Past Midnight (25 page)

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Authors: Jasmine Haynes

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Past Midnight
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He was slower than she was, mainly because he had on more clothes, but the sight of his hard cock made her tingle. God, he was magnificent as he climbed down into the water, settling beside her.
“This is perfect,” she sighed, giving him his kudos.
He laced his fingers with hers, leaning his head back against the pool’s edge. “More than perfect.”
They luxuriated in companionable silence broken only by the splash and bubble of the water and the hum of the jets. She was starting to believe maybe this was all he’d planned.
Then the outer gate clanged. Dominic squeezed her fingers, and her breath caught for a moment. She felt his gaze caress her, waiting, watching, wanting. Then she saw a man silhouetted in the pool lights. A sudden thrill rushed through her. She was hot and wet and it had nothing to do with the water. It was pure sex.
Shane. Dominic had brought her Shane.
“LAURA. NICK. FANCY MEETING YOU TWO HERE.” SHANE GRINNED through his neatly trimmed goatee and mustache. He’d remembered their phony names.
He wore baggy swim trunks and carried a canvas bag, which he set on one of the chairs before he whipped his T-shirt over his head. Erin caught her breath at the muscular chest covered with a dusting of graying hair.
Beneath the water, Dominic squeezed her thigh. “What a surprise,” he said to the other man.
She knew it wasn’t any surprise at all, but somehow it was easier that they pretended for her. It gave her a chance to do nothing. Or anything.
“Mind if I join you in the water?” Shane bent to test the heat level.
“Of course we don’t,” Erin said. She wanted to ask why he wasn’t with family or doing something for the holidays. But she didn’t want to think about the holidays. Not tonight.
He grabbed the bag off the chair once more. “I just happened to bring some wine with me. Would you care for a glass?” He pulled out a bottle of the ice wine she’d ordered at the bar.
“I’d love one.” It delighted her that he remembered.
The bottle was already uncorked, and he pulled three plastic wineglasses from the bag. “Let me be your bartender for the night,” he said with a wink.
She blushed, then glanced at Dominic. His gaze traced her features. He wanted her to enjoy, and she was damn well going to do that. She took the glass Shane offered, saluted him. “Thank you.” And she drank.
“It’s my pleasure.” He handed a glass to Dominic, poured one for himself, and she noticed that neither was filled to capacity as hers was.
“Hey, you’re giving me more.”
“I don’t want you to run out,” he said, slipping into the water without removing his trunks.
He wanted to get her drunk, she was sure. But they were making it all so easy on her. She didn’t have to undress in front of him. He didn’t undress in front of her. She wondered if Dominic had choreographed every detail of it.
“To the loveliest lady here.” Shane saluted.
She laughed. “I’m the only one.”
“Of which we’re both very glad,” Dominic said.
The water bubbled just above her breasts. Dominic traced circles on her thigh, moving ever closer to her pussy.
Shane laid his arms out along the tub’s edge, swinging the glass in his fingers over the water. “May I be bold and tell you that I’ve had wet dreams about your story?”
“Which story?” She’d been a little dazed that night. She remembered telling him that she wanted a threesome with her husband.
“The one about the man your husband invited back to your hotel room.”
Winter. The made-up story about the man at the party and what she would have done if she’d really let Dominic invite him over that night.
“Oh yeah. I remember that one,” Dominic said, punctuating beneath the water with a slide of his pinkie into her cleft. Then he was gone.
Shane smirked at him. “I’ll just bet you do.” He shot a pointed finger at Dominic. “Because I’m well aware you two are married, and you were just fooling with me that night.”
“We weren’t fooling,” Dominic said, his tone suddenly serious. “We were testing.”
Shane tipped his head, eyed first Dominic, then returned to Erin. “I would have given anything to be the man in that story.” He set his plastic glass on the edge of the pool, then hunkered down in the water and drifted toward the center, closer to her, the jet’s bubbles flirting with the tip of his goatee.
She felt utterly taken over, by Shane’s gaze on her and Dominic’s light touches over her body. She felt him next to her, hot, hard, wanting her to say yes to whatever Shane suggested. She’d forgotten her wine in her hand, and now she drank from the glass to wet her parched throat.
