Playing For Keeps (8 page)

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Authors: Deborah Fletcher Mello

BOOK: Playing For Keeps
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Romeo nodded with him; nothing else needed to be said.
Malcolm's head hurt. He knew he needed sleep but he didn't imagine himself resting any time soon. Business had been brisk and they were still trying to get the last partygoers out of the building for the night. Two couples were standing idly in the center of the room, lost in conversation as they waited for a friend to come out of the men's room. Outside the men's room door Romeo tossed up a hand indicating that it might be a minute. Odetta shook her head, amusement painting her expression.
Moving behind the bar Malcolm switched off the sound system. Everything in the room seemed to vibrate from the infraction, every sound louder. A young woman moved in his direction, a bright smile across her face.
“I could use a ride, handsome. I think my date abandoned me!” she said with a soft giggle. She had a cute face, an abundance of blond hair and skin the color of milk chocolate. Her dress was tight, short, and she stood easily on five-inch stilettos.
Malcolm smiled. “I can call you a cab, honey, but that's all I can do for you.
The young woman smiled back. “I promise I will make it worth your while,” she said, her tongue sweeping slowly over her lips.
Odetta suddenly stood between the two of them, her hands clamped tightly against her full hips. “Girl, bye. The man already told you no.”
Rolling her eyes, the woman swung her blond hair over her shoulder. She turned toward the couples in the center of the room. “Will one of you fools go see what's keeping that asshole, please. I cannot believe you'd actually fix me up with such a cheap trick,” she said to her friends as she moved in the direction of the exit.
The other two women rushed to catch up to her as she mumbled and cursed her way out the door. The two men both threw each other a look, neither interested in following their friend into the men's room. With a snide comment and shrug of their shoulders they followed behind the women.
Odetta rolled her eyes, annoyance painting her expression. She moved toward the men's room and knocked against the door. “Hey! You need me to call you an ambulance?” she screamed through the vent slats.
There was a mumbled response, then she pushed open the door and eased inside. Romeo bust out laughing, his gaze meeting Malcolm's.
“I pity that poor fool when Odetta gets hold of him,” Malcolm said as he laughed with his partner.
“What poor fool is that?” Cilla questioned, her warm voice coming from the entrance.
Malcolm grinned. “Hey, what are you doing here?” he said as he moved from behind the bar to where she stood, leaning to give her a deep bear hug.
She smiled back as she leaned into his side. “I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd come see my favorite guy. Looks like I'm a little late for the party though!”
Romeo laughed again, lifting his hand to give her a wave. “How are you, Cilla?”
“I'm good, Romeo. How about yourself?” She and Malcolm eased their way back to the bar. He gestured for her to take a seat on a barstool.
“Ready to get out of this crazy house,” Romeo said with a warm chuckle.
There was suddenly a commotion coming from the rest room as Odetta threw the room door open. An exceptionally tall, overly thin man with a military haircut moved into the space, Odetta gently guiding him out. His eyes were narrowed, seeming as if he were struggling to keep them open.
“This one was sound asleep with his pants down to his ankles,” she said, her head waving. “He actually fell off the commode onto the floor.”
Romeo shook his head. “I would have gotten him, Odetta.”
“I know but a girl couldn't pass up a late-night peep show!” she said with a wink of her eye.
Malcolm laughed. “I swear, Odetta, you are going to lose us our license one day.”
Odetta laughed with him. “Boy, please! I didn't see much of anything at all. At least nothing worth talking about!” She held her thumb and index finger up, the space between them barely an inch apart.
Romeo's face flushed red, his cheeks heating. “Too much information, Ms. Brown. Way too much information.”
The tall man suddenly stood upright, his eyes widening. “Hey,” he said. “That's my date! Hey, baby! You ready to take Big Daddy home and tuck him into bed?” His words were thick and slurred like his mouth was filled with cotton. He took a step in Cilla's direction.
Cilla bristled nervously as she tossed Malcolm a look.
