Pieces of Me (15 page)

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Authors: Lashawn Vasser

BOOK: Pieces of Me
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Nicole was so overcome with emotion. That was her baby on the screen. She couldn’t take her eyes off of her. She wiped the tears away that had managed to leak out. The little person on the screen was the only other person in the world that shared her DNA.


Dr. Cooke finished up and wiped the jelly off of her stomach. “Congratulations you two on your new baby girl. Would you like a picture?”


They were so excited and both said yes at the same time.


“I’ll make sure they leave them for you at the front desk. Now, don’t forget to schedule next month’s appointment and I’ll see you both then.” He shook hands with both Davis and Nicole before leaving.


Davis was so amazed. He wanted to touch her “We’re having a girl. Do you think I could touch her? I mean, I know you said she’s been moving around a lot but I haven’t…felt her move.”


Nicole hesitated before she reached out for his hand and gently placed it on her belly. Within moments, their baby moved. Davis couldn’t breathe. It was such a miracle. Nicole felt somewhat guilty that he hadn’t had much of a chance to share in some of the best moments of her pregnancy. So, she allowed his hands to roam her stomach as she watched his eyes look on in wonder. After a little while, Nicole needed just a little space “Davis, we should probably get going. I need to change. Do you mind?”


Davis didn’t want to let her go but knew he was being unreasonable “No, I don’t mind. I’ll just wait for you in the waiting room.” Davis left out feeling surreal. He knew Nicole was pregnant but it truly became real at this appointment.


Nicole quickly dressed and met him in the waiting room. They left Dr. Cooke’s office in awkward silence. There was so much to say but they didn’t know where to start.


“Are you hungry? Maybe we can stop and grab some lunch?” He was hopeful.


“I’m sorry I can’t.”


He was somewhat disappointed but still hopeful “Okay, maybe I can pick you up and we can do dinner?”


“That’s probably not a good idea either.”


“Nicole, I’d like to spend some time with you and talk.”


“Davis, I’m sure we need to talk but today when we’re both so emotionally charged is probably not a good time.”


“Will you let me at least drive you back to your place?” Davis just wanted to be around her for just a little bit longer.


Nicole knew it probably wasn’t the best decision but allowed him to take her home.


“My car is not far.” They walked the short distance and he helped her inside. Davis couldn’t take his eyes from her middle. He hurried to the other side and got in the car.


“You sure you’re not hungry? We don’t have to eat in I can just pick something up.”


She smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. Pregnancy looked good on her. She was as beautiful as ever but looked tired. “I’m good Davis but thank you for asking.”


“Nicole, I’d give you anything. I hope you know that all you have to do is ask.”


Davis tried to take the longest route possible to her place. He wanted to prolong being around her but he didn’t want to push.


Nicole laughed to herself “I should have taken one of the cars? Leaving in such a dramatic fashion wasn’t very practical.”

That was just the opening Davis needed. He made a quick uturn. “Your wish is my command.”


“What are you doing? Where are you going?”


“I’m taking you to the house to get a car. I have several and I can only drive one at a time. It’ll make it easier for my security detail to watch you. Truth be told they hate walking all over the place to trail you.”


Nicole was nervous. The last thing she needed was to go back to the home she shared with him “Davis you don’t have to do this. I was just thinking out loud. I’ve been so tired lately that it’s really the only exercise I get. As you can see I really could use the exercise.”


Davis turned those piercing green eyes on her “Actually, you’ve never looked more beautiful.”


Chapter 23


Davis always made Nicole melt. This time was no different. But, she didn’t respond to what he’d said and turned to look out the window. They drove in silence for a little while. Davis kept sneaking peeks at her. The closer they got to his home the more anxious Nicole got. She whispered “Why are you doing this? Can’t you see how hard this is for me?” Her vision started to get cloudy.


He pulled up into their driveway and parked. Davis had to touch her. He caressed her cheek “It’s hard for me too.” He wanted to kiss her so badly. He leaned into her and just as he was about to capture her lips with his, his cell phone rang.


That was just enough time for Nicole to come to her senses and turn away. Davis wanted to kill whoever it was for their bad timing. He looked down at his phone to see who it was “I’ve got to take this.”


“Davis speaking. Are you sure? I’m going into the house right now and I’ll let you know when I have it.” His whole demeanor changed.


Nicole was concerned “Is everything okay?”


“They think they have a lead on who’s been stealing secrets from Chatham and where the threats are coming from.”


Nicole followed him inside the house and into Davis’s office. He powered up his laptop. Then, he called his FBI contact back. “Harlan, you’re on speaker. My wife is here with me. I’ve got the e-mail and I’m opening it now.”


“Davis we don’t think your plane crash wasn’t an accident. It seems to have been planned.”


“How is that possible? I wasn’t even supposed to be on that flight. I’d just gotten the independent audit that morning and made the decision to fly out the same day.”


