Perfectly Exposed (Command Unit Book 1) (4 page)

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“Why,” Hailey breathed, big eyes a little wary.

“If I had made you mine nine months ago, you would not have been in that club,” he explained softly. “That fact gets you out of trouble for actually prancing your butt in there. But by doing it, you gave me the right to make sure that sort of thing never happens again. And, baby, it will not.”

He leaned into her, unable to keep his mouth off the softly parted lips below him.
, he repeated in his head as he took the kiss.
Gentle, soft, cautious.
She was already his woman, but getting her to understand the details of that fact required a bit of finesse. Hopefully he had managed to scrape some together since the club incident.

Lifting away from the addictive softness of her mouth, he smiled. Adorably confused and a little foggy, she blinked several times as if to clear her head.

“So I apologize, baby. And I thank you.”

“Thank me?” she wanted to know, her voice breathy and all kinds of sexy.

“For finding a way to give yourself to me without wasting months figuring this out.” He enjoyed the show when her brows climbed her forehead and that delicious mouth formed a surprised little O. He had plans for that mouth and how it would look in that position while doing something else entirely. But not yet.
His girl deserved gentle.

“Not sure I did that,” Hailey stated.

Jack leaned down and nipped at her bottom lip, then asked, “Who was it sweetly begging to be fucked a few minutes ago?”


He chuckled into the frown on her face. “My girl, that’s who.” Tightening his arms, erasing any space between them, he continued. “The job isn’t over, little one. It’s still not safe for you to go home or to work. It will be in a day or two, but I need you to stay here until it is.”

Kissing the line between her brows to erase it, Jack went on. “You’ve called in sick. Julie took care of it. When it’s over I might not be able to come get you but Rico will take you home and I’ll be there shortly. We’ll figure out what’s next then.”

“Jack,” Hailey started. “There are six hundred and seventy-two things we need to talk about.”

“Baby, I have three hours left to sleep before I have to be on the job again and I need to be sharp so I don’t get dead. If we could whittle it down to six hundred and seventy-one things, do you think I might get some sleep?” As he spoke he turned to his back, gathering her to his side. Reaching down, he hooked her leg over his thigh and basically arranged her.

Hailey’s head lifted to look down their bodies as Jack flipped the sheet over them and then looked at his face. His eyes were closed but the hand on her hip gave her a gentle squeeze.

“Hit me with it, baby. One question,” he murmured.

Looking down at him, Hailey decided he had definitely asked for it. All that power relaxed was a beautiful sight to see, but really, the big guy needed to let her speak once in a while. No reason to horde the joy of worrying over the most significant thing that was indeed pressing into this brand-new relationship when he had limited her to the one question.

“You know that doctor’s appointment six months ago? That was the one where I told my doctor I wasn’t sexually active so I didn’t want to take the Pill for a while. When you get to my place and we are figuring out what’s next, would you mind bringing a pregnancy test?”

Jack’s eyes blinked opened to stare up at her.

She raised a brow but waited for her one answer.

Regarding her expression, he wasn’t sure what he was seeing there. “You’ve got more to say on the subject,” Jack stated cautiously.

“I could go on about letting me talk when I have something to tell you but I think my point is made,” Hailey responded and relaxed down on his shoulder.

He couldn’t see her eyes anymore but nor was her little body stiff in anger. His hand moved over her hip in a caress as he contemplated his girl’s ability to handle him. It was unexpected but not unwelcome. Warmth curled through his gut. Damn, she was magnificent. No tantrum, no accusations, but she did make her point.

Murmuring into the dark, he shared what that warmth gave him. “Baby, if we created something precious tonight, I will be a happy man. Until we know for sure, I’ll take care of protection. I hope you are getting that I’m in this for the long run, not just the ride.” He grinned into the night as he felt her lips on his skin, a soft kiss.

“Good to know,” she whispered. “Sleep. My man has business to take care of and I don’t want him to get dead doing it.”