Malcolm took a step in front of her, easing his body between her and the stranger. “Sorry, partner, but that's not
girl!” he said.
The man looked confused, then his shoulders sank back down. “Gots to find my girl,” he slurred.
Romeo moved to his side. “Come on, friend. I think your girl might have left you but if she hasn't there's a taxi waiting to take you right to your front door,” he said as he guided the man to the door and outside.
Cilla laughed. “So, I take it that was the poor fool?”
Malcolm nodded. He turned back to her, leaning to press a damp kiss to her forehead. “It's always something around here.”
Odetta chuckled. “How you doin', girlfriend?” she said, her eyes shifting in Cilla's direction.
“I'm really good, Odetta. How about you?”
“Girl, my feet hurt. I'm ready to go home,” she said with a soft sigh.
Cilla nodded. “I know what that's like.”
Romeo moved back inside, locking the front door behind him. “Let's blow this joint, people!”
“You get your boy a ride?” Malcolm asked.
He nodded. “His
was parked out front waiting for him. Now, I'm going home to
girl. Odetta, do you need a ride?”
“Please. My Keith is working third shift tonight. I don't feel like waiting for him to get off.”
Romeo moved to the bar and picked up his jacket, slipping it over his arm. “Malcolm, I'll take the deposits. You and Cilla can get the lights on your way out.”
Malcolm gave him a thumbs-up. “Not a problem. I just need to load those last glasses into the dishwasher and we'll be right behind you.”
“Y'all have a good night!” Odetta exclaimed as she followed Romeo out the back door.
“Good night!” Cilla exclaimed, waving her goodbyes.
Seconds later the club was quiet, just the tick tock of the clock beneath the counter resounding through the space. Cilla watched as Malcolm wiped down the counter. He tossed her an easy smile as he loaded the last dishes into the washer and turned it on. His eyes swept around the space one last time, insuring that nothing had been missed. When he was satisfied, he turned his attention to Cilla.
She was watching him intently, something like wonderment washing across her face. She smiled and the beauty of it warmed his spirit. She wore no makeup and he was awed by the silken quality of her crystal complexion. Her cheeks were naturally flushed and her eyes bright. He liked how she looked at him, something about her gaze seeing in him what he hadn't even known was there. As he moved to her side, her bottom lip began to quiver and so he kissed her, wanting to still the hint of anxiety that had risen within her.
“I'm glad you came,” he said. His breath was warm against her mouth as he whispered softly.
She nodded. “I wasn't sure I should. It seemed a little . . . a little . . . forward?”
He shrugged. “I don't think so. I like that you don't mind stepping out of your comfort zone for me.”
She giggled softly. “And only for you.”
“That makes me feel very special,” he said with a bright smile.
“So, are you ready to go, Mr. Cobb?” she questioned, her tone eager.
He nodded. “I just need to get some paperwork out of the office,” he said.
He clasped his hand around hers and pulled her along beside him. They moved across the room toward the door with the
sign. Inside, he flipped on the lights, dropping the hold he had on her as he moved to the desk, taking a seat in the leather executive's chair.
Cilla's gaze swept around the space. “This is cute,” she said as she took everything in. Her eyes rested on a framed poster that hung on the wall behind the desk. “Is that Piano Man Burdett?” she asked, her gaze skeptical.
Malcolm took a quick glance over his shoulder. “The one and only. He used to be our featured piano player. Do you know Piano Man?”
“I know his music. My father was a huge fan of his. He's deceased now, isn't he?”
Malcolm chuckled. “Naw! He's still alive and kicking. He's Romeo's father.”
“His father?”
Malcolm nodded. “It's a long story.”
“Give me the short version.”
Malcolm took a deep breath as his eyes rested on hers. He leaned back in the chair and gestured for her to take a seat on the upholstered sofa. Dropping down onto the cushioned seat she pulled herself upright in the corner of the couch, drawing her long legs back against her buttocks.
