Pendelton Manor (7 page)

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Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Pendelton Manor
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“We consider you a friend and the boss isn’t here. Even if he were, he wouldn’t care.” Leaning closer, he nibbled on her neck as he cupped her breast. “Stay. We like an audience,” he coaxed.

“I’ll stay for a little bit,” was all she’d agree to. Her nipple hardened against his palm and his touch, even over her bra, was enough to have her creaming her panties. Since Adrian was out of town she didn’t have to worry about seeing him looking at her out of those cold inky eyes, at least not tonight. She had no doubt he’d hear about this evening, but she’d worry about his reaction later.

“Good. Would you like me to finish undressing you?”

Glancing down, she saw her shirt gaping open, revealing her plain white bra, and her shorts unbuttoned and unzipped, showing the top of her white bikini panties. “No, I’ll do it,” she answered wanting to put some space between them. She might agree to watch, and get herself off while doing so, but she wasn’t ready to join them. She wondered if she would still feel as reluctant to participate if it was Adrian offering to strip her, then quickly shoved that thought aside. Fantasizing about fucking her boss could be more than she could handle in this charged atmosphere.

“I’ll bet there are a few things you missed when you cleaned in here this week, Sophie,” James said as he drew Rachel towards the far paneled wall and grabbed a knob that Sophie had assumed opened a cabinet not the padded bench he unfolded from the wall.

Sophie stood there and gaped for a moment as James lifted Rachel and sat her on the end of the bench, laid her back with a hand between her breasts and bent her knees so her feet were planted wide apart. The folds of her completely denuded pussy unfurled, revealing the moist pink depths of her sheath. Her limited knowledge of equipment such as this bench and the one Ash was revealing as he pulled on another knob came from romance books she had read and she hadn’t understood the draw to using them until now. Seeing how excited Rachel was getting as James wrapped a strap around each thigh and drew her legs even further apart by pulling the attached strip of leather to the side of the bench and hooking it, made her own nipples tighten further, their stiff points similar to Rachel’s, aching for stimulation.

Stumbling into a plush armchair, she simply couldn’t keep from pulling off her shirt and bra and cupping her breasts as she leaned back to watch. Just a few feet from where James was palming Rachel’s pussy and tweaking her already taut nipples into tighter peaks, Ash had Nora strapped face down on their bench, this one very narrow at the head where Ash was arranging Nora’s breasts to hang down on each side. After pulling on her nipples, which elicited a loud groan from Nora and had her pretty rosy peaks pointing to the floor, Ash reached under the bench and pulled a lever which raised the back end a few inches higher than the front, leaving her bare ass elevated and blatantly on display. With her legs strapped wide apart at her ankles, Nora’s bare pussy also revealed that she was highly aroused and ready to be fucked.

“Very pretty, Sophie,” James said as he turned his head enough to eye her kneading both her breasts. His lust filled green eyes on her, James lifted his palm from Rachel’s crotch and brought it down in a resounding slap just as Ash’s hand connected with Nora’s buttock. The dual slaps made Sophie visibly jump, which made both men grin.

“Come on, Sophie,” Ash cajoled. “Take those shorts off and get comfortable. Anytime you want to join in, just say so.”

Sophie took in Rachel and Nora’s bound positions and the obvious signs of their arousal, but simply couldn’t picture herself there. “Thanks, I’ll just be the voyeur tonight.” Now, why had she added tonight, as if she would consider it another time?

Not pushing her, they nodded and turned back to tormenting their willing partners. As the slaps resumed they were soon mingled with moans and gasps from Rachel and Nora, their pussies getting wetter and wetter with each smack, their distended nipples so tight they looked painful. Sophie slipped her hand into her shorts, but soon found them too restricting for her state of arousal. Slipping them off, she was surprised at how being naked in front of other people spiked her arousal, at how quickly she shed her inhibitions and could feel an orgasm pending when she spread her legs and slipped two fingers into her wet vagina.

