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Authors: Venessa Kimball

BOOK: Piercing The Fold
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Chapter 39

I don’t expect to see Ezra sitting at the kitchen table with files scattered.

Ezra stops reading and looks up over his glasses. “Jesca.”

Just the sound of my name sounds serious in this instance. I carefully put my things down on the entry table and walk over to him.

He nudges a chair with his foot. “Take a seat. We’ve got something to talk about.”

I feel the house narrow down to this single table with a soft light above it. Everything else around us is gone. My hands start to tingle, so I start wringing them together.

Is this the lightning strike?

Ezra gets up from the table as I sit. “Do you want something from the kitchen?”

“Uh. No, thanks.”

I glance feverishly from one file to the next, trying to catch a glimpse of something that could give me a clue on what Ezra is going to talk with me about.

One picture catches my eyes. It’s woman in a bed with a contorted face. A priest is standing over her. Another picture, a young man is levitating over a bed while a woman covers her mouth in the background. Some of the pictures have the word MISSING across their faces.

Ezra walks up next to me.

“What are these, Ezra?”

Ezra waves his hands over the files. “This is what I have been working on since we got our territory.”

I point to the picture of the woman and the man. “What happened?”

I can’t look at the woman in the picture very long. She is disfigured so badly, she doesn’t look human. Her black eyes were obviously staring at the camera lens when this was taken.

It looks like, like demonic…

Ezra finishes my thought. “Demonic possession.”

My mouth goes dry. “Yes. Her face, its face. It doesn’t look like a woman. It looks like something not of this world.” I have to look away again.

The woman’s eyes are sunken and bloodshot to the point of hemorrhaging. Her cheekbones are pronounced, and her mouth is stretched into an angry scowl with sores developing around her lips.

I get up and walk to the kitchen to put some distance between me and the pictures.

Ezra is shuffling pictures and files, suddenly, he realizes the emotions the photos are bringing out in me and starts collecting them into a stack.

I try to get the thought out of my mind, but I can’t. The reoccurring nightmare of my parents, my mother convulsing as my father prays over her, holding her. Her face changing, contorting. I close my eyes and take a sip of the Coke that I just popped open.

Wash away the image, Jes.

Ezra calls to me, “It’s not demonic. What if I told you that for centuries what people have thought to be demonic possession of the body and mind was actually an alien possession resulting from abduction.”

I choke on my Coke. “What? Alien possession? There is no such thing. That’s crazy, Ezra!”

Ezra retorts, “As crazy as demonic possession?”

He has a point. For hundreds of years the argument of demonic possession being real or not has been fought.

Ezra starts, “In the Bible, possession did occur, and it is referred to as demonic. How do we know that the demons in the Bible were grotesque-looking animal-like mutations from a realm called Hell, rather than beings with different physical attributes and chemical properties from another world named Hell? How do we know that those possessions were not the beginnings of abduction of the human mind and body to eventually be marked and probed? And by marked I mean physical implantation of a communication device, much like a marine biologist would tag a group of migrating whales in the ocean, to keep track of the tagged and in this woman’s case, to use her as a vessel for communication and monitoring of our world by another. To watch and observe us, like a window into our world, to communicate their desire to learn about us and co-exist with us.”

Once again, Ezra amazes me with the possibilities. I can’t resist the argument, though. “And priests?”

Ezra responds matter-of-factly, “Students of God and teachers for us. Teachers of prayer and spiritual communication with Him, the Lord. And teaching a splash of psychology for good measure and the balance of science and religion in our universe,” Ezra sighs and continues while he puts his files together. “Who better than a human host to be the medium between intelligent, extraterrestrial life and our world? A way for them to enter our world and dwell among us.”

I walk back to the table and sit. I look directly at Ezra. “You’re serious.” I am not questioning, but searching his eyes for solid assurance that he truly believes this.

Ezra looks back at me with intense seriousness. “A theory that is totally a possibility and is logical. As long as you are of both the faithful and logical, science and religion.”

