Playing Chase (Against The Wall) (10 page)

BOOK: Playing Chase (Against The Wall)
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“Come, Tiffany. It will be so much fun. It’s a little musty in there, but you can hang with us girls.”

The side of her mouth rises into a half smile and she says, “Thank you, Melissa. I’ll see you guys tomorrow then.” It takes her a minute to gather her things
, and then she’s out. 

The sound of the door clicks shut and I’m all over Chase.

“What the hell was that about? Are you fucking your student teacher?” There’s no nice way to put it. He’s like an after school special for crying out loud. Classic textbook case of sexual harassment here. He’s her boss. She’s a newbie. And he’s doing her.

“Fuck you, Mel!” The rise of his voice catches me off guard. If Ty were here, he’d punch him again. His shoulders relax. “I’m sorry,” he says. “But no, I’m not having sex with her.”

“You’re a little sensitive when it comes to Tiffany, aren’t you?” I keep prodding.

He scrubs his hands over his face and lets out a loud grunt. “A little.”

“Obviously, something is bothering you. Want to talk about it?”

Laughter fills the room at my question. “Why the hell would I talk to you about it? Why are you trying to act like you even care, Mel?”

This time, I’m the one who is laughing. “You’re right. I don’t care about your poor little hurt feelings…but I’m curious. There’s no denying something is going on between the two of you and you both look like you’re in pain. So if I had to guess based on your track record, you fucked something up.”

He remains silent.

“And who else are you going to talk to? Your dad?” The intense glare Chase shoots my way is answer enough to that question. “You can’t talk to Charlie because he’d be pissed that you’re screwing around with your student teacher. Shel? Summer? Who wants to talk to their ex about the new girl?” This time he rolls his eyes with a grunt. “And your mama’s not here right now, so I’m all you got. Spill it, Chase. What has your chonies in a bunch?”

He stands and begins pacing the room. He walks up and down the aisles of student desks, his head down, grunts and groans flowing freely from his gut. A particularly loud tribal cry has my eyes open wide and my jaw dropping.

“What the hell, Chase? You’re starting to scare me.”

“I kissed her.” He raises his hands in the air like he’s about to say something else, but then drops them to his sides without a word.

“And… ?” This is no surprise to me at all.

The crease between his eyes scrunches tightly. “That’s it. I kissed her.” He squeezes his big man body into a student desk next to me and buries his face in his hands. “Dammit. I really tried to keep my distance, but she just reels my ass in. I can’t resist her. I want to, but I can’t.”

The English language is definitely coming out of his mouth, but I have no idea what the hell he’s talking about. Keep his distance? Resisting her? Since when has Chase ever not indulged in or taken anything he wants? He’s the picture boy for gluttony.

“I don’t get it. Why are you trying to resist her in the first place? It’s obvious she likes you. You’re not dumb. I know you can see that.”

He leans back in his chair and throws his head back. Still…no comment.

I’m trying to make some sense of this. The only reason I can think of that Chase would want to stay away is if he liked her too. Like really liked her. Well, that’s how nice honest men might react. But Chase is neither of those things. So what the hell gives?

“So, what? You don’t like her?” Even so, the Chase I know would want to do her anyway. It’s not like he’s ever exercised an ounce of self-control before.

He shakes his head.

“Then what? When I said you could talk to me, it kind of meant that you’d have to speak. I’m not a mind reader. And I sure as hell don’t know what all your grunting and groaning means.”


Man, this guy is frustrating as hell. I have no idea how Summer and Shelly put up with his ass. I would’ve kicked him to the curb after the first date. I can’t say that Ty and I have always been A+ students at communication, but we do more than make sound effects.

“Okay. Let’s start from the beginning.” I kick his chair to stir a reaction and he nods. “You kissed Tiffany?”


“Was it a good kiss?” Who knows? She could have slobbered all over him or had bad breath.


“But you haven’t slept with her?” I raise my brow at him in question.

