Read Phoenix Rising I Online

Authors: Morgana de Winter,Marie Harte,Michelle M. Pillow,Sherrill Quinn,Alicia Sparks

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

Phoenix Rising I (20 page)

BOOK: Phoenix Rising I
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He smelled really good, like his cologne. She often picked up the bottle to smell it during the day, just to feel closer to him when he was gone. Teasing, she asked, “Are you saying you arrest most of your potential dates? So, what? Are you just waiting for them to serve their time before asking them out?”

“Mmm, I’m afraid cops and criminals don’t really mix. It’s a conflict of interests.” He looked at her mouth and she knew he wanted to kiss her but was holding back. They were both adults. Surely, she wasn’t imagining what was happening between them.

“What? You’ve never been tempted to abuse your power? To let a girl off with a warning in exchange for,” Juliana reached for his shirt and pulled a button loose, “a date.”

“Temptation is what makes us human.” His face drew closer to her and she could feel his breath fanning down on her.

Juliana slowly worked her hands down the front of his uniform, unbuttoning it as she went. When she glanced down, she saw the unmistakable bulge of an erection between his thighs. His breathing deepened. There was no mistaking the size of it this time. The man had the weaponry to back up his sexy body that was for sure.

“Tell me, Officer Perkins, would you arrest me if you had to? Or would you let me off with a warning?” She glanced up at him through her long lashes, knowing the implied meaning in her question. “I might have a crime to confess.”

“You? I have a hard time believing you’ve broken any laws. You are as straight as a thruster blast and twice as hot.”

That was perhaps the silliest, sweetest thing she’d ever been told. Seeing his lids dip over his eyes, it was as if she couldn’t stop herself. Her willpower had melted away and she knew she had to act now, in this moment, or forever be cast into a sea of unfulfilled desires and doubt. This was the new definition to her life. She was rewriting her story and it started right here with Maverick.

“How about assaulting an officer?” Juliana reached forward and grabbed his thick erection. It was so firm against her palm, so warm and thick. Maverick’s stomach tightened. Juliana unbuttoned his pants and pulled down the zipper. Since he was leaning against the counter, the pants didn’t fall to the floor. Thrusting her hand inside, she massaged his arousal through his tight underwear and added, “What about breaking and entering? Would you arrest me for that?”

He didn’t touch her. When he looked at her, his eyes were hot and his breathing harsh and deep. She stroked his length, liking the way his whole body contracted with arousal. “Those are very serious charges and I’m sworn to uphold the law.”

She licked her lips as he watched, moving her hand slowly beneath the underwear. Squeezing slightly at his base, she pulled up along his heavy shaft. A long sigh left his lips. Juliana stroked him several times and his arousal only seemed to grow bigger with each pull. “I don’t suppose I could bribe you to let me go, Officer Perkins?”

“No, ma’am. I can’t be bought.”

“We’ll see about that.” Juliana let go of him and took a step toward the living room. She pulled the zipper along her back and let the dress fall on the floor.

“That’s indecent exposure.” His heated gaze roamed over her as she moved out the door, taking in her corset bra, thigh high hose and thong underwear.

“Then, why don’t we just add evading arrest to the list of charges?”

Her answer was a devilishly handsome grin.

Juliana squealed in delight as she ran, hearing him behind her. Her sex was wet with excitement and each step only stimulated her clit, sending jolts of pure desire over her flesh. Maverick caught her from behind as she reached the top of the stairs. His tight body pressed into hers. She felt his erection along her back.

“Is that a gun, officer?” she asked, pretending to struggle. Her movements served to wiggle her body against his.

“I’m afraid I have to place you under arrest, ma’am.” Maverick pushed her toward his bedroom, pausing only to flick on the overhead light. “With the list of charges we have on you, you’re fast becoming one of Baida Proper’s most dangerous criminals. I think I’m going to have to interrogate you further.”

“I won’t talk.”

“Oh, we have ways of making you talk,” he said, affecting a dark laugh. Just the sound of it sent chills over her spine.

Maverick walked her to the bed, keeping his hips firmly against her. Then, with a movement so swift that she could barely catch her breath, he spun around and had pinned her beneath him on the mattress. One fist held her hands above her head and the other found hold on her breasts. He quickly kissed her. Juliana moaned as his tongue slipped into her mouth, assaulting her with a passion and need she hadn’t felt in a very long time.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” He pulled back, looking deep into her eyes. Juliana nodded, reaching up with her mouth to kiss him again. Maverick let her give him a brief kiss before pulling back slightly. Against her lips, he said, “You are a very beautiful,” he paused to kiss her, “sexy,” he kissed again, “criminal.”