I ask, “So how does this connect with what’s going on here?”

Ezra changes the subject. “It started dull and is getting stronger now, isn’t it?”

The humming.

I reply flatly, “Yes, but I’m fine.”

Ezra is a little agitated by this. “Yes, Jesca, you are fine. But you need to keep me in the loop. I need a warning as well. And you are the only warning we have. Your gift is unique and one that I don’t have. Work with me, okay?”

At this point, his anger has turned to a plea.

I understand.

“You’re right, I just wanted to keep it quiet until I knew for sure that something was happening.”

Ezra mumbles, “You are not a one-man army, Jes. Don’t even attempt to try it. Promise me.”

The concern on his face prompts me to try and ease his nerves. “I promise, Ezra.”

Ezra sits and gestures for me to come back to the table from the kitchen counter. “Initially I was sent to participate in the research surrounding the Bermuda Triangle and the Einstein-Rosen bridge theory link. We were to blend in and adapt to the community. In addition to my ‘day job’, I was being sent documents from global Dobrian intelligence.”

Ezra points to the files in front of us. “These files are real people from all walks of life all over the world. This is proof that extraterrestrial marking, implantation, possession, and abduction of humans on Earth is happening. Not only that, it has been occurring steadily in one location for the last six months.”

Ezra begins to restack his files and sighs. “When you look at the reports of abductions globally, the largest numbers reported in the past two years have occurred in Japan and North America. We have Dobrians everywhere to track and document this kind of intelligence: hospitals, institutions, churches, doctors, lawyers, nurses, pastors, priests. The list goes on.

“Now, within the last six months alone, we have received multiple reports targeting an area that has absorbed a large amount of missing people, mental illnesses in people where there is no familial history of illness, and priests and pastors working with individuals that think they are losing their minds or think they are possessed.”

I put my head down and blow my lower lip out. “Let me guess. Right here in Florida.”

Ezra nods. “And all of them have similar episodes and speaking in one particular language. An ancient language, Aramaic. From here to Japan, the translators have confirmed that the human victims are all focused on one specific event: the collision of The Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies.

Chapter 40

It is surreal to say out loud. “So, these people are being…abducted, marked, and used to warn us?”

“Well, it is more of an announcement, a revelation, that a collision of our two galaxies will occur.”

I have so many questions, but I am so overwhelmed I don’t know where to start. Thoughts start racing through my head.
When will it happen? What will it do to our world?

Ezra senses my thoughts. “Imagine bubbles floating in the air. The wind shifts the directions of the bubbles, and two begin to float into each other. They either join, intersect, or they become one bubble. In our situation, we have two galaxies. The thing that is drawing these two galaxies to each other is the cosmic links that have been created first by Sebastian’s travel, connecting Earth to Dobria, and then continued cosmic linking by Balthazar’s travel, connecting Earth to Sonde.”

I feel resentment emanate from Ezra briefly before he blocks me.

“A gravitational shift has begun. Our galaxy and Andromeda have been set into motion to collide, like two bubbles. And what that collision will create is not known to us yet. But fellow Dobrian scientists, climatologists, and biologists have been reporting changes in our world that are showing the Earth’s vulnerability to the movement that is occurring: shifting of the polar caps, weather patterns becoming unstable and volatile, natural disasters occurring with greater frequency. When will it happen? Within months. Will we intersect and become one or collide and be destroyed? Only God knows.”

We both become quiet to take in the possibility of this unavoidable event.

Ezra continues, “Balthazar has been working very hard for years to form an alliance with the inhabitants of Sonde in preparation for this intersection, Jes. Not only that, he has been traveling to multiple worlds in both our galaxies and in Andromeda for the same purpose. He is obsessed with the power he has experienced from each of these worlds he has visited. Through valuable sources, Sebastian has learned that the inhabitants of Sonde are unhappy with what Balthazar is doing, the alterations he is making in other worlds.”

