Petr's Mate (17 page)

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Authors: April Zyon

BOOK: Petr's Mate
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ll work on this one if you want to work on the other one? We
should also take scans of where they were found and where you found the slim
book. It would work best if there ever was cause to produce where we found it
and how. We also need to make sure that we put everything back to where it came
from so that hopefully no one will be the wiser before we are able to prove

he said. Catching her hand, Petr gave it a squeeze. “We have our proof,
Samantha. With what
has been doing maybe this
will all make more sense. We’ll focus on one task first. Proof. After
we’ll worry about everything else, and
the impact.” Turning his attention to the books, he and Sam quickly scanned the
pages, ever aware their time alone in the archives was running out.



Chapter Twelve


A week later...


Samantha looked up at Petr when
he walked into the gym on board his ship. She smiled and said, “Two minutes
left.” She was pushing the weights today. Yesterday was running and today was
weight training. “You

re looking very serious,” she said, though, and frowned.

When her two minutes were up,
she put the weights off to the side and grabbed a towel. “Are you okay?” she
asked, standing from the bench so that she could approach him. “What has you
looking so doom and gloom, honey?”

slipped his hand into hers, lacing their fingers together. Leading her to one
side, he
and pulled her down onto his lap. “I received a message from
,” he told her. While the majority of the senior crew
knew about Petr’s trips to see his sister, those under a certain level were not
privy to that knowledge, she knew. “Someone tried to kill Markus. They didn’t
succeed, thank the spirits, but it’s obvious that there is someone out there
who realizes we know who he is.
also passed
along that he has spoken with Markus and told him everything, which I did agree
was the wisest course, given what has happened. They are currently in the
process of running some genetic tests to see how closely related he is to the
original line.”

shifted so that she was just that hair bit closer to Petr and lowered her
voice. “They likely have the best chance of finding out how close he is to that
line with the genetic equipment that I’m sure they are able to get their hands
on without raising too many brows. Hopefully.” Sam had tried to keep what they
were doing on the
but she had a bad habit of talking to
herself when she was working through problems in the lab they had set up for


ll be more vigilant in the
coming days.
is doing more work at their end
now that they have our portion of the information. She thinks she may have some
other details to help fill in the blanks of who may have killed the royal
couple, and possibly even the why.”

would be wonderful. If she could help fill in the
that is,” Samantha agreed.

and Markus will be more aware, as will everyone else. Not that
or Markus have told many of the crew the specifics. I’m not even sure what they
may have told the crew, but it doesn’t matter, not if it keeps them aware. I
should have considered the ruling body would figure out what we were up to.
They have eyes and ears everywhere on the home planet and the other worlds,
too.” Shaking his
Petr pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Enough of that for now. Are you ready to get
something to eat?”

“Let me go and step into the
sonic shower first? I’m a hot and sweaty mess right now. You could always walk
in there with me if you wanted to? I have a change of clothes in the other
room.” She was still trying to get used to the sonic showers, which was why she
carried changes of clothes with her to the workout area instead of simply
walking there and back.

do realize the shower cleans not only
but also the clothing you’re wearing, right?” He smiled at her when she shot
him a warning look. “Ah yes, this would be one of your old habits, as you call

She winked at him as she rose
from his lap. She was still learning so much about this new world she woke up

“Then again, we could get your
things, return to our quarters, and have our shower there instead. We could be
naked for the rest of the evening.”

I like that idea
I have everything I need. I just need
to put the weights back on the rack and spray them down with the disinfectant.”
And when he mentioned naked she was totally there. “I’m ready if you are?”

“Do what you need to do. I’ll
get your bag.” Leaving her to tidy up, Petr went and returned with her bag of
clothing slung over his shoulder.

slipped her hand into his and looked up with a smile. Squeezing his hand in
she nodded and let him walk her out of
the workout area and into the hall. She was happy to have him there at her
side, hand in hand, while they walked and talked. They were both talking about
everyday things instead of the dangerous thoughts that they were both having
about the ruling bodies of their world.

they reached their
Petr locked up behind them, then tossed aside her bag before reaching out to
throw her over his shoulder. With a hand on her ass, he made his way into their
bedroom and to the bathroom. Only once inside did he flip her upright and ease
her down to sit on the vanity. She grinned and let her hands move over his chest.
“So should I get naked now or later?” She wanted to strip him down, wanted to
let her mouth move over his body.

