Play With Me (Pleasure Playground) (5 page)

BOOK: Play With Me (Pleasure Playground)
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Murphy stepped forward and smiled sweetly at her. “Don’t let the big bad Chase freak you out. You have to understand there isn’t anything more irresponsible than scening with someone you aren’t sure about. Just because you’ve agreed to model doesn’t absolve us of your well-being. In fact, it makes the trust between us more important than ever. Fetish models work hard and it's our duty to make sure they get what they need.”

Murphy moved behind her and caressed her arms with a featherlight brush. She found his touch so mesmerizing, she almost didn’t notice Chase had resumed taking pictures. It was nearly impossible to think beyond the warm caresses and whispered reassurances he plied her with.

“Tell me. Since I wasn’t there when you and Chase discussed this I need to know. Why would such a remarkable woman go untouched for so long? It’s almost criminal.”

Eve shivered, long tremors raced down her spine. “It’s not at all what you think.”

“And how do you know what I think?” he whispered at her ear.

“Because the truth is sad and has nothing to do with this.” Her legs trembled, and her stomach pitched to think of everything she’d been through these last two years. She’d basically been reduced to a 24-7 nurse with nothing but responsibilities.

Murphy pulled back, the sexiness wiped from his face and replaced with concern. “It sounds important enough for us to know, but I’ll let it go for now. But, Eve”—he cupped her chin—“no one can ever really be what you need until you’re willing to tell them everything.

Relief sagged through her. Going through this was hard enough without thinking of the grief that had ripped her life in two. Still, watching Murphy’s back as he retreated from her created a longing that surprised her. Just once in her life she needed… “I need to experience a man stronger than myself,” she blurted. Anything to keep this from ending here.

Chapter Four


Chase lowered his camera, and Murphy froze next to him.

“What did you say?” Surprised and intrigued by her outburst, he set down his camera on the small worktable stationed next to the floodlight. Suddenly the need to touch her overwhelmed him as he watched her stand up straight and raise her chin with a newfound courage.

“Please, for once let me feel what it’s like to not have to be in control. To not have to stress over every detail. To be someone else, even if it’s just one day. Please, Chase, I need this.”

He ignored the barely there moan that sounded from Murphy to study the woman in front of him. Her eyes shone with unshed tears that clearly took everything she had to contain. Apparently their receptionist had more layers than even he’d thought. However, without full knowledge there were a variety of things that could go wrong. Her inability to share the trauma that disrupted her life should have had him escorting her out of his studio. Yet, he knew he wouldn’t.

Without turning from Eve, Chase spoke to Murphy. “Get the chair.”

“As for you.” He lowered his voice and moved close. “I hope you understand what you’re asking for. This goes beyond a few pictures.” He curved around her side and stood behind her. He was close enough to feel her body heat without touching her. The contrast of the black lace of her undergarments against her creamy flesh pleased the eye of the photographer, but the man wanted to rip the offending coverings away so he'd have an unobstructed view of what he wanted.

He opted for a compromise since they had plenty of time to explore. “The camera will show me, and I have no problem taking you as far as I need to in order to expose the woman underneath. But first, tell me you want this.” Chase unclasped the hooks that held her bra in place, pushed the straps from her shoulder and allowed it to drop to the floor. The sexy hitch in her breathing pleased him immensely, even more so when she didn’t object. Pale, freckled skin beckoned him. Her ample breasts would more than fill his hands, but it was the taut, jutting nipples that informed him how much more she needed.

“I want this.”

Without the camera acting as a barrier between them, he couldn’t resist touching her. His hands spanned a good portion of her waist—soft, delicate skin he longed to see abraded by rope. Rich amber hair floated down her back with a scent of lavender and some spice he couldn’t name. But the color drew him like a living, breathing flame. Every sexual thought he’d had since she’d arrived had something to do with the hue of her hair.

Sinful, decadent thoughts that always led to her begging for more while he captured every expression on film. Reluctantly, he withdrew when Murphy arrived with the black oak chair and rope he’d already laid out. A gentle push on her shoulder was all it took for her to bend her knees and take a cautious seat.

“Sit back and try to relax. You’re going to be in this position for a while.” Chase let Murphy get to work while he retrieved some new lenses. As much as he wanted to photograph her, he also wanted to fuck her. Or better yet, photograph her while she sucked him off. His cock twitched in his pants on that one. Yeah, he hoped the little minx had it in her, because he planned to stress some of her limits before the day was over.

“Ready,” Murphy called from behind him.

Chase turned and nearly swallowed his tongue at the sight in front of him. Murphy and his Cheshire-smug grin stared back at him.

“Pretty, isn’t she?”

“‘Pretty’ doesn’t do her justice.” Murphy had banded her to the back of the chair from shoulder to hip with the rope crossing horizontally across her body, both above and below her breasts. Her legs splayed open with only a scrap of lace covering what Chase instinctively knew would be heaven on earth. It took every ounce of restraint not to rip the fabric from her and reveal the pussy he ached for.

Her arms were bound behind the chair as well, and Murphy had gotten creative and added a black silk blindfold. An excellent implement that gave Chase some ideas for how the day would end. He brought the digital camera to his face, being sure to perfect the focus. Although he planned every kind of shot possible today.

“Are you comfortable, Eve?” Chase asked the question while zooming in for a close-up on her mouth. The red gloss she’d covered her lips with struck him with temptation as if she were a matador with a red flag and he’d become the charging bull.

She nodded, and Murphy must have read his mind. His finger tapped her lips and instructed her to remain silent. She wouldn’t be permitted to see what was going on around her or speak unless there was an emergency. Deep down, Chase knew Murphy had the heart of a sadist and would one day require a submissive to become his slave.

