Pink & Patent Leather (6 page)

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Authors: Candy Jackson

BOOK: Pink & Patent Leather
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As Malik preached from the book
of John, he talked about how God loved us so much that He sent His son Jesus to save us. “Saints I’m telling you that God loves us unconditionally. He wants the best for us. He wants us to live in the fullness of His love and He wants us to love one another.”

It was amazing that this was the scripture Malik was preaching from on my very first time at back Grace Tabernacle. John 3:16 was one of the scriptures that God had given to me as He spoke to my heart about me and Malik. I guess I really shouldn
’t have been surprised. It was all working together for the good that God wanted in my life.

As Malik preached and strutted on the altar, I once again, let my mind wander, this time to what it would be like being the First Lady? I was young and this church was u
sed to having women who were almost ancient. That was one blessing I was going to bring to the church—my youth, my vitality, my young and fresh sensibilities.

Then, I wondered about where would we live? Because I certainly wasn
’t going to be in any house where his wife had lived. I wondered if we would live in DC or maybe in Montgomery County in Maryland or Fairfax County in Virginia. Yes, maybe Fairfax—there were many upscale communities with great school systems. And the school systems would be important for our children. I’d want to wait a couple of years, but then, we would have two—one of each. A boy who would look just like Malik and a little girl, a mini me who I would dress in pink and patent leather the way my mom had dressed me. The only difference—my daughter and I would wear matching outfits. Yes, we would be quite a family.

Suddenly, I felt Sister Stroman move and all around me the congregants stood. Was it time for the benediction already? Had I daydreamed through the rest of the sermon and the

I bowed my head as Malik gave the benediction, then, looked up with everyone else. When I did, Malik
’s eyes were already on me.

Sister Pink?” he called and waved me over at the same time.

This was the point where Malik usually greeted the members and visitors, but I guess his mind was just on me today.

With my clutch in my hand this time, I sauntered toward the pastor and watched his eyes take a slow Sunday stroll over every inch of my body.

Yes, Pastor?”


Boyaah! He could hardly talk because of me.

He cleared his throat and then continued, “I would like for you and Minister Xavier to make your way to my office and perhaps do a little brainstorming so that we can be ready for the first Single’s gathering since I didn’t give you that much time to plan.” He had to pause and clear his throat once again.

The last thing I wanted was to be anywhere with Xavier. But once again, I was going to show Malik that I was ready to be an obe
dient wife.

Like I told the church,” Malik continued, “the two of you are the Saints who will get this done and done well.”

As I stood there and watched Malik
’s plump lips move, a plan began to form in my head. I knew exactly how I was going to get Malik to my home and in my bed. As he talked, I calculated all of my next steps.

Thank you, Pastor,” Xavier said.

Yes, thank you,” I added. “And, I won’t let you down.”

The way I batted my eyelashes at him, and then the way he took a deep breath, I knew he un
derstood that my words meant so much more. He knew I wasn’t just talking about this Singles’ Ministry.

Xavier must
’ve seen and felt what was going on between me and Malik because he stepped between us as if he really had a chance at blocking and stopping the inevitable. Xavier extended his hand to me, and at first, I hesitated. But then, with all eyes on me I took his hand. I had to play my role, be the good girl, and so, X and I walked together from the sanctuary and into the hall that led to the administrative offices.

But once we were out of sight, Xavier dropped my hand like it was a snake, and he grabbed my arm instead. In the lobby, he
’d grabbed me, too, as he pulled me into an embrace, and I needed him to break this habit that he seemed to be forming. He needed to take his hands off of me.

But even though I wiggled and squirmed, X wouldn
’t allow me to shake free.

Let me...” Before I could complete my sentence, Xavier opened the door to the pastor’s office and practically threw me inside. “Hey, watch it!” I exclaimed, stumbling just a little bit. 

It was as if Xavier didn
’t even hear me. He went straight into his own rant. “Do you know how many times I called you last night?” he said, picking up from the argument we’d had in the lobby.

I folded my arms
, not saying a word. I knew how many times he’d called by the dozens of messages he’d left.

