Patrice Greenwood - Wisteria Tearoom 03 - An Aria of Omens

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Authors: Patrice Greenwood

Tags: #Mystery: Cozy - Tearoom - Amateur Sleuth - New Mexico

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Patrice Greenwood - Wisteria Tearoom 03 - An Aria of Omens
Wisteria Tearoom Mysteries [3]
Patrice Greenwood
Book View Café (2014)
Mystery: Cozy - Tearoom - Amateur Sleuth - New Mexico
Wisteria Tearoom owner Ellen Rosings coaxes Detective Tony Aragón to go with her to the Santa Fe Opera, but the magnificent performance of Tosca ends in disaster. In bizarre counterpoint to the opera’s plot, the leading man is murdered in his dressing room, and Tony must rush to secure the crime scene. Ellen is left to comfort Vi Benning, a former server at the tearoom who is now an apprentice at the Opera and a protégée of the slain singer.
No opera aficionado, Tony turns to Ellen for help navigating the world in which he must now conduct an investigation. At the same time, Ellen is coping with a sudden, mysterious jump in business at the tearoom. Her problems are eclectic—who killed the famous baritone? What do the antique letters she’s found have to do with the tearoom’s resident ghost? And will she and Tony ever find time for a normal date?


An Aria of Omens




Patrice Greenwood





Evennight Books/Book View Café

Cedar Crest, New Mexico




An Aria of Omens

2014 by Patrice Greenwood

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portion thereof, in any form.

This is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Published by Evennight Books, Cedar Crest, New Mexico, USA, an affiliate of Book View Café Publishing Cooperative

Cover photo: Chris Krohn

Publication team:  Sherwood Smith, Phyllis Irene Radford, Elisabeth Waters, Chris Krohn

ISBN: 978-1-61138-399-7

Book View Café Publishing Cooperative
P.O. Box 1624, Cedar Crest, NM 87008-1624

Digital version: 20140622pgn







for Ken and Marilyn






Deepest thanks to the following stalwarts for their invaluable assistance with this novel: to my publication team, Sherwood Smith, Phyllis Irene Radford, Elisabeth Waters, and 
Chris Krohn
; to Ken and Marilyn Dusenberry, my patient consultants; and to my colleagues in Book View Caf
é for their help with mending and polishing.


And as always, warm thanks to Mary Alice Higbie and the staff of the St. James Tearoom, for inspiring me to write this series and for making Wisteria White tea a reality.




stood at the top of the stairs, my gaze following the long, oriental rug down the hall to where Violetta Benning stood by the front window. “Vi? It’s time,” I called softly.

With sunlight filtering through chiffon curtains and setting her lace aglow, she was an airy silhouette of shadow against white, touched by just a glint of color from her auburn curls. She looked as ethereal as a young woman of Junoesque stature could.

Turning to me as I came closer, she took a deep breath. “Thanks, Ellen. I’m ready.”

Vi’s vocal coach and accompanist, Wendy, rose from one of the chairs in the little sitting area I had made at that end of the hall, holding a black binder to her chest. She was a good two feet shorter than Vi and a little stout, with short brown hair, and always cheerful. She smiled as I came to join them.

“Mr. Solano is here,” I added. “I thought you’d want to know.”

Now that I was no longer blinded by the window, I could see Vi’s face. Her green eyes widened.

“OK. Yes, thanks for warning me. Is anyone else from the Opera here?”

“No one that I recognize, but that doesn’t mean much.”

“It’s very nice of Victor to come and support you,” said Wendy. “No need to be nervous. He’s on your side.”

Vi nodded, then squared her shoulders and put on a smile. Her duster-length jacket of lace over a cream silk sleeveless blouse and trousers looked cool and elegant on this warm July afternoon.

“He’s been wonderful,” Vi agreed. “Yes, it’s great of him to come.”

“You’ve got a full house,” I said. “They’re all excited—and by the way, I’m so proud of you, Vi!”

She smiled and gave me a hug. “Thanks for doing this, Ellen!”

“Are you kidding? It’s the event of the season. We sold out two weeks ago.”

I led the way downstairs, where the smell of fresh-baked scones greeted us. A hubbub of voices came to us from the front of the tearoom. We paused outside the main parlor and I smiled at Vi, then stepped in to introduce her.

The parlor had been rearranged for the occasion, pocket doors thrown open and furniture adjusted so that everyone in the room faced the fireplace in the center of the back wall. Savories and breads had already been served, and the guests were chatting over their scones while two of my servers, Iz and Dee, moved among them with fresh pots of tea.

The girls looked lovely in their lavender dresses and white aprons, and I couldn’t help thinking of how pretty Vi had looked in the same outfit on opening day. It seemed a long time since she’d left us to be an apprentice at the Santa Fe Opera, though in fact she had only started rehearsals two months ago.

