Patently in Love (11 page)

Read Patently in Love Online

Authors: Rhoda Baxter

Tags: #Romance, #England, #Patents, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Patently in Love
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Marsh came in, buttoning his shirt. "Morning," he said with a smile.

He looked so delicious with his hair wet and his feet still bare. Jane felt herself melt
all over again.

"Hi," she said, and knew she'd gone bright red.

He picked a pair of clean socks out of the basket on his way to the bed. "Did you
sleep okay?"

Jane thought of the night's activities. "Well..."

Marsh laughed. "I meant after that." He leaned forward and kissed her, very gently.
"I'll go get you a cup of coffee."

Jane wondered exactly what one said the morning after the first night. It had been
much easier with Ashby. They'd just fallen into bed together and stayed there for three days.
Today she'd have to go back to work.

She closed her eyes and groaned. "Work. I'd forgotten about that. Can I use your

"Sure. There's some of Stevie's stuff in the cupboard, just use whatever you want."
He went to the door. "I'll go put the kettle on."

The top shelf of the bathroom cupboard was full of shaving foam and other male
toiletries The bottom shelf had a few half used bottles from The Body Shop, and, rather
incongruously, a very expensive perfume. Jane lifted the lid and breathed in. Marshall's sister
certainly had sophisticated taste in fragrance. Why had Stevie chosen to leave her posh
perfume behind? She carefully put the bottle back and looked through the various scrubs and
lotions for shower gel.

Feeling much more awake after the shower, she dressed in the only clothes she had.
Fortunately her shirt wasn't too wrinkled. Once she'd pulled her hair into a ponytail, she
checked her appearance in the mirror outside the bathroom. There was a glow about her and
her eyes sparkled.

Marsh was tapping away at his laptop in the kitchen. "I've made toast."

He closed the computer and ushered her towards the breakfast bar where a pile of
toast and an assortment of jams was waiting. "I wasn't sure what you liked on your toast." He
put a mug of coffee in front of her.

"Jam's fine," said Jane as she began to butter toast.

After several minutes of silence, Marsh said. "Well, this is awkward."

Jane looked up. "But, not in a bad way."

"No, not in a bad way."

They both munched their toast for a moment without making eye contact. Finally
Marsh cleared his throat. "Jane."

She looked up.

"I... really like you." He didn't quite meet her eyes. "And I'd love to see you know...outside of work."


"Well, there's work. Like I said before, the whole inter office relationship thing. I've
already been cautioned about it once and..."

Was he going to say he didn't want to see her again, now that he'd slept with her? She
chided herself for thinking that the night before had been anything more than a one night
stand. How could she have been so stupid?

She looked at her plate to hide the tears that threatened. "I understand that. I don't
want to get you into trouble. So, if you don't want to meet like this again..."

"No, no," he said, eyes wide. "That's not what I meant. I meant... can we keep things
discreet at work? You know, pretend nothing's going on?"

"Of course, I can do that." She knew her relief showed in her voice. "For a moment
there, I thought... Never mind."

Marsh reached across and took her hand. "I really, really like you." He looked into
her eyes. "I have from the moment I ran into you in the street. And each time I get to know a
bit more about you, I like you more. I wasn't going to suggest we treat last night as a one-off."
His dimple appeared. "I don't think I could bear that."

"That's good. I kind of enjoyed myself last night too." She felt another blush creep up
her cheeks.

Marsh brought her hand up and placed a gentle kiss on her palm.

Later, as Marsh packed up his bag, he said, "Jane, what happened to that paper you
found last night? Is it still on my desk?"

Jane thought back to the highly charged moments of the night before. "I think Keith
has it." In her haste, she hadn't even thought to ask for it back.

Marsh grimaced.

"It's no big deal. I can always print another copy."

"It's not that. It's Keith. I bet he takes the credit for it."

Jane gaped. She knew he and Keith didn't get on particularly well, but she didn't
think either of them would lower himself to such a level. "He wouldn't do that, would he? It's
not exactly professional."

Marsh gave her an unreadable look. "I wouldn't be so sure."

"I'm sure it'll be okay."

Marsh said nothing and went back to cramming papers into his bag.

The walk to the train station was very different from the one the night before. They
walked briskly, but without urgency. It was still quite early, but the sky was turning soft
pastel pink and birds were singing. Jane felt as if she was walking on air.

As they neared the station Marsh said, "Perhaps it would be better if we catch
different trains. You catch the first one that comes. I'll catch the one after that. That way we'll
arrive a few minutes apart."

"It wouldn't do to turn up together." She started to smile, but then remembered she
was still wearing yesterday's clothes. Her smile faded.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just wondering if it's obvious that I'm wearing the same clothes as

"I hadn't thought of that." He touched her hand. "Don't worry. I doubt anyone will

* * * *

From: Sally Thomas

To: Valerie Fenwick

Did you see what Jane
had on this morning? Was that the same top she was wearing


From: Valerie Fenwick

To: Sally Thomas

I can't say I noticed her
clothes, but I did think she was in a good mood this morning. I'll ask Ruth if
there's any gossip.
Better go. Marsh has left a whole load of tapes for me
to do. I guess he was working late last night again. I hope he gets this
promotion. I could do with a bit more cash. Besides, he generates so much
work for me, I may as well be a partner's secretary!


