Playing for Kicks (Play Makers Book 5) (18 page)

BOOK: Playing for Kicks (Play Makers Book 5)
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He gave her a teasing smile. “So was that
story true?”


“About the French dude?”

“Oh, Lord, how much did you hear?”

“All of it.” He nuzzled her neck. “I love
your stories. Even if they’re not true.”

“This one actually is,” she insisted, trying
to resist the heat of his breath and failing miserably. So she
slipped one hand behind his neck and stared into his eyes. “I’m
sooo sorry I called you a loser.”

“Yeah, that was rough,” he said with a
chuckle. Then his voice deepened and he said, “You look good,
Tess,” before nudging her back against the couch cushions and
kissing her.

Lacing her fingers in his thick hair, she
kissed him back more ardently than she had ever done. And
apparently it was the right signal, because he used the full magic
of his tongue for the first time.

And for all that she had imagined it, she had
never dreamed it could be so perfect. Or that
could be so
perfect. He seemed to know he could do anything he wanted, and she
suspected he’d do it soon enough, but as always this guy was in no
hurry. Instead he was savoring her. Savoring
. And most
of all, savoring this glorious moment.

A voice in the back of her mind tried to ruin
the fun, saying:
You’ve been drinking

She honestly didn’t care. In fact she was
her inhibitions were loosened. Why shouldn’t they do
this? They were perfect together.

Then the word “drinking” registered and she
asked ruefully, “Do I taste like a distillery?”

“Yeah, but it’s totally worth it.”

Giggling, she rolled out from under him and
reached for his hand. “Come on, I have a toothbrush in my travel

He stood and pulled her against himself.
“You’re sure?”

“We’re just kissing. We do it all the


He lowered his head again but she reminded
him, “Toothpaste first,” then pulled him toward the guest room even
though the redwood deck was only a few steps away. If he kissed her
out there . . . or gave her the Tantric stare-down
. . .

Just the thought of it made her so hot—so
wet—she almost whimpered on the spot.

But she didn’t want to taste like gin for
their first time, so she hurried their pace to the guest room and
closed the door behind them. When his gaze shifted to the bed, just
for a micro-second, she wanted to assure him his instincts were
correct. Not that they would necessarily go all the way, but she
wanted to feel his body moving against hers. His hands all over
her. His mouth all over her—

“Wait here,” she instructed, breathless as
she grabbed her overnight bag, dashed into the bathroom and closed
the door. Then she grinned at her reflection over the sink.

He’s the hottest guy ever, so don’t
overthink it. He’s not ready, you’re not ready, but no way can you
pass this up. So just do it.


• • •


Sean stared at the bathroom door, willing it
to open, high on the knowledge they were going to make out, big
time. Probably get naked. Maybe even get it on. His body shuddered
at the thought.

He wanted her so bad. Hadn’t stopped thinking
about her. Fantasizing about her. Specifically about that
breathless voice that had driven him crazy since that first

Now here they were again. And this time he
was single, so why not?

He knew he should feel guilty. Not that she
was drunk. Barely tipsy. But the liquor clearly made her more

What’s wrong with that?
he challenged
She’s inhibited because she thinks you’ll run back to
Kerrie. And since
know that will never happen, it’s all

Except there were other reasons for her
resistance, weren’t there? She thought he was a mess. A hopeless
case. Not just because of Kerrie, but Melody and Rachel and Darcie.
Even Erica. And while he knew she had been spinning that bullshit
to keep him from coming on to her before he was quote-unquote ready
to date again, there was something else.

Even when you’re ready, I won’t date

She had been sincere about that, or at least
pretty convincing. Which was insane, since they were crazy about
each other. Perfect for each other.

Then it dawned on him. Something so simple.
So obvious. Why hadn’t he seen it sooner?

It wasn’t just about him. It was about
. Because
wasn’t ready either. Everyone was so
fixated on Sean’s need to get his head straight they hadn’t noticed
Tess was wrestling with something too. Maybe a recent breakup of
her own? Doubts about her new career? About quitting her bartending
gig? Or the thing with her dad? Something that warned her not to
fall for Sean, or at least not until she was absolutely sure she
could trust him.