I think about that for a second. Alterations?

Ezra continues, “There have been rumors of a revolt against Balthazar and his team in Sonde. They are not planning the revolt until the event has occurred.”

I finish his thought. “Because they want to inhabit Earth.” I bite my lip as I think about the repercussions. How will this play out? What will our world become? Questions are whirling in my head. I start to feel the adrenaline pumping faster.

I look Ezra square in the eyes. “Well, what are we supposed to do, Ezra?

“All we can do is be ready to protect the humanity in our world from those that may want to destroy it,” Ezra sighs in relief. “The good news is that Dobria is in the Andromeda galaxy. We have an ally over there.”

I know that Ezra is working hard to change the growing wrinkle in the middle of my forehead. It’s not working, though. I know that we have to do something now.

“All right, who are we looking for? Who is the one that has been causing the abnormal growth of victims in Florida?” I am digging because I know that is where this conversation is headed. There is one person pulling the strings here for Balthazar. “S. C. Who is S. C.? From the files back at the facility.”

“His name is Samson. He is the right-hand man for Balthazar. He has a young assistant. I don’t know who he is yet.” Ezra looks away.

My adrenaline is boiling over, and I let the questions loose. “Where is his location? When do we plan to attack? Are we to capture or kill?”

“Whoa, girl! This is heavier than what the team originally thought when you and I were sent here.” Ezra shakes his head. “We are in over our head, Jesca. We need backup.”

My anger gets the better of me. “What? Ezra, we are ready for this. We have spent a month preparing, with endless scenarios and plenty of combat practice. You and I can do this. Stopping this Samson guy would put a huge hole in Balthazar’s plan. Who knows? That might alter the collision.”

Ezra puffs out his lower lip. “I have been advised to call in a partner for us. A partner for you.”

I feel my pride take a punch in the stomach. “A partner? For what? To hold my hand!” My mouth starts going dry.
I can’t believe they are doing this now. They didn’t even give me a shot on my own.

Ezra feels the need to explain more. “Sebastian and I both agree. He has already put in the order. Sebastian and I know what we are up against, Jesca. Don’t let pride get in the way of your judgment.”

I shoot back. “You know what I am capable of.” I look up at the ceiling and yell. “And you know too Sebastian, where ever you are!”

I look back at Ezra and point at him accusingly. “You said it yourself. You have never seen someone with so many abilities gifted to them. And I know how to use them.”

Ezra nods in agreement. “And they are getting stronger by the day. That is precisely why you need to be paired with someone who can be your balance. You do not know everything you are capable of, Jesca. You need another to balance your abilities.” Ezra looks defeated all of a sudden. “Someone other than me.”

I turn on my heels and grab my backpack. “This is crap.”

I am seeing red and need to get out of here as quickly as possible before I explode.

Ezra’s voice becomes stern. “Where are you going?

I am packing my bag with anything I can stuff in it—my wallet, spare clothes, shoes, and a toothbrush.

“Out. I need to cool off. I can’t believe Sebastian. And you! Of all people, you! You didn’t give me a shot on my own!”

Ezra argues back. “We are trying to keep you safe!”

I don’t back down. “I am safe. Too safe. Too safe to stop anyone on my own, apparently.”

I zip my bag and slam the door to the villa behind me. My chest is tightening. I try to breathe deep, but I can’t slow it down. I close my eyes and concentrate on slowing everything down. I take a deep breath to think about where I am heading. I don’t have many options. I shift the weight of my bag and head for Corinna’s.

Chapter 41

Corinna is in the bathroom, curling her eyelashes, when she hears the knock at her door. “Ugh. I hate having short eyelashes. Short and straight. Coming! Be right there!”

Corinna tosses the curler into her makeup drawer and skips to the front door. The living room is a wreck. She trips over a beach towel, picks it up with a sigh, and tosses it over a kitchen table chair on her way to the door.

Corinna opens the door with a huge smile. “I knew it would be you!”

