Playing with Power - Book 5: New Adult Office Romance (6 page)

Read Playing with Power - Book 5: New Adult Office Romance Online

Authors: Adele Huxley

Tags: #New Adult Office Romance

BOOK: Playing with Power - Book 5: New Adult Office Romance
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“Eh, gotta be awake with the markets.” Landon cleared his throat and sighed.

“What’s up? I know that sound. You have something to tell me.” Lauren tucked the sheets under her armpits and reclined against the pillows.
I never realized beds could be this comfortable,
she thought.
How do rich people get anything done?

“You know me too well, Kemp, but there is something. I think we need to accelerate the launch. I don’t want to prolong this process any longer than it has to be and I’d feel much better with you out of that city...for now.”

Lauren scowled at the seriousness of this comment. “What’s happened?”

“It’s nothing, really. I don’t want to worry you. I just wanted you to know that I’m throwing my full attention to getting MyBFC up and running as quickly as I can.”

“Landon, you know I hate it when you keep stuff from me. I’m a big girl, just tell me.” He paused, the silence only broken by what sounded like the tapping of a pen on a desk. Lauren’s mind, still groggy from sleep, fought for focus. “Whatever it is, it can’t be any worse than what I’m imagining right now. Just tell me.”

He sharply exhaled. “Fair enough. It seems that our dear friend Nick has branched out. I’m starting to get nasty emails, phone calls from restricted numbers, and then last night I got a package delivered.”

Lauren was too weary to feel shock any more. Rubbing her eyes with one hand, she shook her head. “Lemme guess...a pig’s heart?”

“Close. It was a box of chicken heads.”

That actually was enough to shock her. “Are you fucking serious? When did Nick turn into Butcher Bob? Was there another note inside?”

“No, nothing. It was on my front step by the time I came home late last night. Henry was pretty into it though. Almost knocked the box out of my lap when I opened it,” he snickered. “I called the police and told them everything that happened to you out in New York. They said they can’t really do anything.”

“Jesus, I’m so sorry I dragged you into all this. It’s one thing for him to send me threatening shit but you,” Lauren felt so embarrassed. She never thought she’d be the kind of girl that had to deal with crazy ex’s or stalkers, let alone protect her new boyfriend from them. “Do I want to know about the emails?”

“Eh, nothing to write home about. Typical, generic threats. That’s not what bothers me. I hate that you’re even within a couple hundred miles of this creep. Wait, what else has he sent you? You haven’t gotten any other packages or anything, right?”

Lauren wanted to slap her forehead.
Great job, Kemp. You have a mind like a sieve.
“I didn’t want to tell you, either. I’ve gotten a few threatening emails and loads of hangups on my phone. I even tried to trace the email address but didn’t have any real luck. Best I got was that he came from the city, so that narrows it down to a few million.”

“I think I could narrow it down...” his voice trailed off as if an idea had just popped into his head. “Why don’t you come out now? I’m sure we can take care of everything remotely...”

“No, I can’t do that. It’s already rushed as it”

“Just hear me out, I know this is going to be difficult but—”

“Seriously. This isn’t up for discussion. I appreciate that you’re concerned about me, but moving out there isn’t going to make this go away. If he’s already sending threats to you, then why would it be any different for me?”

“Because out here he can’t actually touch you, get to you,” Landon replied, his voice twinged with concern.

“I can handle myself. Despite everything, I still don’t think that Nick would actually hurt me. He’s just trying to freak me out or fuck with us...I don’t know. We just have to let him get it out of his system. If we show any signs it’s actually getting to us, he’ll have gotten what he wanted.” Lauren tried to control the anger building inside. It was one thing for him to screw with her but now that he was bringing Landon into the mix, it did feel more dangerous. It became less about their breakup and more about him not letting her move on. “How did he find where you lived and everything anyway?”

“Google is the stalker’s best friend. There’s nothing on there that he couldn’t have just found online. Anyway, you’re not supposed to worry about me. That’s not how this works. I’m supposed to take care of you.”

Lauren smiled at his possessiveness. “And here I was thinking I was capable of taking care of myself, how silly of me. I’m so glad I have a big, strong man to do all this for me,” she giggled.

“There ya go, you’re getting it.” Landon’s chair squeaked as he leaned back. “I’m sorry I woke you up like this. Totally not the way I’d prefer to.”

Her skin tingled at his tone and all thoughts about business and stalkers just disappeared from her mind. “Oh yeah? How exactly would you have wanted to wake me up? And please, be as explicit as possible.” She smiled as he barked a loud laugh.

“I suppose that you sleep naked?”

Oh man, the things this guy can do to me with just his words,
she thought.

“I don’t believe you.”