Slowing her thrusts, she tried to delay her climax, drawing out the pleasure as the men were drawing out Rachel and Nora’s pleasure. Rachel’s puffy labia was bright pink by the time James stopped smacking it and bent down to replace the pain of his hand with the soothing pleasure of his lips and tongue. Sophie could easily see the way he softly licked her folds, imagined how their warm softness would feel against his tongue, imagined how a tongue would feel caressing the bare flesh of her own pussy and how she would respond to those caresses. Her cunt spasmed around her fingers as James slipped his into Rachel’s pussy, his thrusts coordinating with his lips and tongue on her exposed, tortured flesh. Rachel reached up and kneaded her breasts, rolling the nipples and arching into James’ mouth with whimpering cries of need.

Sophie’s own need spiraled out of control, her copious juices coating her fingers and hand as she finger fucked herself with slow tortuous strokes, allowing her thumb to glide lightly over her clit, but not putting any pressure on that sensitive bud just yet. Her nipples ached, and even though she used her other hand to soothe them, her touch just didn’t seem to be enough.

Her attention shifted to Ash and Nora and she bit her lip to keep from gasping aloud at the sight of Nora’s reddened buttocks. Ash fondled her cheeks with both large hands, kneading the sore flesh as his thumbs glided down over her exposed anus over and over. Nora’s hips were wiggling, her moans of pleasure loud as she urged Ash on by begging for more.

“Dammit, Ash, quit tormenting me and give me some relief. I’m dying here,” Nora complained softly. The loud cry from Rachel indicating her release only made Nora groan louder in frustration.

“All right, Nora sweetheart, you’ve been a good sport. But I want your ass tonight.” Ash pulled a tube of lubricant from his pocket and placed the nozzle at her puckered back hole. “Deep breath now, it’ll be cold.”

Sophie’s buttocks clenched beneath her at the sight of Ash preparing Nora’s ass for his cock. Two, then three fingers followed the lubricant, and as he slowly stroked her back hole, Sophie wondered just how much else these people could show her that she had been missing. Never in her wildest dreams had she considered touching herself there, or letting anyone else do it either. But from Nora’s response to the anal stimulation, she figured it must be pleasurable. Curiosity got the better of her, as well as the urgent need to come, and Sophie removed her fingers from her pussy, scooted down in the chair and lifted enough to run their dampness over what she soon discovered was a very sensitive area. Leaning her head back, she couldn’t stifle the moan of pleasure filling her as just that light touch against her anus had her empty sheath clenching tightly, her orgasm moving closer and closer to eruption.

She opened her eyes in time to see both men release their cocks and hear both women cry out as they were penetrated. James slid easily into Rachel’s pussy as he leaned over her torso and shoved her hands off her breasts, replacing them with his own. It was at that moment, when he was so close to her, his hips thrusting hard against her, his hands kneading her soft flesh and his mouth smiling down at her that Sophie noticed the look in Rachel’s eyes was definitely one of more than friendship.

Nora cried out as Ash removed his fingers from her ass and slowly pushed his engorged cock inside her. The sight of him fucking her ass with slow, deep strokes had her own senses spinning out of control. Sophie left the newfound feeling of pleasure from her own anus and returned to her needy pussy. A deep plunge and hard press against her clit had her crying out, her hips jerking against her marauding hand as she stunned herself with the power of her climax. She quickly discovered how easy it was to let go and simply enjoy once she shed her preconceived notions and inhibitions concerning sex. Her cries echoed in the room along with the others and she rode out the climax without thought to being seen or heard this time.

Chapter Four

Sophie was relieved to find the kitchen empty the next morning, not quite ready to face anyone yet after last night. Before the others had finished enjoying their climaxes last night, she had quickly and quietly grabbed her clothes and slipped out of the den unnoticed. Her behavior had been unintentional and definitely uncharacteristic, but she couldn’t bring herself to regret what she had done. On the contrary, the pleasure she had brought herself had far surpassed anything she had ever felt before, her orgasm so strong, so consuming she hadn’t given a thought to anyone or anything for those moments of intense pleasure. To say she saw exploding stars was putting it mildly, but she was far from admitting she was ready to explore their lifestyle further.

Putting on coffee, Sophie pondered what to do today, her first full day off in the past week. She wouldn’t mind exploring the coast a little, maybe walking up to the lighthouse she had seen yesterday about a half mile from here. The walk would feel good and hopefully the fresh air would help clear up the uncertainties she was feeling about last night and where to go from here. Everyone but Adrian had befriended her since she got here and she had to admit it felt good to have friends again. During Emily’s illness, she had lost touch with her few friends from college and after her death she had simply lost touch with life. She knew she didn’t want to open herself up to the potential of any more heartache, but had to admit she was tempted to embrace their easy acceptance of her.

