to be softer, as if it were new.

Okay, Cat.
Too much sun today and she was just tired.
Yeah, that’s it. Tired.
Maybe she’d gotten too much sun out on the beach
lack of oxygen when she’d gone under the water. Perfectly good explanations.

Relief whispered through her. Yeah, maybe she’d had too much sun yesterday too. Too much driving the day before in her hurry to get to California. She’d pushed herself hard getting to her reserved RV campsite. Then yesterday and this afternoon she and Misty had caught up with each other’s lives since seeing each other. Of course, that’s why she’d been zoning out. Those had to be the reasons.

She blew out a tense breath and opened the nearest window wider to allow more of a breeze to enter the warm room. The gently lapping waves as they hugged the beach about twenty feet away soothed her. From this angle, she got the perfect view of the ocean and the huge, white, full moon sitting on the horizon. Her heart picked up speed as she saw that same houseboat anchored about a mile out. The one she’d seen earlier, right after…

Heat seared through her as she remembered the tender strokes of tentacles touching her flesh then grabbing her nipples. The intoxicating way a tentacle had slipped into her vagina, another plunging into and filling her ass to perfection. Her mouth being impaled.

She blew out an erratic breath. Had someone from that boat attacked her? Maybe someone wearing a tentacle suit or something?

Okay, now that was a crazy idea. She just needed to go to sleep and forget. But as she climbed beneath her sheets, she couldn’t forget the delightful green eyes of Calder, or how being around him this morning had made her fantasize about him. And then thinking he’d been a tentacle guy or whatever the hell he had been. Nor could she forget that awesome orgasm she’d experienced while being triple penetrated.

No, she certainly couldn’t forget. She didn’t even want to.

Chapter Four


Surprise washed over Catalina as she stared at the houseboat anchored in slip thirteen. This was Calder’s boat? She looked at the receipt she’d found with Calder’s credit card. Yes, slip thirteen. Gazing back at the houseboat she frowned as unease crept through her. It looked exactly like the one she’d seen anchored offshore last night. Actually, it was identical.

“Hello! Calder! Are you home?” she called out as she stood on the dock. A small gangplank led to a one-foot-high chrome railing with steps onto the boat deck. If he had the gangplank out then maybe he’d either left or was waiting for his girlfriend to arrive? Or perhaps his girlfriend had spent the night and left?

Knowing she shouldn’t be reacting to those questions, she couldn’t stop the uncomfortable frisson of jealousy zipping inside her. Should she board?

She gazed around at the neighboring, colorful boats. All of them were smaller than his. There were sailboats, yachts and large fishing boats, but no one appeared for her to ask whether he was home or not.

Well, she was already here so she may as well take a look around. Maybe he’d come back? Walking up the gangplank, she stepped over the railing and descended onto the polished, wooden deck.

“Hello, Calder? Are you free?”

No answer.

Huh? Now what?

Most of the cabin was comprised of windows, but they were frosted white so she couldn’t see inside. Maybe he was sleeping? Perhaps he was toast after a night of hot sex with that girlfriend he loved so much he’d commissioned Catalina to tattoo tentacles on him and his cock.

Oh Cat, quit thinking this way
. Despite not wanting to react, a bubble of irritation made her catch her breath. She was being silly over all this. Too emotional over a man she’d met less than twenty-four hours ago. For her, this sappy kind of attitude was totally out of character. Usually she enjoyed being alone with her own company. But since meeting Calder, she felt different. Nervous. Needy for him. Needy for a man who was already taken.

Oh God! Cat! Stop all this whining. Knock on the door and, if he’s home, hand him the credit card or at least slip it beneath the door.

She better just knock first. At the door, she noticed a cute, brass, heart-shaped knocker. The metal was cool to the touch as she lifted it and brought it down several times. The clack was loud enough she swore everyone in the marina would hear and come looking. Thankfully no one did. And neither did Calder.

Tension embraced her as she waited anxiously for a reply. Nothing.

Okay, on to plan B. Slip the card beneath the door. But first, she had to make sure the door was locked. It wouldn’t do for her to slip the card beneath the door if it was unlocked and someone other than Calder came along, found it and used it. Not good.

