Peace River (Rockland Ranch Series) (13 page)

BOOK: Peace River (Rockland Ranch Series)
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“Hey, now, you all.”  There was no mistaking Joey’s teasing voice.  “You stop that this minute.  She doesn’t even know we’re out here, and we’re all going to quietly go back inside, and let her have this morning’s ride to herself like she intended while you all go on and work on slowing your pulse rates.”  She herded them away and she was right.  Isabel finished cooling her horse down, groomed him and turned him out, never having realized she hadn’t been alone with him as she raced in the dawn. 

A few minutes later,
Slade and Rossen sat in wooden rockers on the expansive porch that ran the length of the house, enjoying the mountain morning as she came back from the paddock where she’d taken him. 

commented dryly, “I guess she knows how to ride.”

Almost to himself, Slade said, “And I thought she looked good in jeans.”  Isabel had stopped at the truck and leaned into the back seat to retrieve something, completely unaware she was being watched.  Her form-fitting riding breeches and stretch shirt accentuated every curve and her shining hair hung all the way down her back. 

Glancing sideways, Rossen asked, “You mean you’re finally going to admit the attraction factor out loud?  Easy there, Slade.  I’m not sure you’re having strictly professional thoughts right now.”  Rossen laughed.  “You gave her your word, remember?” 

Slade groaned and leaned forward in his chair.  “I’ve been reminding myself on a regular basis, for what, a week now?”

Isabel left the truck and walked over to lean against the fence that surrounded the main pasture in front of the house.  There were eight or ten mares with foals there, and the babies were bucking and playing in the morning sun.   

They watched silently for a couple more minutes until Rossen said, “I think this is the first time I’ve ever heard of the damsel in distress rescuing the knight in shining armor.”

Slade frowned at him.  “What the heck is that supposed to mean?”

Rossen didn’t answer right away, then said, “I guess I just mean you’re happier this week than you were last.”  Slade considered this in silence and Rossen went on, “Mellower.  More at peace.  I don’t know.”

Isabel leaned over and ducked through the rails of the fence and then knelt down.  The foals near her slowly came to her in curiosity while their mothers looked on placidly and returned to grazing.

Slade finally answered, “I want to take her back with us.”  Isabel slowly stood amidst the babies and began scratching them and talking quietly to them.

“Why?”  Rossen rocked slowly back.  Out in the paddock, one of the babies near Isabel spooked off, and ran bucking to its momma.

“I honestly don‘t know.”  Slade leaned back in the rocker and left it at that.  They sat in companionable silence, watching until Isabel ducked back through the fence and continued walking up to the house.  

When she saw them
, she skipped up onto the porch and said, “I went for a ride this morning!  The first time in more than a week.  It was wonderful!”  Her eyes were shining and she was obviously happy as she chattered on for a minute, “Rossen, your home is great!  If I’d known Wyoming was this beautiful, I’d have come here years ago.  It’s incredible!  And it smells like heaven.”  She finally wound down a little and sat in a rocker beside them.  She handed Slade a twig of sage she'd picked up somewhere.  “Have you smelled this?  I noticed it last night.  It’s marvelous!  Rossen says it’s sage.  The sweet scent of Wyoming.  I love it.”  She sat back in her rocker and took a deep breath.

Slade smiled at her exuberance.  “Yes, I’ve smelled sage.  And you're right, it does smell like heaven.”  He held the twig to his face.  He was definitely more at peace.




              Breakfast turned out to be a rowdy affair.  The entire family was indeed there, including Cooper Rossen’s youngest brother who’d been gone the night before with some friends.  There were eleven of them, and the Rocklands, with the exception of Naomi, were all as nutty as Rossen, so the meal was pretty animated.  Naomi was more serene.  She joined in occasionally, but mostly she just smiled as she watched.  Slade was obviously used to them, and they used to him.  He was more reserved, but laughed along with them all when they teased Joey good naturedly.  Isabel was comfortable in spite of being a newcomer to such a gregarious place.  A few times when she glanced up, she caught Slade looking at her over his meal.  She wished she could know a little of what went on behind those eyes.  

Throughout the day, as she alternately worked and played alongside this family, she mulled over what she should do now.  She’d arranged to have them care for Ebony Wind for her on an indefinite basis.  He would be safe and hidden until she figured out how to handle Judd and the others.  As it turned out, the bush track had been built to accommodate Ruger and his wife’s small horse racing operation.  They raised and raced Quarter horses.  They race at smaller distances than her Thoroughbreds, although often they had a great deal of Thoroughbred blood in their pedigrees. 

She’d decided she shouldn’t stay here with Ebony for fear Judd would possibly find her, and then she would bring trouble to them, too.  She hadn’t told Slade and Rossen that yet, and in fact, didn’t even know how to bring the subject up. 

What she really wanted was to stay with them on the rodeo circuit, although, if she was honest, it was because of them, Slade in particular, and no longer because she was desperate.  She knew she could safely find a way to hide from Judd, now that she was away and had the horse issue settled, so there was really no reason to tag along, but that‘s what she wanted to do.  They did need her help on the road.  There were problems though.  First, she knew Slade was going to bring up the fact that she was somewhat wealthy.  She could see it in his eyes.  Secondly, if Judd ever found her, she’d be bringing the two of them serious trouble.