All the tearoom regulars had come out for Vi’s appearance. My aunt Natalia and her beau, Manny, were catching up with Vi’s mother, Rhonda, and my best friend, Gina Fiorello. My neighbors, Bob and Katie Hutchins, chatted with Thomas Ingraham, the food critic from
The New Mexican
. And, inevitably, the Bird Woman was there with a bevy of her friends, wearing an enormous purple hat with crimson ostrich plumes curling over its brim.

Sitting in a place of honor, in a blue wing chair with a cup and saucer on his knee, was Mr. Victor Solano, baritone, a featured soloist at the Opera this year. In a sage linen jacket and dark trousers, brown hair waving over a classical brow, he looked gentlemanly and unremarkable, but I’d heard him sing in prior seasons and knew the power hidden in his chest. He was a big name in opera. Vi was indeed lucky to have caught his notice.

The upright Steinway that had been my mother’s, freshly tuned for the occasion and glowing from a beeswax polish, stood near the fireplace. A single candle burned in the hearth, and vases of lisianthus adorned the mantel.

I went to stand by the piano and glanced around the room. Conversations began to drop away, and when it was quiet enough that I didn’t need to shout, I began.

“Thank you all for coming to this very special event. Many of you have met Violetta Benning here at the tearoom. This summer she is an apprentice at the Santa Fe Opera, and today she’s here to sing for us. Welcome back to the Wisteria Tearoom, Violetta!”

I made way for Vi, who showed no sign of nerves as she stood smiling, accepting the polite applause of the guests. Wendy slid unobtrusively onto the piano bench, but Vi drew everyone’s attention to her at once.

“Thank you,” she said as the applause faded, “and please welcome my coach, Wendy Richardson. I wouldn’t be here without her.”

Wendy nodded and smiled, then set her notebook on the music rack and turned the pages as another brief round of applause subsided.

“I’d like to sing for you an arietta from
Le Nozze di Figaro
, by Mozart,” Vi said. “It’s called ‘Voi, che sapete,’ and is sung by Cherubino, a young page. This is what is called a breeches role, a male character performed by a woman, which is why I’m wearing trousers today.”

Leaning against the open doorway, I smiled. She looked anything but masculine, though she was indeed wearing trousers. Her hair was caught up into a bun, but a few ringlets had escaped to curl around her face. The effect was charming.

“Cherubino has just joined the military and is showing off his new uniform to the Countess Almaviva and her maid, Susanna. He asks them to explain love to him, why it makes him freeze and then burn, why it robs him of peace, even though he rather enjoys these sensations.”

A chuckle went through the room, then Wendy addressed the keyboard. Vi’s voice soared, a rich mezzo-soprano, filling the tearoom with wonderful music. My heart swelled with pride, both in her and in the moment of beauty, the sort of moment I had been aiming to create all along.

I hadn’t heard Vi sing before, not like this. A shiver went through me as I realized she really had it; she could make a career in opera. Well, of course. The Santa Fe Opera wouldn’t have taken her on as an apprentice if that weren’t true. They turned away a lot of candidates every year.

Julio, my chef, came up beside me to peer through the doorway, his dark eyes big with wonder as he listened. He and Vi had struck up a friendship when we first opened, and I knew that he had missed her. We all had.

“Are the cakes ready?” I whispered to him.

He nodded, not taking his eyes off Vi. Kris, my office manager, joined us, her black lace a counterpoint to Vi’s cream.

The arietta drew to a close, and the tearoom burst into applause. Flushed and smiling, Vi made a professional bow. I saw her glance flick toward Mr. Solano and her smile widen a little.

I joined her, applauding with the rest until the clamor died down. “Thank you, Violetta! That was beautiful! Before we pester you with questions, which you’ve so kindly agreed to answer, I’d like to announce a special treat.” I turned to address the room. “Our chef, Julio Delgado, has created a dessert in Violetta’s honor. It’s called an Aria Cake, flavored with Assam tea and almonds, and it’s making its debut at the tearoom today.”

Dee and Iz brought in trays of cakes, each an elongated triangle about a finger’s length, with multiple layers of cake and icing, topped with sliced almonds and candied violets. Excitement hummed through me as I watched the girls serve the cakes and my guests sample them.

Julio had invented the Aria Cake as an act of rebellion. I had asked him to make Opera Cakes for Vi’s tea, and he’d flat-out refused.

Opera Cake is just glorified tiramisu, Parisian style. You don’t like coffee in the tearoom. Besides, have you ever made it? It’s a royal pain!

So I’d invited him to come up with something better. And he’d done it.

By replacing the coffee and chocolate with tea, he’d allowed the cake’s almond flavor to shine through. The Aria Cake was lighter and, I thought, more unusual than Opera Cake. As I watched from the doorway, it seemed to me that the guests approved. Gina caught my eye, took a bite, then closed her eyes in ecstasy. Hiding a chuckle, I stepped back out into the hall.

“Congratulations, Julio. I think it’s a hit.”

He shrugged. “Of course.” But he looked pleased.

Vi, who had paused to sip some water from a glass on the piano, returned to center stage and began taking questions. The Bird Woman’s hand shot up into the air.

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