“Tell her what you want to see,” Dominic urged, voice low, intense. “Tell her what it will do to you.”
And Shane did, desire written clearly on his features as he held her with the deep brown of his eyes. “I want you to get out of the water and sit on the edge of the hot tub so I can see that beautiful pussy of yours.”
Dominic caressed her breasts, her pebbled nipples. She waited, one breath, two, three, then she felt herself rising from the water by the sheer force of their desire.
“Jesus, that’s such a pretty pussy,” Shane uttered with awe. He didn’t touch, he merely looked, and yet it made her breath catch in her throat and robbed her of all self-consciousness.
“She’s beautiful,” Dominic affirmed.
She turned slightly to catch his gaze, and she saw her beauty reflected in his eyes. Not her image, but the way he saw her. At least for tonight.
“Her breasts are perfect, pert, firm, her nipples suckable.”
She let herself get lost in Dominic’s words.
Until there was Shane again. “Touch them for us.” The water lapped and frothed against her thighs as he moved closer.
Her butt braced on the edge of the tub, she plumped her breasts in her hands. “You want the show, do you?”
Shane’s eyes gleamed. “Oh yeah, we want the show, sweetheart.”
She was going to give it to them. She needed to. She’d wanted it that night at the party. She’d wanted it when Dominic slid Winter’s card onto the bathroom vanity. Only her fear had stopped her. All along, she’d been telling herself the naughty stuff was for Dominic, what Dominic wanted to see. She saw the lie. It wasn’t for him. Saying it was for
desire was an excuse.
wanted. It was for
She didn’t care about the fear anymore. She could be wanton. She could be anything. Dominic was there to protect her, there to allow only what she wanted. And she wanted the pleasure. She wanted the adulation, in Shane’s eyes, in the eyes of her husband of fifteen years.
She pinched both nipples at once, hard. “Oh.” Then she moaned, closed her eyes as sensation erupted in her breasts, her belly, between her legs, down to her toes. It was being watched and wanted as much as it was the physical.
“She’s so wet,” Shane whispered.
She laughed, feeling power at the note of reference. “Of course I’m wet. I’m in water.”
He raised a hand. Next to her, Dominic tensed, but Shane came only to within five inches of her pussy. “I can see how creamy you are. How plump your pretty cunt is.”
The word didn’t bother her at all. There was reverence even in that.
Dominic’s arm settled on her shoulders; he’d risen from the water beside her. “Touch yourself.” His breath bathed her ear. “Spread your legs and let us watch you touch yourself.”
She knew what she wanted, how the game needed to be played. She jutted her chin. “Get down there with him. I want you to see exactly what he sees.” He also couldn’t touch any more than Shane could.
Dominic went down into the swirling water, gazed up, wafting his hands back and forth to keep his body in place. “Do it,” he begged.
Moving her wineglass out of the way, she raised her leg, set her foot along the tub’s lip. And she opened herself to her rapt audience.
ERIN SLID HER HAND OVER HER BELLY, GLIDING HER INDEX FINGER down to her clit, deeper, to her opening, testing her wetness, then climbing back to her hot button.
Dominic felt his chest about to explode. The water jets buffeted him to and fro, his knees bent almost into a squat, the tips of his toes brushing the bottom. He steadied himself with the constant movement of his hands. Beside him, Shane watched Erin with a greedy yet awestruck gaze.
She played the performance to the hilt, closing her eyes, tipping her head back, stroking her plump clit in abandon.
“I envy you,” Shane murmured. “I’ve never seen a woman more beautiful than she is in this moment.”
It was the first step in a fantasy he’d had for years, a fantasy that had begun to consume him. The bartender was right. In their sexual life together, Erin had never been more beautiful to him than this moment in which she gloried in her body and the effect it had on them. “I know,” was all he said.
Erin moaned and began to rock against her touch, her thigh and butt muscles tightening, releasing, giving her extra friction.
Shane shoved off on the bottom, moved a little closer. “I’d kill for woman with no inhibitions.”
Dominic moved with him. “She has them,” he murmured. “She’s simply done away with them for tonight.” They were close enough to see the sweetness of her cream, the ripe fullness of her pussy, the rosy hue of her skin, and the tight beads of her nipples as she climbed higher.