Convinced, he rapped gently on the bathroom

She opened it right away, looking fantastic.
Her hair was out of the ponytail, ready for action, and her lips
had turned that deep, sexy color they always did when she was
turned on, making it impossible not to kiss her. Not to imagine
that her nipples had the same tint of arousal . . .

Steeling himself, he told her, “I’m gonna
take off, okay? I don’t want you to regret this in the


“I want this,” he assured her, his voice
hoarse. “But you keep telling me I’m not ready.”

She licked her lips, then nodded. “That’s

“And maybe you’re not ready either.”

“Me?” She seemed confused for a second, then
gratitude lit her beautiful blue eyes, telling him he was

Which meant he had almost blown it for

Shocked by the thought, he said, “Come here,”
then pulled her close. “Get some sleep, Tess. Tomorrow you’ll come
over and see the shoes.”

When she rolled her eyes, he had to laugh,
mostly in relief. Apparently, they were back on track.

Which meant he could kiss her good-bye. So he
lowered his mouth to hers, enjoying the breezy, unhurried pace that
worked so well for them.

She responded sweetly, even bracing her hand
behind his neck in that sexy way she had. Then she pulled back
abruptly and asked, “Do I still taste like gin?”

“Yeah, and it’s still worth it.”

“Settle down, Romeo.”

He grinned. “We’re on for tomorrow,

“I’m not sure I’m ready for your lucky
shoes,” she admitted. “But we can definitely hang out. It’s always

“Whatever you want.”

“Thanks.” She stood on tiptoe and brushed her
lips across his. “Good night, Sean.”

“Yeah, good night, babe. I’ll call you


• • •


Since she couldn’t see the driveway from the
guest room window, and wasn’t about to roam the house when a power
couple was having sex, she settled for imagining Sean as he walked
to his car, his stride confident, his posture relaxed. Like he
owned his corner of the world and that was enough for him.

At that moment he was practically a hero to

Maybe you’re not ready either,
he had
told her.

It was so true. She couldn’t afford to get
her heart broken. Even if he was truly and completely over Kerrie,
he was simply too romantic—too much of a dreamer, too quick to fall
in and out of love—to ever be a solid boyfriend.

Still, she drooled for what had almost
happened. Maybe she wasn’t ready for a relationship, but she had
definitely been ready for

Curse you, Sean Decker,
she teased him
You think you’ll get another chance, but you won’t.
So you really,
should have gone for it.


• • •


Still half asleep at seven thirty the next
morning, Tess followed the scent of coffee and bacon to the
McSpurling kitchen and found Erica reading the paper in the
breakfast nook.

“Hey,” she told her hostess warmly. “How are
you feeling?”

“You’re up! Is Sean still in bed?”

“Are you insane?” Tess fixed her with a fake
glare. “Why would Sean Decker be in

“Oh . . .”

“He was a perfect gentleman, which is lucky,
because I’m almost as slutty as you when I drink.”

Erica laughed. “Sit down. I’ll get you some
coffee. Oh, hey . . .” She smiled toward the doorway. “Tess is

“So I see.” Johnny looked unbelievably sexy
in his running shorts and loose-fitting top. It was clear he had
been working out but was in such amazing shape he had barely broken
a sweat.

Taking a bottle of water from a small fridge
in the butler’s pantry, he took a long pull on it, kissed Erica on
the cheek as she poured coffee for Tess, then asked in a casual
voice that fooled no one, “What time did Deck leave? I noticed his
car’s gone.”

“He left five minutes after you were dragged
away by a wild animal,” Tess told him with a teasing smile.

“Yeah, she’s wild all right. Good thing I
take my vitamins.”

“Yum, that explains the muscles.”

He joined her at the table. “You’re doing the
smart thing, you know. He’s a great guy, but the timing’s all
wrong. I’m glad you get that.”

“He gets it too. So we’re just hanging out

“So he says. Just be careful.”

