Play Date (Play Makers Book 3) (15 page)

Read Play Date (Play Makers Book 3) Online

Authors: Kate Donovan

Tags: #football, #sports, #Romance, #Bad boys of football, #sexy romance, #teacher, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Play Date (Play Makers Book 3)
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“Geezus, Kerrie.” He had to struggle again not to laugh. “Cut it out.”

“Am I allowed to kiss you?”

“No.” He coughed and added gently, “Not yet.”

“Are we driving somewhere?”

“No, we can talk here. For as long as it takes.”

“Oh, good, because I have something for you. And you really can’t drive during it.”

He groaned as she moved her hand to the crotch of his pants. “Forget it, Kerrie.”

She gave him a smoldering look, then expertly worked the buttons on his fly. “Just lean back and talk. I promise I’ll listen. Divorce, Triple Threat, blah, blah, blah.”

“Kerrie.” He wanted to stop her, but she was already coaxing him into the open. And the next time he protested, her name came out in a grateful moan. Then she was getting him hard with her mouth, and he couldn’t really talk at all.

All he could think about was her. Marrying her. Having
every second of every day.

And God help him, he wanted that bad.


• • •


When she was done, he just kept his eyes closed. Because if he looked at her, he’d take her to room 108 and make love to her. Then they’d never get this resolved.

“Sean?” she asked quietly. “Are you angry? I just wanted to start our talk off right.”

He opened one eye, trying to look stern. “By blowing me?”

“It was for me, not you,” she retorted. “I don’t care if you liked it or not.”

“It was great. So great it made me even
sure you should divorce Coz.”

“And marry

“And explore your feelings for me. And vice versa.”

She licked her lips, as though struggling to find the right words. Or maybe she was just tired of this continual back-and-forth. Finally she reminded him, “You’ve been having hot sex for years. You can’t walk into a bar without getting blown. But for me it’s different. I’ve been alone. Waiting for someone like Sean Decker. Now I have the real thing.” She leaned forward, her lower lip quivering. “I’m sorry, Sean. I’ll be serious now. I was just so ready for you to make love to me. But if you want to talk first, let’s talk.”

He stared at her, completely dumbfounded. At times like this, she was truly an enigma. So hot for sex, so starved for love, yet also so innocent. If he would just agree to marry her, she’d be divorced by midnight and married one minute later.

To him.

Then what? They’d hide away in some honeymoon suite in complete denial while the world crashed down around their shoulders? He could accept that—dread it but accept it—if he knew for sure this was love. And it could be, couldn’t it?

But what if they were wrong?

Looking into her huge amber eyes, he told her, “I’m crazy about you, Kerrie. You know that. And maybe I’ve been wrong to push for a quickie divorce. So how about a compromise?”

She seemed intrigued. “A compromise? Where I stay married to him until you’re sure?”

“I was thinking you could contact an attorney and get a legal separation. Let the lawyers hash it out after that. You’ll get a ton of money for sure, so don’t worry about that. So just walk away. Make the break. Then when the dust settles, we can see where we stand.”

It sounded reasonable, but as the silence grew, he knew he had upset her again. She was staring into the distance, her eyes damp, her jaw rigid. And while he wanted to put his arm around her, he also knew where that would lead, so he just waited, resolved yet also wary.

Then tears spilled down her cheeks and she told him angrily, “That’s so easy for you to say. You want
to risk everything. But you risk nothing.”

“Yeah, I know. I just can’t see any other way to do it.” Straightening, he added firmly, “You say you’re miserable with him.”

“I’d be more miserable alone. Does that make me sound weak and un-feminist? Then I guess that’s what I am.” Her eyes flashed. “And I won’t bring lawyers into it. He may not be the man I thought he was, but we had a few good years. And even when he got tired of me, he never hauled me into court. I won’t do that to him, Sean. Don’t ask me to.”

He sat back, stunned. “What are you saying? You’ll just stay married to him forever? Even though you’re starved for sex and love?”

Her nose went up in haughty dismissal. “You’re twisting my words.”


“I’m starved for sex and love from
She glared in exasperation. “You keep trying to separate it out. But it’s all intertwined. Because I love you.” She dabbed at her eyes with the corner of her T-shirt. “You should just leave. I’ll pay for the room.”