“When do you start your period?” he asked.

“Tuesday or Wednesday,” she answered softly.

Jack closed his eyes. That close, chances were good that they had just started their family. Some time alone with her would have been his first choice but there was no way he could feel bad about tying her too him with this unbreakable bond. Sleep claimed him on that thought.

Chapter Four


Period late and haven’t heard from the man. Hailey paced her living room, cell clutched in her hand.

Rico had taken her home Monday evening. Charming as ever, he’d told her Jack had to leave the country but would be back shortly. Hailey had nodded and let him take her home.

Tuesday she went back to work but since Julie only came in occasionally to do consulting, Hailey hadn’t been able to talk to her. And Rico had cautioned her not to talk about the experience with her friends until Jack gave her the all clear. So there she was, Wednesday night, pacing the living room, resisting the girlfriend call that this situation so desperately required.

It hadn’t even been a week since her life had been normal. Last week she had taken what she thought was the last step to getting over her stupid obsession with the elusive Jack Stone. She had gone out to meet someone who seemed as strong, as appealing, as in control. Someone who could make her forget the man she would never touch.

Honestly, it was reasonable to attempt to move on, especially since Jack had disappeared completely. Eight months ago Jack Stone dropped off the planet, truck never in the parking lot, no one home at his apartment. Just gone. So she had come to terms with the fact that he wasn’t into her and never had been. Her deep attraction had created meaning in all those times he smiled at her, seemed to watch her at a party or appeared happy to see her when they passed in the apartment complex. This level of contact, almost none at all, had gone on for years with no progress. It had been time to get over the fantasy, the craving, the hunger for someone who barely knew she was alive.

And then suddenly there he was, dangerous and controlling, taking over her life. Who could blame her for getting emotionally drunk on him? He had taken her body and now her future, making them his possessions, and doing it in such a way that she pretty much begged him to do it. She was scared but she wasn’t sorry. After skating on the edge of stalking the guy for years, it had been freaking gratifying to have him claim her like she was what he needed to breathe.

Regardless, right now, Hailey needed to talk to her best friend. Blowing Trina off yesterday when she called at work had been insanely difficult. Girlfriend was rabid to hear how it went. Trina knew Hailey had left the club with Jack Stone because it wasn’t possible not to give that bit up and keep Trina at a distance.

Her apartment door opened and Hailey whipped around. There he was. Hailey’s first thought was that Jack made a way better stalker than she did. He obviously had a key to her door. That thought disappeared fast at his intensely serious expression.

Jack dropped a duffle bag by the door and strode the short distance between them. Hailey noted he looked tired before steel arms closed around her and his mouth crashed down on hers.

Closing the door behind him, Jack had every intention of getting a kiss and then doing some serious talking. Yet looking at that face, seeing her expression turn instantly to welcome, something he’d fantasized about for so long, those good intentions slipped away. Replaced by the bone-deep flood of possessive gratification that this time, finally, he could touch her after being away for too long. Any amount of time was too long it appeared, since this time had been less than a week. Didn’t matter, the kiss he needed was his to take, at last.

Deep and wet, Jack drank from Hailey’s mouth. Both his hands shot down to her ass, cupping and lifting. Her legs wrapped around his hips. Her arms around his neck, hands in his hair, baby girl gave him back everything he needed.

Breathing deep, he dragged in the honeysuckle cream scent of her. Shifting his mouth, restless to get more of her, he walked them to her table. A bed would be better but any flat surface would do right now.

Sitting her ass on it, he lifted his head to smile down at all that beauty. “Hey, baby,” he whispered softly, his hands working the barrier of her clothes, the jeans had to go.

“Jack,” she breathed back at him as his mouth moved on her, kissing his way down her jaw and up to her ear.

“Lift,” he directed and pulled jeans and panties off as she obeyed. She wasn’t wearing shoes so he dropped the clothing and skimmed his hands up the insides of her legs, pushing them open. Hooking a chair with a foot, he pulled it to him and sat. A hand in her chest he pushed her down on the table.