My face must show the anger I am still feeling.

Corinna’s smile fades to concern. “What is up with you?”

God, she sounds so much like Elisha.

I smile a little and roll my eyes. “What’s up with me? What’s up with you? Are you going to that club tonight or what?”

Corinna’s eyes light up again, and the excitement comes out in her high-pitched voice. “Yes! Are you done at your house?”

“Oh, yes. I am done for the night.” I don’t have anything “club worthy” in my bag. “Do you have something I could borrow?”

Corinna grabs my hand and pulls me into the villa. I reach to shut the door behind me as she pulls me along.

“I have the perfect outfit for you, Jes. A royal blue, sequined tank with tight, black, leather pants. You’ve got the body!”

I stop listening after the tight, black, leather pants.
What am I getting myself into?
I always knew what fun trouble I would get in with Elisha. For the first time since home, being with Corinna felt the same way.

After clothes and hair, Corinna was ready to work on makeup. She takes me into the bathroom and gets to work.

I make conversation while Corinna works. “So, what are we doing tonight? I mean, I know we are going to a club. Are we meeting anyone there?”

Corinna studies my face as she brushes here and brushes there on my forehead and eyelids. “Club Helion. Lots of friends from campus have gone and have been trying to get me to go. I have been stand-offish about the whole club scene since the recent negative publicity it has been getting.”

This gets my attention. My eyes open to look up at her. “Negative publicity? Like what?”

Corinna rolls her eyes while she speaks. “A few night-clubbers have gone missing over the past couple of weeks.”

I stop Corinna’s hand mid-brush. “Corinna! Why are we going there?”

Corinna defends her decision. “All of the missing turned up a day or two later, Jes! Unharmed for the most part. Reporters speculate there were drugs involved since they could not recall where they went and who was with them. And by the looks of these people, they were probably real wack-jobs in the first place.”

I can’t help but think of Ezra’s conversation with me about the abductees. I found it too coincidental to not be related. “Were the victims okay after they were found?”

Corinna stops brushing my eyelashes with mascara. “Well. I think so. I think a few of them needed some additional medical attention.”

I close my eyes while Corinna continues to touch up my eyes. If Ezra and Sebastian were not going to give me a shot on my own, maybe this is my chance to do a bit of investigation by myself. This may or may not be a lead. But I am going to take it. If it turns out to be nothing, I will be hanging out with Corinna, forgetting about everything for a little while.

Corinna taps me on the head with the tip of an eye-lining pen, like she has worked magic.

I open my eyes and smile. “So did you work a miracle on my face, friend?”

Corinna snickers. “Ha ha, friend. You didn’t need much work. You ready?”

“Yes. Let’s go.”

I don’t bother looking in the mirror. I don’t want to see how much makeup Corinna has used on me. Since I am a no-makeup girl, any amount is too much. I am anxious and curious. Will I uncover a key player in these possible abduction cases or have a thrilling time with a new friend away from the crazy path my life has taken?

Corinna stops me as we pass her room. “Hey. Can you help me put on my bracelet?”

It is silver with small amber stones all around it. I comment as I put it on her. “It is so beautiful.”

“Thanks. My sister, Isabel, gave it to me for my birthday last year.”

Corinna smiles as she recalls the event in her mind. It reminds me of Bethany.

“I miss my sister Bethany a lot, too.” I look down, recalling the sibling rivalry as well as the friendship we had as kids.

Corinna reaches for my hand. “I’m glad that we found each other here, Jes. I mean, meeting you and becoming friends so quickly. That normally doesn’t happen to me.”

“It doesn’t happen to me either.”

Corinna says, “Uh! Listen to me. I sound so sappy.”

I put my hand over hers. “No. Not sappy at all.”

Corinna pulls her hand away and flutters them in the air to remove the imagined sappiness from the atmosphere.

“All right! No more talk! Let’s get out of here!”

We both smile and head out the front door.

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