From: Keith Durridge

To Susan Jameson

Hi Susan
I've found
a paper that discusses using the two relevant classes of drugs together. Which
means, by default, it mentions the overall classes of drugs, which we can use
against the patent I'm dealing with too.
I am booking a meeting to


From: Eric Korsky
Keith Durridge
secretary tells me that the lovely Jane is wearing the same clothes as yesterday.
As I haven't had a boastful email from you, do I take it that someone else has
beaten you to it?
I shall get Indra to book us a table at the


From: Keith Durridge

To: Eric Korsky

Yes, the gossip has
reached me too. I should have guessed after she ran off last night.
No need
to make a booking. I still have two weeks until the end of the month.
think a change of tactic is called for. The K-man is nothing if not


From: Keith Durridge

To: Susan Jameson

Hi Susan
I have
moved the meeting so that Jane can attend. I should mention that she was the
one who actually found the paper, using a search done under my

Chapter 12

From: Mike Taylor

To: [email protected]
are things going with Jane? My research suggests that having her around does
wonders for your popularity. People saw her as an icon of sincerity. A girl next
door who stood by her man etc.
Anything you can do to get back in her
good books and maybe get her to come to a launch party or two would be


From: [email protected]
To: Mike Taylor

We split up weeks ago. I don't even
know where she is. Can't we just do a charity gig or something instead?


From: Mike Taylor
[email protected]
Doing the regular stuff is important, but the way
to the mega popularity is to get you talked about. You don't have to get back
together with Jane, just be seen together so that the speculation can start. That
way, you're guaranteed to be covered by the gossip press and the mainstream
stuff will follow.
You said you'd do anything for the band. Well, now's
your chance. Get in touch with her. And make it convincing.


From: [email protected]
To: Jane Porter

Babes. I miss you. Come back.
The band's doing really well and stuff, but things aren't the
same without you. I tried calling you, but your mum won't tell me where you
Missing you loads
Love you


From: Jane Porter
[email protected]
Leave me alone. I'm trying to get back on track
after wasting 5 years of my life with you.
Have you sorted out the flat yet?
I could really do with my share of the deposit right now.


From: [email protected]
To: Jane Porter

I haven't done anything about the
flat. I keep hoping you'll come back and everything will be like it was. I guess
I'm hoping all this is just a bad dream and I'll wake up to find my beautiful
Janie asleep next to me.


From: Jane Porter
[email protected]
You make me sick.


From: [email protected]
To: Mike Taylor

Dude, she's not going for it. I still have
no idea where she is.


From: Mike Taylor
[email protected]
There isn't much time left. Launch is next week.
I think we'll go to plan B.

* * * *

Jane printed out two more copies of the paper. As she walked back from the print
room, she noticed one of the secretaries looking at her. She turned away, telling herself she
was just being paranoid. Ever since the debacle with the tabloid photographers, she tended to
think she was under scrutiny wherever she went. It had been a while since she'd split up with
Ashby and the magazines had moved on to different stories. She really needed to get a

She had to take a copy of the paper to Marsh. She reminded herself to act casually.
Not easy to do when the thought of him made her heart skip.

She stopped at the door to his office, surprised to see Keith standing at the desk, but
no Marsh.

"Hello." Keith closed the book he had been looking at. It was Marsh's desk

"I was just checking when Marsh was available," he said. "I was going to book a
meeting for all three of us with Susan to discuss this paper you found."

Jane was about to ask why he hadn't used the usual method of booking meetings
when Marsh returned.

He ignored Jane. "What can I do for you?"

"I was just telling Jane, I think we should arrange a meeting to talk to Susan about the
paper we found."

"Good idea," said Marsh. "Do you want to book it, or shall I?"

"I'll do it," Keith smiled at Jane. "I haven't forgotten that I promised to buy you a
drink. What happened last night? I waited in the lobby, but you didn't show."

Jane raised a weak smile. " delayed. I must have just missed you."

"Drink after work tonight?"

"I can't tonight, sorry."

"Perhaps next week then. Better get back to the grind, I suppose." He aimed a finger
at Marsh. "I'll send you a meeting request."

"You do that," said Marsh, equally amiably.

"See you later Jane." Keith left.

Both she and Marsh stared after him. "He's up to something," Marsh said.

"He didn't take the credit for finding the paper, did he?"

Marsh frowned thoughtfully at the space Keith had vacated.

Jane felt a little skip of happiness. He really was lovely, and she was going to see him

Suddenly, Marsh snapped out of his frown and looked at Jane. For a moment, they
stared into each other's eyes, and the rest of the world receded. Sharp footsteps in the hallways
outside broke the mood and they both looked away.

"Um... was that everything, Jane?" He sat down and shuffled papers on his desk.
"Did you need anything else?"

"I just wanted to give you a copy of this." She held out the paper.

He took it, careful not to touch her hand. "Thank you very much," he said, and gave
her a little smile.

"You're welcome." She left before the temptation to kiss him became

* * * *

From: Polly
Jane Porter
Okay, miss dirty
stop out. Tell me EVERYTHING.


From: Jane Porter
What do you expect me to say?
We were both working late. I found an interesting paper and took it round to
show him. Things sort of happened from there.
not gay. ;-)


From: Polly
To: Jane Porter

That's not an explanation. I
want details.


From: Jane Porter
You'll have to wait until I see
I have tons of work to do. Especially if I want to have any time off at
the weekend.

Chapter 13

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