“I already paid for it.” He touched her shoulder. “I don’t want you to leave like this. It’s crazy.”

“All I know is—” She stopped herself, then buried her face in her hands. “Never mind. Just give me a second and I’ll get out of your hair.”

“Hey.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Don’t do that. Tell me what you want.”

“I don’t even know anymore. I was sitting in that motel room, dreaming of the moment when you’d walk in and kiss me. But you c-couldn’t even do that.” She pulled free and half smiled through her tears. “We’re just so different, aren’t we? It’s no one’s fault, Sean. I just wish you would let yourself love me the way I love you.”

She pulled up roughly on her door handle and got out, and he knew he should go after her. Should at least kiss her. Make love to her one more time.

Maybe even marry her.

But that would be crazy, wouldn’t it?

“Hey, Kerrie!” He jumped out and rushed around the car, then pulled her against his chest. “We came here to talk and make love. Now we’ve talked.” He gazed down at her, truly apologetic. “And we’ll talk again. But if you still want to make love—”

“I don’t know,” she said, surprising him with her quiet dignity. Then she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “Can I get cleaned up first? I feel so—well, so dirty.”

“Geezus,” he whispered. “You should never feel like that. You’re so sweet.”

She shook her head. “Let’s face it, Sean. I may be sweet but I’m also ridiculously horny. There’s no playbook for that.”

He chuckled in relief. “Yeah, sweet but horny. Let’s see what we can do about that, okay?” And then,” he insisted weakly, “we’ll talk again. And again and again until we get this figured out.”


• • •


Rachel had been concerned that taking birth control pills might negatively affect her body. But if she felt different at all, it was in a positive way. Glowingly healthy, actually. She had always eaten well, exercised regularly, soaked up lots of sun, and now, in a wonderful turn of events, she was a sexually active being, thanks to Bam Bannerman. Not that she had found a replacement lover for him, but she had begun scanning crowds in supermarkets and parks, alert to all possibilities.

When the time came for “coffee” with Beth and Sophie, she almost wore one of her new sundresses, just in case Mr. Right or Mr. Good Enough was around, but it would prompt too many questions from Beth. So she chose her regular outfit—jeans and a modest blouse—but added some loose curls to her usually straight hair, and looked directly at the men at the bar as she walked into the Mexican restaurant. Lots of old guys, several college boys, no Bams. Not even any Seans.

The point is, you’re looking,
she reminded herself proudly.

This place, which was hosting Sophie’s conference, had a lovely bayside deck where she found Beth and the prospective bride already deep in discussion.

“Oh, thank God,” Sophie said, jumping up and hugging her. “Save me from this madwoman.”

“That’s why I’m here,” she assured her, returning the embrace.

“I can’t believe we never talked once at the wedding. Do you hate us all?”

“Just Sean,” Rachel said with a laugh. “And that’s fading fast.”

“What about Bam?” Sophie’s eyes twinkled. “It was a terrible thing he did, but so hilariously funny.”

“I agree.”

“Well, I don’t,” Beth interrupted, standing and pulling Rachel into a proprietary hug. “He’s an animal. But you’re right, he only dared say what he said because Sean Decker fumbled the blind date. Honestly, he’s such a disappointment.”

“We can all agree on that,” Rachel said, taking a seat at the small round table.

“You’re having a margarita,” Beth told her. “No arguments. So we can toast the bride-to-be. I’ve been trying to convince her to have the wedding at the Coronado. Wouldn’t that be gorgeous?”

“I think she should have it at Disneyland. Like you did,” Rachel replied impishly.

Sophie howled with laughter.
is what I needed. Reinforcements.”

Beth glared. “Actually, that makes my point. You can
let the man pick the place. Or anything else, really.”

“Can he pick the bride?” Sophie said teasingly. Then she smiled at Rachel. “Jake wants to have it on the beach in Monterey. In May. Something really small. But we want you there for sure. And I promise, no roving bands of men. Maybe a hundred guests at most.”

Rachel winced. It was sweet of them to care, but it made her feel like a loser. For one thing, she barely knew them, and given Sophie’s expansive family and Jake’s gregarious nature, they surely had more than a hundred close friends and relatives. Plus, she wouldn’t have a date for this one either. Or worse, she’d go with Sean again.