He continued as if I needed a specific number. “
A million times, Pink! I called you all night because I was hoping that we could talk and I could get you to see just how ridiculous you’re being.”

You need to check your language with me,” I snapped. “First, you call me a fool, and now, you’re saying that I’m ridiculous?” I released a bitter chuckle. “That’s not the way to convince me of anything.”

He held up his ha
nds and calmed down a little. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to hurt you, but I don’t know any other way to say this because you’re not listening. I know you know God’s Word. I know you know that He would never ordain you taking another woman’s husband.”

y, I was sick of talking to Xavier about this, but for right now, I had to keep this conversation going. We had to talk long enough for Malik to come back to his office. And then, the show would be on!

You’re so much better than this,” Xavier said softly. “Talk to me.” He reached for me once again; this time, he grasped my arm gently.

The last thing I needed was for Xavier to calm down. I needed all of his rage and fury in full effect. So, I mustered up a little base in my voice and turned my volume up.
I yanked my arm away from him as if he’d just committed a major offense. “Get your hands off of me!”

He backed up, a little, as if he was surprised by my reaction. As he moved, I stepped closer to the door. This was an old building and I knew I
’d be able to hear Malik coming toward his office once he finished with the church members.

’s eyes were on me when I leaned against the door looking weary as if all of this exhausted me. “Look, X,” I began with a sigh, “I always told you that we could never be more than friends.” I paused, making sure that my ears were open to the sounds in the hallway.

Continuing, I said, “
I really did hear, God. I know you don’t believe me and you think that I’m a fool, and ridiculous. But when I told Malik....”

eyes got so wide. “Hold up! You told Pastor that?”

I shook my head. “
Not directly. I did tell him that I was saving myself, but I didn’t have to say anything else because I was sure that God had told him, too.”

Xavier shook his head slowly as if he really
felt sorry for me. “You know that doesn’t make sense, right?”

Well, aren’t you the one who always says that if it doesn’t make sense, it’s probably God?”

Yes, but I wasn’t talking about confusion. God’s not the author of confusion. And God saying that you should be with a married man is nothing but confusion and nonsense.”

Xavier needed to back up with all of this name calling. First I was a fool, then I was being ridiculous, and now what God had told me was nonsense? If Xavier wasn
’t part of this plan, if I didn’t need him in this moment, I would just walk out the door.

But right now, even though he didn
’t know it, Xavier was my co-star and I needed him to play his part.

I said, “
The Pharisees called Jesus foolish, too.”

He leaned back a little. “
Oh, so now, you’re comparing yourself to Jesus?”

No, of course I’m not doing that,” I said, wanting to punch him in his face and then, stomp out of the room. But, I stood my ground for my greater purpose. “All I know is that there are many things that Christians say and do and other people look upon them as foolish. And I’m not the first one that this has happened to. Remember that pastor on that reality show? God told him to leave his wife and marry someone else. And he was obedient.”

Yup, and he ended up on a reality show with half the congregation he used to have because God hadn’t told him that.”

How do you know what God told him? How do you know what God told me?” But then, I held up my hand, stopping him from saying anything. “Look, Xavier,” I said with a sigh, “you’re my best friend and I was really hoping we could remain that way. But if you feel like we can’t be friends, then we won’t. Just so you know, for the record, I have always cherished our friendship and I would hate for it to end just because I was walking the path that God has set for me.”

X stepped closer and this time, he gently placed both of his hands on my shoulders. “
From the bottom of my heart, I believe that the path God has set for you is with me.”

I felt myself blinking rapidl
y. That was the second time that Xavier had said this.

He continued, “
That’s what God told me. He told me that you were going to be my wife and if you would just give all of this up, I know that I can make you happy.”

His words were so gentle, so kind, and
almost believable. If God hadn’t already chosen my mate, I would’ve had to give Xavier serious consideration.

But then, he just had to add, “
Just drop all this foolishness and realize that the man that God is talking to you about is me.”

Xavier reached up
as if he were about to give me a hug. Not that I would’ve hugged him. Especially since he’d called me foolish once again. But outside, I heard footsteps coming toward the door and I prayed that they were Malik or else I was about to waste a great performance and someone was about to get a great show.