“You make him sound like Jack the Ripper,”
Erica complained. “Tess says he was a perfect gentleman. Right,

“Except for the naked part,” she agreed.

When Johnny howled, Erica sighed, brought
Tess her coffee and took a seat. “You two are ridiculous together,
you know that?” she scolded them, but she recovered quickly and
said, “We should do something today. Maybe a trip to the beach? I
could call in sick.”

“Sounds good,” Johnny agreed.

“You two go,” Tess told them. “I need to make
progress on my article.”

Erica wasn’t discouraged. “Get some work
done, then we’ll get back together for dinner. Someplace nice. The
of us,” she added, giving her husband a warning

“They aren’t dating, Erica. Even Deck said

Tess winced. She had tried not to think about
the mistake she had almost made with the kicker, or about the
promise she had made to see him again today. It had sounded good at
the time, but in the sober light of day, she knew it would be
awkward. But with Johnny there, Sean might just keep the Tantric
stuff under wraps.

So she suggested carefully, “It doesn’t have
to be a date, does it? Just four friends hanging out, assuming we
can keep Erica off the sauce.”

“Hush,” Erica said with a giggle. “It really
does sound like fun. And if the four of us are going to be friends,
we need to spend time as a group, right? Maybe we can even get Bam
to join us.”

“He flew out last night,” Johnny told her.
“Trying to spend as much time as possible with Rachel before the
grind starts.”

“So just the four of us, then?”

He hesitated, then nodded. “Sure, why

Erica beamed. “I’ll call him right away.
Before he makes other plans.”

call him if you don’t
mind,” Tess murmured. “Should we meet at the hotel? It has a nice

“Let’s do the Firelight Grill instead. Less
chance of the guys getting recognized since it’s nice and

When Johnny gave Tess a frustrated look, she
knew the place was romantic, so she laughed and said, “As long as I
can wear jeans and a decent top. I didn’t bring any fancy

“What about that black skirt you wore to my
office? It’s perfect.”

Tess rolled her eyes at Johnny. “Next she’ll
stuff an apple in my mouth and serve me on a platter.”

“Yeah, it’s unbelievable. But once she gets
an idea in her head . . .”

“I’m sitting right here,” Erica complained,
but her gray eyes were laughing, and Tess couldn’t blame her. This
was starting to sound like fun.

Johnny’s eyes were twinkling too. “Tell Deck
we’ll make reservations for seven. He can meet us out there. And
tell him
pick you up. Right, Erica?”

“Of course. Since it’s not a date.”

“I’m gonna need that in writing,” Tess
drawled. “And I’m gonna need some of that bacon soon too because
the smell is driving me crazy.”

“It’s in the oven,” Erica told her husband.
“Since you’re so full of mischief, can you get it?”

“My pleasure.” He gave her a quick kiss then
winked at Tess and strode into the kitchen.

Tess sighed. “Lucky you.”

“I know.” She leaned closer. “Sorry if it
seemed like I was matchmaking. I was doing better until last night.
But you guys just looked so adorable together on the couch. And
Johnny says Sean said you’ve been seeing each other, so .
. .”

“I’ve been interviewing him. Once at a coffee
shop, once at a taco stand. We had fun both times but there’s
nothing more to it. I like him,” she admitted, mostly to herself.
“But it’s like Big John said. Bad timing.” When Erica sighed, she
added sternly, “He just broke up with married twins. Which makes
him an
flight risk.”

Johnny chuckled from the doorway. “A flight
risk, huh? That’s a new one.” Bringing a platter of bacon and
toast, he insisted, “Dig in, ladies. And I can make you

“Ugh,” they groaned in unison.

Laughing, he moved toward the living room.
“I’ll hit the shower then. Tess? Don’t leave without saying

“I won’t,” she assured him, loving his
protective attitude. Not to mention his rugged body. Then she
noticed the way Erica was watching him and urged her, “Go on. I
need to call Sean anyway.”


“Take a shower with him. You know you want

“You’re sure?” She patted Tess’s hand then
hurried after Johnny, calling back over her shoulder, “It’ll be ten
minutes tops. Twenty at the most.”

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