Plague of Mybyncia (34 page)

Read Plague of Mybyncia Online

Authors: C.G. Coppola

Tags: #Romance, #blood, #love, #scifi, #adventure, #action, #sex, #war, #jealousy

BOOK: Plague of Mybyncia
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“Oh believe me, I’m done with that.”

“Good,” Hillay smiles, motioning the others
to the door. “Well, good luck to you, Fallon. And thank you for all
you and yours have done. The straight Dilly has helped


Hillay turns to leave but pauses. “I hear
there may be a trip planned to Nerwolix—to the Zingfinold

“Looks like it.”

She takes a hesitant step closer. “It is not
my place to say, but if you accompany,
… take caution.
The Zingfinold tribe is not to be trifled with. They are a lethal
lot… and to be caught stealing…”

“The Fychu cannot allow Mybyncians to simply
die,” I shake my head. “He’ll do everything he can to avoid

“Well… if you do end up going, just remember
this: As hostile as they are, they are a traditional and very
well-mannered people. They may seem barbaric to you and I, but it
is just their way. If you see them as a
and not a
, it might be the very thing to save your life.”

“Okay,” I smile. “Thanks.”

“Take care,” Hillay backs for the door. “If
you have any issues with your leg, please have me sought out. I
will come as quickly as I can.”

“Thanks again.”

They’re gone and for the first time in a
long while, I’m alone. I almost forget what solitude feels like, or
how the calming sound of silence rushes over me. It’s strange. I’m
not sure what to do, so I examine my leg a little. It
feel better. I’m able to move it slightly, but not quite bend at
that knee. It still aches a little so hopefully, it’ll be good to
go by tonight or maybe tomorrow. No more depending on Reid to carry
me around. Not that he hasn’t been great. But I need to be able to
stand on my own, to take care of myself.

I lay on the bed, drifting in and out for
awhile until the coral door slides back.

“Reid?” I sit up.

“No…” Pratt laughs. “Just me. You

“Yeah, come in.”

Closing the door behind her, Pratt makes her
way to the bed. “How’re you feeling?”

“Well I can move it,” I gesture to my

“Have you tried standing?”

“Not yet,” I eye her, holding out my arm.
“Would you mind?”

“Hell no! Come on,” she bends as I drape one
arm around her shoulder and pull myself up.

I stumble at first, but finally find my
balance as we make slow but persistent strides around the room.
It’s not so bad. I’m mostly on my good leg, but the right isn’t
screaming in pain either. It’s as if it’s still asleep, or in the
process of waking up from a long, coma-induced nap. I’ll need to
keep practicing if I’m to be on my own here soon.

“Thanks,” I try putting a little pressure on
my leg. It’s really not too bad. By tomorrow, I might not need any
assistance at all. After a few laps around the room, I nod towards
the bed again, “Maybe a quick break?”

“Of course,” she leads me back and after I
clumsily fall on it, she inhales with a hiss. “Sorry!”

“I’ll live. So… what’d I miss?”

Pratt’s face falls. “Um… not too much. Queen
Ravan and Sampson have been going back and forth about

“Thought she said she’d leave it to
Sampson’s judgment?”

“Yeah... then she followed him around,
expressing her opinions again.”

“Jeez…” I rub down my leg.

“She’s really adamant about not going.
Finding some other way for the toxin to be treated, blah, blah,


“Sampson got really upset. I’ve never seen
him like that. He said they’d try the only other thing besides a
trip to Nerwolix, but he doesn’t think it’ll do any good.”


Pratt sighs, “Sampson, Clarence and Qippert
are going to Harrizel later.”

Chapter Eighteen:

“Oh…” I process the information, remembering
the option of the plant known to treat all ailments and injuries.
“For the Tregmint?”

Pratt nods. “Sampson kept saying it’d be
useless because there would be Vermix everywhere. They’d have a
better chance getting caught then finding it.”

“And what’d the queen say to that?”

“Just that it was his home once and he’d
probably fare better with a familiar environment.”

“Wow... she
doesn’t want us
going to Nerwolix,” I gently tug on the petals of Reid’s Callix
around my waist. I bite my lip. “So what’s the plan for the rest of
the day?”

