Playing For Keeps (15 page)

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Authors: Liz Matis

BOOK: Playing For Keeps
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Hannah stood behind her, viewing her handiwork with a grin. “Yeah, in al the right places. Ryan won’t be able to keep his hands off you.”

“I’m not going there to see Ryan, and I’m definitely not wearing this to impress him.”

“Sure, Samantha. Who was sulking not minutes ago because she had nothing wear?”

Ignoring Hannah’s comment, she adjusted the gown so it covered a little more cleavage “I swear I won’t be able to eat a thing tonight.”

Hannah readjusted the material back to where it was. “Now you know how models feel.” She swept up Samantha’s hair and the two looked into the mirror. “What do you think? Up or down?”


“Good choice. Al Ryan wil think about is letting it down.” Hannah clipped it into place and pul ed out a few strands so they’d fal softly around the face. “Now, make-up.”

Samantha missed this girlfriend stuff over the past ten years. When they were in the same city they’d meet up for a quick lunch, but they both led busy lives. Now they’ve reconnected and Samantha found herself dying to confide in her friend. She felt bad that Hannah was going to al this trouble to hook Samantha up with Ryan. In fact, Hannah’s efforts had doubled after learning about the elevator kiss, but she didn’t know the ful story.

Hannah finished applying cinnamon colored lipstick, al owing Samantha to say, “I have a confession to make.”

“Let me guess.” Hannah continued with bronze eyeliner, and then swept a sable brown eye shadow across the lids. “More than kissing went on in the elevator?”

“Close. Later that night. In the hotel gym.”

Hannah’s jaw dropped. “The hotel gym?”

“Then a few days ago in his car.”

“Whoa, I’m impressed. I didn’t know you had it in you.”

Samantha laughed. “Neither did I.”

Hannah slipped on a pair of red shoes. “Wel , how was it?”

Remembering, Samantha tingled al over. “Out of this world.”

Hannah hugged her. “I’m so happy for you.” Hannah continued primping. Over her shoulder she asked, “So what now?”

“I don’t know. It’s not like we can be seen together in public.”

“Um…we’re al sitting together.”

“What?” Samantha’s stomach lurched. They were sitting together? Like a double date? Like a couple?
Oh dear, God

“It’s no big deal. They’l be six other people at the table. And we’re meeting them there.” Hannah’s cel rang. “I bet that’s the limo. Here, put this on.” She handed her an amber necklace to complete the look.

Samantha put it on and took one last peek in the mirror. Hannah was a miracle worker, or maybe she real y was her fairy godmother. Now al she needed was her prince.


Ryan impatiently tugged at the tie strangling his neck. He hated these damn events. He’d rather donate the money directly to the foundation, but these dinners brought needed attention to the cause. The presence of sport stars and celebrities were the main attraction. For Jenny and other kids he met at the hospital, he could endure one night of smiling like a circus monkey for the rich socialites who donated the big bucks. At least Samantha would be here. At first, he didn’t believe Jake when he said she was coming with Hannah.

He would’ve invited her himself, but with al the media attention he thought she would say no. On cue, lights flashed from a dozen cameras as Samantha and Hannah entered the decadent bal room. His jaw dropped. Samantha’s gown hugged every luscious curve. Each step she took, a flash of leg enticed him. He imagined his hand running up the length of her calf, to the thigh, and beyond. The up-sweep of her burnished chestnut hair would’ve been a crime except it left her graceful neck exposed. Like a vampire, his lips yearned to nibble down the curve of her throat before taking a bite. His palms began to sweat. He couldn’t move, couldn’t take his eyes off her, wasn’t sure he was even breathing.

Jake came up to his side and pushed him forward. “Let’s go claim our women.”

“Samantha’s not mine.”

“Yeah, she is. Look how she’s looking at you.”

Her shy smile sent his insides shaking like an 8.5 earthquake. As they met them halfway, Ryan thought he heard Hannah say hel o to him, but he couldn’t be sure. He was drowning in the intoxicating glow of Samantha’s skin.

“Samantha, you look…” His gaze dropped to her breasts that were on display and al coherent thought fled his brain. “Wow.”

“Four years of Notre Dame and al you can come up with is wow?”

“What can I say? You render me speechless.”

