Read Playing with Monsters Online

Authors: Amelia Hutchins

Playing with Monsters (25 page)

BOOK: Playing with Monsters
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Chapter Thirty-Two

He began to move us towards the door, and, guessing where he wanted to go, I began struggling to get loose and heard his laughter. He set me down, watching as I righted my dress and turned to look at him. I wasn’t going out there. I wanted him here, in the privacy of this room without anyone else. I’d had enough of prying eyes and judgmental looks to last a lifetime this past week. If I was going to do this with Lucian, I wanted him to be the only witness if I freaked out. He must have realized the train of my thoughts as his eyebrow quirked up and a slow smile spread across his features.

“Last chance, witch,” he said carefully. “The moment I close this door, there’s no changing your mind; you will be mine and mine alone.” His face turned hard, and something vulnerable filled his eyes before he could conceal it.

I moved to the door and briefly hesitated as I placed my hand on it. Not because I wanted to leave, but because I still had a bit of self-preservation, which was rearing its ugly head, warning me that I was playing with fire. His seductive gaze promised me that if I chose to stay, he’d alter my world and everything I thought I knew about it. He’d promised to teach me things that most would shrink away from, or at least sane people would. I knew he was kinky—for Christ’s sake he ran a fucking sex club, and he did it well. I’d tasted only a small sampling of his darker side and, instead of being scared, I was curiously drawn to it. I wanted him. I closed the door, sealing my fate willingly. Whatever drew us together was undeniable and I didn’t want to live without discovering the pleasure he could give me. I turned to look at him and found him watching me with a guarded look, as if he’d expected me to leave instead of staying with him.

“You should have listened to those who told you to stay away from me, little girl,” he whispered as he ran his hands through his hair and his eyes filled with desire, knowing he had me at his mercy.

“And why’s that?” I asked with a spark of sass in my tone that told him I wasn’t afraid of him or what was sure to be a sexual awakening that I wasn’t going to forget.

“Because I’m going to turn you inside out. I’m going to do very bad things to you that will be imprinted on your psyche for the rest of your life,” he replied as he slowly moved to the chair, turning it towards the glass wall that I already knew was double-paneled glass. “Come here,” he ordered and I obeyed, moving slowly as I watched him take a seat in the chair. Once I was in front of him, he twirled his finger.

“What the hell does that mean?” I quipped, not understanding what his finger motion meant. I wasn’t playing dog games with him, if that was what it meant. Considering I’d witnessed a woman drinking out of a dog bowl earlier, anything was possible.

“Show me what belongs to me,” he replied, his eyes slowly moving over my outfit. I spun around quickly as relief washed through me and he smiled. “Slowly, Lena,” he amended in a thick voice.

I spun around slowly, making sure it was sexy and with enough swagger to entice him, and once I faced him again, the naked desire in his eyes was filled with enough heat to melt the glass behind us. I started to move towards him and he held up his hand with a wicked smile.

“Turn around and touch the window, sweet girl,” he said and my eyes grew large and round as a saucer. I looked from the window, to him, and then back at the window with unease. “I didn’t ask if you wanted to, I said
it,” his voice was soft, yet rang with authority.

I swallowed and looked at him again, finding his eyes hooded with desire as he watched me. Oh, hell. I knew what was going on in the other room, so it wasn’t as if the debauchery would be a surprise. I exhaled and did as he asked, watching as the room came into focus. The room was far more crowded than I expected, some of the guests were lost in ecstasy, while others turned as the window exposed us.

“Come to me,” he said, and as I moved close enough for him to grab, he did, turning me until I was facing the room. I watched the revelers curiously as they noted what the window revealed, and many more were turning to watch us. “See anyone you want to fuck?” he asked, and I shook my head.

“No,” I replied without hesitation. I had who I wanted; I was sitting in his lap. “I have what I want the most,” I whispered, turning to look at him.

He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

“And tomorrow if you discovered I’m a fucking monster, are you still going to want me?” he asked and I paused, knowing he was asking for a reason. There was a hidden meaning to his question, and I wasn’t sure what it was.

“That depends,” I replied, watching him closely.