“Well, you’re a pretty sexy police officer,” she answered.

“Mm, you like to play, do you?”

Juliana nodded eagerly. He took the padded handcuffs from his nightstand. She watched his face as he cuffed her hands over her head.

“Aren’t you going to read me my rights?” she asked.

“Legally, I don’t have to. But, you have the right to scream all you want. Anything you say can and will be used for your pleasure.” Maverick licked playfully at her lips. Now that she was cuffed, he stood by the bed. His pants were still around his hips, though they hung loose. His shirt fell open and he’d kicked off his shoes.

She squirmed on the bed, watching his every move. He walked with authority, eyeing her as if he was sizing her up. Going to the closet he pulled out a rod that police officers used to stun overzealous criminals. When he came back to the bed, he began the slow torture of her senses. He drew the cool stick along her skin, not turning it on. It was hard and smooth, making her shiver. It glided aimlessly over her pantyhose, skimming over her wet panties and up between her breasts. Suddenly, she felt the tiniest vibration as he gave the stick just a little power. It didn’t hurt, but instead felt really good. Juliana arched on the bed, gasping as he moved the tip over her nipples. She wished the clothing was gone, even as she felt the effects of the vibration through them. He moved the rod down to her clit. When he passed her sex, he pressed in slightly, making her jump. She was so wet, so ready. The anticipation of this moment had been building for days. Her knees bent and she tried to rub herself along the stun rod. He drew it away too fast and she moaned in disappointment.

“Are you ready to confess what you want me to do to you?” he asked, kneeling beside her and licking at her neck.

“Undress me,” she said instantly.

Maverick worked his hands behind her back, unlatching the corset bra and pulling it free. He tossed it aside. His thumbs brushed over her hard nipples before taking them into his mouth. He groaned against her breasts, biting them only to soothe them with his tongue. As his mouth moved, he pulled the panties down over her thighs. Juliana automatically worked them the rest of the way off, kicking her legs to get them off.

“Stand up,” she said. Maverick groaned, but obeyed, standing by the side of the bed. Her nipples were wet from his warm kisses and the cool air kept them at erect peaks. He started to pull off his uniform shirt. She shook her head, stopping him. Licking her lips, she looked at the bulge between his thighs and said, “Take out your weapon. Let me see how dangerous it is.”

He obeyed, pushing off his pants and underwear at the same time. His arousal strained, thick with need, over the soft globes of his balls.

Juliana wiggled over on her side, moving toward the edge of the bed. It was hard to maneuver in her handcuffs, but somehow she managed. She licked her lips again with obvious meaning. “Bring it to me.”

He walked to her, letting his shaft come closer to her mouth. It was a tight fit next to the nightstand, but neither one of them cared. Juliana licked the tip. It was a strange game they played. She was trapped physically, her hands bound over her head and yet she commanded him. There was freedom in being with Maverick. She could do anything because she knew he would never judge her, never demand more than she was willing to give. There were no commitments, no unnecessary talk of love and emotions. It was like they had a silent understanding. They both needed to be touched, to feel. He was a nice guy and a true friend, which was important, but this was just pure, animalistic sex.

She teased him with her mouth, pushing his uniform shirt aside with her cheek. It was hard to get a good angle to take him deep, so she concentrated on the tip.

“I’m about to open fire,” he said, chuckling softly at his own words. He stepped away, breathing heavy. “I can’t let you keep doing that.”

“Mm,” Juliana pouted her lower lip in disappointment. The position wasn’t too comfortable anyway, so she gladly rolled over onto her back, getting into a more relaxed pose. It was just that his cock had tasted so good she wanted more of it.

Maverick crawled onto the bed. Almost urgently, he kissed her chest and stomach, working between her thighs. His hands gripped her legs still covered in the panty hose. He pushed her legs open with a confident shove, licking and sucking at her wet clit, nibbling it until every nerve centered on the movements of his mouth. Juliana tried to get closer, but the handcuffs kept her from sliding down on the bed. His tongue worked along her folds, probing and pushing just right. Only when she was crying out for more, begging him to let her come, did he pull away.