Just as the door opened, I placed my hands on Xavier
’s chest, shoved him away, turned on the waterworks, and screamed, “I don’t want a relationship with you. I told you what God said to me, and you of all people should know how much He orders my steps.”

What is going on here?” Malik asked.

This was the perfect scene. The only thing
—I wish I hadn’t pushed Xavier away. It would’ve been better if his hands were on me. But my tears, and the way I was trembling were good enough.

I shook my head and lowered it, making sure that tears dripped from my eyes.

“Sister Pink, what is going on?”

His eyes were still moving between me and Xavier and finally X motioned toward me with his hands.

“Go ahead Pink,” Xavier challenged me, “tell him what you just told me.”

If X thought that I was intimidated or afraid to tell Malik what was going on, he was mistaken and sadly so. But, I wasn
’t going to jump through hoops just because Xavier told me to. Plus, it was part of my plan to keep my mouth shut, at least for now.

Sister Pink?”

That was my cue. With my tears still falling and my head still shaking, I turned toward the opened door and
ran. I was sure that Malik would come after me; I just didn’t know if it would be now or later. Not that it really mattered—either way, I was going to see him. And when I did, I was going to be one hundred percent ready.






Chapter 4






I tried to keep within
the speed limit on my way home. There was no need for me to be stopped by the police. Sure, I could talk myself out of getting any ticket. But being stopped would’ve slowed me down and I didn’t need any delays. I had to get home and get ready.

was hard to keep my excitement down, though. I was thrilled with my performance, which had been standing-ovation perfect. Malik had found me distraught, without explanation. Even when I ran from his office, my acting continued. He’d called my name several times, but I just kept running, never looking back. It was the way he called my name, with such urgency, that let me know that I was right—he would be coming after me.

My prayer was that only Malik would come, and not Xavier. Hopefully my act had made Xav
ier so mad he was ready to be done with me. But I hoped he wasn’t so done that he’d tell Malik what I’d shared with him. Not that I really thought he would. Xavier cared for me too much to betray my confidence. When Malik asked him what was wrong, he’d probably just say that he had no idea why I was crying. Or maybe he would say it must be a woman thing.

Whatever, it would be enough to insure that Malik would be on his way to my place. He knew where I lived since I
’d sent out announcements about moving into my condo and just last week I’d received a congratulatory card back from Malik and his wife. I’d sent the card just to signal to Malik that I was back. I didn’t have any idea that it was going to play out that he would need my address, and this soon.

ling my car into the undercover garage, the tires screeched as I took a couple of the turns faster than the 5 MPH posted signs. I parked, jumped out, and then as I rode up in the elevator, I thought about what I was about to do.

Presentation was everythin
g. So, should I strip down to my underwear or would one of my naughty negligees be better?

By the time I rushed into my condo, I decided that I would strip down to my underwear and then, just cover up with my pink baby-doll robe. It was short, way short.
And to give it a little extra sexy-fabulous kick, I’d leave on the garter and the stockings that I wore to church. 

Still moving quickly, I dashed into the bathroom. Checking my reflection in the mirror, my make-up was still fresh and perfect
—almost. I cleaned up my mascara and then, did a little smoky eye with my black pencil. Next, came my hair. I pulled my tresses up and into a long ponytail.

Another glance in the mirror, a quick spray of Pink Jeans by Versace behind my ears and on my wrists
, and then, just as I slid back into my stilettos, my telephone rang.

Ms. Jansen,” the concierge in my building said, “you have a visitor.”

I held my breath. “
Who is it?” I asked, praying that I’d been right. Praying that Xavier was too angry to come, and Malik cared so much he had to come.

The concierge said, “
Pastor Malik Stroman.”

Thank-you,” I exhaled. “Send him right up, please.”

When I hung up, I wanted to dance, but there was no time for celebration. Instead, I used the time to reflect on this jo
urney that I’d taken and how God was about to give me all the desires of my heart. This was what I’d been waiting for my entire life. Okay, maybe that was a slight exaggeration, but at my age, six years felt like a lifetime.

