Read Picture Me Naked (Stoddard Art School Series) Online

Authors: Lisa A. Olech

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #spicy, #model

Picture Me Naked (Stoddard Art School Series) (13 page)

BOOK: Picture Me Naked (Stoddard Art School Series)
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Ed put his hands on his hips and moved to block Zee. “What the hell are you doing here?” He glared over his shoulder at Zee. “This is your

Zee moved aside. “Come in, Jagger. I’ll be ready in just a minute.”

Jagger pushed past Ed. “Pardon, mate. Good morning, beautiful.” He took Zee’s arm and kissed her forehead. Zee thought Ed’s eyes would burst into flames as he glared at Jagger’s back. “You’re even prettier this morning than last night. You’re a mad distraction. Must have been thinking about kissing you. I left here half naked. Forgot my shirt.”

“Um…yes, you did. It’s in the bedroom.” She shot Ed a quick glance. He was purple.

“Got any of that delicious coffee left?”

“She doesn’t drink coffee,” snapped Ed.

“I know she doesn’t, but I do.” He still held Zee’s arm and leaned down to whisper, “I’ll leave you to your good-bye.” He nuzzled her temple with the tip of his nose. “I’ll be in the bedroom.” Heat washed over her. Zee knees turned to water. To Ed he said, “G’day, mate.”

Zee stood, stunned, as Jagger moved into the apartment. He left the door ajar. “I-I really need to go, Ed.”

“What the hell was that?” Ed reached out and grabbed her arm. His fingers bit into the tender skin.

She wrenched out of his grasp. “You met him at the school. That’s Jagger.”

“What kind of a name is Jagger?”

“What difference does it make? I don’t want to keep him waiting. I need to—to help him find his shirt. Good bye, Ed.”

Zee took a step back and slipped into her apartment. She got the door closed before Ed could quit stammering long enough to stop her. She flipped the lock.

Looking through the peephole, she watched as he stood glaring at the door. He turned to leave, turned back, made another step toward the door, and finally spun around and headed for the stairs. She let out a sigh of relief. Turning, she found Jagger standing behind her with Isabella in his arms. His tan tee hugged him in all the right places.

“I should have minded my own damn business, but I heard the way he was talking to you. If I screwed anything up, I’ll chase him down and apologize.”

“Don’t you dare. You were brilliant. I had no idea he was coming over. I’m sorry for dragging you into it. Ed’s having a hard time understanding I don’t want to see him anymore.”

“Does he show up often?”

“Too often. I broke things off with him weeks ago.”

“Maybe if he thinks you’ve moved on, he’ll get the message.”

Good morning, beautiful
really threw him. Pretending to be my boyfriend was quick thinking.”

“I wasn’t pretending.”

Zee’s heart did a little skip.

“Only the bit about the coffee.” He was serious. His gaze held hers. Bella purred loudly. “What do you want to do now?”

“Now?” Her body’s reaction to Jagger had her mind heading in all sorts of directions.

“Yeah, we could head out now, or sit tight for a bit. Let Ed’s imagination stew.”

“Do you really think he’d hang around to see when we leave?”

“The wanker might.”

“I doubt he’d be that crazy.” Zee frowned, not sure of anything at this point. “I can’t tie up all your time. I imagine you have better things to do.”

“I don’t have anything planned. I’m all yours.”

I’m all yours
. An enticing shiver ran through her. Isabella was falling asleep in Jagger’s arms. Zee was jealous.
Of the cat?
“Let’s go see how poor George is feeling.”

They were both quiet as they rode back to the school. Zee seemed absorbed in the scenery rushing by. Jagger wanted to bring up the subject of Ed. He wanted to pull her into his arms and tell her she wasn’t all the things Ed said to her. Jagger wanted her angry. He felt his fingers tighten on the steering wheel. Why should he be the only one wanting to put a fist through the bloke’s face? She seemed more embarrassed than angry. Maybe Ed was not a man to provoke. Zee was smart. She would know how best to handle him.
I’d still like to teach the bastard some manners—with a fist or two.

Zee stood beside him as he bent over the engine checking one thing after another. It wasn’t making sense to him. He checked the battery connection several times. He brought jumper cables and tested her battery and got a spark, so he knew it wasn’t a bad battery, but there was no electricity going to the starter.

Jagger tried jumpstarting the car and it worked only until he disconnected the cables and then the engine quit again. Frowning, he checked all the cables a third time.

