Phoenix Rising (Book 5 The Kindred Series) (12 page)

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Authors: Erica Stevens

Tags: #novel

BOOK: Phoenix Rising (Book 5 The Kindred Series)
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"Zane," he whispered.

"Apparently it's not as strong now, or maybe it's because Zane's not near, but I can't touch anything," she said.

"Still freaky." Chris looked as if he'd just swallowed a mouthful of lemon juice as he took a step away from her. Cassie frowned and stuck her tongue out at him. "Just don't do that while I'm in the shower."

"You wish," she retorted.

Chris forced a smile and they both reluctantly turned to look back at Patrick's struggling form. Even though it wasn't truly her, Cassie's eyes burned that hideous red as she caught sight of the mutilation that had been done to the man. The ghostlike version of her crept closer as Devon turned back toward the man bleeding out on the ground. The Halfling had torn at his throat instead of simply sinking into it. Blood stained the ground, but there was still a chance Devon could save him. He wasn't going to take that chance. It had only been a matter of time before Patrick would have to die, and he wasn't going to prolong the inevitable.

"Turn away," he ordered briskly.

Patrick began to thrash around on the ground. Strange sounds gurgled out of his throat as Devon knelt at his side. Though the smell of the blood was enticing and the demon inside of him was excited by it, the last thing he desired was one drop of
man's blood in his system. Patrick strained against him as he placed his hand over his mouth and nose, Patrick's hands fumbled at his arm, but he was already weak and his efforts were futile.

When he was certain the man was dead, Devon removed his hand from his mouth and rose to his feet. He turned to find Cassie's apparition behind his shoulder, she stretched an arm out for him and disappeared from view. Devon didn't look at the others but fled back toward the motel. The last look in her eyes, one of need and hunger, drove him faster than he had ever thought possible.

He slipped into the room to find Dani crying in the corner as Annabelle worked over her brother. Julian was standing in the doorway of the other room, his arms wrapped around Cassie's waist to hold her back. Her eyes were still red as she lifted her head to meet his gaze.

Julian released her and stepped further into the shadows. Cassie let out a soft cry and ran into his arms. His hand entangled in her hair, he lifted her against him and walked her out of the room. He had to get her away from the blood before she snapped. Julian grabbed an armload of blood from a refrigerator in the middle room and followed them. Devon kicked the door shut on the others. He could sense an unraveling in Cassie that she wouldn't wish for the others to see as she seized hold of the first bag of blood and downed it eagerly.



like this town better," Melissa murmured.

Cassie agreed as they drove through the store lined streets with their warmly lit windows, some already sporting Christmas decorations. People moved about the streets, filtering in and out of restaurants and bars as their breath trailed in plumes through the air.

Luther turned down another road and pulled in front of a hotel as he put the "borrowed" Lexus into park. It was a fancier car then any of them had been looking for, but it had the darkest windows they could find. Devon and Luther went inside to rent rooms, while Cassie, Melissa, and Chris waited in the quietly purring vehicle.

Julian, Liam, Annabelle, Dani, and Joey rode in the other vehicle. They pulled up beside them and Liam and Julian exited to go inside. Cassie found herself drawn into the rhythmic beat of the hearts of the people that walked by. She shook her head and quickly pulled herself away from them. Though she didn't require it, she desperately needed fresh air.

"Cassie!" Chris hissed when she shoved the backdoor open and climbed into the cool night.

He jumped out of the passenger seat and leaned over the roof to glare at her. Cassie rolled her eyes and rubbed her arms as goose bumps broke out on them. She was a little surprised to find that even though she was dead, and cooler than a human, she still felt the chill almost as acutely as she always had. Life after death was most certainly strange, she decided.

"I'm not going anywhere," she told him. "Besides, I can take care of myself." He continued to glower at her, but at least he didn't come charging around the car after her. Melissa slipped out of the back beside her. "It's so peaceful here."

"We'll find peace one day," Melissa assured her. "Well find those children, and we'll deal with the Elders, and we'll find peace somewhere too."

"Was that one of your visions?"