Minutes stretched into hours while Chase examined every inch of Eve through his lens. By the time they finished this commission, he’d know the canvas of her body better than she did. Now that he’d gotten the basic photographs he wanted from her today, it was time to step things up.

“Grab her hair,” Chase demanded.

Murphy perked up from his seat on the couch and grinned. “All right, party time.” He swiped the black T-shirt he wore over his head and tossed it on the seat. Bare chest, leather pants, and combat-style boots were the perfect look for what Chase had in mind.

The subtle shift in Eve’s mouth and limbs indicated she’d heard their words and was fully alert.


Murphy clutched a handful of red silk and tugged her head back, baring her throat. For now Murphy knew exactly what to do, and Chase settled back in for the shots. Time for her to be ravished, as she’d so delicately put it earlier. Although what Murphy was about to do to her in no way resembled anything delicate.

Murphy’s head dipped to the delicious column of her neck, and Chase took up a side angle position to capture her reactions. Murphy nipped at her throat, and a whimper sounded from Eve. Tongue, teeth, and lips devoured her flesh until her breath came in gasping pants. Even Murphy seemed to have forgotten the camera as he followed the trail down to the tight rosy nipples that practically begged to be touched. Or better yet, clamped.

The zipper of Chase’s jeans dug into the skin of his dick as he grew fucking hard as steel. The job was often a turn-on, but this was ridiculous. His balls swelled and hung heavy between his legs until the photographs were no longer the priority. Every time Murphy bit particularly hard on one of her nipples, she jerked the chair, and his cock moved right along with it.

The marks Murphy left on her skin would photograph beautifully, and Chase knew his client would be immensely pleased. For a second, a vicious moment of protectiveness reared its ugly head inside him. If he claimed her, like he continued to consider, handing over pictures of her would fucking piss him off.

“Are you wet yet, baby?” Murphy’s question pulled Chase from his ugly thoughts, and his gaze flew to her pussy. The panties wouldn’t last much longer.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Ah ah ah. No talking, remember? I ask simple questions that require no more than a movement of your head. For that you’ve earned your first punishment.” Murphy gave her no time to protest or ponder before he grabbed a nipple and twisted hard.

On the inevitable gasp that tore from Eve, Murphy released the precious bud. A smile quirked at his lips. They definitely had her attention now. The pain at her nipple had instinctively caused her to cant her hips in Murphy’s direction, a movement he might have missed without his camera.

Not being able to see what was coming not only kept her on the edge, it allowed her the freedom to explore something her mind might object to if she knew about it in advance. It was definitely a psychological game, and one his little Eve desperately needed in order to work through some of her barriers.

Murphy went back to his exploration as he caressed every spot of bare flesh available. When his hands were on her thighs and his thumbs perilously close to the edge of her panties, the camera caught the trembling of her bottom lip. God, her pictures would be exquisite.

“Do you know how much I’ve fantasized about this, Eve?” Murphy spoke quietly.

Her teeth dug into her bottom lip, and she shook her head.

“I've thought about this incredible body a lot. How perfect these curves are for my ropes.” His finger disappeared underneath the black lace, and Chase nearly choked with the need to find out for himself what she felt like. He reached for his dick and pushed down on it, hoping against hope for some relief.

“Oh hell. Hot, slick, and even wetter than I expected.” Murphy crooned while he fucked his finger in and out of her sweet, sweet pussy. “Do you want me to stop, sugar?”

Her head moved from side to side in fast, jerky movements. She opened her mouth to speak and slammed it shut at the last minute. Probably remembering she’d been forbidden to speak.

Enjoy that control for now, sweet Eve. Before long you’ll forget all about it and be begging for release.

Chapter Five


Eve’s eyes rolled to the back of her head at the pleasure storming through her. Murphy’s wicked manipulation of her aching sex drove her fast and hard to the edge of what promised to be an out of this world explosion.

She tried to buck her hips to increase the friction, but the ropes she’d momentarily forgotten about restricted her movement. Her pleasure was at the complete mercy of Murphy’s whim. Frustration at his maddeningly slow pace erupted in the form of a series of whimpers.

“I think she likes it.” Murphy’s voice mocked her predicament, and the deep hum of agreement from Chase inflamed everything swirling inside her. Damn them for this. If he’d just angle his finger a little higher and rub her…

“Enough.” The harsh command from Chase startled her. But the withdrawal of Murphy’s touch left her breathless and hot. She couldn’t take this teasing any longer. Not after sitting tied for so long with nothing to do but think about everything she couldn’t see. The sound of Chase taking hundreds of pictures, Murphy stirring on the couch, and occasionally someone breathing heavily. Her arms ached, but she’d passed pain and fear a while ago and was left with a constant ache she found oddly comforting. Which of course made no sense at all.

Until Murphy had touched her. In an instant she’d gone up in flames, and the need for their touch became more painful than anything she’d experienced thus far.

“Please,” she whispered, breaking the rules. It didn’t matter. In fact nothing at all mattered other than the two men she knew stood just in front of her. Waiting for what, she had no idea.

“Please what?” Chase’s voice sounded next to her ear. So close his breath caressed her face. Tears sprang to her eyes. He was right here. So close she could smell him. Warm skin with the faintest tang of sweat. Her mouth watered at the thought of tasting him, of licking the side of his neck from shoulder to ear.

“Need—touch.” Even the harsh crack of her voice didn’t faze her. “Please.”

“I could fuck you now, Eve, couldn’t I?”

“Yes,” she answered with a heavy breath. "Yes—that—now." He could do anything he wanted as long as he didn’t stop touching her.

“Would you give me anything I wanted? No matter what it was?”

Chase’s question straight from her head caught her off guard. Her mind warred between answering yes and thinking logically. What if he made her do something truly awful? A fresh stab of fear pierced through the lust swamping her.

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