Pink Butterfly (6 page)

Read Pink Butterfly Online

Authors: Geoff Lynch

Tags: #club, #sex, #fantasy, #erotic, #panty, #dance, #girl, #stripper

BOOK: Pink Butterfly
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Melvin turned back around with his erection poking his pants out like a tent pole trying to pretend it wasn’t there. He saw her look down and then back up into his eyes. “I can see why you’re the top sales girl,” he said with a smile. “That’s what I call customer service.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to get a masturbation aid now?” she asked. “You might need to unload or the buildup could lead to prostate problems down the line.”

“Thanks for your medical concern, but I think my hand will work just fine, it always has before,” Melvin said dying of embarrassment.

“Would you like for me to try out any of these other dildos for you? There is quite a variety and they all work differently.”

“Sure, but before you do can you explain something to me? You sell vibrators, and dildos and vibrating dildos but as far as I know, my dick has never vibrated. Where did they come up with the idea that dicks vibrate?”

“I’ll have to Google that,” the clerk replied. “All I know is if it vibrates, I blow my top and orgasm like you wouldn’t believe. By the time I’m done, the sheets are soaking wet and I have to do a set of laundry. Been thinking about getting some rubber floor mats to put under me so I don’t make such a mess.”

“Another question,” Melvin stated. “Why does a hot girl like you use a dildo? You could get any man you wanted.”

“I don’t have to kick the dildo out of the bed when I’m done,” the clerk replied. “Sometimes a girl just wants to bang herself and go to bed with no strings. Plus I don’t have all the goo dripping out of me for the next twelve hours. Personally, I prefer rubber over the real thing.”

Melvin leaned to his right and looked over the shoulder of the clerk and watched a young woman pick something off a hook on the wall and shove it in her pants. “Do you get a lot of shoplifters in here?” Melvin asked keeping his eye on the girl.

“All the time, if I don’t keep my eyes glued to the customers, this stuff walks right out the front door.” she replied. “Why do you ask?”

“I just saw that girl shove something down her pants,” Melvin stated trying not to be obvious pointing at the girl.

“What was it?”

“I couldn’t tell from this angle, but she took it off the wall in front of her. It was in a bubble pack and about the size of a deck of cards.”

The clerk turned around and walked over to the girl Melvin was referring to and pretended to straighten up some anal lube bottles while examining the young girl’s crotch for any sort of bulging. In the skin tight pants she was wearing, it was obvious she was packing something under her zipper that looked horribly uncomfortable to wear. “Is there anything I can help you with?” the clerk asked the girl. “We have anal lube on sale this week.”

The girl smiled, shook her head no and walked away with the obvious bulge in the front of her jeans. The clerk walked back to Melvin and winked at him telling him he was right about the shoplifting. “She’s packing alright,” the clerk said keeping an eye on the girl who was now sniffing the various sex oils on the counter.

“What are you going to do about it?” Melvin asked.

“I can’t do anything until she’s past the cash register, but once she touches the front door, wham! I got her!” she said pissed.

“Well, have fun with that,” Melvin said taking a step away. “I better check on Gunnar and see if he’s ready to leave.”

“Wait a second, can you stick around for a little while? I’m the only clerk in the store this late at night and I might need help with the strip search.”

“If your strip searching her, who’s to stop anybody else from stealing you blind while you’re gone? I don’t work here.” Melvin asked.

“Fuck, you’re right. I have an idea, go over there and ask her what that bulge in her pants is.”

“I’m not asking some strange woman in a sex toy store about a bulge in her pants. That’s kind of pushing it don’t you think?”

“You are standing three feet from a black dildo large enough to fuck a horse and you’re worried about what she thinks? She thinks she can rob this store and take food out of the mouths of my kids. This is the sort of place where you can browse for DVD’s of women having sex with dogs next to the same lady who checked you out at the supermarket the day before. Nobody cares in here, the rubber vagina’s on the wall look more real than mine does.”

“It’s not polite to ask someone if they are stealing,” Melvin reiterated. “I may have made a mistake and that might be a tumor or unusual growth I am unaware of.”