Melissa smiled feebly as she shook her head. "I wish. But look at how far we've come already. We found you, the Halflings have been dealt with, Patrick is dead, three of The Elders are even dead. It's still going to be grueling but we can get through this. We've always been able to do anything together, and we're already getting closer to the children."

She leaned against Melissa's side, finding solace in her words. "You're right."

Devon and Luther remerged from the office, followed by Julian and Liam. "We have rooms on the upper floor," Devon informed them.

Cassie nodded and tilted her head to the side to stare down the street. Loud laughter filled the night as a group of twenty-something's ran down the road. It was all so surreal, a life that she would never have, never experience. Even if she was still human she never would have possessed the carefree exuberance they radiated.

For the first time, she found she didn't mind, didn't care that her life would be more precarious than others. In fact, she felt that she rather enjoyed it. Perhaps it was the vampire in her now, or maybe it was the fact that she had come to accept every lemon life had handed her and had decided to make lemonade with it.

"Would you like to explore a little?"

She glanced up at Devon and nodded as she slid her hand into his. "Will I be ok around..." her question trailed off as she glanced up and down the street.

"You'll be fine, and it's something you're going to have to get used to. We'll be with you if something goes wrong."

She swallowed heavily, but she couldn't contain her excitement over the possibility of feeling normal again, if only for an hour or two. Dani, Joey, Luther, Annabelle, and Liam headed up toward the second floor to get some sleep. Joey had been a little more reasonable since Annabelle had saved his life. Both Chris and Julian sensed no ill intent within him, but even so he would be guarded tonight, and Devon kept hold of a part of his mind.

They leisurely moved down the streets and peered into the bars and restaurants. The smell of food filled the air, and though her nose twitched, her stomach didn't rumble in response. Chris and Melissa's did however. They slipped into a small tavern and searched for seats among the crush of people. The heat of the bodies, the thumping hearts, and the soft whoosh of blood pumping through all of the tempting veins surrounding her, made her feel as if she were in the path of an avalanche.

She took a small step back as she struggled against the confusion and sounds pouring over her. Though she'd fed well before they had left the motel this morning, she couldn't ignore the rushing blood of so many hearts and so much blood. "It will be ok," Julian assured her as he rested his hand in the small of her back. She didn't flinch away from his touch, it didn't matter anymore his ability was already a part of her. "Just focus on Devon and I, we will help to get you through this."

She tried to focus on his scent and heat as his hand pressed more firmly against her. Devon had been pushed forward by the crowd and was the center of attention for the hostess. Cassie scowled as the woman smiled flirtatiously and Julian chuckled annoyingly. "Easy princess, you can't eat the employees."

"Even if they deserve it?"

"Even then." Cassie tried to frown at him but she found herself unable to resist his easy smile.

The hostess and Devon led the way through the packed building. The dark wood paneling on the walls and the old wooden beams running across the ceiling were supposed to make it seem old fashioned, it simply felt claustrophobic to her. The illumination within the establishment was dim and the carpet had been in need of replacement years ago. The people within seemed to relish in the shadows though as they laughed and slung back drinks with the gusto of those just getting started for the night.

Devon led the way into a back room lined with booths and away from the raucous of the crowded bar area. Small lamps with colorful glass shades sat on the scarred wooden surface of the tables. Julian stepped aside to allow Devon to slide in next to her as the hostess placed the menus down and Julian grabbed a chair for the end of the table.

"How are you feeling?" Devon asked above the clamor of the dinner crowd.

Cassie pondered that before nodding slowly. Though it was a little overwhelming to be surrounded by this many people, and this much blood, she didn't feel the onrushing wave of hunger that signaled she had to feed. "I'm good."

She glanced at the crush of bodies and began to take note of the other sights and sounds within the room. The potent scent of liquor and beer permeated the room, beneath that was the pleasant smell of food, especially buffalo tenders. Music drifted from the backroom to mingle with the sound of clinking pool balls and arcade games. She could even hear the faint whistle of dart feathers cutting through the air. It was amazing and she found herself thrilled to be back in public where she could see and watch what the people, where she could briefly experience their normal lives.

