Pirated Love (16 page)

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Authors: K'Anne Meinel

BOOK: Pirated Love
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“And the men thought we’d like this as a gift?”

“Aye.  They do not all necessarily understand what is between us, but this is expensive and hard to find, so their gift is really quite thoughtful,” she explained.

Claire thought over everything Tina had just told her and nodded.  “I would like to try it,” she offered.

“Um, there may be a problem,” Tina felt obliged to tell her.


“You have your innocence.  This will remove that,” she began.

Claire was immediately taken back to the doctor’s assistant holding her down as he penetrated her with his finger to ascertain her innocence.  Thinking rapidly, and trying to put that incident out of her mind, she asked, “But you will be the one I am giving it to, will you not?”

Tina’s green eyes flicked between Claire’s innocent blue ones, back and forth, to see if she realized what she was offering and, seeing the genuine look in them, she smiled and nodded.

“Then let us not worry about that for now and continue on with our wedding night,” she said, huskily with emotion.

Tina smiled radiantly as she put the box aside for now and gathered Claire into her arms.  The feel of her against her shift-clad body was almost as good as being naked against her.

Slowly, Tina began to peel the shift off of Claire’s body.  The memory of them being together was not nearly as good as the reality.  As each piece of white flesh was revealed, she kissed it, licked it, and murmured appreciatively against it. 

“I want to feel you too,” Claire protested as Tina began to lay her back on the bed.  She reached for the ties that held Tina’s shift to her body.  Slowly, the naked body of the captain was revealed in all its lush form, no bindings hiding it.  Claire could not believe how eager she was to feel that skin against her.

Tina loved the feel of skin on skin.  Claire felt warm against her own fevered skin, Tina had felt hot in the gown she had worn, but knew it was because she was so aroused by this woman.  She ground her body against Claire’s as she captured her lips and began to plunder inside with her tongue.  Delighted that Claire fenced with her tongue, she sucked eagerly on its supple length.  Pulling it into her own, and then trading with the blonde as her own tongue was sucked into Claire’s, she could feel, sense, and smell their mutual arousal as they played.

Her hands were wandering over Claire’s body, memorizing it once again after all their time apart.  She could not touch or feel it enough.  She used the length of her body, lightly rubbing and then a little harder in grinding against her to arouse them both.

Claire loved the feel of Tina’s body on her own, the warmth of it, the weight of it; she’d missed her so in the time they were apart.  She hungered for the feelings that Tina engendered inside of her, not having experienced them with anyone else...ever.  She could not communicate enough how much she wanted the redhead and she wrapped her legs eagerly around the taller woman.

Tina loved that Claire’s body was telling her without words that she wanted her.  She aroused her to the edge repeatedly, her fingers playing a dangerous game, until Claire began to beg.  Sitting up suddenly, she could see that Claire was confused.  She reached for the phallus and quickly strapped it around her waist.

Claire lay there panting, unsure of what she was doing wrong.  She let Tina know she was ready, she wanted what the tall redhead could do to her.  Tina took her to the edge, once, twice, and nearly a third time and Claire begged to be let over the edge.  Her body was throbbing with desire and she could not understand why Tina held off from letting her achieve that feeling she craved so.  She was startled when Tina suddenly stopped and sat up.  Seeing her reach for the phallus and begin to strap it on, she wondered if she would be able to handle it.  It looked...ominous and much bigger than the ones she had seen...erect or otherwise.  She tried not to think about the one she had seen erect, as the pirate had been intent on raping her, and she did not want that memory intruding on her at this moment.  She watched, fascinated, as Tina strapped it to her hips, the leather straps looked complicated and the phallus sticking out looked obscene, but Claire was soon distracted when Tina leaned down and began kissing her again. 

Tina knew that Claire might not like the idea of the phallus, but she enjoyed using one on her partners.  As someone who had not experienced one before, she wanted it to be a pleasant experience for her wife.  Her wife!  What a concept, something she had never thought could happen, and yet, now it made perfect sense.  She wanted her wife to enjoy their sexual relations and this was just part of the whole experience that she wanted to share with her.  Slowly, she aroused her again, not difficult after what she had done to her before, leaving her hanging, deliberately arousing her to the point that she was anxious, even eager to proceed.  She quickly caressed and kissed and nibbled her to that state again. 

