Playing Nice (29 page)

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Authors: Rebekah Crane

Tags: #Young Adult

BOOK: Playing Nice
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Ho Hey – The Lumineers
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Together Book Clubs: Questions for Discussion
  1. Marty tells the story from the first-person perspective which gives the reader her view of the world. How might the story be different if told from Lil's? Sarah's? Marty's mom?
  2. Lil's favorite book is
    One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
    , by Ken Kesey. Why do you think she identifies with this novel, particularly the character R. P. McMurphy?
  3. Who is your favorite character and why?
  4. Alex's brother says, "People are assholes." Do you agree and why? Do you think Marty agrees with that philosophy or not?
  5. Marty has a connection with her grandmother that is all her own. Who are you connected with in a way that is truly yours and why?
  6. Lil says, "Truth is subjective. If I told you this [rock] was a bird every single day for the next ten years, eventually you'd start calling it that." Do you think Lil's actions throughout the book are her own or a reaction to how people view her? Why? What about Marty?
  7. What is your favorite line from one of Marty's poems? Why?
  8. Lil and Marty identify themselves through song lyrics. What song lyrics do you identify with?
  9. One of Marty's poems says, "In kindergarten we learn to get in line, Walk straight, Follow the leader, Earn a yellow star, But where does that line lead? To the same place everyone else goes. What if I went in another direction? Would I find new people to follow? Would I be the leader then? Or would I be alone?" What are the challenges to branching out on your own? Are there perks to being a follower? Are there downfalls to being a leader? What would you do if you found yourself alone?
  10. Lil tells Marty, "There are people like you and there are people like me." Do you agree with Lil? Are Marty and Lil truly different?
  11. Lil has some zinger lines. What is your favorite?
  12. Marty and Lil battle bullying. Has the novel changed your view on bullying? What advice would you give to someone being bullied?
  13. Do you think Marty and Lil ever see each other again? What would they be like as adults?
  14. Are we human or are we dancer?
About Rebekah Crane
Rebekah Crane fell in love with YA literature while studying Secondary English Education at Ohio University, but it wasn't until ten years and two daughters later that she started to write it. Inspired by her past students, growing up in Cleveland with its fabulous musical theater community, and music of all kinds (particularly the Avett Brothers), she created
Playing Nice
. It is her first published novel, but having an unbridled imagination, it's not the only fantasy world she's lived in (just ask her husband). She now lives in Colorado, where the altitude only enhances the experience.
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