“We caught a break with Homeland Security. A mechanic was caught on a hidden camera doing something to the engines on your plane. What was strange about it was your plane had just been inspected that morning. There was no need for anyone to be doing anything to it.”


Nicole’s eyes were wide as saucers. Davis got up from his chair and walked over to her. He held her hand and squeezed it trying to reassure her that she was safe.


“We’ve just been pulling on that string. We found the mechanic who led us to someone named Jarrett. Jarrett was the person who paid him to sabotage your plane. It took a while to figure out if Jarrett was a real person or just an alias. Once we found out he was real, we had to locate him. That took some time too. He has no idea we’re on to him but he has ties to an obscure sect fighting for the Liberation of Shebet.”


“I’ve heard of them. They are ruthless warlords who kill innocent children in the name of peace. They are also on the terrorist watch list. Any company caught doing business with them could be tried under the Patriot Act. I’ve never authorized any business with them or any groups even loosely affiliated with them.”


“Well, we were able to trace an e-mail from that region to Chatham Industries. The IP address belongs to a computer in your office.”


“After the plane crashed someone sent a one word e-mail. That’s the second attachment. It simply states ‘Done.’”


“Harlan, are you trying to tell me not only is it someone in my inner circle but someone who has access to my computers? That list is very small.”


“That’s exactly what I’m saying. We need you to send us the names of everyone who has access to your username and passwords.”


“I’ll send that right away. Harlan, we’ve got to tread lightly on this because I want all the bastards involved in this scheme taken down.”


“It’s only a matter time Davis. They are as good as caught. I know you’ve added extra security but we’ve also put a few men on your detail as well. Oh…before I forget, There’s no there with who’s been threatening Anne Mathews. Not only is it not connected to your situation I hate to tell you this but it seems to be a hoax.”


Davis was incredulous “Are you sure?”


“Positive. I’ve attached our complete investigation summary in the e-mail as well.”


“Thanks…I owe you.”


Davis disconnected the call. Anne lied to him about something this serious and Nicole wouldn’t even look at him. Damn.


“Nicole I would feel better if you came back to the house until this is all resolved.”


“There is no need for that. You have a security detail watching over and following me everywhere I go. My apartment is a secured building. And, I promise to pay attention to everything around me. The FBI agent even said you guys were close to getting these guys.”


Davis wanted to argue with her but he could see she was determined. He couldn’t change her mind when she was this way.


Nicole needed to leave. Just hearing Anne’s name was too painful. If Davis wasn’t still in love with her she never would have been able to manipulate him so easily.


Resignedly, Davis helped Nicole get up from her seat and walked her towards the garage.


Davis had no less than six cars for her to choose from. “My guys came by this morning to service my Mercedes S63. Take that one.”


Nicole took the keys from the wall and got in the car “Thank you.”


Davis stood there with both hands in his front pockets feeling helpless. He’d messed up. “Will you call me later to let me know you’re okay?”


“Davis, I need you to give me some time and some space for the sake of my sanity. Can you do that?


He wanted to scream at her ‘hell no’. But, he’d hurt her. Somehow, Davis had to try and make it up to her. He couldn’t make the promise that he’d give her time and space.

“I can promise you that I won’t call you tonight.”


“Thank you, that’s a start. And, I promise if something out of the ordinary happens that I will call you.”


Nicole closed her door, started the car and Davis watched her pull out of the garage. He watched her until the car was no longer in view.


It was time to go have a chat with Anne Mathews.

Chapter 24


Anne was sitting in her study going over the seating chart for her annual winter gala when her housekeeper Lola informed her that Davis was downstairs and wanted to see her.


It had taken him long enough. They’d talked over the phone a couple of times but he hadn’t come to see her. She had heard Nicole had left him over six weeks ago. Anne knew this was the moment he’d tell her that he was ready to try again. She checked herself in the mirror to make sure her hair and makeup was together and did a quick once over to make sure her violet dress was in place.


Anne came down the stairs in dramatic fashion. “Davis, what a pleasant surprise. What are you doing here?”


“I came to see how you’re doing and if there have been anymore threats?”


“No, not since the last one that I told you about. Are you any closer to finding out who is responsible for this madness?”


“No, not yet but my contact at the FBI did give me some other interesting information.” Davis handed her the information about the investigation into her part of case.


Anne turned beet red. “This is nonsense Davis! Why would I make up lies in a matter so serious?”


“I don’t know maybe because you have a hard time letting go of things you think belong to you? Maybe it was because Greg’s political career didn’t take off the way you wanted it, or maybe it was because appearances mean everything to you and you didn’t know how to save face after you told everyone we were reconciling and then I married Nicole.”


“You are really full of yourself Davis Chatham. I left you remember. I divorced you! You were the one pining after me. I obviously got caught up in the emotion of what we shared when I thought you’d died in the plane crash. Had I known you were sleeping with trash, I wouldn’t have tried to rekindle what we once shared.”


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