“Depends on what, Lena?” he continued carefully as his eyes took on that guarded look. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say someone hurt this man. Badly. It wasn’t the one he’d lost long ago. No, someone had fucked him over, and hurt him somehow.

“On if you grow two heads, because you’re mouthy enough with one,” I joked, needing to hear him laugh.

He smirked and shook his head.

“I’m not a nice guy,” he said seriously.

“I didn’t ask you to be nice,” I countered.

“That’s probably a good thing, because I have no intention of being nice tonight,” he said as he pulled my legs apart and my eyes moved back to the people in the room who watched us. “Look at them,” he whispered as he pulled me back, kissing my neck. “They want to see what this skimpy little dress is hiding; should we show them?”

They were getting closer, as if drawn to us by some unseen lure. I felt his hand as he pulled the dress’s bodice to the side, exposing one breast. A man moved closer, kneeling in front of the window and stroking his cock as his eyes remained between my legs.

“He wants you, my pretty little witch,” he growled. “Should I kill him?”

I blinked at his words. Kill him? He couldn’t be serious; the guy was just doing what everyone else was. He just didn’t seem to care who knew he was turned on by what he was watching unfold between myself and Lucian. 

“Why?” I asked turning my eyes to Lucian. “Maybe it’s not me who he wants, but you.”

Lucian laughed and shook his head. “Look at the couple in the back right corner.”

There was a woman and a man; the woman’s eyes were latched on to my naked breast that Lucian fondled absently, while the man worked her from behind, watching me as well. He didn’t seem to be paying attention to the woman who he was fucking, but he was definitely paying attention to me.

“He’s fucking her, wishing she was you. She wishes she was you.” His voice was smooth and even. His fingers moved to my nipple, pinching it as he rolled it between his fingers. His other hand slipped beneath my panties which caused the guy who was kneeled in front of us to lose it. “It’s you he wants, Lena,” he murmured as I arched into him. “One touch of your pussy and he wouldn’t be able to hold it back.” 

“I thought you said that I was yours alone; this feels more like you want to share me, with them,” I whimpered.

“You are mine. This is me showing them what they will never have, showing off what belongs to me,” his voice was rough, like gravel.

I wasn’t listening; I was lost in his touch. Fuck the other people. I wanted him buried inside of me. I ached to be his, to be taught what I knew only he could show me. I spread my legs further, ignoring the ripping of fabric as he removed the thin panties with a simple tug on the delicate lace and exposed my willing pussy to the entire room, showing them exactly how wet I was for the man behind me. He was showing them who owned me, and I couldn’t have cared less, because in this moment, I was his to claim.

The couple moved faster, their motions hurried as they watched his finger slide through the chaos between my legs. I moaned, uncaring if they heard it. It was bold because I knew without a doubt that no one would touch me but him. He rubbed my clit slowly. His other hand left my breast to expose the other as he placed soft kisses on my shoulder. His finger pushed inside, slowly dipping inside my opening.

He continued to slide into my body with his fingers; his other hand left my breast to hold my pussy open, exposing my most intimate place to the crowd who watched us intently. He added another finger, forcing me to move my hips to accommodate him, but that wasn’t enough. He released my pussy and lifted my leg, moving it until it was draped over the arm of the chair. He did the same with the other one, making it impossible to do anything but take his fingers even deeper as the people on the other side of the window watched.

I was soaking wet, turned on by the others as they fucked in frenzied movements as we watched each other take pleasure. He withdrew his fingers, pulled me tighter against his chest, and slid my bottom into a better position. When he reentered my dripping pussy, it was with three fingers and it hurt as it forced my body to stretch.

I groaned and rocked my hips, trying to accept him, as he pushed me apart. His other hand moved back to hold me open, and he pressed in deeper than before; I cried out as the friction started to unravel the tight coil in my belly.

“You want to come with them watching you, don’t you, sweet girl?” he asked, driving his fingers in faster as he moved them in a steady rhythm. Moisture flooded my pussy and he used it to his advantage. “Fuck, you’re on fire. So fucking wet for me; you want me to fuck you,” he growled as he bit my earlobe and I felt it all the way to where his fingers pounded into me.

