Read Past Will Haunt Online

Authors: Morgan Kelley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #United States, #Native American, #Romance

Past Will Haunt (25 page)

BOOK: Past Will Haunt
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But he was also gentle.

He was careful, and she appreciated that in a man.

As they rolled together, his body was strung tighter than a bow. “You’re wicked,” he muttered, as her hands moved across his flesh. She was now moving to straddle his body.

He could only think one thing.

They were about to…

She slid him home.

His brain went haywire. All Gabe could do was feel. She’d robbed him of his doubt, overanalyzing, and thinking. Instead, she was forcing him to use his emotions, and it floored him.

“Come with me,” she whispered, lowering her mouth to his. As she kissed him, Livy knew he was struggling.

She never loved him more.

Gabe wasn’t difficult by nature. He was created by his past, and she wanted his future to be the exact opposite. From that moment on, she planned on keeping him off balance.

It would be the only way to get to his heart.

“Oh, Livy,” he whispered. “That feels so damn good,” he muttered as her body slid up and down his erection. She was breathing heavily, trying to pull him to the edge. As her body betrayed her, she wasn’t sure that she’d last much longer.

“Gabriel,” she whispered, her voice hitching.

He could feel the vibrations through her body, and his wanted to follow in the worst way. Yet, he couldn’t give this up. Gabe never wanted this to end.

As she came, he rolled, pulling himself from her body. He wouldn’t survive any other way. When she opened her eyes, she was staring up at him.

“We’re not done. Oh, Olivia, we’re far from finished here.” And he was glad. The itch wasn’t even close to being scratched, and he’d bet it never would be.

Not with her.

He needed so much more.

With that, he pushed his way back into her. As she accepted him, he wanted nothing more than to stay like this forever.

Bracing himself over her on his arms, he stared down into her face.

He saw it there.

It wasn’t lust.

It wasn’t about the sex.

Gabe was good at reading people. He swore he saw genuine affection. Dare he call it love?

“Oh, Livy,” he whispered, slowing down the pace. As he pressed her into the mattress, Gabe felt like he was coming home.  Livy’s arms wound around his body, holding him trapped in her embrace.

There was tenderness.

There was sweetness.

It was all the things he’d never found in his life before that moment. Gabe had peace.

As he moved, her mouth moved across his, offering more than just a kiss. It was like she was offering him a lifeline.

She knew him too well, and that scared him. He had to hope that what he was feeling was part of her too. Gabe couldn’t do this and walk away. It was why he held out for so long. That hesitation had been a way to protect his heart.

He’d never love anyone but her.

He knew it then, in that very moment.

As they moved together, Gabe could feel his body ready to betray him. While his mind begged him to hold out, his entire being was ready to shatter apart at the amazing pleasure.

Pulling away from the kiss, he stared into her eyes. “Fall with me,” he whispered. “I need you in my life.”

She didn't hold back. “Yes, Gabriel.”

With that, he buried himself deeper in her body, trying to brand her for the rest of their lives. His torso shook, his strength wavered, and he came. Everything poured into the woman beneath him.

His soul.

His heart.

His seed.

He had battled the storm but had come up victorious. As Gabe shouted her name, Livy did the same. Together they fell into something bigger than them both. This was all about them being one, and it changed everything.

It would never be the same.

From that moment on, neither could go back.

Gabe rolled, bringing her with him. As she tucked against the side of his body, Livy felt something that she’d never felt before. She knew this man mattered. 

She’d wondered what he was thinking about. Gabe was silent, and she’d known, from past experience, that was always a bad thing.

“Are you okay?”


Livy tried to figure out how to navigate this. He was going to run. She was damn sure of it.

“What’s wrong?”

“I think I’m in love, and I don’t know what to do about it. I think I’ve loved you for the past few weeks, and just didn't know that was what I was feeling.”

She sat up and stared at him. “What?”


“I think I may be sick.”

He stared at her. “Well, that can’t be good,” he admitted. Come to think of it, she looked pale.

“Livy,” he began.

She jumped off the bed and raced to her bathroom. When the door slammed, he could hear her tossing her cookies.

Yeah, that wasn’t good at all. He’d just told her what was in his heart, and she’d had an adverse reaction.

Well, shit!

Gabe pulled on his boxers and grabbed his shirt from the floor. As he headed toward the hall, he could hear her violently retching.


She was also crying.

“Honey? Are you okay?”

Gabe reached for the knob but it wouldn’t turn in his hand. It was locked.

Well, he was just going to have to wait. If she thought he was going to leave, she had another thing coming.

Gabe couldn’t believe any of this.

He told a woman he was in love, and she started puking.

What the hell was wrong with his life? Why couldn’t it be black and white?

Why couldn’t it be simple?







* * *
  B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x   * * *





When her phone rang, she was just dropping her bag in her room. She and Chris had landed and had just checked into the hotel. As she flipped open her phone, she saw the ID.

“What’s up, Gabe? Shouldn’t you be wooing the girl, not talking to me?”