“Now is the perfect time.”
Stepping back, he was already working on the buttons of his uniform jacket.

“Good.” She pulled her shirt up
and over her head and tossed it to the side. Then she pushed her pants off. She
couldn’t help but move closer to him, her hand reaching out to his cheek and
stroking it lightly, then moving down so that she could help him get naked.

they both were devoid of clothing Petr pulled her into him for a kiss. His
fused to hers while he lifted her so
she could wrap her legs around his hips, his cock in the perfect position. He
thrust his tongue into her mouth to tangle with hers while he moved them into the
shower enclosure.

tongue and cock both entered her at the same time. Her hands moved over his
shoulders and she pulled him as close as she could get him. She laughed when he
pulled back with a groan. He had her pushed against the wall of the sonic shower
and ordered the timer for the maximum setting. She looked down at him and
smiled. “God I love you.”

with you makes anything seem possible,” he told her, then gave her another kiss
while he began to thrust. Dropping a hand to her
he lifted her higher to get her into a
better position.

She moved with him, leaning down
so that she could nip his lips. She tightened her legs around him, her heels
digging into his ass as she moved with him. “Perfect.” And when he thrust even
harder she cried out, not in pain but in pure pleasure.

They moved together in perfect
harmony. Thrusting, withdrawing,
to get closer.
Hot kisses shared, and soon sweaty bodies pressed tightly together. Their
rhythm faltered a little the closer they got to orgasm, but it didn’t matter.
They were together, in the moment, and Sam could feel all the emotions he never
spoke of pouring into her. She didn’t need the words when their connection,
their soul bond, showed her more than words could ever express.

Sam’s head fell back and she
cried out his name. This was when they were closest. When they were at their
most primal and when they were one soul once more joined. She shuddered and
smiled, his emotions rubbing against hers, the ebb and flow between the two of
them far better than any words could ever be. This was perfection. And when he
came with her, she felt her body tensing once more and holding him close.

cheek rested against hers while they held tightly to one another. After a few
Petr turned his head to press
a kiss to her lips. “I love you, little one,” he said softly. “I know I don’t
say it nearly enough, but I truly do. You are my world, Samantha.” Another soft
kiss when he hugged her closer.

“I love you, too, Petr. You

.” She kissed his cheek, then the side of his neck. “You tell
me every time you touch me. Each time you look at me. You tell me with every
single second that we have together and when we come together like this.” She
sighed happily. “I feel it. Soul deep. Those feelings are so much better than
the words all the time.”

they stayed wrapped around one another.
he lifted her off his
and eased her to her feet to allow the
sonic shower to do its job properly. Not that Petr let her go. He kept his arms
wrapped around her, and she kept her cheek on his chest until the shower’s
timer sounded, announcing the end of the cleaning cycle.

the shower was over, Sam let him lead her out, hand in
and they approached the bed. “So are
we going to settle in for a nice nap or are we going to eat first? I’m game for
either one.”

think we should lay down, and if we want to
later we can. There’s no rush, little
one.” He helped her up onto the
and followed her under the blankets to wrap his arms around her. When she was
snuggled in close at his
Petr began to stroke her hair. “Even if we don’t sleep it’s nice to lay here
with you close to me.”

“There is very little that is
better than this, right here. Snuggling with you. I never want to lose what we

“We won

t lose it, Samantha. Not when it

s something we both crave. You
know we would both fight for this.” Sam felt his lips pressing to her forehead.
“I would fight for you.”

That had her smiling. With her
eyes closed, she nodded. “You
cute ass I will
fight for you. Always, Petr. You are mine and I’m keeping you. I had hell
falling around me to get to you and I’m keeping you.” They had often discussed
the nightmares she had in
-sleep. It was the only
way she was staying sane and realizing that this was her new life and not just
a dream.