She had
this far more than she'd even realized. Her thoughts drifted back to Cape Cod, and her childhood home. She hadn't thought that she would be returning there again after being imprisoned by The Commission. As soon as this was over that was exactly where she was going to return. She had to see her grandmother's house one last time, and make sure that the people within the town were safe before moving on to embrace her new life.

She smiled at Devon before turning back to the lives unfolding around her. A waitress appeared, she took Chris and Melissa's orders, but her attention was mostly divided between ogling Devon and Julian. Cassie frowned at her but the woman conveniently ignored her. One thing she hadn't missed about being out in the world was the women that constantly threw themselves at Devon.

Melissa chuckled and ducked her head as Cassie shot her a fierce look. Chris innocently stared across the room as he twiddled his thumbs and fought back a smile. Cassie rolled her eyes in aggravation and pulled Devon's hand into her lap as she fought the urge to bite the woman. Devon finally lost the battle with his own smile and grinned at her he leaned over to plant a kiss on her cheek.

The waitress simply shifted her full attention to Julian, who invitingly smiled back at her and winked devilishly. Cassie fought the urge to kick Julian under the table; there was no reason to torment the obviously infatuated girl. It took a little while but eventually the woman tore herself away to take care of the other tables.

Cassie frowned as she realized that there were a lot of people watching them. "Apparently they don't like strangers here."

Devon leaned closer to her to block out the restaurant behind him. "That's not why they're staring love."

Cassie glanced questioningly back at him. "Then why?"

"Because you have two hot Elders and a hot female vamp sitting here. Not to mention two Hunters who seem to have an ability to attract people to them also. We are quite simply irresistible right now princess," Julian drawled in amusement.

Chris and Melissa stared around the restaurant and then Chris began to grin. "Yeah we are," he agreed enthusiastically. "There are some nice pickings here too."

"There is no time for that," Melissa told him.

Chris grinned as leaned back in the booth and tossed his arm around the back of it to survey the crowd. "There is always time for that," Chris retorted. "Ow!" he cried and rubbed his chest after Melissa twisted his nipple.

"Pig," she muttered as Cassie and Devon laughed at him.

Julian remained unmoving with his arms folded over his chest. He leaned back in his chair and rocked it on its two back legs as he surveyed the room. Cassie found it easier to ignore the stares as she leaned against Devon. The waitress returned with Chris and Melissa's food, she placed two drafts before Devon and Julian and a shot of whiskey for Julian. Cassie accepted her water.

She hadn't been sure what to order but she was curious to see what water tasted like now. Pulling the glass over to her, she pulled the paper off the straw and popped it in her mouth. She hesitated before taking a small sip. It was cool, and almost exactly how she remembered it, except it didn't fill her in any way, or quench her thirst. She frowned as she stared at it and rotated the glass within her hands.

"It's different," she murmured.

Julian plopped his chair down, grabbed his shot and gulped it in one swallow. "That's the reason we stick to the high test and blood. There's no reason to drink if there's no joy to it, and if it does nothing for you."

"Excuse me?"

Julian pushed the beer toward her. "Vamps still get drunk princess, but the rest of the liquid world falls short. Food still tastes good, but not as good as blood does, so we see no reason to eat it anymore. Though I still enjoy a good steak and pizza once in awhile, I do have taste buds after all. Drink up."

Cassie stared at him in surprise but she was relieved to know she could still have cheese cake, sour gummy bears, and mac and cheese. She glanced down at the mug he had set before her. "I'm not old enough," she stammered out.

"Princess, you aren't getting any older and those laws don't apply to you anymore."

"Of course they do."

Julian grinned at her as he shook his hair back. "Nah, not many laws apply to you anymore, except for metaphysical ones maybe."


"Take a sip princess it won't kill you."

She glanced at Devon, who was watching Julian attentively, his body rigid against hers. Cassie shrugged as she took hold of the mug of beer. If someone came over to kick her out or arrest her then at least she or Devon could make them go away. She felt like living precariously right now though, even if it was just beer, and it was just a small thrill.

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