My heart took a few extra beat
s, but then when I heard the soft knock on the door, my heart was set at ease.

My love had arrived.

I only had a couple of seconds, but I quickly kneeled before my sofa, closed my eyes and prayed, “Thank you, Father, for this blessing.” I pushed myself up, smoothed down my robe, then strutted to the door.

His eyes widened just a little when I opened the door. For extra effect, I put one hand on my hip. Malik cleared his throat and I wanted to jump up and down, clap my hands, and do one of those Brazilian Z
umba moves.

Sister Pink.” His voice sounded like he was weak.

My grin was so wide, but then, I heard my name again, “
Sister Pink,” and it wasn’t Malik’s voice.

Malik stepped aside, and his wife moved in front of him. My mouth fell wide open.
What in the world?

May we come in?” Malik asked the question, but that woman didn’t wait for an answer. She marched past me, leaving a trail of her cheap perfume. She paused for a second to look me up and down, then, she continued moving as if she had an invitation, which, of course, she did not.

I was too shocked to speak, though I did my best to keep my game face on. By the time I stepped aside so that Malik could come in, his wife was already sitting on my suede sofa.

As Malik sat next to his wife, I didn’t know whether to tell her to get out or to ask Malik if he’d lost his mind. I was still standing by the door when I faced them, not knowing what to say, not knowing what to do. But the way they both stared at me made me pull the edges of my robe together, trying to cover up just a little bit.

’s wife scrunched up her nose when she said to me, “Sister Pink, I know you weren’t expecting company, but maybe you should go and cover up a bit more.”

I glared at her. She was basically an intruder in my house, wearin
g some cheap cologne that would take me weeks to dispense of the stench that was sure to seep into my sofa. And now, she was talking to me as if she had a right? And, she was trying to give me etiquette lessons on the proper way I should dress in my home? This lady probably walked around in some thick, flannel robe with bunny slippers. She had no style, she had no class, and she had no business telling me what to do.

Still, I couldn
’t say that I felt comfortable standing there half-naked. Not that I was ashamed of my body in any way, but all of this was for Malik’s eyes only. And as his future wife, I had to be mindful of how I presented myself in front of others.

I gave a little nod. “
Excuse me; I’ll be right back.” I did an about face, and I knew their eyes were on me. So, I added just a little swing in my step—that was meant for both of them.

But once I closed my bedroom door, I wanted to scream. And I did
—in my head. That battle-axe! Freakin’ Broomhilda! Damn Fiona! What was she doing here? Why had she come? But the most important question—why had Malik let her come? This was supposed to be our time, Malik knew that. I was tired of waiting and I wanted what was supposed to be mine.

I was fuming as I picked out my pink Victoria
’s Secret jogging suit from my closet. By the time I slipped into my clothes and glanced at myself in the mirror, I had calmed down. I may have been covered up, but with the way these sweat pants hugged my booty, I might as well have been naked. And with the word ‘Pink’ spread from one end of my butt to the other, if I turned around, I knew exactly where Malik’s eyes would be. When I slipped into the jacket, I left it unzipped on purpose. The tiny pink tee I wore was fitted and put my young globes on full display. Now, whether I was coming or going, Malik was going to be one happy man.

I sauntered out of my bedroom, but then stopped shy of the kitchen. I had a great view of that woman snooping through my house! Well, maybe snooping was a strong word, but she was certainly checking out m
y possessions.

Malik sat on my sofa with his eyebrows drawn together and his hands clasped. I could tell he didn
’t approve, but he didn’t say anything as his wife picked up my pink Waterford praying hands. I wanted to rush over to her and snatch that precious ornament away from her. It was a one-of-a-kind piece that my father had commissioned from the Waterford company because they hadn’t manufactured any items in pink. But at my father’s request, and I’m sure for a hefty price, he’d had that made for me.

Finally, she returned the ornament to the shelf on my é
tagère, then she paused and took notice of my framed degree that hung just above the Victorian glass table my mother had purchased for me as a house-warming gift. When Malik’s wife ran her finger across the ivory china frame that held my diploma, I decided that it was time to put a stop to all of this.