“No, I have not.” He seems sincere. I believe him.

Hmm. “So, you shared an amazing kiss with Tiffany. You haven’t had sex with her. And you’re trying to keep your distance?”

“Yes.” He nods.

“Why are you trying to stay away?”

The pained look in his eyes is something I’ve never seen before. And I’ve known Chase almost my entire life.

“You don’t like her?” I ask.

“That’s not it,” he says. And there he goes, burying his face in his hands again.

“Then what is?” I stare at him for what seems like hours, waiting for a response
, anything to clue me in on what’s going on inside his head.

Finally, he lifts his head and looks me straight in the eye and says something I would’ve never expected…

“I’m in love with her.”


- Chase





Dances suck. They stink like sweaty kids. The girls are dressed like they’re ready to get paid and the boys act like complete idiots. It’s no different from when I was in high school. Especially since all my high school friends are here chaperoning too. Dean, Shelly, Tyler, and Mel. The only thing that has changed is the fact that they are no longer my friends. But that’s my own damn fault. Every time I see them all together, it’s a constant reminder of what an ass I became
, and a constant reminder that I no longer want to be that fucker.

“Am I dressed okay? I had no idea what to wear to a homecoming dance as an adult.” Tiffany appears at my side and I do a double take. She is absolutely gorgeous in a strapless black dress that flows out from just beneath her breasts. She’s wearing those sexy as hell cowboy boots too. Black ones with a few shimmering jewels that catch the light from the disco ball hanging in the center of the room.

“You look great,” I tell her. “Love the boots.” I start at her small feet and scan up her body, slowly taking in her tan legs and plump breasts. She smells like strawberries and I just want to eat her.

“It’s an obsession,” she says.

“Excuse me?”

“My boots.” She points down at her feet. “I must have about twenty pairs.”

“I hadn’t noticed.” Which is a total lie. I noticed a few different pairs scattered around her house the other night. And then there were the brown ones she wore with that white sundress. Hot with a capital H. She’s even traded her heels for boots to wear to work a few times. So yeah, I’ve noticed.

“You look nice too, Mr. Marino.” She glances down at my choice of footwear. “What? Is Chuck Taylor your long lost uncle or something? Do you own stock in Converse? I’m just curious because I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear a different brand of shoe.”

I laugh. “Nope, just what I’m comfortable in. A couple of years ago, my dad took me shopping. He said he was tired of seeing me dressed like a twenty-year-old. He bought me these ridiculous shoes that stuck out about an inch and half past my toes, just really goofy looking loafers.” The disgusted look on Tiffany’s face lets me know she agrees. “Even worse, is he bought me these really expensive T-shirts that had feminine prints, and tons of bling on them. I swear I looked like a frickin’ boy bander ready to go on tour. It was awful.” The story just pours out of me and I’m surprised that it does. Not even Shelly or Summer know why I started wearing those stupid outfits. In fact, I never even talked to them about my dad. He was always off limits. Something I chose to keep locked up inside.

Yet here I am, spilling my guts to Tiffany. It’s like I can hear the figurative
sledgehammer knocking down my walls.

“You mean you wore them?” She laughs now, covering her mouth with one hand and dragging me from my thoughts.

I shake my head. I can’t believe I’m going to admit it. “Yes. I did.”

“That’s funny.”

“I can laugh now. But back then, I was trying to fake it to make it. My dad was in town and giving me shit, so I thought if I played his games and wore his pathetic wardrobe, I could get him off my back.”

“Did it work?” she asks.


Tiffany doesn’t say anything. I’m grateful. She gets me. She always knows when I’m done talking, when I’m not ready to give up anymore.

We stand in silence peering out at the horny teenagers rubbing against each other on the dance floor.

She bumps into me with her hip. “So we just stand here all night and do what? Watch them?”

I hip check her back. “Yup. Pretty much. But it’s better than being stuck in the parking lot or at the check-in table. I hate frisking kids. It gives me the heebie jeebies.”

