Patently in Love (3 page)

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Authors: Rhoda Baxter

Tags: #Romance, #England, #Patents, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Patently in Love
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Polly clicked her tongue sympathetically. "You shouldn't let it get to you. Ashby's not
worth it."

Jane held up her hand. "I really, really don't want to talk about it right now."

Polly gave her a long look. "Fair enough. But if you do..."

Jane looked at Polly fondly. They had known each other since they were at school
and Polly had always been there for her. When Jane discovered Ashby's infidelity, the first
person she'd told was Polly.

"You've done so much for me already," Jane said. "I mean, if you hadn't offered me a
place to stay so I could apply for jobs here, I'd still be living with Mum and putting up with
people whispering about me behind my back."

Polly waved her hand. "Don't be silly. It's fun having you here. Besides, what are
friends for?"

Impulsively, Jane reached over and gave Polly a hug. "You're the best, you know
that. As soon as Ashby coughs up my share of the deposit from the flat, I'll get out of your
hair, I promise."

Polly laughed. "Have you had your tea?"

"I don't really feel like eating. I'm bushed." She pushed her hair back and again was
surprised to find it so short. The new haircut was lovely, but she missed having hair long
enough to flick over her shoulder. "At least the new look is working. No one seemed to
recognise me."

"It's nice not having to watch for the press all the time." Jane stood up and stretched.
"Let's hope they've lost interest in Ashby and his pathetic little life."

Polly looked at the magazine in her hand. "Actually..."

Jane froze. "What?"

Polly flicked the copy of
to a page in the middle and handled her to
her with an apologetic wince.

"Oh no. What's he done now?" The magazine article showed Ashby, looking tanned
and gorgeous, with his arms around two girls in bikinis. Jane felt her heart contract at the
sight of him. He looked well, and happy, without her. Both the girls were draped on him,
sporting super white smiles--and she couldn't help noticing--better toned bodies than

She skimmed the text.

SPOTTED! EXCLUSIVE: Pictures of Ashby Thornton with not one,
but TWO bikini clad bombshells.

We have red hot pictures of TripHoppers star Ashby
Thornton on the beach in Cannes with two blondes, reputed to be sisters. Two
months ago Ashby--25--split up with his long term girlfriend Jane
Porter--inset--after Jane caught him in bed with Janelle Shawn from Hollyoaks.

Ashby is celebrating his newfound singledom whilst on location in France.
Sexy Jane meanwhile, is said to be heartbroken and has left Manchester.

Below it was a picture of Jane herself, all sleek blonde hair and makeup,
accompanying Ashby to a launch party. The caption said 'Jane,

"Shit." Jane sank back down into the chair. "Shit. Shit." She waved the magazine.
"Why do they have to keep going on about me? Bad enough Ashby's tart goes to the papers
about his sordid one night stand."

She threw the magazine on the floor and buried her head in her hands. "We could
have had a nice dignified split if it wasn't for that. Why does he have to keep dragging me into
these things?"

Polly slid off the couch and put her arms around Jane. "Oh honey. It's okay."

"But why me? He's got some new bimbos, why do they have to bother with

"Well, maybe it's because you photograph so beautifully." She held up the magazine.
"I mean look at you. You look like a movie star and you're not even trying."

"It's all in the makeup. I don't look like that in real life."

"Especially not now. I think you're worrying about nothing. No one's going to
recognise you with your new hair and new image." Polly gave Jane another hug. "Besides, no
one is going to think of looking for you in a patent law firm."

That was true. "I suppose you're right."

"Of course I'm right." Polly stood up. "It'll be fine. Trust me."

Chapter 3
Introducing the Official Triphoppers website--your one stop hotline to the guys
in TripHoppers!!

NEW: Download the new single 'Dangerous' for free!

Listen to exclusive interviews with the band!

Preview new releases before they hit the shops!

Keep up with Ashby, Pete, Lee and Josh on the official Triphoppers

Free downloads, wallpapers, screensavers, e-cards and much, much

Win two tickets to a Triphoppers concert and the chance to meet your hero
in our exclusive competition!! Just vote for your favourite band member.

Click on their photo below to register your vote.

Ashby--singer, songwriter and all round sex god!

Pete--drummer, songwriter and the Thinking Woman's eye candy!

Lee--lead guitarist and bad boy!

Josh--guitarist, backing vocals and the buffest body in the band!

They're all fantastic, but who is the best? Vote now.

* * * *

From: James Edwards

To: Marshall Winfield

Subject: Jane
Did I detect a spark of interest between you? You seemed to know
each other from before...


From: Marshall Winfield

To: James Edwards

Subject: Re:
Like I said, I bumped into her in the street when I was jogging in
yesterday morning, that's all. She's a work colleague. It's never a good idea to
mix business with pleasure. You can't have forgotten what happened the last
time I did that!
And yes, she is nice.


From: James Edwards

To: Marshall Winfield

Subject: Re:
And pretty too
Do you remember every person you meet in the
street? I think not. I suspect you might have some competition from Keith.


From: Marshall Winfield

To: James Edwards

Subject: Re: Jane
get the impression I'm not popular with Keith at the moment. I'm not entirely
sure how I've managed to piss him off this time. I guess I have to keep him
sweet, at least until after the next partner's meeting. I've worked too hard to
miss out on a partnership just because I can't stand Keith.
Re: Jane. I
literally ran into her. Nearly mowed her down. She wasn't looking where she
was going and stepped into my path. So, it's not surprising I remember her. Get
off my case.
Are you allowed to look at other women? I'm sure Lou
wouldn't approve.