“Huh,” the clerk said in disappointment. “I was going to offer you a thirty percent discount on hand lube if you helped me, but no.”

“Thirty percent discount?” Melvin asked like it was a joke. “I can get a better discount at Burger World for faking a dead cockroach in my special sauce.”

“What do you want then?” the clerk asked.

“For me to go over there and ask her if her pants bulge is stolen property from a sex toy store, I want to be there when you strip search her.”

“Sounds fair. Now go over and ask her.”

“You forgot we are the only non-customers in the store. If we both go in the back room and strip search her the rest of these customers can steal from you. Get it?”

“Then you will have to do the search yourself,” the clerk stated.

“I don’t work here.”

“I can make you a temp if you want?” she asked.

Melvin looked at the clock on the wall that read a quarter past two in the morning and knew Gunnar was waiting for him somewhere in the truck stop. He didn’t have time to mess with this strip search, no matter how fun it sounded. “I got to go, it’s late and my friend is waiting for me.”

“He can join you in the strip search, how does that sound?” the clerk asked.

“No, I got to go, sorry,” Melvin stated and walked past the clerk towards the front door. As he passed the girl with the bulge in her pants, he stopped and smiled. “You don’t know what you’re in for do you?” he asked with a smirk and walked past the girl to the entrance to the sex shop. He pulled the door and was about to step into the hallway leading to the twenty four hour restaurant when he felt a hand touch his shoulder and pull him back. It was the girl with the bulge in her pants. “Can I help you?” Melvin asked looking at the pretty girl.

“I was wondering if you could do me a favor?” the girl asked in a coy girly way.

“I guess so, what do you need?” Melvin asked back.

“I don’t usually ask boys for things like this, it’s sort of embarrassing, but could you sneak something out of the store for me? I would make it worth your while,” she added running her hands along the nipple line of her tight shirt.

Melvin stood there dumbfounded not knowing how to answer the question. He knew she was a shoplifter and so did the clerk so there was no way he was going to steal for this girl even with the possible chance of getting laid for his trouble. “What do I get out of it?” Melvin asked.

“What do you want out of it?” she replied.

“I realize that it isn’t every day that I get a chance like this, but I will have to decline your offer and say no. I will give you some advice though, when you decide to shoplift from a sex toy store, don’t wear tight pants and don’t shove the merchandise down your pants when everyone in the room is checking out your awesome camel toe. With that said, Melvin excused himself and stepped out of the sex toy shop and into the hallway leaving the clerk and the girl behind.

Chapter 7
24 hour Breakfast Buffet

“So do you remember anything about your distant past? Did the shock fuck up your long term memory?” Gunnar asked pouring catsup on his hash browns. The two men had met up at the truck stop gift shop and decided to grab something to eat before heading back on the road. At this hour, there were very few people in the diner and the buffet was thin pickings at best.

“I remember all that,” Melvin replied chewing on some link sausage. “Just the last forty eight hours are a bit foggy. I still remember growing up and going to school and all that shit.”

“Then let me ask you this. I remember reading about your case in the paper here and there but never paid much attention to it. What were the events that led up to you killing those two people and getting sentenced to death?” Gunnar asked. “According to what I read, you supposedly caught this woman robbing her own house, went inside for some fucked up reason, killed her boyfriend in the shower, cut off his balls and kidnaped her and let her die in your trunk.”

“Was sort of a lame excuse wasn’t it?” Melvin replied between bites. “It’s not as easy as you think to come up with an explanation when you’re in a tiny room and the cops are badgering you for a confession. Once I said it, I was stuck with it and had to make it make sense. Problem was, the jury could see how lame my excuse was and I didn’t have a chance in hell. I was nervous and should have called for a lawyer, instead I spouted the first stupid thing I could think of and it bit me in the ass.”

“So what really happened?” Gunnar asked.

Melvin took a sip of his diet cola and leaned back in his chair. Looking Gunner in the eye he shook his head as if saying “No”, but then closed his eyes for a moment and began to explain what seemed to be an embarrassing situation gone horribly wrong. “What the hell, you saved my ass from those mother fuckers so I’ll tell you the truth. I killed them because I was pissed that the woman I loved was fucking someone else. She deserved what she got, so did he.”

