Phoenix Rising I (39 page)

Read Phoenix Rising I Online

Authors: Morgana de Winter,Marie Harte,Michelle M. Pillow,Sherrill Quinn,Alicia Sparks

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Phoenix Rising I
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She was halfway through the beer when something forced her to look up. He was standing near her table. The smoke made him look like a vision from hell, and his massive shoulders were blocking out what little light shown in the room, casting her into darkness.

The band hadn’t yet started, so there was no overwhelming noise to keep her from hearing the deep accented voice that came out of his parted lips.

“May I join you?”

“Seeing as how you followed me to Memphis, I guess so,” she was trying not to be cold to him, but anything other than coldness left her open to him. And that was dangerous.

“I get the feeling you don’t like me,” he turned the chair around so that he sat facing the back of it.

“I don’t even know you,” she said, not looking into his eyes.

“Yes, you do. You have been reporting about my band for how many years now? Your magazine has been a wonderful help to my band. Yet I never met the mastermind behind the whole thing,” he turned his bottle up to his lips when he said this.

“I assure you that I’m not the mastermind. I just do my job.”

“I’m not very good at this,” he admitted.

“Good at what?” his statement caused her to look up at him. His green eyes were striking even in the bad light. God, to have those eyes look at her like … no, she would push the thought from her mind. No silly girly notions of romance.

“Talking to people. I never know exactly what to say.”

“I can’t imagine that,” she smiled.

“Was that a hint of sarcasm?” His laugh was just as deep as his voice. It sent a pleasant chill up her spine. She knew that laugh.

“You are known throughout the rock world for your conquests. You must be brilliant at meeting new people, unless the rumors are unjustified.”

“Ah, the rumors. How long have you been in the business? You still pay attention to the rumors?”

“No, not usually.” She began peeling the label on her beer.

“But you make an exception for me.”

“As you said, I help publicize your band. I get the scoop.” She was being mean. Why didn’t she give him a chance? He was just a person and deserved a chance rather than an instant conviction, as she was doing to him.
Ease up, Anna
, she told herself.

The band was starting now, and it would be difficult to hear him. She was somewhat grateful that his next words were lost to the sound of a screeching guitar. However, she wasn’t comfortable sitting plainly in his gaze. He hadn’t taken his eyes from her since he joined her. She would have gotten up and left, but she wasn’t sure she could find her legs beneath the nervousness that possessed her.

He was speaking again. This time, he leaned over the table so she could hear him. “Can we get out of here?”

Could she go somewhere with him? Would she allow herself to? Oh, God, what would happen to her if she went with him? She was afraid that she knew. If she went with him, she would fall in love with him again and her entire world would fall apart.

She felt herself against every impulse that she had taking the hand that he held out to her. As soon as her skin connected with his, she knew there was no turning back. He had her. She would fall victim to those beautiful eyes once again.

Grey led her out of the bar and back into the cool Memphis night. It wasn’t nearly as cool here as it was in New York. Winter didn’t set upon Tennessee until well into December.

She had taken her hand from his as soon as they reached the sidewalk. To fight off the chill caused by her hand leaving his, she shoved her hands into her pockets.

“Where would you like to go?” he asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t even know why I agreed to do this.”
“Because you are curious. I intrigue you, and you can’t help yourself.”
“Cocky, aren’t you?” she smiled a bit. This was the Grey she had heard of. The

usual sexual banter. “Extremely.” He hailed a cab, a much easier feat in Memphis than in New York. “Then let’s go back to the beginning. Take me to the hotel and play that song for

me again.” “As you wish.”

Chapter Seven

Piano music drifted up from the lobby, just as it had so many years ago. This time, Anna sat silently listening to the music as his fingers slid across the keys. He was in her soul, and there was no denying what she planned to do. Too much had taken place for her to deny the connection with Grey. He was who he said. He was Morpheus, and he had lost his army. For some reason, it was up to her to unite his forces and to save a world that up until a few weeks ago, she didn’t realize existed. He was from the world of dreams, a land controlled by gods and spirits that were not of this earth. Every night when she slept, it was the place she longed to go.