Seven months later, on
home world,
ancestral country
home of the van


looked around the room and had to smile. Everything was clean and in place. She
was a bit shocked that she was getting married, but she couldn’t be happier.
Yes, it was bittersweet because all of her family was no longer
but she was happy. She had a
man that loved her every bit as much as she loved him and had created a family
for herself with his crew. She adored them all, and she liked to think that
they also adored her. She was happy, living for the here and now, and today was
going to be one of the best days of her life.

Today she was marrying Petr.

she was certain that everyone was doing what they
she turned to go back into the
room she was using for dressing. She smiled at the women that were there
helping her, wives of some of Petr’s men, along with women she had met while
they were on his home world. “Okay, let’s get me dressed and married, shall
we?” She then let them help her with the dress, a
gown that had hand-stitched
beading covering it from top to bottom.

let them fuss and twist her hair into place, anchoring it with beautiful
bejeweled hair combs that Petr had bought for her on their latest shopping
she was ready. She heard the music and took a deep breath. She watched as the
women filed out of the room, then stood there with
at her side. “Thank you for

she told the
man as she took his elbow with her hand. “This means a great deal to Petr and
myself.” She had no idea why she was so nervous, because she had been with Petr
now for almost a full year.

asked, I came. It could be no other way, Samantha. Besides, I happen to like
you and the effect you have on Petr. He has never been as happy as he is when
he is with you. For too many
he has merely gone through the motions of living. Then you entered his life and
he’s now truly living for the first time. Petr deserves to be happy.”
patted her
and gave it a squeeze. “Now let’s get out there before he decides to come
looking for you. I would hate for him to ruin the traditions you spoke of.”

grinned, she couldn’t help herself. “Thank you.”
had her crying now, of course.
They had all pitched in to ensure that Samantha had a wedding like the ones on
her home world. An
joining wasn’t as lavish of an affair as the weddings on Earth. “They’re
playing our song. I’m ready,” she told
straightened slightly so she could walk down the aisle with him.

gave her a
and squared off his shoulders. He was in full dress uniform. From what Petr had
shared with her they rarely wore these particular uniforms except for funerals
or extremely special occasions. A wedding apparently fell into that category,
given the number of them she saw in the room they entered when the music
swelled. While it wasn’t the wedding
it was perfect for their wedding. Everyone stood and turned to watch her walk
down the aisle they’d created with chairs in the largest ballroom of the house.
At the far end in front of the doors opened out into the yard stood Petr and an
official who would be performing the ceremony.

looked at Petr and felt her heart swelling with happiness. She was crying, but
she had warned him she likely would. Her man looked amazing standing up there
and she laughed a little when Tarek reached out to grab Petr’s arm as he left
the small, raised dais that they waited for her on. He was as anxious to get to
her as she was to get to him. Once they were there,
gave her off to Petr after he vowed to always be there for the couple should he
be needed. “You look

she whispered to Petr when he pulled her close there before all of their

“I pale in comparison to your
beauty, little one.” Lifting her hand, he pressed a kiss to her fingers, his
gaze focused on her face. Even when they turned to face the official who would
be reading an Earth wedding ceremony they’d found in her ship’s databases Petr
couldn’t seem to stop looking at her.

couldn’t stop looking at him. She was impressed by him, by how he had dedicated
so much into pulling off a wedding for her. She couldn’t help but smile. “You

she confessed. “Now, why don’t we get married and then go cut the cake, dance a
little, have a meal with our friends, and slip off in the drinking after?”