“You dated this woman?” Gunnar asked.

“No, she didn’t think I was good enough to “date”.

“How well did you know her?”

“We both worked in the same mall but in different stores. I worked in a sporting goods store and she worked in a women’s clothing store across the hall from me. Once we met, we talked all the time when things were slow, and I used to hang out at her work on my breaks.”

“Did she hang out at your work during her breaks?”

“No, I don’t know where she went on her breaks,” Melvin replied.

“So after a few months I get this note from her boss stating that I am no longer welcome into her store during her working hours. I’m shocked and a little pissed since she never said anything to me about me coming over and as far as I could tell she was fine with it.”

“Little obsessed were we?” Gunnar asked with a grin.

“Maybe,” Melvin replied. “I found reasons to hang out by the cash register just so I could be close enough to the front door to look across the hall to see her. My boss told me once that I needed to get away from the front door and help the customers because I was spending too much time up front.”

“What did she do?”

“She spent a lot of time at the rear of her store away from my view. I knew what she was doing and it only made me angry.”

“How long did this go on?”

“Until the day I killed her,” Melvin asked.

“Back up, you went from getting a note from her boss to killing her?”

“You didn’t let me finish,” Melvin replied. “I did a little investigation. I found out what she drove and where she lived. One time I even managed to get inside her car during my lunch break when I found her doors unlocked.”

“Did you find anything worthwhile?” Gunnar asked.

“I wasn’t looking for anything at the time, I just wanted to be where she had been and feel her presence. I did grab a necklace from her change tray and take it home with me though. I would wrap it around my cock and balls and wear it to work. It was like she was fucking me all day long.”

“You’re one sick fuck,” Gunnar replied.

“You don’t know what it’s like to want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you. Having the necklace down there made me feel like we were one. I remember one time I sat down behind her a few tables back at the food court and managed to blow in my pants just looking at the back of her head. When I got to the bathroom, the necklace had my splooge all over it and I felt like I had cum inside her.”

“Like I said, you are one sick fuck.”

“Sick? Listen to this. I took the necklace back to work, hung it up to dry and returned it to her.”

“Weren’t you afraid she’d wonder where you got if from?”

“I didn’t care, when I dropped it in her hand knowing my cum was all over it I shivered with excitement. She looked me in the eye and said thanks.

“But you were told not to contact her.”

“Correct, at work. I gave it to her at her house,” Melvin replied with a smug grin.

“Did she flip when you showed up at her door with a necklace she assumed was stolen?”

“She asked me where I found it, and I told her in the parking lot next to her car. She didn’t know any different.”

“Did she ask you how you knew her address?”

“Back before she turned into a bitch, she gave me her address.”


“It was small talk, you know. What’s your name? Where are you from? That sort of thing.”

“And she gave you her exact mailing address?” Gunnar asked with a drool tone.

“Close enough, when I got to the section of town, I just looked for her car on the curb.”

“You got balls man, I’ll give you that,” Gunner laughed finishing his plate of food. “If I were her, I’d slap a restraining order on your ass.”

“She did, not that I cared.”

“Must have been pretty awkward working in the same mall with a restraining order.”

“I kept to my store and she kept to hers, as long as I stayed one hundred feet away, I was fine.”

“Then what happened?”

“Once I knew where she lived, I called in sick one day and drove to her house. I parked in back and walked right in the back door. I’m not sure there was a lock on the door.”

“She lived alone I take it?”

“Yeah, she was a college student and her parents paid for her rent. They didn’t want her to have any roommates so she could concentrate on her school work.”

“Ok, so now you’re in her house alone, now what did you do?”

“Went straight to her bedroom and started digging in her drawers.”

“Panty fetish?” Gunnar asked.

“No, looking for a diary. Girls always keep those.”

“Did you find one?”

“Yes I did, right on her night stand.”

“What did it say?”

“There was a lot about me in there actually, and not in a good way. She kept calling me the creepy stalker guy from across the mall. She said the meanest, cruelest things you could think of. Called me a pedophile, a rapist, all sorts of shit.”

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