“It’s afternoon.”


Pratt laughs. “Yeah… your exam ended a while
ago, around mid-morning. They gave you something to knock you out.
We’ve been coming to visit you but you’ve been asleep.”


“And,” Pratt grins, “there
no plan.
Just getting you to walk again. Oh, and trying to avoid Sampson and
the queen. They both need to calm down.”

“What about Ariana?”

hoping they find the

“What about the others? What’re they

“They’re back in their room. Since everyone
is feeling better, Chancellor Keller has everyone back to separate

“So they’re all relaxing?”

“Except Reid and Tucker. They’ve been helping
Sampson and Clarence.”

“With what?”

“You’re up!” Mae exclaims, standing in the
doorway. “You’ve been out all day—how’re you feeling?”

“Fine. Ready for another lap around the
room,” I look to Pratt. “That cool?”


Mae rushes over and with their help, I’m able
to hobble around the room twice before I need to sit again.

“Fallon,” Mae smiles, setting me on the bed,
“this is great!”

“Well, it’s a start.”

“I’ll let Clarence know,” she heads for the
door. “He wanted me to come check on you. We’re having an early
dinner because of their trip to Harrizel later. I’ll let him know
you’re awake and…” she laughs, “…halfway mobile. I’ll be right

Mae jets out the next second, leaving Pratt
and I alone. I lay back and she begins to pace the room. It’s not
more than a few minutes before Mae returns with Clarence.

“You up and moving, kid?”

“Somewhat,” I sit up.

“Glad to hear it. Come on,” he slides his
arms under my knees and back, hoisting me up. “The rest are
gathered in the Dining Hall.”

“She could probably make it,” Pratt

“Yeah—but it’ll take a day. You’ll be walking
by tomorrow,” Clarence grins down to me. “Enjoy the free
transportation while you can.”

Clarence carries me into the Dining Hall
where Sampson, Qippert and the Rogues are already sitting around
the table, deep in conversation. The attendants move about, filling
cups and replenishing bowls of Jiji but Mallup remains stationary,
having wedged herself by Reid’s side.

Tossing locks of rose-colored hair behind her
exposed shoulder, she presses her arms together while holding a
rust jug. Reid is leaning back, shaking his head. But Mallup bites
her lip with a flirty pout, still smiling down at him. She says
something else and he shrugs. Giggling at this too, she leans
forward, lowering the jug for him to smell.

“Just try it,” she says. “You may like

“I told you it’s not for me,” he shakes his
head. “But thanks.”

“Fallon,” Sampson smiles. “You’re awake.”

Reid’s eyes fly to mine, lighting up. Mallup
follows his stare, glaring as Clarence sets me down in a chair
across from him. With a terse scowl, she retreats, heading back to
join the other attendants lined against the wall. She looks from
Reid to me and trying not to smile at her disappointment, I focus
on Sampson again.

“Pratt and Mae helped me with a few walks
around the room.”

“It’ll take at least a full day before you
can walk alone.”

“That’s what Hillay said.”

“And the Healers didn’t find anything else in
your scans?”

“I guess not…”I think of the vial of black
goo Hillay held up. “I saw the toxin.”

“Cool!” Pratt cries next to me. “What’d it
look like?”

“Like tar.”

“Not so cool…” she mumbles.

“Will the queen and princesses be joining
us?” Mae asks.

“No,” Clarence shakes his head, “not today.
They have matters to attend to with the chancellor. Although,” he
briefly glances at Tucker, “I
believe Princess Ariana may
attempt a visit here shortly. No certainties on that, though.”

“And she’s still feeling better?” I ask. “The
straight Dilly is keeping the infected strong?”

“I’d suspect they have another few days,”
Sampson scratches his chin, “possibly a week, before they start to
recede again.”

“When do you plan on going to Harrizel?” I
ask. “Right after we eat?”

Clarence nods, “Better get it out of the

“But you don’t expect it’ll be

“We’re doing it mostly to appease her
majesty,” he rolls his eyes. “Otherwise the trip would be to

“And when’s that scheduled?” Tucker asks.

“Tomorrow,” Sampson says. “We’re hoping for
late afternoon, early evening.”

“Strategy?” I ask.

