Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series) (26 page)

BOOK: Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series)
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Patty grabbed her purse and flagged down a taxi to take her to Deuces. While in the taxi she text Marc back.


Patty: Thank you, Sully. You’re so sweet. I plan on having a good time tonight.


Marc: I hope not too good of a time.


Patty: Sounds like you’re a little jealous Sully.


Marc: Damn straight I’m jealous. Listen I have to go but be on your best behavior. I miss you and cannot wait to see you at Jane and Brady’s wedding. Call me sometime tomorrow and catch me up on the events.


Patty: I will. Miss you too Sully. Have a good night.


Marc: You too Patty Cakes.


              Patty put her phone in her purse just as she pulled up to the bar. Marc was jealous he was not with her. She was a little disappointed he was not with her as well. She had no intentions of doing anything with any man tonight but it felt nice that Marc was concerned. She hadn’t had someone fret over her in such a protective way…ever. Gino was more of a controlling kind of a guy rather than a concerned kind of fella.

Patty shook off the thoughts of men for the night. She needed to focus on Jane, this was her night.

As she got out of the taxi she saw a flash of neon pink in the corner of her eye and a massive amount of skin. Molly
came strolling up to her in by far the smallest dress she ever laid eyes on. Molly must have mistaken what she thought was a dress for a tube top. Patty feared any slight movement and her girly bits would be out for everyone to marvel at.

“Hey Girl, damn you look great in yellow! You looking to get some tonight? Because with that dress and the new hair you are just begging to be fucked.” Molly said.

Ignoring Molly’s brashness, Patty said, “Hey Molly, I don’t plan on doing anything but making sure Jane has a good time tonight.” Patty knew she had to say something about Molly’s attire since she complimented what she was wearing but she didn’t know what to say. “Uh, Molly you look...your skin is so glittery.”

That was the best she could do.

              “Thanks. I got a new glitter lotion. You should get some, it really turns on the men, especially when you’re wearing nothing but thigh high leggings!”

Too much information Patty thought.

She smiled and walked into the bar. She walked to the back and noticed Jane was already there as well as pretty much everyone else. What a host she was. Goodness she thought she was early.

              She went up to Jane and gave her a hug.

“Happy bachelorette
party day Jane! Why are you here so early?”

“Oh you know me, I always have to be early. I hear Alby won the title of decorator.”

Patty grimaced knowing Jane would not be too thrilled about the massive amount of dick paraphernalia but how could she have refused a brand new pair of Jimmy Choos? She knew once Jane got her eyes on the new heels she would forgive her.

“Yea, sorry about that. I’ll let you borrow my new shoes sometime if you would like.”

“You can bet your ass I will be borrowing them. As long as there are no strippers. Please tell me there are no strippers.”

Patty could not help but make Jane squirm. “No strippers, that was part of the shoe deal but we do have some other surprises lined up for you. Maybe a little erotic demonstration by the Romantic Notions ladies.”

“That I can handle. Its dicks whipping around my face that I’m not partial to. Where’s Molly?”




              Molly stood outside a little longer to huff down a cigarette while Patty went into the bar. It was Jane’s bachelorette party, time certainly flew by. Molly was having a hard time grasping everything Jane was going through, especially since Molly went through the same process two years ago but with a different end result. She was not married and with the looks of it, Brady and Jane will live happily ever after while Molly stays alone, completely alone. Especially since her daughter was taken away from her by her dead fiancé’s parents. 

Molly opened her purse, grabbed the mini liquor bottle she kept in there for times like this, popped two pills which were now her new best friends and drained them before she went inside. She needed all the help she could get tonight.

When she walked into the bar she instantly was taken back two years ago, almost all the same people, same decorations, same food that was at her party, the only difference was the celebration was not for her, it was for perfect little Jane. Molly was brought back from her thoughts by a giant hug from Jane.

“You made it!” Jane said screeching in Molly’s ear.

Trying to shake all negative thoughts out of her head Molly replied, “Of course, what kind of maid of honor would I be if I didn’t show up tonight.”

Albert came over to Molly as well and gave her the once over.

‘Girl, I would hug you but I would be too afraid to get slut all over my body. Where in god’s green earth did you find that tiny piece of fabric? I’m assuming you’re wearing that as a dress.”

“It is a dress Alby. Don’t be hating on me because you’re jealous of the fact that you know your man thighs could not pull this dress off.”

Molly winked at him, grabbed Jane’s hand and headed for the bar to down a shot or two with the bride to be.

Jane looked great as always. Ever since Molly took Jane under her wing two years ago and helped her rid herself of the wrath of George, Jane really broke loose from her frumpy stage and stepped up her glam. She was always polished now and looking
more radiant than ever.

Molly hated her a little for it. She shook her head of the nasty thoughts once again, leaned over the bar exposing almost everything she had to offer and ordered four shots from the bar tender who didn’t charge her.

Thank you dress!

As they waited for their shots they surveyed the party.

“Who’s the dynamite in the purple dress over there?” Molly said pointing.

The bar tender handed them their shots. Jane and Molly clinked glasses and downed the first one.