“Bloody son of a bitch!”

“What is it?”

“That ex-boyfriend of yours, the one who isn’t crazy? He cut your ground cable.”

“What? He wouldn’t do something like that.”

“I don’t even know the bloke and I believe he would. See here.” He pointed to the end of the cable in his hand. “This didn’t just break off. He
this cable. And he cut it close to the frame so you wouldn’t notice it right off.”

“Oh my God. I can’t believe it.”

“It can be fixed easy enough, but he could have just as easily cut your fuel line or your brake line.”

“He wouldn’t try to kill me, Jagger. He wants me to have car trouble so I’ll call him.”

“Why are you defending him? He’s obviously been messing with your car. Didn’t you find it odd that your ignition cable kept loosening?”

“Yes, but I didn’t want to believe he would go this far.”

“I’ve heard how he talks to you.” Zee’s hand went to her upper arm. Jagger’s eyes didn’t miss the gesture. He placed a hand over hers. “He’s hurt you, too, hasn’t he?”

Jagger watched her swallow. “When you say it like that it makes me sound pathetic.”

“None of this is your fault.”

“He’s never hit me before, but he gets so angry, and…”


“He can get a little rough sometimes, but he just likes to run his mouth.”

He spoke to her as gently as he was able. “Just because the bastard uses words instead of his fists doesn’t make the beatings any less real, love.”

“I know. That’s why I ended it.”

“Smart sheila.” He gave her hand another squeeze before closing the hood. “Come on, there’s an auto parts shop not too far from here. We’ll get this cable replaced, and then, Zee Lambert, you’re coming to lunch with me. No arguments. No studio bookings. No more ‘things’ to do. We’re going to discuss how to keep you and George safe. I’m afraid you’ve bloody well run out of rain checks.” He slipped a hand around her waist and guided her back to the van.

“Good.” Zee smiled. “I’m done with rain.”

Chapter Sixteen

Leaving the restaurant, Jagger followed her home. He’d been unbelievably kind and concerned.

They’d met the owner of the parts store, Steve, who proudly showed them pictures of his new son. Jagger told him how helpful his niece had been the last time he’d been in the shop, and Steve gave them a nice deal on the part, too. Jagger refused to let her pay.

Back at the school, he had the cable changed in no time.

They’d had a great lunch at the Barking Beagle, eating juicy, fat burgers and a mountain of crisp french fries. Jagger’s easy laughter had chased all the Ed storm clouds away like a lovely breeze. He’d turned her day around, and she didn’t want it to end.

“I never did give you back your shirt after everything that happened this morning.”

“You have a way of distracting me.” Jagger held her door for her.

“If you want to follow me back, I could run up and get it for you. Or, I could offer you a cup of coffee. It’s the least I can do. You’ve been amazing today.”

He gave her a brilliant smile that had her smiling back. “It is rumored that your coffee is legendary.”

“I’ve heard that rumor.”


Zee kept glancing in the rearview mirror, thinking over the day. Thinking about everything Jagger had said and done. It would be so easy to fall for him. Her pulse did a little skid every time he flashed that crooked, devilish grin. Was he too good to be true? He was only asking for three months, and he promised to take things easy. Just three months.
No strings?

He’d been a complete gentleman. What was she afraid of? The man hadn’t even tried to kiss her yet. But he did say he’d been thinking about it.

Zee flipped on the lights in her apartment. “I’ll put on the water. Unfortunately, my fabulous coffee is un-fabulous instant. I could offer you tea if you’d rather. Or, I have wine.”

“Wine would be great.” Jagger’s back was to her. He was looking at some of her artwork hanging on the walls. He had such wide shoulders. Slim hips, and a back end that…well, she’d had dreams about that. Undressing him with her mind was totally involuntary. He shot her a glance over one of those wide shoulders and smiled.
Wine. Wasn’t I getting wine?

“I’ll be right back. Relax. Make yourself comfortable.” Zee tossed her jacket on the side chair and went through the swinging door into the kitchen. Why was she getting so worked up? How much trouble could she get in with one glass of wine?

Zee twisted the black plastic spigot on the front of the box. She hoped one of Jagger’s many talents wasn’t a taste for fine wines. Maybe she should start keeping some decent Sauvignon Blanc in the fridge. She grabbed two squares of paper towel and carefully folded them both in half and in half again. She made a mental note to get napkins. Cloth ones might be nice. Navy blue.
Wait a minute.
Why was she making such a fuss over a glass of wine? She was being ridiculous. Zee crumpled up the paper towels and threw them on the counter.