“They’re a proud and unfriendly culture. We
won’t get anywhere with discussions…” Clarence shifts in his seat,
strumming his fingers on the table.

“We’re stealing it?” Mae gasps.

“We’re borrowing what they don’t realize
they’ve lost…” he clears his throat, “…so to speak.”

“Please excuse my tardiness,” Princess Ariana
enters the Dining Hall. “Have I missed anything of importance?”

She’s draped in a bright lavender gown that
matches her hair. White and pink pearls decorate her up-do and down
the center of her dress is a shell-infused bodice.

“Fallon’s somewhat mobile,” Pratt pulls her
bowl of Jiji closer, “and they’re heading to Harrizel after

“That is wonderful!” Ariana turns to me with
a gaping smile. “Are you feeling much better?”

“My leg is a little sore, but I can almost
walk on it.”

,” Clarence stresses. “Don’t
push yourself.”

“The Healers do wonders,” Ariana sits and the
attendants immediately set bowls of Jiji and Wormin in front of
her. She reaches for some of the Wormin with her fingers, “And your
scans went well?”

“As far as I know.”

“Excellent,” she beams, glancing around the
table, “everyone, please continue eating.”

We all move quietly, reaching for our bowls
of Jiji. A few moments of silence pass before Ariana speaks again.
“Reid…Tucker—I heard you have had a busy day today.”

“Yes,” the Rogue Leader answers, quickly
finishing his bite.

“The attendants report you assisted the Fychu
on the surface with preparations for today’s trip to Harrizel?”

“Weapons cleaning,” Reid says. “That was
mostly it.”

“And you have both helped the chancellor keep
order while food was distributed… is that correct?”

also helped,” Jace chimes in with
a low mumble. “Anyone mention that?”

“Flirting is not helping,” Reid smirks.

Ariana chuckles. “Yes, I have heard many
things about you, Jace. You are
popular among the

“Oh yeah?” he perks up, a devilish grin
crossing his lips. “Which ones?”

“What about me?” Werzo asks.

“Um…” the princess blushes.

“She’s not here for gossip,” Reid says. “And
the Rogues helped distribute the food.
gets credit.”

“Well,” she beams again, reaching for some
more Jiji, “I have only heard amazing things about

“We’re lucky to have them,” Sampson

wish my mother and sisters would
have been able to make this meal, but there are still several
issues that needed their attention. Fychu,” Ariana sighs, “please
tell me if there is
we can do to better assist you
in your travels to Harrizel.”

“For right now, I think we have everything we

“And you are traveling right after this?”

He nods, “There’s no ‘good’ time to go. But
if it doesn’t work out, I’d like some time to recoup before we try
again tomorrow for Nerwolix.”

Ariana nods.

We get through dinner pretty quickly, and in
almost complete silence. Ariana is the first to finish and quickly,
everyone else is right behind her.

“Well,” the princess grins, “thank you for
having me dine with you. I must be leaving now—I have some matters
to attend to with my mother and the chancellor. Fychu, Clarence,
Qippert,” she looks between them, “
be careful. You
have done so much for us already. There is really no way we can
repay any of this. I…” she gulps, a tinge of sadness crossing her
lovely features. “I am truly grateful. Please let me know if you
need anything.” She rises and after a slight bow, leaves the Dining

“Well,” Sampson claps his hands, glancing
around at all of us. “I guess it’s about that time.”

“When do you expect to return?” I ask.

“I’d like to get in and out. That, of course,
may not be the case. I’m optimistic we’ll return in a couple

“And if you’re not back by then?”

“Then we’ll return when we’re able. Alright,”
he smiles to Clarence and Qippert, “Ready?”

“Yes, Fychu,” Qippert nods and rises to a
stand. Clarence is quick to follow and then Sampson gets to his
feet as well, all three peering around the table for a long

“Behave yourselves,” Sampson looks to each of
us. “We’ll return shortly. Please continue to reassure the queen
for tomorrow. I’m depending on all of you.”

“Good luck,” Pratt smiles.

“Thank you,” Clarence heads for the door with
Qippert and Sampson on his tail. “We’ll see you in a bit.”

“So…” Jace strums his fingers once they’re
gone. “What now?”

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