She rose as if her feet had a will of their own and stood next to the piano. “I’m ready.”

“Ready?” He looked up, his fingers still gently touching the keys.

“Yes. I’m ready to start again. Show me what you want me to see. Tell me how to reunite your army and save your world.” She swallowed back unshed tears as she spoke. It had taken three years and a whole lot of sleepless nights to get her back to the place she felt she needed to be … here with Grey. Now, she didn’t know what to do or say beyond what she had already said.

“It will be difficult. The Inocho has shut you off from them.”

“No, it hasn’t. It couldn’t shut me off from you, and it hasn’t shut me off from them, either. You just have to tell me how to reclaim my lost knowledge. How do I find them?”

He rose, towering above her. “They’re in your dreams. Just like I have been. They are there, waiting for your command.”

“Will you be able to help me?” She ran her fingers along the piano’s keys as she asked, avoiding his eyes.

“I can give you my energy, my kae, and it will guide you.”

“And the only way to get this is....”

“Yes. Sex. You and I share so much, but the sharing of the soul and the soul power is through our bodies. Are you ready to try again?” His hand covered hers, and she looked down as his fingers slid in between hers. Their first lustful encounter had been a disaster. She had never done anything like that before and had never planned to do it. She had been unable to think straight in his presence, something she had aimed to do ever since that moment.

“Yes. I’m ready. Take me to our room.”

Wrapping his hand around hers, he guided her to the elevator. They were on the fifth floor in one of the large Jacuzzi suites. They had both known it would come down to this if they ever came back to this place. There was something magical about Memphis, and it was more than just the pyramid and the tribute to ancient gods. There was magic in the air, but it was a magic that was full of possibilities.

When the elevator door opened, he wordlessly led her down the hallway. Her heart threatened to pound out of her chest as she stepped into the room, taking in the surroundings before she turned back to him.

Raw need gleamed in his emerald eyes. She felt the same need deep inside, all the way down to her toes. Biting her bottom lip, she took a step backward, attempting to place some distance between them. He moved with her, dancing along in time with her rhythm.

“Are you ready?”

“No. But I have no choice.”

“Yes, you have a choice. Do you want me, Anna?”

“Yes, but there is so much….”

He placed a finger over her lips. “Don’t think. Just feel. Close your eyes and feel me inside you the way you’ve felt me so many times in your dreams. You know that you and I share a soul bond. You are my protector, and I am yours. You are the reason I was able to gain power in the dream world, and you are the reason I have come to stand before you as a man.”

“You never told me how the Inocho managed to defeat you.”

He closed his eyes, pain showing on his face. “No, I didn’t.”

“Care to share it with me now?”

“I’ll tell you when you are ready. You are not ready.”

He moved to open the bottle of champagne that he had called ahead for.

“What are you keeping from me?”

“I’m trying to save you some pain. I’m trying to keep you from seeing....”

“My death?”

“Yes. Your death.”

He brought a glass of champagne to his lips and swallowed the golden liquid. He poured a second glass for himself and one for her. Taking it from his hand, she raised it to her lips. “I’ve already seen my death at his hands. Let me guess, I am the reason why you lost your kingdom.”


“Then why didn’t you tell me?”

“I had hoped it wouldn’t come to this.”

“Well it has.” She sat on the edge of the bed and stared at his back as he looked out the window. “You don’t even know if I can go back, do you?”

“No, I don’t. I felt something when our bodies joined. I believe you can go back. I believe that if you allow it, our love will carry you back.”

“Then what?”

“Then you awaken the army.”

“And you?”

He turned to face her, unshed tears glistening in his eyes. “I wait for you.”

“And if I can’t go back? What use will you have for me, then?”

Crossing the room, he fell to his knees in front of her. “I love you, Anna. Do you understand that? I will love you no matter the outcome.”