How humiliating

Ignoring the topic of her own attendance, she said lightly, “Monterey in May? That sounds beautiful.”

“We don’t need to decide tonight,” Beth reminded them. “I want to hear about Decker. Has he groveled yet?”

The arrival of a waitress saved Rachel from a quick reply, and she took the moment to order a glass of wine and collect herself. Then she explained to Beth, “It was over before it started. We don’t have the right chemistry.”

“How is that possible?” Sophie murmured.
a hunk. Do the math.”

“Sophie’s right,” Beth said, arching an eyebrow. “You aren’t trying hard enough. The first time is always awkward. You need to sleep with him at least twice before you know.”

Rachel rolled her eyes. “I’m pretty sure that’s not the rule.”

“Did you sleep with him at all? Honestly, Rachel.” Beth shook her head. “Why do I bother?”

“Good question.”

Sophie laughed. “Amen, sister. These fix-ups have to stop. I went through it too, you know. And then Johnny did. And now you. It’s pathological.”

“I have a sixth sense,” Beth said with a teasing smile. “If only the rest of you would listen to me.”

Rachel smiled fondly. For all of Beth’s faults, she just wanted everyone to be as happy as she was. There was a bizarre generosity to her meddling that made it okay.

Maddening, but okay.

And Beth was definitely on a roll. “If it can’t be Deck, we’ll find someone else. It’s not that hard.” To Sophie, she explained, “Rachel thinks men are afraid of her, but they aren’t. My own husband is hot for her and I’m not ashamed to admit it.”

Stunned, Rachel looked to Sophie for help, and saw that she was shocked too.

And because Sophie was a nice person, she tried to help, insisting to her cousin-in-law, “That’s crazy, Beth. Jason loves football and you. Sadly, in that order. And he likes the kids too. But let’s face it, he mostly loves football. I don’t think Rachel has a shot. Sorry, Rachel,” she added with a wink.

“Trust me, I know my husband,” Beth insisted. “If we ever had a threesome, he’d want Rachel. Unless we had a two-man, one-woman threesome, in which case I hate to admit, I’d want Bam.”

Rachel sprayed a mouthful of ice water across the table.

“I’d want Bam.”

“She means Bam Bannerman,” Sophie translated in a hushed voice. “And trust me, that’s a news flash. She always acts like he’s the devil.”

Beth shrugged. “He’s a lunatic. But let’s face it, he’s also a stud.”

Rachel wanted to focus on this crazy comment but was still concerned with Beth’s belief that Jason might be interested in

“You shouldn’t joke about Jayce,” she told her stubbornly. “He’s such a great husband.”

“He’s the best,” Beth agreed. “But like Sophie says, he loves football more than anything. So when there’s a game on, and I want his attention, guess who I talk about?”

“Stop it.”

“I tell him I’m going shopping with you for panties, and boom. He’s on me.”

Sophie screamed with laughter, then assured Rachel, “She’s kidding. But obviously there’s a grain of truth. Which is fine, trust me. It’s just fantasy. For example, if I couldn’t have Jake, I’d take Sean Decker in a nanosecond. Which is why I think
should take him. To bed. Like Beth says.”

“I hate you both,” Rachel muttered. “Lusting after other guys when you already have amazing men who love you?
the only person at this table who should be having those kinds of fantasies.”

Beth perked up. “There’s an interesting question. If
could have any guy—just for one night—who would it be?”

Rachel bypassed her water for the glass of Pinot Grigio that had just been delivered. Then she took a sip, buying time for her brain to thaw. Because she needed to think of someone else. Fast. She couldn’t say Vince Bannerman. Couldn’t even
Vince Bannerman. Not just because of her history with him, but because Beth apparently had the hots for him too.

So she blurted out, “What about that Wyatt Bourne guy? He’s attractive, right?”

Sophie choked on a mouthful of margarita while Beth just stared in horror and said,

“He’s the other quarterback from the Super Bowl, right? They call him the Surgeon?” Rachel eyed them teasingly. “Don’t tell me you didn’t notice how good-looking he is. Those eyes alone. And those shoulders Tall, dark, and deadly. I’d
hit that.”

She didn’t really mean it. Or at least, not completely. But they were taking it dead seriously.

Sophie seemed physically ill. And Beth? She shook her head, and while her lips were moving, no sound was coming out.

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