“I made her sick.”


“We had sex, and now, she’s puking in her bathroom. What the hell am I supposed to do? You know her better than I do, Elizabeth. Should I leave? Is this her way of telling me to get the hell out?”

Elizabeth couldn’t help herself. She started laughing. She saw this coming, and she was NEVER going to let Livy live this one down.

Oh, she’d warned her partner.

This was exactly what happened when you ate meat at a place coated in grime.

“Elizabeth! Stop laughing! I’m going to puke too! I’m sick over all of this!”

She heard the panic in his voice, and immediately calmed down. “Gabe, chill. It’s not you. We went to
‘The Bog’
to do the interviews, and she ate there. I warned her, but she probably has food poisoning.”

He relaxed. Well, that he could deal with. It wasn’t him, and that made the situation easier to handle.

If she was sick, he’d take care of her.


“Yep. She ate all this really crazy food and blood sausage. She was nervous as hell about tonight, and when she’s freaked out, she eats. You can’t hold this against her.”

“Jesus. She’s insane, and for the record, I’d never do that. She’s locked in her bathroom, and I needed to know it wasn’t me.”

Elizabeth laughed. “Yep, and she’s sick. I’d grab your gear and head out. I’ll check on her tomorrow when I land.”

There was a pause. “I can’t do that.”

“Why not?” she asked, knowing she was testing him. Livy was like her sister, Gabe her brother, and she wanted proof they would work.

“She’s sick. I can’t leave her like this. I’ll tuck her in, make dinner, and stick around.”

She grinned. “You love her, huh?”

“Shut up.”

“The sex was hot, wasn’t it?”

“I love you, Elizabeth, but we’re not having this conversation. Thank you for your help, but you’ll have to use your imagination.”

When he hung up the phone, she started laughing. Yeah, they would be fine. Now, she had a bigger problem, and it wasn’t the murder.

It was the ME.

As she dropped her gear, she knew what was going to happen next. Chris Leonard was going to come knocking, and she had to set the record straight.

The man was smitten.

She wasn’t.

Someone was about to get hurt, and she only hoped he’d forgive her. After all, she really liked him.

A lot.






* * *
  B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x   * * *




He saw the lights on in her townhouse, and he knew she was in there with him.

He’d followed her back here when her partner dropped her off, and it was time to make his presence known.

Oh, she was going to get a warning.

See, the others didn't get that and that was proof that she was going to be special.

He’d never killed a cop before—let alone a Fed.

He didn't like them enough to bother, but this one…she had potential. She was going to make him famous. Soon, the news would have her face on it, and they would be talking about what had been done.

She’d be immortalized.

The Fed would live forever as art.

Yes, it was time.

Reaching into his bag, he removed the gutted cat. It was a bloody mess, and not his best work. What could he say? It wasn’t his favorite medium to work with.

He preferred beautiful Irish women like the one from his past. Every Artist was entitled.

Sue him.

As he crept through the shadows, he waited for the right moment to make his move. Once his token of affection was dropped on her doorstep, he wouldn’t have much time. He hoped he could get the message written and fast.

When all the traffic on the street slowed, he moved in to do the job. Dumping the cat, he wrote the warning in its blood.

It made him incredibly happy. This would throw them off, and he’d have the upper hand.

One last thing…

Ringing the doorbell, he raced away. It was time to escape. He couldn’t get caught.

It was too soon.

He had to have her first.






* * *
  B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x   * * *




Gabe knocked on the bathroom door. He needed to get in there. Now that he knew she wasn’t sick because of him, he was taking charge of the situation.

“Livy, open up, honey. I need to take care of you. You’ve got food poisoning.”

There was even more weeping.

His heart ached.

“Livy, it’s okay. I spoke to Elizabeth. She explained everything. I’m going to make sure you’re taken care of, honey.”

The sobbing intensified.

Gabe had no choice.

He sighed. When would Livy learn?

Turning, he placed his back against the door. Later, he’d have to fix the lock, but it didn't matter. She wasn’t hiding from him. They’d discussed this before. If they did this, it would change everything.

Well, he meant it.

With the sole of his foot, he slammed it into the door. The lock broke, and it burst open.

That’s when he found her.

She was splayed across the tile floor with a towel wrapped around her. She looked like death warmed over.

“Honey,” he whispered, getting down on his knees. She looked like shit. “Oh, Livy, blood sausages?”

She shook. “Please don’t say the words. I’m never eating again.”

He ran his hand down her arm.

“You should go, Gabe. I’ll be okay. By morning, I should be back on my feet.”

Yeah, he wouldn’t bet on it.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be at work.”

“Livy, that you even think that’s my biggest concern right now shows you don’t know me all that well. I’m not worried about the job. I’m worried about you.”

“This was horrible timing. You told me you loved me, and I ruined the night. You should go. I won’t blame you.”

“Livy, I’m not leaving. I’m going to get you cleaned up, and then I’m going to make dinner for me. I’ll sit here with you all night.”

BOOK: Past Will Haunt
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