“What?” Hailey groaned, coming up on her elbows to look down her half-clothed body at the man between her legs. “We have to talk…”

“Baby, I’m hungry. For so long…” Jack growled, his gaze focused on the soft, neatly trimmed little curls between her legs that framed some of the prettiest pink he’d ever seen. “Eat then talk. Promise.”

Jack’s thumbs gently pulled her open and he took what he needed. Hailey fell back on the table and decided he could do whatever he wanted because when this man had her thighs over his shoulders, he made it worth the wait.

It didn’t take long for her to lose all sense of time and place because Jack wasn’t hungry, he was ravenous. Hands gripped her bottom and held her in place as he used his mouth. Sucking gently, he took her clit, licking in fast swipes, then more sucking as if he couldn’t control the need to draw her in. Leaving her at the edge of orgasm, he licked down to her opening and used his tongue to enter her. A different thrill, one that taught her how easy it was for him to read her body, drive her crazy and control every bit of her pleasure. Traveling back up quivering folds, his attention was once again on her clit, and he let her come.

Hailey’s body bucked as the release ripped through her, leaving her a melted, boneless mess on her table. Jack licked her up and kept at her.

“Too much,” Hailey moaned.

He ignored her except to grab her knees off his shoulders and push them up and wide, opening her even farther. His head lifted just a breath from her sensitized flesh.

“Hands. Hold them there,” he directed, his hands giving her knees a squeeze to indicate where she was to hold them.

Hailey hesitantly gripped her the back of her knees where his hands had been. The heat that he’d so recently sucked out of her raced back up her body as she realized how he wanted her to present herself for him.

Three fingers slowly pushed into her tight opening as his mouth returned to work her clit. It was more than before. The intensity shot up with each demanding thrust of his fingers. Taking him like that, holding herself up for him as he played with her was hot in a way she’d never experienced before.

Hailey found she had to move, thrust and squirm to get more. She had no control and yet he was denying her nothing. But she needed more. Her body knew it long before she did so there was no filter on what exactly she wanted.

“Please,” she gasped.

He sucked her oversensitive clit a little harder and Hailey screamed as pleasure folded into her with ripping intensity.

“Please,” she whispered again.

His tongue circled the bundle of nerves, fingers pushing deep inside her, but not deep enough, not hard enough. Not enough.

“Jack, I need you,” she pleaded again. He ignored her.

Desperate to get what she needed, Hailey remembered a phrase he’d used last time.
“My girl asks for what she needs.”
Yes, she could do that. But she needed it right now because he was killing her.

“Please, please, fuck me. I need it now,” Hailey moaned, her body thrashing as much as she could holding her knees open like that.

His mouth lifted off her. He stood but his fingers remained pumping into the heat of her. “Good girl,” he crooned as one handed he flicked open his pants and unzipped. His fingers left her and Hailey sobbed.

Her lids felt heavy as she watched him use his teeth on a condom wrapper, his gaze moving over her. He smoothed the latex down his engorged cock and she watched him touch what she wanted so fiercely. But then his hand came back to her, petting damp folds as he looked down at her.

“Legs stay just like that. Take off the rest of your clothes. Then hold your knees again,” he directed, the commands softly spoken but firm.

Hailey gaped at him, blinking. Unfortunately she didn’t move.

His hand lifted between her legs and landed with a firm slap. Hailey’s neck arched and her eyes squeezed shut as a whole new sensation rocked her. He had spanked her bottom last time. It was almost as if she had been expecting it, waiting for it. This, spanking her pussy, it was something else, something more. It wasn’t the rush of sensation, which was amazing, it was the statement of command and ownership that burned her deep. Oh God, she liked it.

“Not gonna say it again,” his deep voice rumbled above her.