“This old guy comes in one night and asks for a job. All he can do is play a piano so Romeo lets him. Turns out the old guy is none other than Piano Man, in the flesh. Before you know it, this place is blowing up, everyone trying to get in to hear him play. A few months go by and he and Romeo get really close, then one day out of the blue he announces that he's Romeo's father. The two never knew each other, in fact, Romeo's mother had told him his father was dead or some nonsense like that. Obviously, there was some drama, Piano Man takes off and then months later turns up in the hospital after having had a stroke. Romeo and Taryn have been taking care of him ever since.”
“Wow! How's he doing?”
“He has some speech and mobility issues but his mind is still sharp. Every now and then we sneak him in for a shot of scotch and the music.”
“I hope I get the opportunity to meet him someday. The man is iconic. Any jazz aficionado knows what a musical genius he was.”
Malcolm nodded. “I like to think he still is. He can't play anymore but you can still see that drive in his eyes.” He took another deep breath, blowing it out slowly. “I look forward to introducing you. Piano Man can't resist a beautiful woman and definitely not a woman who knows his music. You'll have him wrapped right around your fingers in no time!”
Cilla laughed and Malcolm laughed with her. The wealth of it was warm and teasing, embracing them both. They eased back into the quiet, their gazes locked as they stared. Cilla felt her pulse quicken as heat blossomed deep in her core. She drew a hand to her abdomen as she inhaled swiftly, the sensation sweeping through her.
Rising from his seat Malcolm moved from behind the desk to where Cilla sat. He stood above her for a quick moment while he inhaled the sight of her, everything about her nourishing and comfortable. He bit down against his bottom lip as he felt heat rain south, hardening every muscle in his large body.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Cilla whispered. Her eyes were wide and she panted ever so slightly.
“I could ask you the same question,” Malcolm whispered back, his gaze still locked tight to hers.
He dropped one knee onto the couch, his body tilting as if to straddle hers. He leaned forward, one hand resting against the back of the sofa to her left and the other on the sofa's arm to her right. He leaned even farther and she gasped slightly as his mouth stopped a fraction from hers. Their gazes still danced together as he allowed himself to drop even closer, the heat from his large frame igniting a firestorm between them.
Cilla's lips parted slightly. She reached her hand to his chest, pressing her fingers against the faint brush of hair that teased the opening of his white dress shirt. Her other hand moved to his face as she gently stroked his cheek and then he kissed her, securing his mouth to hers. He kissed her and without any hesitation she began to kiss him back. Before she realized what she was doing Cilla pulled him down against her, wanting to feel the wealth of his weight against her body.
They were an entanglement of closed eyes, mouths wide open and hands roaming everywhere. Fingers teased and kneaded flesh, every touch extraordinary. Their tongues twisted and glided easily together, their mouths dancing beautifully against each other. Malcolm thought she tasted like warm butter and cinnamon and he found himself craving her more and more. He savored the sweetness, his hunger so intense that he couldn't begin to imagine it ever being quenched.
His kiss was possessive, claiming every nerve and fiber in her being. If there had been an ounce of doubt before, there wasn't anymore. She belonged to him, her heart and soul taken. Cilla wrapped her arms around his neck, clutching at the back of his shirt. She licked his lips, gently biting against the soft flesh. Lengthening her body against the couch she opened her legs as he nestled himself against her. She inhaled his scent, his taste, everything, unable to get enough.
Neither wanted the moment to end. Malcolm trailed his lips over her cheeks, her nose, then nuzzled his tongue into the dimple beneath her chin before moving back to her mouth. The kiss seemed to last forever and still wasn't enough to satisfy their thirsts. Cilla sank farther into the sofa, taking Malcolm with her. Both marveled at how nicely they fit against each other, their respective arms feeling like home. He suddenly pulled himself from her, gasping heavily for air as he moved back onto his feet. She drew her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them as she struggled to catch her own breath.
Sweat beaded Malcolm's brow as he drew his palms across the top of his head then settled them along the line of his hips. Frustration creased his brow.

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