All that day and most of the next they spent there with Rossen’s family.  They worked around the ranch helping with various chores, and in the afternoons Rossen went into his home office to handle some business for the oil wells.  Slade disappeared for several hours, in which she later learned he’d gone home to his own ranch further along the gravel road in the next valley over. 

el went with Rob, Naomi, and the others to move a herd of cows to another pasture.  She’d never done anything like that before and it seemed like a great adventure.  As they all saddled their horses, Treyne brought her a cowboy hat.  It fit surprisingly well and she laughed as they mounted and he started to yodel a silly, old fashioned, cowboy song.  She had a wonderful time and basked in the peace and camaraderie around her.  Rob and Naomi rode side by side and on the other side of the herd, Ruger and his wife Marti did the same, working together to gather the cattle and move them across the hillside.

That night they roasted smoked sausages like hot dogs outside around a huge fire pit, and followed them up with s’mores.  Isabel went to bed tired and happy.  There was something about this family.  She'd thought this kind of life was something from a 1950’s TV show

The next morning she crept out of bed again to go for her race on Ebony.  Their run was just as exhilarating, but as she stood to stretch her legs while he cooled down, she couldn’t help but think this might be the last time she rode him like that for awhile.  She would miss this.  It had been a daily rush for her ever since her grandfather had felt she could handle a racehorse.  As she unsaddled him and led him to his run, tears filled her eyes.  She loved this horse.  He had been with her through so much.  She stood with him for a moment then, heads together, silent, still, in an age-old ritual of rider and steed and devotion, as she tried to face leaving him.




              Slade came to watch her ride in the dawn again.  She was as magnificent this time as she’d been the day before.  He quietly went off to saddle one of his own horses when he saw her there, silently telling her horse goodbye.  As he rode into the outdoor arena, he decided that if she chose to stay with them, they’d better take another horse along.  It wouldn’t be the same as Ebony for her, but at least she would still have a horse with her.  He knew they were a huge part of her life.  That vision of their heads tenderly touching stayed on his mind all day.




              Still tired, that evening Isabel offered to help Naomi in the kitchen while the others went somewhere nearby to fish.  Joey invited a girl friend and the brothers all started to tease Slade about her.  Apparently this friend had a thing for him, and he didn’t seem very enthused about her coming.  For some reason that made Isabel glad.  She wasn’t going to delve too deeply into why.

She had liked Naomi instantly and was enjoying her company immensely while they cooked.  Naomi was telling her stories of her children as they were growing up and she was keeping Isabel laughing.  From time to time she asked Isabel questions about her own childhood and even though Isabel tried to be discreet, it was clear that her childhood had been very different from the Rockland kids’. 

l was making a huge green salad while Naomi made rolls when Naomi commented,  “It sounds to me like what you’re not saying is the way you were parented wasn’t necessarily what you would have chosen.  But your grandfather and his friend sound like wonderful people.  What you need to remember, Isabel, is that all of that is in your past. You can and will leave it behind.

“What do you want your own family life to be like?  That’s what’s important.  The decisions you make, in the next few years especially, will be what determine how the rest of your life will turn out, as well as the lives of your children and their children.”

Isabel paused in her slicing.  “I realize that, and quite frankly, it scares me.” 

Isabel expected Naomi to ask wh
y, but she seemed to understand when she said, “It’s hard to know how to have a strong marriage and a happy stable home if you’ve never seen anything like that before, isn’t it?”  Isabel quit tearing lettuce and turned to look into Naomi‘s eyes.

Meeting her gaze, Naomi went back to making her rolls as she said, “My situation was different than yours obviously, but I know exactly what a violent father and fearful mother can do to a young child’s life.”  She turned back to her rolls.  “I just knew that the buck had to stop with me.  I knew exactly what I wanted for a family life, I just wasn’t sure I knew how to create it.  I was three years into law school because I didn’t think I should have a family, when I met Rob.  In retrospect, without the gospel I don’t know that I could have ever learned to overcome what I was taught as a child.  Those were my secret weapons.”  She smiled. “The gospel and Rob.”  She laughed and patted Isabel’s arm with a flour covered hand.  “He was so cute when we were your age!”

She made Isabel smile. “I can imagine that he was.  He’s still very handsome now.  And your boys all look just like him.  I’ll bet they give the girls around here fits.”

Naomi nodded.  “I think you’re right, and Slade with them.  I swear that boy has had to beat the women off with a stick since he was tiny. You'd be amazed the way some girls will behave these days!  I swear there are times I want to blindfold my boys.” 

Isabel laughed.  “Better not.  Then they’d have to find their way around by feel.”  They giggled together like school girls and Isabel went on, “They’ve all turned out marvelously. I’ve only just met most of them, and I’ve only known Rossen for a week or so, but I can tell you in that time he’s been the epitome of the perfect gentleman.  They all seem like wonderful young men.  If they can all handle questionable women as well as Rossen and Slade can, they’ll be fine.”  This time she patted Naomi’s arm, and they laughed again when Isabel told about the phone number competition.

They were still working together when Isabel asked her, “What did you mean the gospel was your secret weapon?” 

Naomi started to explain about how, as a young teenage girl, she had finally left the troubled home she’d grown up in.  She struggled to find a way to go to college and had finally made it with the help of scholarships and grants.  She’d met Rob.  They’d fallen in love almost from the start and he’d introduced her to two young Mormon missionaries.  They’d taught her about the true church of Jesus Christ and that by living its principles she’d learned how to have a happy life.

As she talked, Isabel had the strangest feeling.  She wondered if this could possibly be the same gospel the two young missionaries had started to teach her own mother. 

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