I could feel my body grasping him, even as it burned from being stretched to the limit. He undid me. Made me bolder than I ever thought I was; in his arms, I became someone else. “You like me owning this sweet flesh, exposing it to them as I stretch it for what you really want…Such a good girl,” he whispered when I arched my back, allowing him to go deeper. I needed him to rub my clit, or hell, even just touch it and I knew I’d erupt like a freaking volcano, but I also knew that he was aware of just how close I was to coming. My body was tightening around his fingers, inviting him to do whatever he wanted. He growled against my ear and I felt him smiling against my flesh as he withdrew from my pussy, showing the room the mess he’d created.

It was fucking hot, watching their eyes glaze over with lust, knowing it was my flesh that they wanted. Needed. It was a powerful feeling. I understood why the woman on the stage enjoyed the spotlight, but I didn’t crave it. I wanted the man who made me feel this way. He continued to glide his fingers through the slippery wetness, much to the titillation of the crowd who were enjoying his slow torture of my aching pussy.

“You haven’t picked anyone out to fuck, Lena, choose,” he taunted, breaking through the haze of bliss I was getting lost in.

“I did, Lucian, I chose you,” I replied, watching as a man moved to the window and flipped me off, or I assumed it was me he was flipping his middle finger at. “What the hell is his problem?”

“That wasn’t for you,” he clipped as he picked me up and set me on my wobbly feet abruptly. I watched as the guy started pounding on the window, his hands covered in blood which caused a panic in the other room. I moved to the window, watching as he continued. “Lena,” Lucian growled in warning. “Move away from him.” I continued watching as the man drew strange symbols in the blood that was smeared across the glass.

He was screaming something and I moved even closer, trying to read his lips since I couldn’t hear him. He was frenzied, and upset about something. I watched as he used his head to pound the window, which caused me to jump as Lucian grabbed my shoulder and turned me towards him. I looked at him and then back to the guy, but he was gone yet the symbols he’d written in his blood remained as evidence of his presence.

“You shouldn’t have had to see that,” he offered at my mystified look.

“Where’d he go?” I asked.

“Don’t ask,” he said as he moved me towards the small counter, which had a wine refrigerator under it. He removed a bottle and opened it while I watched him curiously as he ignored me. He pulled down two glasses from the cabinet, poured the wine, and handed one to me before he looked absently at the room beyond.

Lucian must have called someone to take the guy away, I was sure of it. How he did it I hadn’t puzzled out yet; I only knew that somehow he had. One of the waitresses was cleaning the blood, and as she did, the people moved back into the room. I watched Lucian, noting that whatever the symbols had been, they’d disturbed him, which wasn’t something I ever thought I would see.

“You know him,” I said, and Lucian set his glass down and leveled me with a cold look that was meant to make me shut up. “Don’t worry, Lucian. I know you didn’t get to where you are by being generous or making friends. You buy his family business too?”

His face changed, softened, and he shook his head. “The world’s a cruel place, Magdalena, but then, you know that better than most people.”

“I’m wet,” I said as I felt cool air as it blew up through a nearby vent. I wanted to go back to what Lucian was doing to me before the asshole ruined my fun. “This vent, it feels good.” I smiled and his mouth twitched. “You suck at giving lessons. Next time, leave the crazies outside the sex club.”

“I don’t suck at giving lessons, Lena, yours haven’t even begun,” he announced as he nodded at my glass of wine. “Finish that while I go take care of business, and don’t let anyone into this room.”

“Not even the serving girl?” I asked, and he laughed. “I’ll bet she could totally teach me about
things, like where you hide the

“Not even her,” he mumbled absently as he moved towards the door and turned to look at me. “Lena, when you leave here tomorrow, you will have a new definition of

“I guess I better work on a new word for it then?”

“I’ll be back; I expect you to be naked and in bed when I return.”

“Bossy ass; maybe I want you to unwrap me?” I countered with a saucy look.

“You plan on ever wearing that dress again?” he asked as he opened the door, and I opened my mouth, thought better of it, and closed it. “Then take it off, because the way I want to remove it won’t end with it being one piece when I remove it from your sexy-as-fuck body.”

BOOK: Playing with Monsters
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