After fixing some toast, she was about to sit down with her coffee when Sammy came purring up to her, winding her small, furry body around her legs. “Well, good morning to you too.” Bending, Sophie scooped the cat up and smiled when she tucked her head under her chin. “I bet you’re hungry. Let’s see what I can find, okay?” Feeling silly for talking to the cat, Sophie nonetheless kept a hold of her as she rummaged through cupboards looking for something suitable for her to eat.

“If you’re looking for cat food, Nicole used to keep some canned stuff in the pantry.” Ash grinned wickedly when she whirled around on a startled gasp then blushed crimson upon seeing him. “You blushed just like that when you came last night.”

Sophie’s hopes that no one had paid much attention to her last night were quickly dashed but she refused to give him the upper hand. Narrowing her eyes, she said, “Keep it up and you won’t see me climaxing again anytime soon.”

“Now, that would be a shame and enough of a threat to make me quit teasing you.” Sammy hissed at him as he went to the pantry and grabbed a can of cat food. Coming back out, he handed it to Sophie while glaring at the cat. “Keep it up you mangy cur and I’ll help you get lost again.”

Not sure if he was teasing or not, Sophie held Sammy while she opened the can and dumped it into a small bowl which she set as far away from where Ash sat with a cup of coffee as she could. “Will she bother your allergies, Ash? If so, I’ll give her to Nora and Rachel.”

“No, I’ll be fine. I only break out if I touch them. You seem to have taken to her and I know she misses Nicole. We all do.” A look of sadness crossed his face briefly.

“It takes a while to get over losing someone you loved. Some people never get over the loss.” Sophie wondered if she was going to be one of those people. Even now, almost two years later, she felt the pain of losing Emily as acutely as she had right after she buried her.

“What’re your plans today?” Ash asked in an attempt to draw her mind off whatever had her looking so sad and alone.

“I thought I’d hike along the coast, maybe visit that lighthouse up a ways. It looks like it has a lot of historic charm like this house does.”

“Yeah, this house holds a lot of memories and stories passed down from our ancestors. But you shouldn’t enter the lighthouse without one of us along. It belongs to us, well; actually, it belongs to Adrian, and hasn’t been kept up. It isn’t safe to go traipsing around inside.”

Sophie heard the bitter tone in Ash’s voice when he mentioned Adrian owning the property now, and wondered if Adrian being the eldest and the heir was a bone of contention with his cousins. From what she had read about the three of them they had been raised together in this house, their fathers were brothers, and the twins were born just two months after Adrian. It had to have been difficult to be raised here knowing you’d never inherit.

“I’ll just walk around outside then. It looks like it’s going to be warmer today. Will anyone be here for dinner? I don’t mind fixing something.”

“Don’t worry about us, enjoy your time off.” Rising, Ash refilled his cup before saying, “The four of us play golf every Sunday then get something to eat. Adrian won’t be back until late tonight or tomorrow, so it’ll just be us three. Adam spent the night in town, so you’ll have the place to yourself as soon as I get changed and out of here.” Tugging her hair lightly, he added, “Enjoy your day,” on his way out.

“You too.”

Sophie put on shorts and a tee shirt thinking the sun would feel good on her arms. She had always loved being outdoors in the sun and since Arizona was sunny practically year round she had plenty of time to indulge herself. But here, she knew, the warm weather days were going to be a lot fewer so she planned to take advantage of every one of them between now and fall. That is, assuming she was still employed here by the end of summer. She had no doubt someone would tell Adrian of her participation last night and she had no idea how he would react. Just because he had told her her free time was her own to spend as she pleased, didn’t mean he would welcome her into their tight knit little group. Including Nicole, the seven of them had been close since high school, seventeen years now and she had no desire to ingratiate herself among them. She wanted their friendship, she might even come around to participating more fully with them sexually, but she didn’t want any close ties or bonds that could hurt if they were severed. Seeing his reaction, if he had one, when he returned would go a long way towards helping her decide whether to cross that line any further than she did last night.

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