But just before I stepped into the living room, my eyes moved to Malik and that made me pause. He was looking directly at me. I smiled, and he did, too.
With my smile still in place, I nodded slightly, and raised one eyebrow as I looked at where his wife was still moving around my home.

He shrugged his shoulders in an apologetic manner and that move made me love him and feel sorry for him at the same tim
e. It wasn’t his fault that he had a wife who was so uncoothed. He wouldn’t have to worry about that for long. His next wife had nothing but class.

Okay, I’m ready,” I said, finally revealing myself to both of them.

When she turned around, Malik
’s wife took notice of me once again, looking me over just like she’d done before.

Let’s sit down,” I said, determined to remain gracious. Even though all I wanted to do was kick her out, I would never be disrespectful. I’d been raised too well for that kind of behavior. Don’t get it twisted, though. I didn’t respect her, I just knew how to be civil.

She returned to her spot beside Malik, while I sat on a soft cushioned over-sized chair that was directly across from them. I crossed my legs, yoga-style (showing off,
I know.) Then, I smiled, but said nothing as I waited for one of them to tell me why they were there. Well, I knew what Malik wanted, but unless he’d brought his wife to watch...I just couldn’t imagine what this meeting was about.

Sister Pink...”

I gues
s she was going to be the spokesperson.

She said, “
Pastor and I thought maybe it was time for us all to get together and have a little talk.”

About what?” I asked, frowning.

She turned to her husband. “
I’m going to let him take it from here since he has a much better understanding of what’s been going on.”

I shrugged and nodded and turned to Malik.

He cleared his throat before he stood. Then, he took steps toward me.

I had to stop the smile from spreading across my face as he came closer to me. Whether he
’d made that move on purpose or he’d just come closer because he was drawn to me, I didn’t know. Now, he was so close that I could smell the manly fragrance of his woody cologne. But it wasn’t his cologne that had my attention. It was the bulge in his pants that made me sit up straight. Maybe that’s why he had to stand and get away from his wife. Maybe he wanted to make sure that she didn’t see it.

I wondered what was it about me that had turned him on? Was it the way I
’d met him at the door? Or did he prefer me to be covered up so that his imagination could go wild? Whatever the reason, him and his bulge had just made me very happy.

But then, he kneeled in front of me, took my hand, and I frowned. What was he getting ready to do? And was he really going to
do this in front of his wife?

My heart pounded as Malik began, “
Sister Pink, a few years ago I kind of felt as though maybe you had a little crush on me.”

A crush?
Why was he belittling my feelings like that?

He continued, “
When you whispered in my ear during the purity ceremony, I was taken aback. When I went home and told my wife about it,” he paused for a moment and looked
“we laughed about it. It was cute, clearly it was just an infatuation.”

An infatuation?
Was he kidding? How could something that came from God be an infatuation?

I let Malik keep on without interruption. “
Infatuations happen,” he said. “When there’s an older man that you hold in high regard, maybe you see him as a father figure or a teacher...”

A father figure?
First of all, he was way too young for me to consider him a father to anyone besides the children that he and I would have together. And, I didn’t have any kind of Oedipus Complex, something that I had studied in my Psych 101 class when I was a freshman.

But I wasn
’t going to get into all of this with Malik. So, I just pressed my lips together, determined not to say a word and just as determined to not let his words faze me. Though I had to admit, I was a little shaken. I couldn’t tell if Malik really believed what he was saying, or was it just a show for her?

When I glanced at Sister Stroman, I knew for sure that this was just a show.  If given a choice, there was no way Malik would prefer this homely woman who wasn
’t even stylish enough to color the graying edges of her hair. Malik, and every other man would always choose me, so clearly, he was just saying this because she was here. He probably hadn’t figured out yet how he was going to handle how to get rid of her.

If it were me, I would just come straight out and
tell her that she had to go. But, I had to respect Malik for the way he wanted to do it. He was such a gentle and kind man; he probably wanted to let her down easy.

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