“Sounds reasonable to me,” he
said. He gave a nod to the official, who started the wedding like so many had
on her former world. “Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to witness the
joining of this man and this woman in holy matrimony.”

five minutes later, Petr was kissing her to seal the
and those who had born witness were
applauding. Sam felt his lips curve against hers before she got a second,
quicker kiss, and they turned to face everyone. With her hand on Petr’s
they headed down the aisle to go to
the other ballroom, where she knew the food was already set up for the coming

didn’t let Petr go. She couldn’t let him go. She let him lead her away and
them at the head of the table. She
looked out at the people that were there, then looked to Petr once more. “The
only way this would have been better is if our family was here.” She knew he
was missing his sister and his niece and nephew and that made her hurt for him.
She could only hope and pray that one day they would be able to see them
without worry about what would happen to them if they were caught.

know, little one.” Sliding his hand over her back, he shuffled his chair in
closer to hers so their thighs touched. “I had one of the crew recording the
entire ceremony, so I might send it to
when I
have the opportunity. She’ll enjoy it, I’m sure. Next time we’re
we’ll try to do something
special so she doesn’t feel left out. One day if we are blessed by the spirits
they will come home, and we will be free to go visit them.”

of the house staff came by then to set a platter down before them, and two
glasses another server filled up. Petr thanked them, and when they were alone
Sam noted the items on the
all her favorites. At her look, Petr shrugged. “This is our day. The least I
could do was arrange to have only your favorite foods as part of the dinner to
celebrate our union.”

are so good to me.” And he was. He had made so much of this happen. She had
but the biggest part of it was
all his doing. “This all came together so perfectly.” She was stunned at the number
of flowers, the way that the people all seemed to want to pitch in for the
wedding celebration. “I hope this is a tradition that will catch on with our
people. I think it would be cool, don’t you?”

nodded. “It was a brilliant idea, little one. A nice way to bring everyone
together in celebration during times where we have too little to smile about.
It’s nice to see everyone relaxed and enjoying themselves. They work so hard
that they needed something like this without the stress that comes from any of
the military functions. Here they can relax, be themselves, and not worry about
who might know who. Right now we are all
and friends.” Leaning over,
Petr pressed a kiss to her temple. “Did I mention this was a brilliant idea?”

you.” She bumped her shoulder with his and smiled. “You did mention
but it’s more than the idea,
the implementation. You and your
friends and so many worked hard to get this just right. It’s perfect. Even the
gown that I had created,
perfect. All of it.” She had given the seamstress a rough drawing of the
she wanted and the woman had
it to perfection. “It will
create several new trades as well, so that’s even better.” Wedding planners,
gown makers, florists, and so on. It would create a whole new setting for
people to create livings from.

step at a time, little one. Let’s get through this night without any major
incidents before you start planning your revolution.” Reaching out, he picked
up their
and handed her one. Then he gently tapped his to the one she held. “I love you,
Samantha van
. I cannot thank the spirits
enough for the day they blessed me with your presence in my life.”

“I love you, too, Petr van
.” She looked down at the rings that he had created
for her and smiled. “I still can’t believe you had this made for me and I
didn’t even know it. As for the spirits, I’m thankful to them as well. That
they led me to you.” She had to believe that she was steered in his direction
for a reason.

read everything that came from your ship’s system, little one. While the
majority of it is apparently beyond even my
understanding of how things
work, I paid particular attention to the intricate rituals surrounding
marriage. I did like the symbolism of the rings. The fact they mark you as
mine. I also enjoyed the challenge of working with the silversmith to create
them for you. He thanks your world, too, for a new line of items that will soon
be offered to the people of

“It is eternal, the circle of our
love never-ending.”

the band began to play and he asked her to
she nodded. She slipped her
hand into his and let him pull her up and out of the chair and onto the dance
floor. She moved easily with him, their bodies so attuned to one another that
it was like second nature. “The band is
very good,
” she told him with a smile as
they swayed together.


m glad you approve,” he said. They moved in time to the
soft, gentle beat of the music. One hand in hers, the other at the small of her
back while they danced slowly around the floor. Other couples joined them, but
the majority of the guests were either snacking or outside exploring the
grounds of the estate.

just smiled and rested her head against his chest. Her eyes were closed and
happiness filled her heart. Nothing could ever be better than this moment and
this time with him. She moved with him, swaying to the music, and knew that
life was as perfect as it could be in that moment in time.


The End




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