“That’s a first.”

“Did you wear that for me?”

“In your dreams.”

“My dreams have you naked,” he whispered into her ear as he led them to the table. His hand grazed the bare skin at the smal of her back; he felt a shiver go up her spine, setting him on fire. Earth-quaking, water-drowning, fire–burning, air-none - he loosened his tie. Taking note of the other men appreciating Samantha’s charms, he resisted the urge to wrap his jack around her.

Once seated, Ryan did his best with smal talk as dinner was served. Having Jake and Hannah act as chaperones helped. It kept him from jumping Samantha, who at the moment seemed to be interested in the intricacies of her place setting, leaving her dinner plate untouched.

“You’re not eating,” commented Ryan.

“I’m supposed to tel you I’m not hungry, but I’d be lying. The truth is, my dress is ready to bust at the seams.”

Bust. He couldn’t help it. Real y, he couldn’t. His eyes dropped to the material straining against her ful breasts. An amber necklace fel just above her cleavage like a sign saying ‘This Way’. Would he be a complete degenerate if he silently wished for the fabric to give way? No, he didn’t think so. He was being a man. That’s what men did, they wished, fantasized, and dreamt of sex. Statistics proved it. Who was he to fight Mother Nature?


Whoops, caught in the act
. “Just admiring your necklace.” Taking a sip of water, he looked across the table at Jake.

“By the look on your face you want to
my necklace.”

He choked on the water as a laugh threatened to burst out. If he wasn’t mistaken she was flirting with him and he responded in kind. “Or your dress.”

The rest of dinner passed quickly and before he knew it dessert was served. He nearly drooled as Samantha savored the chocolate mousse, a look of pure bliss on her face. It reminded him of sex. Of taking a jar of chocolate syrup, pouring it over his cock, and letting her at him. A wicked smile flashed across his face.


“I’m waiting for the seams of your dress to give way,” he lied. She gave him one of those looks that said to give it a rest, so he added, “You know, so I can be ready with my jacket to protect your honor.” He breathed in the wildflower scent of her perfume. A vision of kissing her in a field of flowers sprung in his mind quickly fol owed by a question.
Where is all this romantic crap coming from?

“And who said chivalry was dead?”

“Always at your service.” Though official y this wasn’t a date, it certainly seemed like it. Except Ryan wished he could be al over Samantha the way Jake was with Hannah. Some chaperone. But every time he went to put his arm on Samantha’s chair, a teammate would come up to the table to say hel o. A wink here and elbows from the guys made him realize Samantha’s predicament. Jocks may have a reputation for being dumb, but they knew how to add one plus one.

As she excused herself, Ryan knew she realized it, too. Ryan watched the crowd swal ow her up. As the night wore on he caught glimpses of her talking and laughing. She knew a lot of people -- a lot of men. Her reporter radar was on and he supposed there was nothing she prized better than getting a scoop. He hoped to teach her to love something better, like staying in bed al day and letting the world pass by unnoticed and unreported.

A whiff of strong perfume made him realize he wasn’t alone.

“You look like you could use some company. I’m Lily.”

Would Samantha be jealous if she saw him talking to another woman? The conversation of exclusivity hadn’t come up. Technical y, they weren’t even dating. Ryan didn’t know what the hel they were.

He had no desire for Lily to sit down, but it might throw off any suspicions of him and Samantha as a couple. Stil , he didn’t want Lily to get any ideas, though by the look in her eyes that was already too late. “I’m sort of with someone.”

The woman looked over at Samantha. “That’s funny, she’s sort of with someone else.”

He fol owed her gaze. Like a flare gun his temper exploded inside him. Did Samantha know whom she was talking to? How did the little weasel get in here? Though when you were a drug dealer to the stars, doors open and the red carpet rol ed out.

“He can get you anything, even designer steroids.” Lily wrapped her hands round his arm and squeezed.

Ryan’s fingers tightened around his glass. “I don’t touch that poison.” He burned silently, watching Samantha converse with a criminal. Was she working a story?

Lily leaned in and whispered, “What’s your poison?”

Ryan wanted to retch. Any interest he might have had pre-Samantha would’ve been doused by her come-on and cloying perfume.

