Pieces For You (18 page)

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Authors: Genna Rulon

Tags: #Mystery, #college romance, #romantic suspense, #Contemporary, #Romance, #young adult, #new adult

BOOK: Pieces For You
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My shift at Higher Yearning dragged on endlessly despite the steady stream of customers.  I was excited and a little nervous to see Griffin after our transition into ‘mine-dom’ last night.  I awoke this morning after a blissfully dream-free night of sleep.  A quiet voice inside my head whispered that Griff might have reconsidered in the cold light of day.  I should have known better.  I hadn’t been awake for five minutes when my cellphone chimed, announcing the arrival of a text message.



Was I broadcasting my
inner thoughts on a frequency only he could hear?  He answered questions before I asked them, addressed fears before I found the words to explain them, and always managed to be in the right place when I needed him.  If it wasn’t so damn convenient, I’d be freaked out.

I changed into my workout gear in the bathroom, returning to the front to grab Griffin’s special coffee.  I was about to ask Meg about her plans for the weekend when I heard my name called.  I turned around to find Westly Black standing a few feet from me.  I took a calming breath, not because I was panicking this time, but because my anger was rising fast.

“Mr. Black, what are you doing here?”

“I thought you might have reconsidered after our last meeting.  I decided to save you the trouble of making a phone call.”

“Nope, I haven’t changed my mind and I won’t.  You’re wasting your breath, which isn’t really a problem because my boyfriend is going to be here any minute, and if he sees you again you’ll no longer need to breathe.  I suggest you leave.  Now.”

He didn’t look scared.  Was he nuts? 

“The Varbeck family is willing to offer you two million dollars to focus on your recovery instead of a messy legal battle.  It’s a very generous offer, one I understand may be of some use to you at this time.”

What the hell was he talking about?  I didn’t need their money, and even if I was piss-poor and living in a shelter, I still wouldn’t take a dime of their bribe money.  Did he think I was some materialistic heiress who would do anything for…Shit!  Of course.  I shouldn’t be surprised, but I was.  The only reason for him to presume I was desperate for money was if the Varbeck and Whitney family lawyers had conversed.  That son of a bitch, formerly known as my father, was so concerned with protecting the Whitney name that he actually told the family of the man who raped me of my potential weakness (at least one he thought I had) so they could exploit it to the benefit of both families’ interests.

“Mr. Black, you can tell your clients that I would rather survive on ramen noodles while living in a mold-coated, rat-infested, basement apartment in the seediest area of Long Island than take a dime of their blood money.  I’ve bled enough thanks to the Varbeck family.  And you can tell them that if I receive any more poetic threats, I will advise the District Attorney and the FBI.”

“I have no idea what threats you’re referring to, but I can’t say I’m surprised.  You are putting yourself in jeopardy, should you testify.  I warned you the last time we spoke.  Perhaps you should heed my warnings.”

“There you go again, threatening me.  Get the hell out and don’t return.  Griffin’s truck just pulled into the lot, and as much as I would like to let him teach you a lesson, I’d rather him spend the night with me than in jail.”

“Until we meet again, Miss Whitney,” he said as he turned to leave.

“For your sake, I hope not,” I shouted to his retreating back.

Thankfully, the asshat’s car was parked in the opposite lot of Griffin’s, so they narrowly avoided running into one another.

I shook the tension out of my body with spastic movements of my arms.

“Everything okay over there?” Griffin teased as he approached.

“Just shaking off the day,” I said, not willing to risk a confrontation if Westly was still loitering in the parking lot.

“Bad day?”

“Nope, just a few unpleasant customers.  Here you go,” I said, handing him the beverage I had lovingly prepared.

“Thanks, Lo.”  He leaned in slowly and kissed my lips in gratitude.  The kiss lingered, more than a simple peck, and expressed the depth of his appreciation.

“Mmm.  You must really like coffee,” I teased.

“Actually, I didn’t like it until recently.  It must be the barista making it; I can’t seem to get enough.”

“Look at you droppin’ lines.”  I rolled my eyes, but secretly enjoyed the compliment.  “Come on playa, don’t want you going soft on me.”  I patted his concrete stomach and gasped dramatically.  “One day and you’re already letting yourself go.”

His quiet growl drew a smile to my lips.

“Soft my ass,” he said as he took my hand and slid it under his t-shirt, running my fingers along his clenched eight-pack.  Never one to miss an opportunity, I took command of my hand and explored his abs more thoroughly before slithering my way up to pay equal attention to his defined pecs.  Yum!

“Totally the hottest,” Meg’s voice declared behind me with conviction.

“And we weren’t even trying,” I retorted, my fingers continuing their journey, slowly descending over his bumpy terrain.  

“That’s what put him over the edge,” she said with a hint of awe in her voice.  I understood the feeling.

My naughty fingers had a mind of their own.  Locating the top of that heavenly ‘V,’ they began to trace its inverted slope appreciatively.

“Enough of that,” he said as he spun me around, “you are trouble.”

He held me against him, my back to his front.