She snatched up the glasses and backed through the kitchen door. Zee swept into the other room and nearly dropped both drinks onto the carpet.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“You told me to get comfortable.”

“I didn’t tell you to get naked!” Zee sputtered.

He lay buck-assed and stretched out on her couch like an all-you-can-eat Australian buffet.

“This is how I relax. It’s not a big deal.” He stood up. All six feet of naked Jagger. He held his hands away from his body. “You’ve seen me in my all-together before. Lots of times.”

“It doesn’t count if I’m holding a paintbrush! It’s a different story in my living room!” Zee caught herself staring and turned her back to him.

He chuckled behind her. “What difference does that make?”

“I can’t talk to you when you’re naked.”

He moved closer. His voice was low and seductive. “Might be easier if you got naked, too.”

Zee jaw dropped and she shot him a look over her shoulder. “Is this your idea of taking things easy? You’re crazy. I’m not having sex with you!”

“Did I say anything about having sex?” His hand ran over her shoulder and down one arm. “Although, I bet we’d be bloody great at it.” Zee felt his warm breath on her neck. “I told you I’d try to change your mind.”

“Put your pants on!”

Jagger raised his hands in surrender. “What if I just want to kiss you? No sex. Just one kiss.”

“I don’t kiss naked men in my living room.” Even as the words left her mouth, she knew she sounded nuts.


“No, I mean...” She took a steadying breath. “Fine. If you put your pants back on, you can kiss me.”
This was insane!
“Then you have to leave.”


Zee heard him moving and peeked over her shoulder. His back was to her again. This time she didn’t have to undress him in her mind. He was already there. He slipped worn, ragged jeans over the luscious firmness of his bare behind. When he turned around, she saw he hadn’t buttoned his top button. Her breath caught. How was it possible he looked sexier
his pants?


“Yes. Much better.” Zee faced him again.

“The things I’ll do for a kiss.” His gaze dropped. “You have the best mouth.” He ran a fingertip over his own lip.

Zee sucked in a breath. One kiss. Just one kiss and she could get him out of her apartment and this could be over. Her heart tried to pound its way out of her chest. He was probably one of those “pin you against the wall and shove his tongue down your throat while you drown in spit” kissers.

“I’ve wanted to kiss you since I first met you.” He moved close. He hadn’t put his shirt on. She could feel the heat coming off his skin. “Is that my wine?”

“Oh.” She looked down at her hands suddenly aware she still held the two glasses. “Yes.” She handed one to him. He took a large swallow then placed his glass on the side table.

“So, I have my pants back on. Is it safe now?” He didn’t wait for her to answer but closed the distance between them. Her stomach did another quick jump. She’d tried to deny her attraction to him, but it was no use. She was in the deep end of the pool with no flotation device. He was outrageous, inappropriate, and…and kind, generous, funny…beautiful. All rational thought ended. Zee’s breath raced. He had this way of looking at her that made her want to reach out and slide her arms around his neck and press against the strength of his chest.

Zee gave herself a mental shove. This was crazy. Let him drown her in an awkward, sloppy kiss so she could be done with this.

Jagger didn’t try to pin her to the wall. He didn’t even reach out to her at first, but looked down at her mouth and smiled. He brushed her cheek with the back of one finger. Running his fingertip along the line of her jaw, he stopped to tip her chin up. His eyes locked with hers before he lowered his gaze back to her mouth. His lips parted and Zee smelled the sweetness of the wine upon his breath as he lowered his mouth to hers.

Zee stopped breathing as his lips swept over hers. A single, featherlight caress. A small, tender kiss. His lips sipped upon hers. She sighed against the whispering touch. Their breath waltzed as he slanted his head and moved the softness of his lips to hers once more. The very tip of his tongue traced the edge of her lip before he teased her mouth again. She whimpered.

The thin space between their bodies sparked with white heat. Zee’s blood pounded through her body. She wanted to pin him against the wall and shove her tongue down his throat.

Then the kiss ended and he took a step back.
Don’t stop
. Her lips hungered for more and tried to follow. She realized half a second too late that the kiss was over. She opened her eyes and found him grinning at her.

BOOK: Picture Me Naked (Stoddard Art School Series)
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