From: James Edwards

To: Marshall Winfield

Subject: Re:
Keith's problem is that he's über competitive. It's almost like a reflex
with him. He can't seem to help himself. I guess it comes from having super
powerful parents.
Anyway, he was the youngest person to be made partner
in this firm. If you make it this time round, you'll be a whole year younger than
he was. He doesn't want to lose his crown.
He's a devious one. And clever.
I'd watch my back if I were you.
PS: I'm married. Not blind.


From: Stevie Winfield

To Marshall Winfield

So? How was last night?
What's the new girl trainee like?


From: Marshall Winfield

To: Stevie Winfield

It's 9 a.m. What are you
doing online at this hour? You don't normally get up before 11.
The new
trainee--Jane--is okay. Seems nice...and quite bright. Which is good since
she's going to be working on this big opposition case that Susan's got. We're
going to need all the help we can get.


From: Stevie Winfield

To: Marshall Winfield

That's not a description.
What does she look like? Or did you stare at your pint and not look at her all
I'm up because I drove Buzz to the station this morning. There
didn't seem much point going back to bed afterwards.
Besides, I was
hoping this new girl might be The One for you.


From: Marshall Winfield

To: Stevie Winfield

Why is everyone obsessed
with Jane? The poor girl's only been here 5 minutes and everyone's trying to
set her up already.
By the way, I'll sort out the money you wanted this
Which reminds me, you didn't answer my question. What
happened to your allowance?


From: Stevie Winfield

To: Marshall Winfield

I lent Buzz some money
to pay for his trip. Don't worry; he's going to pay me back.
I think you're
being cagey. Sounds like you like this girl.
Did Jim go out with you last


From: Marshall Winfield

To: Stevie Winfield

Buzz hasn't paid you back
for the last lot of money he borrowed off you, has he?


From: Stevie Winfield

To: James Edwards

Were you out
with Marsh and Co last night??
Is there any gossip I should know about? I
asked Marsh, but he's being suspiciously cagey about it.
How are Lou and
the kids? I haven't seen Molly and the twins since I babysat last summer. They
must have grown lots. Is Molly walking yet?
Stevie X


From: James Edwards

To: Stevie Winfield

Hi Stevie
Jane--Northern, but not scarily so. Slim, tall, fantastic legs. Brown hair. Charming
She seemed to know Marsh from somewhere before. He says they
just bumped into each other in the street. A likely story.
From what I could
see, he couldn't take his eyes off her. She kept looking at him too, but that
might just be her trying to avoid looking at Keith.
Molly's a toddler now.
Photo attached--taken 2 weeks ago. Twins started big school a few months


From: Stevie Winfield

To: James Edwards

OMG Molly is
ADORABLE! I'm definitely going to have to come and visit. I hope she
remembers me.
Thanks for the goss. I thought my brother was being
cagey. I'll work on him.
Stevie XXX


From: James Edwards

To: Stevie Winfield

Cheap babysitting is always
And yes, do keep me posted about the Marsh situation. Lou
often says it's a tragedy he's still single.


From: Marshall Winfield

To: James Edwards

Stop emailing my sister
nonsense. Haven't you got better things to do?

Chapter 4
CAUSE CELEB BLOG: The magazine that connects YOU to the
Desperately Seeking Jane

Ashby Thornton's ex, sexy Jane Porter has disappeared
amidst rumours that she is still devastated about the TripHopper's star's
betrayal. Ashby and Jane met when they were at university and, according to
friends, Jane helped Ashby with his career.

"Without Jane, he would never have made it to where he is now. It's
shocking how badly he treated her. She's very upset," said a close friend.

So upset, in fact, that she's gone to ground completely. Rumour has it that
she may even have left Manchester in order to get away from her painful
memories of her time with Ashby.

"It can't be easy", another friend said. "What with Ashby's new album
being released and posters for his next tour going up all over town."

We say, Jane, wherever you are, he's not worth it!

Jane and Ashby on holiday in Corfu last summer.
you seen this woman? Jane looking stunning at the launch of TripHoppers first

* * * *

Jane joined Ruth in the social area for lunch the next day. The room was large and
well lit, with round tables and a few well-placed plants making it look a little less

"We used to have a toaster," said Ruth as she took her bowl of soup out of the
microwave. "But it was deemed a health and safety risk. I miss making toasties."

"At least you have a microwave. We didn't even have that where I used to work."
Jane looked around the room. "Where do you want to sit?"

"I normally sit there." Ruth pointed. "With the other trainees."

"Right." Jane trailed after Ruth, wondering if even lunchtimes fed into the hierarchy.
Ruth introduced everyone to Jane, who forgot their names a minute later. She noticed as she
looked around the room that most people from Susan's team were there, including Keith. He
was sitting with other associates and partners. He didn't seem to have noticed her.

She didn't see Marshall. "Does Marsh sit with them at lunchtimes?" She couldn't see
him and Keith choosing to spend time together.

"He rarely comes out," Ruth blew on her hot soup. "He's a bit of a workaholic." She
paused as if in thought. "He's been keeping to himself much more since the whole Dominique

One of the secretaries said, "Who's this? Marsh? Yeah. Dominique was an idiot. I
mean, the other guy was nothing special was he? Marsh is way better looking."

Everyone laughed. "Seriously," the girl continued in a low voice. "Have you seen
him in his running shorts. There's no way I'd let that go."

"You'd have to catch him first," said another secretary. "We saw you trying to lure
him under the mistletoe at the Christmas do."

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