“That’s Lucy, silly”

If Molly didn’t just swallow, all the contents of her shot, it would be splattered against the back of some aging man’s head.

“That’s Lucy?”

“Yea, Connor got her the dress. She said he brought it over earlier today and asked her to be exclusive. I’ve never seen Lucy happier.”

“Well those Cartwright men really are charmers.” Molly said while downing her second shot not even waiting for Jane this time.

Jane turned Molly so they were facing each other. “I’m sorry Molly, this must be hard for you. The party and then seeing Connor with somebody. It must bring up feelings of Luke.”

Molly didn’t want to deal with a pity party from Jane. “Luke is dead, I’ve moved on so take this shot and let’s go eat some dicks.”

Jane looked at her in a questioning manner. Molly shrugged it off and pulled Jane into the VIP area where her party was happening. Albert grabbed Jane and Molly watched how everyone was fawning over the bride to be. Molly grabbed another shot from one of the tables that held massive amounts of drinks, downed it as quickly as she found it and grabbed another for safe measure. Jane was waving her over to help participate in the dick carving.

The night was flying by Molly in a blur thanks to the massive amount of alcohol taking up quite a bit of room in her body as well as her miracle pills. She made it through all the lingerie gifts, Romantic Notions presentation, dick carvings and the many other lame games planned by Patty and Albert. Things were starting to finally wrap up, Jane was sent home with Albert and Molly was just about to leave when she realized she had to go to the bathroom.




              Lucy and Patty finished cleaning up the food and drinks that were scattered all over the VIP area. They went to the bathroom to wash up their hands. They didn’t see Molly anywhere which irritated Lucy. Molly was the maid of honor and she pretty much did nothing for the party and left without even lending a hand to clean up. What Jane saw in her, Lucy had no clue.

While washing their hands Lucy couldn’t help but ask Patty, “Did you see what Molly was wearing tonight?”

Patty snorted with laughter. “Yea, if she was going for whore, she nailed it.”

Lucy considered Patty more than a work colleague, she was also her friend. So she felt confident confiding in her.

“I’m pretty sure she hates my
guts. She avoided me all night and when I did make eye contact with her, she made it look like she was going to slit my throat.”

“Really? Well, don’t let her bother you. I’m sure she has a lot on her mind. Going through the wedding can’t be easy on her since she lost her fiancé.”

Lucy guffawed. “That was almost two years ago. At some point she needs to stop playing the dead fiancé card and move on. She is practically dragging Austin around by his collar making him wait on her hand and foot, using him for sex with no intentions of even committing her big toenail to him. It’s sickening to watch. Meanwhile everyone is pussy footing around her. She needs help that is what she needs, not coddling from…”

Lucy was unable to finish her sentence because at that moment Molly took the opportunity to appear out of the stall with the bitchiest look on her face Lucy had ever seen. She walked over to the sink and started washing her hands. Lucy just stood there in shock trying to pull her foot out of her mouth.

Molly dried her hands, looked in the mirror and fluffed her hair.

“You know Lucy, funny thing, when I was fucking Austin the other night I distinctly remember him saying after the fact that he was glad I took him back after he had a miss step with you.” Molly looked her up and down as she walked toward Lucy. “You see I might have my problems and my baggage but when it comes down to it, Austin would rather deal with my issues then be stuck in a relationship with poor little homely you.” Molly punctuated by flicking Lucy’s breast.

Lucy didn’t even know what to say because she was blinded by rage. She took a couple of breaths and finally sputtered out, “The only reason Austin is with you is because you lied to him.”

“Think what you want about me and Austin but before you commit yourself to Connor I would check your feelings at the door. Seems like you’re still hung up on Austin, I would hate to see Connor get wind of that,”

“You Bitch! I do not have feelings for Austin. He is…was my friend and its hard not to feel bad for him when you’re flinging him around like some kind of dog.”

Molly lifted Lucy’s chin with her fingers and said, “The only thing that is being flung around are my panties and bra. Now, why don’t you be a dear and mind your own fucking business because if I hear you utter one more word of what you think about my life you can be damn sure I will move my ‘whorey’ ways over to your precious little Connor. I could only imagine the kind of fun we could have together if he is anything like Luke.”

“He would never do anything with you.” Lucy said.

“Wanna bet? I took one man away from you by just calling him on the phone, you don’t think I can’t win Connor over either? Face it Lucy, my tits are bigger, my waist is thinner, my face is prettier and I’m more than willing to do anything a man wants. I will win, so watch your back bitch, you never know when I might strike. So don’t fucking test me!”

With that Molly shoved past Lucy making Lucy tumble back in her high heels and land on the floor. She couldn’t help but cry like a school girl who just got bullied. The door to the bathroom slammed shut and Patty went to Lucy to help her up.

“Oh honey, are you ok?”

Lucy assessed herself and realized the only thing that was hurting, was her heart. She had to get to Connor. There was no way she was going to let Molly fuck with her life again. She thought she hurt when she lost Austin but Lucy could not even imagine what it would feel like to lose Connor. He had become everything to her in such a short amount of time.

BOOK: Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series)
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