Peregrine's Prize (7 page)

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Authors: Raven McAllan

BOOK: Peregrine's Prize
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"Sleep? Hmm. Only if you sleep with me."




Maggie tried to curl round to see Perry's face, but
a combination of his hands holding her down as he rhythmically caressed her
arse, and the way her gown twisted around her kept her captive. Even through
her skirts his cock pulsed hot and hard against her quim. Somehow she doubted
much sleeping featured in Perry's mind.

"You're supposed to rest," she said
breathlessly, and bit her lip to stop herself moaning in pleasure. One finger
stroked the cleft that separated her buttocks, sliding the silk of her gown up
and down and creating perfect tingles and shivers.

"We can rest together. What if I need
someone?" His voice was low and teasing. "I might, get out of bed and
become disorientated. I might, oh have nightmares and need someone to cuddle
me, and shoo the dragons away." Maggie sighed. It was so long since she'd seen
this loving playful side of Perry. It showed rarely as he struggled with
keeping his family together, and trying to uncover the spy ring that threatened
their beloved country.

"You might not," she said prosaically.
"I will only be across the hall if you call out."

"Not good enough. I might need my…" He paused
and winked. "My hurts stroked away."

His cock twitched under her, as if to remind Maggie
that was a part of his body that loved to be stroked, and she was always happy
to oblige. She giggled and wriggled against him as best she could. His hand
tightened and he laughed.

"I may have forgotten you, but my cock hasn't,
it seems. So Maggie-mine, will you rest with me? Please?"

The hangdog, hopeful look was her undoing. This was
the private lover of past times. The one she often worried she would never see
again. "If you let me up, then I'll move into bed with you." Once
more he slid the material he held along the cleft of her arse, and then she was

"Naked." It was a command not a request.
"Flesh to flesh. Breast to breast." He lowered his voice. "Cock
to quim. I may be as weak as a kitten, and unable to act on my inclinations,
but I need the contact. Just that."

Maggie scrambled off the bed, and looked at him.
Pain lines reappeared threefold across his brow, and perspiration dotted his
skin. She judged it best not to argue.

"I need a few minutes. I want to get a cool
cloth, and some more medicine." She walked toward the door. "I, you,
ah lord, we need you to be well my love. Then perhaps you will remember most,
and we can tell you the little you don't."

"I just want you, Maggie." As her hand
went to the latch he spoke in a low voice. The pain he was in was evident in
the uneven tone, and the little breaks between his words. "I've missed you
… I know I've missed you. How?"

What should she say? The doctor and Nash were both
very explicit that he needed to recover his memory without help. She judged he
saw her uncertainty, for he smiled in the most beguiling manner.

"I need to know." His hand went to his
throat. "We are wed?"

Maggie gulped and her skin crawled. "Of course
we are. You are my world. But aught else I have been instructed to let you
remember without any aids or hints."

He tilted his head to one side as, she guessed, he
considered her words.

"Hmm, well I'm cold." The look on his face
indicated anything but, and a wicked grin flashed across his face. It was all
Maggie could do not to giggle. "Oh dear, that will never do." She
began to undo the buttons down the front of her gown. His eyes followed her
hands as they moved down toward her navel. When she got to the last two buttons
she stopped and held her fingers over the closure. Perry groaned.

"Tease, you cannot stop there I need more. I
want you naked next to me."

Maggie couldn't resist. Indeed why should she when
she felt the same? She pulled the last two buttons through their holes and let
her dress slip to the floor before she climbed up onto the mattress and knelt
next to Perry.

He blinked. "I know you like this," he
said in a hoarse voice. "You knelt next to me just so, and then, and
then…" His voice trailed off and he put his fist on his forehead.
"Damn, and then I do not know." He held his arms out and Maggie went
into them gladly. Her body was on fire, for she well remembered what he did not
… and what happened after.

"Take one moment at a time," she said,
somewhat breathlessly. Perry might not consciously remember what, but his body
and subconscious did. As she settled next to him all thoughts of what she'd
been going to do fled. Anything else could wait.
One of Perry's arms went around her, and the
other stroked her breasts. His cock was once more rigid and straining toward
her, and he tangled her legs with his.

Perry feathered tiny nipping kisses over her neck,
and his breath swept hot and exciting on her skin. She smelled the brandy Nash
earlier coated Perry's lips with, and the soft musk of the man she loved.

"Show me, Maggie. Show me what we like, and
help me to remember. Surely it's not mere sex, but love and excitement between us."
He pinched her nipple just one tiny step short of pain, and Maggie melted. This
was what she craved, and what Perry did so well. Nothing Nash, Felicity, or the
doctor said was going to stop her helping them to achieve full release, and
hang what happened after. There was no way something so good could be bad for

"Ride me." He urged her to climb on top of
him, and settled her on his legs just below his prick, which was now slick with
his essence. "I may have forgotten so much, but my body seems not
to." He gestured to his cock and grinned. It was such a carefree wicked
look that Maggie felt her own essence gather and coat the curls that covered
her quim.

Thank goodness his body recognizes I'm the
She raised herself onto her knees and shuffled forward until she was poised
directly above Parry's groin, and guided his prick toward the entrance of her
channel. As the tip brushed the sensitive nerves of her nub, her body filled
with fire. Rolls and rolls of heat flooded her, and she was hard pressed not to
succumb to the little death. It had been so long even that slight touch had her
ready to let go and enjoy every last nuance and caress.