“Baby, look at us.” He wanted her to see the evidence of what she’d done to them.
Opening her lids, her eyes were a glazed blue like fired ceramic, and a little dazed. Then, understanding what Dominic wanted, Shane rose, water streaming down his torso, his cock tenting his swim trunks.
Her breath puffing, fingers moving inexorably, Erin stared down at the evidence. “Oh, yes,” she whispered.
Then she reached out.
Dominic’s breath stuttered to a stop in his throat. He had planned, he had hoped. He’d gone to Rudolpho’s on his way home from work Wednesday, the day Erin had agreed to the trip. He’d made a proposal. Shane had accepted, citing that he was alone for the weekend. His family lived in the Midwest, and no one was visiting. Dominic had offered him only the fantasy Erin had told him that night in the bar; watching. Anything else was her call.
When she slipped her index finger, nail painted a blood red, into the waistband of Shane’s trunks, Dominic felt dizzy, needy, his cock damn near bursting beneath the water. Jesus Christ. He wanted this fantasy. He was terrified of it. His wife. Another man. He could lose her. He could have everything.
“Take them off,” she ordered in a guttural whisper Dominic had never heard before.
Holding her gaze, Shane shoved the trunks over his hips, his cock jutting high. Erin gasped.
Even Dominic had to admit the man was damned impressive.
Then her gaze slid to Dominic. She smiled. The curve of her lips bore the slightest hint of triumph, satisfaction, power. “Tell him to stroke himself but not to come yet.”
His cock surged with his own sense of power. Maybe she was punishing him. He didn’t care. “You heard the lady, start stroking.”
“Yes, I like that.” Erin’s voice was almost a purr as she put her fingers to her pussy once more. Eyes a mesmerizing blue that reflected the hot tub’s tile, she watched Shane’s hand on his cock.
He pumped. He grew. And Erin stroked herself to his rhythm.
“You’re hot, lady.” Shane’s voice was rough.
“I know,” she said. She believed it. In that moment, Erin understood her power over men, knew her beauty, her strength. It was something Dominic had never imagined he could give her. In ways, this moment had always been about him, about
need to see her pleasure,
With her gaze on the immense sight of a man masturbating because of his need and desire for her body, Erin gave as good as she got. She laid back on the pool’s deck and raised her hips to her own touch, moaning, writhing for them.
“Jesus.” Shane groaned. He didn’t ask to fuck her. It was her choice, her decision.
Dominic waited, needed, willed.
She came without either of them touching her, an explosion that trembled in her thighs, jiggled in her gorgeous breasts, her nipples peaking at the moment of her orgasm’s peak.
Even before she had come down, she pushed herself up on her elbows and looked at him. “Fuck me while he watches, Dominic.”
His heart damn near shot out of his chest. Then he was on her.
GOD, SHE WANTED, NEEDED. HER BODY STILL QUIVERED AND trembled. She had to have it, like a crazed animal.
Dominic didn’t give her a chance to change her mind. He hauled her out of the water, bent her over the edge of the tub, and entered her pussy from behind, sliding hard, fast, and deep.
His cock pulsed, the angle perfect. She moaned and ground back against him. Then she turned to Shane.
He’d moved up onto the seat beside them, bracing himself against the lip of the pool, taking his cock in an unceasing stroke. Up, down, his wrist twisting, the head of his cock dripping with his desire.
“I’d love to stick my cock in your mouth and make you suck me,” he said as if he were talking about the coolness of the night.
Erin licked her lips, closed her eyes a moment as Dominic found that exquisite spot inside, caressing it over and over with each thrust.
“Suck him, baby. You know you want to taste that.” Dominic was inside her, hands on her, voice surrounding her. But it was Shane’s gaze that held her.
“I want him to watch,” she murmured. “I want him to come just from watching.”
There was power in it, total, utter power. She didn’t have to be afraid; this was only something to be enjoyed, nothing beyond what she could handle. And it was incredible. “I like the way you look at me,” she said, her voice low, seductive, a tone she hadn’t known she was capable of.

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