Okay, so…

Twisting the handle, she was surprised to find it unlocked. She opened the door and inhaled the coffee-scented, cool air breezing against her face. Peeking inside the semi-bright interior, she instantly liked the modern décor of the combination living room kitchenette. The walls were white, frosted glass. A flat-screen TV was mounted on a beam. The floors were a warm-brown, wood-planked vinyl. Two comfortable-looking, dark-brown sofas sat opposite each other with a cushioned coffee table between them. The kitchenette consisted of four black metal chairs bolted into the floor, situated two on each side of an icy-white, faux-granite countertop and stainless steel sink. He had an electric cook stove on top of the counter and cabinets for storage beneath the sink. Steam rose from a full, glass carafe inside the coffeemaker. Hence, the coffee smell.

From somewhere to the stern of the boat came the distant splash of someone showering. Calder? Excitement raced through her.

He was in the shower. That’s why he hadn’t answered. He hadn’t heard her knock.

Okay, so she would just leave the card and a note. She needed a pen. But she could find no pen. Or paper. Come to think of it, it appeared as if he didn’t use this place much. It was way too clean and orderly.

She could take a quick look around, perhaps down the hallway? But she really shouldn’t go there. She’d never been in a luxury houseboat before and the shower was still running. He wouldn’t even have to know she was snooping around. Perhaps one little peek around? Surely it wouldn’t hurt?

She entered the hallway and immediately found the bathroom.
Sweet mercy!
The door to the bathroom was wide open. She stood right there as the water turned off and the misted shower door slid open.

He stepped out of the shower.

Something…a tremble of wicked lust, a shimmer of intense need, whatever it was had her frozen to the spot as her gaze caressed every, solid muscle rippling across his wide chest.

The man was built just as great on top as below his waist. Tanned muscles bulged in his upper arms as he grabbed the dark-brown body towel from the bar just outside the shower door. He hadn’t seen her yet. She could probably make her escape without being noticed, but then she caught sight of his semi-erect cock. Big. Juicy. Long. Oh, a very long cock.

Had she actually tattooed him? Had he really been this big when she’d done him?

Another sweet shiver of awareness coursed through her as she imagined him making love to her. Her cheeks flamed as he froze, his gaze snapping to her face.



“I’m so sorry. I mean… I knocked. I really am so sorry.”
He really should wrap that towel around his waist.
He didn’t.
Oh, yummy man.
She should look away at least. She just couldn’t.

“Don’t be sorry.” His voice melted wonderfully over her senses. “I’m actually glad you came…by. I wanted to talk to you about something important.”

The last word was spoken in a deeper tone and he grabbed her full attention. Not that he didn’t already have it. Just now her brain suddenly seemed to be kicking in and overriding her body urges to mate with him.

She blinked in surprise.
Okay, sex. Yeah, she meant sex.

“Oh, you’re probably worried about your credit card.”

He frowned. Obviously he didn’t know what she was talking about.

“I found it in my bathroom,” she explained. “You dropped it. I phoned and left a message. I guess you haven’t checked them…”

“I just came back from my jog.” He wrapped the towel around his narrow waist, hiding his scrumptious cock from her view. Frustration suddenly rocked her. Oh man, she wanted to see it again.

The disappointment disintegrated as he came closer. She could smell him. Clean, fresh, sex-on-a-stick man. She tried to remember the last time she’d had sex, but she came up blank.
That long, huh?

His hair was wet, dark and drippy. Droplets of water sluiced along his neck and the curves of his big, broad shoulders.

Have mercy!
She’d never been so aware of how beads of water looked really erotic rolling down a man’s flesh.

“So, that’s the only reason you came over? To return my card?” he prodded.

Mischief twinkled in his stormy eyes and she found herself kind of relaxing. Okay, not really relaxing. Just not so nervous.

“Well, I guess I missed your ugly mug,” she teased.

“Ugly, eh?”

Her tummy fluttered as he grinned.

“Very,” she giggled.

Suddenly his grin exploded into a full-fledged, deep-from-the-chest laugh and she realized all too late his intention as he ripped the towel off his waist and snapped one end of it at her.

She turned away from him and the towel bit painfully against her ass. Before he could snap it again, she was racing down the hallway into his bedroom. Laughing, she ran to the other side of his bed, bringing it between the two of them.

His cock bobbed as he snapped the towel across the bed at her.

“Missed!” She giggled. Gosh, how quickly she’d become so happy. So at ease. So riveted to his tentacle-tattooed cock.