Jake came up from behind him. “Bro, are you crazy, sitting here while that creep is al over her?”

Jake’s taunt was the final straw. He peeled Lily off his arm. “Lily, it was good to meet you, but I’ve neglected my date long enough.”

He strode through the crowd. Upon reaching Samantha’s side, he took her by the arm. “I believe this is our song.” Ryan led her to the dance floor, leaving that slime to find another victim.

“That was rude and since when is Nel y Furtado’s Promiscuous our song?”

Real smooth, Ryan.
He took her into his arms as the music abruptly changed from the rapping beat to the romantic vibe of Rob Thomas.

“Did you arrange that?”

Ryan glanced over at the DJ. “No, Jake did. See?” He dipped her so she could get a better view of the band. So what if he received a better view of her breasts in the process? The temptation to run his tongue along the naked swel of her breasts to the beginning of the fabric of her gown rocked him. Now he knew how Adam felt about those apples.

He swooped her up before he gave into it. One step for man. One giant leap for mankind. He deserved some kind of medal. Perhaps even Sainthood. “Having a good time?”

“Yes, are you?”

“Oh yeah, I love going out and watching my date get approached by every man in the place. It’s a real turn on.”

“What about that woman who was hanging al over you?”

Ryan smiled.
She is jealous.
“I was trying to divert attention away from us.”

“By the stares we’re getting, I’d say it’s not working.”

“Right now I don’t care. Do you?”

“Actual y, no, I don’t.”


Hannah smiled as she watched Ryan and Samantha dance. They looked so good together. She could easily picture them dancing on their wedding day. Hannah planned it al out, she would be the maid of honor and Jake would be the best man. She sighed wistful y.

She glanced to the DJ, where Jake had taken up residence. Her little affair was turning into more than little and more than an affair. She feared she was fal ing in love with Jake and that wouldn’t do. Hannah didn’t do love. Anything that got in the way of her career had to go. She only had two; maybe three years left before the modeling world considered her middle-aged and therefore only viable for menopause ads.

Hannah couldn’t afford any distractions. Sure, things were going great now, but how long would it take before Jake became bored with her? And al men became bored, which is why Hannah always ended it first, before there was any chance of fal ing in love.

Before Jake could catch her staring at him, she turned her attention back to Samantha and Ryan. The couple danced in sync with one another as if they already danced a thousand dances together. If Samantha hadn’t confessed to shagging Ryan, Hannah would’ve guessed it now.

Hannah looked back at Jake, who was now staring at her with hungry intent. He started to walk towards her. She looked down briefly so she could school her features into a disinterested mode. But when she peeked back up, Jake’s smile had her catching her breath. She should end it.

End it now.

“May I have this dance?” proposed Jake as if he were a southern gentleman and she the bel e of the bal .

I’ll give it one more week.
“I’d love to.”


Stil wrapped in Ryan’s strong arms, Samantha shared a smile with Hannah across the dance floor. A warm glow settled within her. She felt protected. Strange how the one man she’d always thought would hurt her was the one man who made her feel safe. For the moment, al was right with the world.

The music stopped and her cocoon unraveled as Ryan released her. An announcement was made for the participants of the bachelor slave auction to come up to the stage. Ryan, Jake, and several minor celebrities were cal ed.

Jake came up to Ryan with Hannah on his arm. “What the hel is going on?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t volunteer, that’s for damn sure,” answered Ryan.

Samantha scanned the room and quickly spotted some of Ryan and Jake’s teammates in the throes of a laughing fit. She tapped Ryan’s shoulder and pointed to the culprits.

“Oh, they’l pay for this,” said Jake.

Hannah patted his cheek. “Don’t worry, honey, I brought my American Express card. Never leave home without it.”

Jake wore a look of relief.

“How about you?” Ryan asked.

“I couldn’t afford this dinner, never mind your going rate,” said Samantha.

“I’d pay you back.”

“I can’t, the gossip-”

“You didn’t seem too concerned with that a minute ago when you pressed your body up against mine.”

Samantha drew in a sharp breath, but he was right. Stil , she couldn’t add fuel to the fire. “I can’t,” she said softly.

“You’re real y going to let another woman buy me?”

“Or a man,” Jake interjected. “With this crowd you never know.”

“Great, Just great.”

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