Claire totally forgot what was strapped to her lover’s hips as she enjoyed the feelings that Tina engendered in her once again; she remembered the feelings building and her body responded quickly.  She did not realize that Tina had maneuvered herself between her legs, rubbing the phallus up and down the slick folds.  She only knew how good it felt and hoped that Tina would make her fly once again, something she had been craving since their separation.  She wondered when Tina stopped, even for a moment before the pressure began to creep inside of her.  She watched Tina’s face as she gently inserted it inside of her.

Tina was afraid to hurt Claire, but she also wanted her to enjoy every aspect of their lovemaking.  Gently she wetted the phallus, using Claire’s own juices all over the leather.  She hoped it would not be too big for her lover.  Gently she began to insert it.

The pressure was much more than the fingers Tina had used in the past; Claire felt very...full.  When it got a bit uncomfortable, she began to squirm away and Tina pulled back slightly before thrusting forward once again, this time a little farther.  Tina actually missed the sensation when it was pulled back and welcomed it when it came again.  Tina kept up this little back and forth until Claire began to squirm again, this time in the need for release.  Tina watched her carefully, using her body to hold her in place as she leaned forward, kissed her deeply and thrust beyond the membrane holding her innocence intact. 

Claire had welcomed the feel of Tina’s body on her once again, the warmth, the feel of Tina’s breasts against her, her mouth on hers.  She wrapped her hands around Tina to encourage her and then arched, trying to pull away, as pain seared through her body with Tina’s deep thrust.  Her fingers turned into claws and she scratched down Tina’s back as she tried unsuccessfully to get away.

Tina stopped immediately upon tearing through the membrane, waiting for Claire’s reaction, waiting for Claire’s body to adjust to the invasion.  The nails down her back caused her to arch against her lover, but she held her tight, capturing Claire’s cry at the pain and loss of innocence in her mouth. 

The pain, while unexpected, did not last long and Claire began to squirm a little.  She sheathed her claws, pulling her fingers back to rub where she had previously scratched.  When she began to squirm, Tina began to move slightly, little back and forth movements that Claire began to enjoy.  The pain had dissipated and was soon completely forgotten as she enjoyed the feel of Tina’s body thrusting against her.  Her legs wrapped around her lover again as she unconsciously encouraged her to go deeper.

Tina was relieved when she felt Claire relax, remove her nails, and then start to squirm.  The little thrusts soon turned into longer ones as she continued to make love to her wife.  When Claire again wrapped her legs around Tina’s body, she thrust a little harder and a little deeper, recognizing the signs as Claire began to pant.  She released her mouth to hear her cries of joy as her body began to shudder in a different way than ever before.

Claire could not believe the difference in the sensation she was feeling.  What she did not know was that she was experiencing a vaginal climax and while she had had minor ones in the past from Tina’s fingers, most had been clitoral.  The combination of Tina’s expertise and love for her made it an experience she would never forget.  It was not until Tina had wrung out every bit from her welcoming body and stopped, that she lay there...exhausted from the emotions and physical sensations of the day. 

Tina smiled down at her wife.  Her own orgasm had been lost in the wonder that had been her wife’s.  Claire had not been aware of Tina’s own excitement as she thrust into her wife and gave her an experience she would long remember.  She slowly pulled out of Claire’s body, hearing a tell-tale sound as it slurped out from the wetness therein.  She quickly untied the straps from her hips so she could drop the phallus beside them on the bed and cuddled up with her wife.

“Oh, my goodness,” Claire said sleepily, not knowing how to thank Tina for the experience and not so sure she should.

Tina smiled again into Claire’s neck, pleased with herself and how it had gone.  She knew her wife could handle this enjoyment of hers and perhaps learn more of it, possibly return the favor.  “Are you all right?” she asked, the familiar phrase between the two of them.

“I feel,” she stretched and winced slightly at the unfamiliar stretching that had occurred to the tissue between her legs. “Wonderful,” she said, but Tina had seen the wince.

“Are you sure?  Did I hurt you?” she asked, concerned, and her hand began to travel down between Claire’s legs.

“I think I am just not used to that,” she said, to console her.

“That will take some time, but it will never hurt like that again.  You gave me your innocence,” she told her with a smile and leaned over to kiss her in thanks.