He must have seen her interest, because the happiness faded from his face and serious intent shifted into his eyes.

“I won’t miss next time, Cat,” he said softly.

Her heart pounded with excitement as he strolled around the bed, his lethal towel in his hand, poised to strike her again. It seemed as if he expected her to be an easy victim to his whipping, in the confident way he walked toward her, but she bolted. She jumped onto the firm mattress and before she could scramble to the other side and race for freedom, a hot, very strong arm wrapped around her waist. He pulled her back toward him and she lost her balance. She went sailing through the air, only to drop onto the bed, right on her back.

He didn’t waste any time. He braced his big body over hers, his bare chest mere inches from her breasts, his arms straddling her shoulders as his legs effectively pinned hers down. He lowered his head until he was only inches away.

“Do you take back what you said about my mug being ugly?” he asked.

His minty-fresh breath caressed her nostrils and the sweet tips of his lips were curling upward ever so slightly. Obviously his teasing mood had returned.

She swallowed, realizing what a naughty position they were in.

“Make me take it back,” she whispered.

His eyes twinkled with wicked intent. “What’s the
reason you came over, Cat?”

He didn’t wait for an answer and she held her breath as his head lowered. He was about to kiss her.

“No, don’t,” she commanded as realization caved in all her arousal. The man had a girlfriend!

The two words seemed to hit him like a bucket of cold water. He tensed, his eyes opening wide in surprise and with questions.

“Your girlfriend wouldn’t like it.”

He blinked in confusion. “Girlfriend? What girlfriend?”

Oh my God! What kind of a man was he? He’d forgotten her already?

Anger roared through her and she grabbed his upper arms, ignoring the erotic way his muscles rippled beneath her fingertips. Oh, his poor girlfriend.

“Let me up!” she demanded as more anger rushed through her when he didn’t budge.

He just frowned and breathed hard as he stared down at her. He didn’t like not getting his own way.

“I don’t have a girlfriend.”

“Yeah, right. How quickly he forgets his girlfriend.”

To her irritation, his smile returned. “Are you jealous?”

“You’re a creep.” She shouldn’t anger him, especially in this vulnerable position, lying beneath him and totally at his mercy. But she couldn’t help it. She was so pissed off at the moment she literally saw red.

He laughed as if he had just been told a hilarious joke. She should slap him. She really should. As if he was guessing her thoughts, he shook his head.

“Don’t you dare, my little tentacle-fetish vixen.”

“Screw you.”

“Actually, I’d like to screw you, but since I have a girlfriend—”

“I thought you just said—”

“I really don’t have one.”

“Yesterday, you said—”

“I lied.”

He is lying. Don’t believe him. He has a girlfriend and he wants to fuck you and that’s why he is saying different.
But, call her stupid, her instincts told her to believe him.

“Why lie?”

Sadness flashed in his eyes. “It’s complicated. I should have told you the truth the moment I knew who you were.”

What the hell was he talking about?

But the sadness quickly turned to unmistakable desire. “But since I didn’t, you’ve caught me in a lie, literally, with my pants down.”

“Off,” she corrected. And suddenly the luscious, hot imprint of his quickly growing shaft pressed against her inner thigh. “Why lie to me about that?”

“I saw you in your RV and I wanted to meet you. I visited your site and realized by your drawings and the pics of tats on your site gallery that you have a tentacle fetish. So I came up with the story of getting my cock tattooed to meet you.”

“You’re crazy.” Gosh, how insane to go to such lengths just to meet her. “You could have asked me to go out for coffee. That’s how most people get to know each other.”

“Would you have?”

Cat shrugged. Probably not. She was a loner and preferred to stay that way. Or at least she had until now.

“So, there you have it. And now I’m going to kiss you,” he warned. And she instantly recognized the arousal flowing in his eyes.

Before she could mount a protest and ask more questions, his moist, warm lips melted firmly over her mouth and she was lost in a swirl of exquisite sensations.

“He’s mine
,” an inner voice whispered somewhere deep within her. “
All mine

He kissed her hard, wrenching flames of sensuality from her core, drawing them out of her and wrapping them around her like an erotic shield.

He sure knew how to kiss.

She opened her mouth to him and his tongue shot inside and dueled with hers. The intense impact of him slipping inside of her was indescribable. She wanted more. Needed more.

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