Her body trembled, weak with need. She thrust her hips into the air and watched him stroke himself. The sight of his hands on his shaft was very erotic and she instantly recalled her fantasy of him fucking the sleeve he had in the nightstand.

“Are you ready to talk, my bad little criminal?” he asked, his voice full of authority as he continued to pleasure himself. Her eyes didn’t move from his arousal.

“Never,” she said, getting into the role as she pretended to be his prisoner. She wiggled as if to be free, thoroughly enjoying the fantasy, the escape from everyday life. He grinned, angling himself between her legs. Her body tensed, waiting for the first thrust.

“You’re a naughty little criminal, aren’t you?” he asked, pumping his fist over his arousal faster.

“Yes. Oh, yes!” Juliana worked her feet against the bed, keeping her thighs open in invitation. Maverick let go of his cock and leaned over her body. “Very naughty. Extremely naughty.”

“I punish criminals around here.” Maverick bit her nipple hard. It stung, but felt so good she wanted him to do it again. “Do you need to be punished? Have you been a bad girl?”

Juliana pulled against the handcuffs. Though she tried to reach him, Maverick kept his erection just out of her reach. She pushed her hips up from the bed, desperate to have him inside her, pounding her with his huge cock. “Yes. I’m a bad, naughty girl, officer. Punish me. Give me what I deserve.”

“Beg for mercy,” he demanded.

Juliana instantly pleaded, “Mmm, yes, please, officer. Mercy. Give it to me.”

“What do you want me to give you?”

“You’re cock. Give me your cock. I want you to fuck me with it. Punish me. Take me now.” Juliana was nearly incoherent. She couldn’t take much more teasing. He brushed the tip of his erection down over her slit, letting her feel the fiery heat of it against her sex.

“Mm.” He groaned. His arousal danced along her opening, not giving her what she desperately wanted. He drew her legs up to hook over his arms.

“Please, Maverick, please!” she cried.

His groaning only turned louder as he pushed, filling her pussy with his thick, hard length. It had been awhile and her body was tight as he slid inside.

“Oh, officer.” Juliana writhed beneath him. Despite the slight discomfort of his size, the stretching felt so good she couldn’t allow him to slow. The rough patches on his arm scraped her legs, adding realism to her fantasy. Her hands strained against the padded handcuffs. Mindless with pleasure, she screamed for more. “Oh, that’s it! Take me hard. Ride me. Punish me.”

His hips thrust against her, almost as desperate as she felt. Maverick grunted as he leaned back, thrusting deeper, working fast and hard inside her. She felt helpless, controlled. The glint of his shiny badge caught her eye. It was too much. She’d fantasized about this moment for too long. She needed release and she needed it now!

Her body tightened and it didn’t take long before her orgasm hit her. Maverick grunted, joining her in release.

Chapter Five

Maverick lay on top of her in the aftermath of their pleasure, bracing his weight with his arms so as not to hurt her. His mouth nuzzled her neck as he searched blindly for the handcuff key in his nightstand. Finally forced to sit up, he found the key, pressed his thumb to the pad and ran it over the lock to unlatch the cuffs, freeing her. His erection lay sated along his thigh, only slightly engorged. With a heavy sigh, he pulled off the uniform shirt and tossed it aside, following it with the white undershirt. His muscled chest rippled gorgeously beneath his tanned flesh. Juliana moaned, curling up to his body when he lay on his back beside her.

“Wow,” he said, still trying to catch his breath. “That was … wow.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Juliana sighed. “Wow.”

“That was fun.”

“Mmm-hmm. Fun.”

“That was wow.”

She laughed, rubbing her hands along his chest. Her wrists were only a little sore, and the rewards far outweighed any slight discomfort.

“Want to do it again?” He was still breathing hard, but he managed to give her a lopsided grin.

“Mmm-hmm, again,” Juliana answered with another giggle, snuggling closer. They rested in silence as their bodies cooled and their heartbeats returned to normal. It was nice to be held. She really missed the closeness of human contact that came from lying naked with a man, even if they weren’t madly in love. Sometimes companionship was enough. And who knew what the future would hold for them? Everything was so uncertain and yet so possible. It didn’t matter that she didn’t have a plan. She was free and she was incredibly happy. Maverick’s friendship made her happy.

BOOK: Phoenix Rising I
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