Claire held Tina there because she could, and kissed her back wholeheartedly.  Her eyes began to get heavy as she relaxed and Tina watched her fall to sleep.  She never stirred when Tina got up to wash the phallus, noting the tell-tale blood on it from the loss of innocence.  She glanced at the sunset outside her windows before replacing the phallus in its box and curling up with her wife for a well-deserved nap of her own.



They returned to Baleniesia the next day.  They flew two flags as they circumnavigated the large island, being sure to pass the coastal city twice as they rapidly made their course.  The first flag up the mast was the skull and crossbones on a black background that ensured that the residents on the island would know it was a pirate ship.  The second was the sheet from the captain’s bed with a large blood stain in the center of it attesting to the captain’s prowess and the fact that the governor’s daughter was no longer a virgin.

“You realize my father is going to be furious,” Claire laughingly warned her wife.

“You realize I do not care,” Tina returned, as she held her close in front of her and held onto the wheel.  Her arms were around her wife, and held the wheel securely as she steered the large ship expertly.

“He will never live this down,” she said, satisfied.

“Any regrets?” Tina asked, as they turned north.  She had an idea and wanted to share everything about her with her wife.

“None,” Claire assured her happily as she leaned back against her wife, nestling close.  The feel of Tina’s strong arms around her was heady stuff.  As they headed north, she glanced back at the island that had almost become her prison and never looked back at it again.

They chatted in each other’s arms as the hours flew by, until James came to relieve Tina so she could eat and sleep.  The second mate would relieve him.  The crew seemed in a happy mood to see their captain so happy.  They had spent their ill-gotten gains in the last port, caroused, and raised hell before Tina had decided to stop the marriage. 

It had been James who had gotten the idea to infiltrate the wedding with their own men, and it had been hilarious to see some of the men bitch and moan at having to shave or even trim their beards.  Dressing up in the governor’s livery had been difficult, but they managed with the many servants they had captured.  No one had noticed that none of the maids were present and only male servants were available.  He had cautioned the many men involved to keep their mouths shut and, as a few of them spoke no English, he instructed them to just nod if anyone spoke to them.

They had enjoyed the lark they had played on the governor and rescuing the woman who was their captain’s lady-love.  Marrying her had been an impulsive thing for Tina, but she did not regret it in the least, and she felt she had the full support of the men who followed her.  That they had pulled it off with no casualties to her men pleased Tina as she felt a lot for most of the men.  They were her sea family and while some would move on for their own reasons, she enjoyed a friendly, but respectful bantering with them.

And so began their honeymoon stage as they began to sail north, away from the islands that were so dangerous for them now.  They had pulled down the flags, which did not need to be flown all the time, and Tina and Claire had burned the sheet that portended the change in their relationship.  They spent a lot of time in bed, but still found time to discuss books and people, and slowly they learned details of their lives they had never shared with anyone else.

Claire learned that Tina’s grandfathers had raised her.  They battled for physical custody after the death of her parents in a freak storm over the channel between England and France.  Her mother was French, but the red hair was from her grandmother’s Irish roots.  Her one grandfather lived in Canada, which explained the small accent that Claire heard from time to time; almost American, but really Canadian as it came out.  Her other grandfather was English through and through and insisted on her living there as much as possible.  He had died four years after her parents and she had gone to live in Canada with her other grandfather then.  In the meantime, she had gone back and forth on her grandfather’s ships while she was growing up.  Living there permanently, he took her and her tutors with him on his voyages where she learned to run and command her own ship.  He had not approved at first, but then realizing he no longer had a son to carry on, he admired her definite skill as she far surpassed him in commanding a ship.  Her first ship was one of his, but her second command was one of her own.  It was a rough and tumble life, but she never forgot she was also the granddaughter of an English Lord and still owned the family property in England.  Every year, if they could, she spent a month or so on the family lands learning to supervise and handle her own books, making sure the manager in place when she was gone was not cheating her.  She was twelve when she fired her first manager herself, catching an error in his accounting that had netted him a small windfall.  She had summarily fired him, pursued it in the courts, and won.  The man had been beggared and she became the owner of a small house he had purchased with his ill-gotten gains, which she promptly rented out to add to her coffers.

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