For a fraction of a second Hailey considered what would happen if he had to say it again, and that it might not be such a bad idea. Then she got busy pulling her top and bra over her head while keeping her knees as wide as she could manage. Two seconds later she was naked on her table, holding her knees up and out. Jack was unzipped and the heavy length of him covered with latex, but otherwise fully clothed.

It was insanely erotic. His big hand smoothed up the inside of her straining thigh but he still didn’t take her. Hailey’s breath sawed in and out of her lungs as she watched him look at her, pet her.

The air around them vibrated with need pouring off her but that was nothing compared to the voracious hunger she saw in the eyes moving across her body. Looming above her was well over six feet of powerful male, muscles straining the black T-shirt across his massive chest. The undulating power in sculpted arms challenged the sleeves to full capacity.

The moment burned through her as he turned his hand over and trailed the backs of his knuckles down to her groin, his eyes watching his hand turn again so long fingers could vee to spread soft folds open even farther.

She couldn’t take it. Her hips lifted in supplication. A low growl rumble up his chest and he gave his girl what she asked for.

The thick head of his cock hit the target between his fingers. Powerful hips drove as he entered in one long, demanding thrust. His fingers released strained folds so both his hands could grip her hips and pull her down the table onto him. With her ass pulled down off the table, Hailey had no leverage, no purchase. She was forced to accept his cock as he gave it. His overwhelming control took her to that new place he’d introduced her to the last time. He invaded her as deeply in her mind as he was plunging into her body.

Hard and deep, his thick cock powered into wet, yielding flesh. His head bent to watch as he fucked her. Then his thumb was between them on her clit, driving the intensity of everything out of control. The forceful thrusts picked up speed, pounding harder like she was begging him to do. Everything exploded. Fierce contractions gripped her body as the fire seared through her. Thick and hard, he pounded into her, giving no quarter to her contracting sheathe. Owning her orgasm, taking her in it only made it harder, longer, so damn extreme she couldn’t stop the gasping screams as she begged him not to stop. He exploded with her, swelling as his hoarse shout echoed around them. His hips slammed as he erupted into her contracting body.

Later, ten minutes, two minutes, she could not have said how long his torso rested on hers, the weight mostly on his arms, elbows planted beside her ribs. He moved, peeling off her slowly, drawing a moan from her as his still thick cock pulled out of her body. Arms lifted her to his chest and he took them from the table to her bed.

What she did know was that her whole body was still vibrating when he came out of her bathroom, gloriously nude, damp washcloth in hand. He gently wiped down her chest and arms before tenderly petting it between her legs. A moment later he slid under the sheets with her. Tucking her into his side, his arms closed tightly around her, his big body absorbing her shudders, his lips murmuring nonsense into the top of her head as he comforted her.

Eventually her body relaxed and went still. Hailey’s eyes were closed but neither of them slept. She knew this because his hand moved on her, stroking in soothing patterns across her back and bottom.

She didn’t know what to do with what just happened. Everything about this man was so far out of her realm of experience that it pretty much became the definition of the term
Out of Her League
. For a short while after he had disappeared early Monday morning she had been confident that they would work out in some sort of normal relationship. That was clearly a gross overestimation of her ability to handle all that was Jack Stone.


“Mmm?” he responded, his hands moving tenderly up and down her back.

“This isn’t going to work,” she confessed softly.

“Why’s that, little one?” he wanted to know, his rumbling voice calm, and if she wasn’t mistaken, a little amused. Clearly he didn’t grasp how huge the problem was.

“It can’t. I didn’t know it was possible to…” She couldn’t find the words to name whatever it was he’d given her. It was so much more than an orgasm. “To whatever it is we just did. I don’t even know what to call it.”

Fingers of one large hand combed through her hair and over her back again as the other petted across hip to her butt and cupped, gently squeezing.

“That’s okay, baby. I’ll teach you.”

Pondering that in the sluggish remains of her brain, she frowned. “You won’t get tired of having to teach me the good stuff?”

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