“At least you don’t have to search the girls’ purses. They got some nasty shit in there.” Mel. No doubt. We look behind us and sure enough, she’s there. Tyler is at her side
, and strangely, he doesn’t give me any grief.

“Hi, I’m Tiffany.” She holds out her hand.

“I’m sorry.” I gesture to Mel’s husband. “This is Tyler. Mel’s better half and Shelly’s brother.” I look at Tyler and back at Tiff. “This is my student teacher.”

“Nice to meet you, finally. Mel has been chatting about you nonstop.”

Interesting. I bet that’s not all she’s been chatting about. I still can’t believe I confided in her: Melissa, of all people. Half the school probably knows I’m a frickin’ sucker for my student teacher.

“You’re married to your best friend’s brother?” Tiffany squeals. “That is the cutest thing ever.” Tiff’s smile lights up the room, killing my foul mood and softening my heart.

“Yeah, I had to kiss a bunch of frogs, even marry one, to finally find my Prince Charming.”

Ty grabs Mel by the waist and pulls her close, kissing the top of her head. What I’d do to be able to do just that with Tiffany. “I was there all along. You didn’t have to look far,” he tells her.

I roll my eyes, trying not to show that I’m eating up the sappiness just as much as Tiffany. I’m glad they finally made their way back to each other. I knew they would. Talk about frogs or douchebags, Mel’s ex-husband could give me a run for my money. That guy was a fuckin’ dick from day one. I never could figure out what she saw in him. I guess it doesn’t matter now. Mel got the man she always wanted. It just took her some time to get there. For a second, I think the same thing could happen for me, but then I think better of it.

Tyler glances down at his cell phone. “I’ll be right back, baby. Matt needs my help with something.”

She looks up at him with a smile, “Kiss me silly first.”

He’s about to lower his head to hers when I turn away and my eyes meet Tiffany’s. “They’re cute,” she mouths.

“Whatever,” I whisper to her with a cheesy grin.

She pushes her hip into mine again. “You don’t have to play tough guy around me. I know you’re a real softy.”

I shake my head. If she only knew that whenever she’s around, I’m anything but soft.

“Hey, Tiffany? Can you relieve me for a bit? I’m supposed to be helping Summer and Shelly, but I need a longer break.” Mel hikes her thumb in the direction of the door. Sure enough, Summer and Shelly are at the door sifting through bags and telling girls to pull their skirts down.

“Sure, no problem,” Tiffany says. “I’ll be back in a few, Chase.”

Mel and I watch as Tiffany approaches my ex
-girlfriends. Weird.

Mel swings her elbow back and hits me in the arm. “Hey, you don’t have to worry about anything. I didn’t tell anyone you got the hots for Tiff.”

I rub my arm. “Why not?”

She shrugs. “I don’t know. You just seem torn up enough about it. I thought I’d give you some time to figure it out on your own before the gossip starts flowing in every direction. Hearing all the shit talking will only make things worse for you guys.”

“Why are you being so nice to me?” I have to ask. This is so out of character for Mel.

“It’s that girl of yours. She’s something else. I guess you could say I’m trying to be
understanding. She really brings out the best in people.” Mel smiles up at me and I smile back.

“She does. She’s definitely one of those glass
-half-full people.” I chuckle.

“Yeah, totally. Normally, it would make me sick, but she’s kind of cute.”

“That she is.” I look over my shoulder back at where Tiffany is chatting with the girls. The line has died down since most of the kids have already arrived. She laughs, throwing her head back, and I catch myself grinning like a complete idiot. The things she does to me just watching her are beyond reason.

I’m a goner and there’s no denying it.


The dance is coming to a close and I couldn’t be more relieved. It’s been one hell of a long night and surprisingly, the old friends and their spouses have congregated with Tiffany and me. I know they aren’t here mingling for me. And I’m okay with that. It’s Tiffany. It’s obvious the girls really like her.

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