Perry took hold of her hips and guided her downward
until his prick began a slow slide inside her. Maggie gasped and took control.
She needed him deep within her, filling her and creating those tiny stabs of
friction that grew into great flames of fire that engulfed her. She pushed
downward hard, and his cock filled her channel, touching her soul. Even as
Perry held her firm on top of him, Maggie began to move, lifting herself
against his touch, to withdraw him to his tip before letting him plunge deep
and fast back inside her. His cock swelled, and the friction they created made
her see stars. She hoped to all that was precious Perry was as aroused as she,
because there was no chance she could prolong their love-making. Her climax
built faster than ever before, and it was going to be a matter of seconds
before she lost the little control she possessed.

Even as she watched through eyes that seemed covered
in a veil, Perry stiffened and urged her to move ever faster. His breath became
labored and the pulse in the side of his neck showed its erratic beat. Maggie
noticed his eyes were as glazed as she imagined hers were, and the veins on his
temple stood out. The groan he gave held no pain, just deep pleasure.

"Now, come for me now, Maggie."

She needed no second bidding. Her body tensed and
she tipped over into a climax so deep and strong she thought she might well pass
out. Time seemed suspended, and the world spun around her in a vortex of
colors. Deep inside her she felt Perry tense and try to pull back to be a
gentleman and spill on the sheets not in her. She wanted none of it, not this
time. A wayward thought told her she was being reckless, but her courses were
only just finished, and for once she was going to feel every last pulsing beat
of his climax.

"No, we are wed and it has been so long, I am
determined to feel you fill me, to let me hold you tight until you are spent."
Maggie tensed her channel muscles to hold Perry there, and to keep him part of
her as long as she could. Would it work? His eyes narrowed, but as she reckoned,
he was too close to completion to be able to argue or dissemble. She began to
loosen and tighten her muscles, mimicking the way his prick could move in and
out and built up the rhythm, giving him no chance to argue or pull out. She
decided long before, some of their deceptions wouldn't sit well with Perry, so
she was going all out for what she wanted to do, not what undoubtedly she
should do. After all to climax and release his tension could only be beneficial
surely? She ignored the niggling little voice that reminded her the doctor said
no stress and keep him calm. No doubt it would have been more stressful to both
of them not to couple.

Perry stroked her hair, and pulled her down until
she was lying across him, her breasts crushed against his chest and his
softening cock still inside her. It had always been one of their favorite ways
to relax after making love. As he let one hand trace circles across down her
back and across her arse, Maggie felt contented. His conscious may have
forgotten so much, but his subconscious seemed to be working, even to the point
in his ministrations where he tucked her hair behind her ears and rolled her
ear lobe between his fingers. Perry had always been fascinated with the tiny
lobes, saying they needed diamonds to make people aware they were there. The first
pair of diamond drops he gave her were tucked away in her trinket box.

"Where are your earrings?" he asked
suddenly as his fingers tightened on her naked lobes. "You need them to
make people aware… Maggie how do I know that? You have diamonds to adorn your
ears, to show you have lobes. I remember I bought them from Rundle and Bridge.
You wore them in bed and nothing else. We owned a blue coverlet that matched
your eyes. I remember it." He took a deep breath. "So why can't I
remember anything else?"




Maggie wished she knew what blocked the information
to Perry's mind. Even though she worried about Perry's reactions when he did
recover his memory Maggie wouldn't wish his situation on anyone. How awful not
to know who you were, where you were, and why. She hoped their interaction helped
and not hindered his chances of recovery.

Perry stretched like one of the big cats she'd seen
in The Royal Exchange menagerie, and the smile on his face was not dissimilar
to one of those animals after a feed. The only way Maggie could describe it was
that he looked satisfied, even if the colorful hue of a bruise disfigured one
cheek. He touched it, and winced. "I know not which hurts more, my cheek
my side or my cock. One minute, not my cock—that hurt is pleasurable and needs
repeating as soon as it has garnered its strength once more. None of which is
relevant in helping my brain to assimilate the past, but it has told me what I
want to enjoy in the future. You in every way possible." His stomach
rumbled under her cheek most unromantically and he rolled his eyes. "And
food it seems. Is there any more broth? Or game pie?"

Maggie laughed and sat up. In the past, Peregrine
always enjoyed his food. How he stayed so fit and lean heaven only knew. She'd never
known anyone with an appetite like him, and his other appetite for food of a
different kind seemed to match this one for sustenance. "Broth I have, game
pie you'll have to wait for until doctor has called again. Now If I bring an
ewer of water as well, will you want it?"

"I'd have a bath, except I don’t think there's
enough water in an ewer to even throw over me, let alone soak in it." He
chuckled. "Ah Maggie, it's so hard. I remember some unconnected things,
but I'm oh so sure I've forgotten things I need to know." He sobered and
the desolate look on his face was enough to send goose bumps over Maggie's
skin. "What if I never remember?"

"You will," she said with more confidence
than she felt. What if he didn't? How long would they be able to keep him here,
and keep their charade up? She turned away from him, and wrung her damp hands
together as she swung her legs to the floor.

"Where is, ah." She scooped her dress from
the floor and wrinkled her nose as she shook it out. Dust mites floated into
the air, and Maggie sneezed. "This needs a good shake, and the room a
thorough cleaning. I'll sort it tomorrow." She slipped her gown up over her
legs, and buttoned it up enough to stay secure. "Right, I'll go and heat
some broth. You stay there."

Perry nodded, however Maggie distrusted the gleam in
his eyes. "I mean it Perry, you need to rest and recoup. Tomorrow."
She glanced at the timepiece on the mantle. "Later today even, will be
early enough to start worrying in earnest. Promise me you'll stay there?"

He sighed and then dipped his head. "As long as
you promise to join me. We may have broken my drought, but I'm still very thirsty."
The wink he gave her was so Perry, Maggie choked back a sob. So many people
thought of him as stuffy, but then who else ever saw this carefree, playful side
of him?

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