His words went straight to her heart, but there was a nagging doubt in her head. All this time, he had chased her, hoping she could help him, demanding that she open herself up to him. Now, she was more afraid of disappointing him than she was of losing her heart. She had already lost that.

“I love you, too, Grey. I don’t want to, but I do.”

“Then call me by my name. Call me Morpheus.”

“Morpheus,” she smiled, looking into his eyes.

“Yes. Now love me.”

Slowly, she stepped out of her heels and then slid her stockings down her legs.

She turned her back to him before wriggling out of her dress. When she turned back around, her bare breasts were the first things he saw.

“My God. You’re perfect. God, so perfect.” His dick was so hard now, he couldn’t stand it. He went down onto his knees in front of her. “Let me see you,” he moved her hands down to her sides.


“No, let me.”

He ran his hands along her sides, reveling in the silky smoothness of her skin. She didn’t try to cover herself again. Instead, she leaned back against his dresser, bracing herself on it. He licked one creamy thigh and then the other before moving his mouth toward the heavenly display of curls at the V.

He parted her thighs slowly, letting his mouth linger for a second before sending his tongue lower to nip at her clit. Her shiver was almost enough to send him over the edge. And the intoxicating aroma making its way into his system made him want nothing more than to stay right here all night. He ran his tongue lower to her opening. This wasn’t a good position. He wanted her on the bed, open for him, those beautiful thighs parted completely.

“Come here,” he pulled her toward the bed, turning her so she faced him as he lay her down gently. He covered her soft body with his, reveling in the sweet feel of sinking into her flesh. Then he realized he was wearing too damn many clothes.

He raised up over her and began working with his shirt buttons, his fingers fumbling. She reached up, pulling open the buttons on his shirt, and then she ran her hands along his back as he shed the shirt.

Crushing himself against her, feeling her hot breasts flatten against his chest made him want them in his mouth. He raised his head and watched her chest heave with short bursts of breath. Her amazing breasts tumbled off her chest and rested on her arms. They were so large it would take both hands to lift their glorious mass. Taking one into his hands, he gently caressed it before moving the dark, large nipple into his mouth.

He licked at the nipple and then sucked, gently at first. She fisted her hands into his hair and threw her head back in a moan. He slid his leg between her thighs and was rewarded when he immediately felt her wetness seep through the fabric. God, she was hot!

* * * *

Anna looked up at him. He was too perfect. His chiseled chest looked like the stuff of fashion magazines. And he was here, worshipping her breasts and making her feel like the most desirable woman in the world.

The soft cotton of his pants teased against her sensitive clit while his tongue adored her breasts. First one, then the other, each gaining the attention they so deserved. She ran her hands along his muscled back, around to his taut stomach, his six-pack abs. He felt incredible moving over her, his hard body pressing into her soft one.

He ground his cock against her. It was enormous, causing her breath to catch in her throat. She deserved a man with a huge dick, she thought, smiling to herself. The heat coming from his pants and the warmth of his mouth was enough to send her over the edge. She clung to him as the spasms began. Her pussy clenched and unclenched, awaiting its release, wanting to be filled. Wanting to be taken.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured against her breast as she shook and quaked.

“Come for me, love,” he coaxed.

She came, fisting her hands around the satin sheets. Panting, begging, arching her back. “I want you inside of me.”

“Not yet. I haven’t had time to enjoy your luscious body,” he smiled down at her as he spoke.

“Later,” she begged. “Take me now.”

He moved away from her, removed his pants, and positioned himself at her opening. “It won’t last long,” he warned.

“I don’t care.”

He slid his cock into her slowly. She stretched, taking him inch by inch by inch. Never had she felt so open, so filled, so wide. When his cock finally pressed against her womb, she didn’t think she could take any more. “That’s not all, love.” He pushed his final inches into her, causing her to grip his back and drag her nails across his skin.

“God, you’re huge.”

“And you’re tight as a virgin.”

Hearing those words was enough to make her body begin to quake again. She ground her hips into his, pressing him even further into her.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes,” the word was a gasp.

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