I pressed in closer and felt the indisputable proof of his desire against my back.  Yep, despite everything he knew—every despicable detail—he still wanted me.  Until that moment, I hadn’t confessed, even to myself, the fear that any man who knew would see
before seeing me.  Pressing into my back was evidence that this mountain of a man, one any woman would fall on her knees before, saw
and wanted
.  It was a revelation and a reassurance that lightened a substantial burden within me.  I was so excited by his excitement that I shimmied a little happy dance.

“For the love of God!  Are you trying to kill me or just make me embarrass myself?” he half scolded, half pleaded.

It was evil, I knew it, but I bent my knees slowly, allowing my body to drift down his front before rising again equally slowly. 

“Bye Meg,” he croaked, before pivoting us both and then tossing me over his shoulder, quickly making his escape with his willing captive.

“Bye Meg,” I echoed, offering a small wave that, in combination with my goofy smile, must have told her all she needed to know.

“Hottest ever,” I heard her say to herself as we exited through the front door.

I stretched as far as my little body would allow, permitting me to paddle his ass.

“Girl, you keep this up, I’m tying you to the treadmill until you’re too tired to blink.”

I sucked in a harsh breath at his word choice at the precise moment he froze mid-step.

“Oh god, Lo-baby, I didn’t mean…I would never…shit, I’m a fucking moron.”

He reached up, gripped me gently as he lifted me off his shoulder, and lowered me to the ground, keeping a light hold on my waist for support. 

His poor, albeit accidental word choice instigated a flash of memory I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy…except
.  I didn’t fly into a panic or dissolve into tears from the flashes anymore, but a tingling numbness engulfed my body and I trembled slightly.

He bent his knees, lowering himself until he reached eye level with me.  Tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, he cupped my cheek with his warm hand.

“Forgive me.”

I could hear the self-loathing in his voice.  He attempted to step back, giving me the space he thought I needed, but I grabbed his face with both my hands to halt his movement.

He stared into my eyes, evidently waiting for my wrath, tears, panic…anything.

I leaned in and pressed a gentle, worshipful kiss on his lips.  It wasn’t sensual, rather a symbol of my appreciation and understanding.  When I drew back, his eyes were wide and his lips slightly parted as if he had attempted to speak but words failed him.  Now that was a first.

“Don’t apologize.  I’m glad you said it.  The fact that it slipped through your perfect control means you are relaxing around me and forgetting to censor yourself.”

He pulled me into his broad chest and hugged me fiercely, reinforcing his words with action.  I nestled my head in that perfect indent beneath his chest, the spot where I knew I would lay my head and fall asleep to the beat of his heart when finally given the opportunity.

“Come on, beautiful, let’s get to the gym.  I’m feeling especially motivated to keep in shape after your earlier explorations.”

“I can get on board with that plan,” I teased, as he lifted me into his truck.


After our workout and my heavenly massage, we shared a quick dinner at a small Korean BBQ restaurant near my condo.

“We still on for tomorrow?” he asked.

“Are you kidding?  I plan to fast tomorrow in honor of Maroni’s…we’re still going there, aren’t we?  I mean, I know it’s impossible to get a reservation, so if we’re going someplace else, that’s fine,” I backpedaled, realizing I sounded like a brat.  It was unintentional; I was just so excited to try their famed cuisine.

“Don’t get shy on me now,” he chuckled, “I’m glad you’re excited.  We have reservations for 8:30 pm  I’ll pick you up at 7:45?”

I did a quick analysis.  I was working until 6:30 tomorrow, but if I planned my outfit and painted my nails tonight, I could make it work.

“That sounds perfect.”

After Griffin dropped me off at my car, I hurried home to plan my ensemble.  I wanted to top my ‘Grease’ outfit from Thursday, which would be no small challenge but one I was up for.



My last customer cost me precious minutes of beautification time, much to my dismay.  After he changed his drink order for the third time, I was prepared to toss him out on his ass.  Luckily, Meg stepped in and took over so I could escape.  Ev caught me as I was collecting my purse and wanted to chat about our plans tonight.  I couldn’t catch a freaking break.

“Are you ready for tonight?” Ev began what I could only assume was ‘the talk.’

“If I get out of here now, I will be.  I still haven’t had a chance to get to the spa, so I need to shave my legs, which isn’t going to happen if I don’t leave now.  Damn indecisive customers,” I said, hoping she’d take the hint.

“Shaving your legs?”

“Yes, I decided on a dress.  It is Maroni’s, after all,” I replied impatiently.

your legs?”

And there it was.  I didn’t have time for this conversation.

“I’m taking your suggestion and doing a home-style Brazilian,” I said and winked.  Before she could object, I added, “Now I have a date to get ready for.  I’m out of here.”

After a quick exit, I unlocked my car and hopped in, about to pull out when I saw it—another piece of paper pinned beneath my wiper.  You’ve got to be kidding me!  Was this some kind of sick joke?  I just wanted to get ready for my damn date in peace, but everything was trying to derail me. 

I threw open my car door with more force than necessary and snatched the page from my windshield.  Knowing I had to look, I sat down, buckled my belt, and unfolded the note.


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