“Oh really? Well, I can’t have you doubting me. Give me a sec...” she said throwing the comforter and sheets off. She snapped a quick photo of the length of her lean body, breasts pushed together in the foreground, naked and drenched in morning light. She lifted the phone back to her ear and said, “Proof is on the way. Isn’t technology amazing?” She shivered slightly with excitement. She’d never done anything like this before.

“I don’t know, I still haven’t gotten anything—oh wait, here we go.” He sounded a little distant, obviously holding the phone away so he could look at the photo. “Holy shit, Wren.” He brought the phone close to his face and breathed heavily into the receiver, “I wasn’t expecting that. Ugh, it’s totally unfair I can see but can’t touch.”

“Tell me about it. Soon though.”

“I seriously shouldn’t be getting this worked up at nearly five in the morning.”

Lauren shot up in bed, looking around for a clock, forgetting she had one right in her hand. “Five? Shit, if it’s five for you it’s...yeah, crap. I’m running late. Can I get a rain check on that incredible explicit description I was going to get?” She jumped out of bed and quickly picked out clothes for the day.

“Absolutely. Have a good morning, babe. I miss you.”

She stopped dead in her tracks, a wave of emotion gripping her chest. “I miss you too...I’ll call you later, okay?”

She took a quick shower, resisting the urge to relive the stress between her legs with the shower head.
I’m late enough as it is.
As she climbed out of the shower, she caught a glimpse of herself in the full-length mirror and a naughty thought crossed her mind. Snatching the phone off the counter, she took a couple more photos in various poses. Her hair dripping wet, skin glistening with moisture, she bent and posed while wearing nothing but a dirty smile. Quickly sending them off to Landon, triple checking he was the correct recipient, she hurried about getting dressed.

After jumping into her tight skinny jeans, her phone chimed.

You’re killing me here! Now I’m gonna have to go take care of myself...REALLY wish you were here ;)

Holy crap.
Lauren couldn’t believe how sexy the thought of Landon touching himself to her photos actually was. Even though he was thousands of miles away, right now, he was thinking about her in that way.

“Fuck this long distance crap,” she muttered to herself.
I need to get out there as soon as possible, for a bunch of reasons.


After a particularly stressful Thursday at work, Lauren had finally convinced Faith to join her at a local bar for happy hour. They’d left the office at an uncharacteristically early hour so they could snag a table before the rush.

“I have to ask you something,” Lauren said hesitantly. “I don’t want you to get upset, though.”

Faith nodded solemnly, her eyes filled with concern. “Are you okay? I know you went to the doctor the other—oh no, is it your aunt?”

Lauren shook her head but smiled. “You are just about the sweetest girl I’ve ever met, do you know that? You immediately worry about me and my problems whereas most people would think about themselves.”

“I don’t do it on purpose.” Faith shrugged, the bloom in her cheeks deepening. They were already most of the way through their second cocktails and Lauren finally felt she’d delayed long enough.

“I know you don’t, sweetie. That’s what makes it even better.” She took a deep breath and sighed. The narrow bar was filled with the after work crowd, all trying to down as much cheap alcohol as they could before heading back to their shoe box apartments. “I didn’t ask you out to happy hour just for fun, even though I love spending time with you. I wanted to ask you about Parker.”

Faith’s expression clouded slightly. Lauren noticed she started to spin her engagement ring mindlessly. “Yeah, I know. I wish I could tell you where he is.”

“Wait, you don’t even know where he is?” she asked incredulously. “I thought he just wasn’t showing up to work.”

“I know he’s alive and that’s about it. I think he might’ve gone to visit his brother but I’m not completely sure. He just up and left like he always does. For some reason, I thought it’d be different after we got engaged. I think now that you’re officially in charge, he feels like he can just do whatever he wants.”

“Fuck work, he has no excuse to treat you like that.” Her tone was more biting than she’d intended.
Should I tell her about what I caught him doing? I don’t want to make her feel worse than she already does. What if he actually did tell her and here I am pulling it back into the light. Fucking Parker...

“It’s not just that he’s gone...before he left, did he happen to say anything to you about Rochelle?”

“Rochelle? No, why would he?” Lauren could tell from her reaction, if Parker had told her about the infidelity, he hadn’t been too specific.

Lauren took a fortifying gulp of her Cosmo and forced herself to look Faith straight in the eye. “I found out a few weeks ago that Rochelle’s name is really Rachel. She’s not actually who she says she is. She works for a competitor and has more than likely taken a lot of our trade secrets back to them. I told Parker when I found out, figured it was his decision to make as CEO, yet he’s done nothing.”

“How do you know all of this?” Faith asked incredulously.

She took her hand and shook her head. “I’m sorry sweetie, I really can’t tell you. Just please trust that it’s true.” Lauren felt a pit in her stomach.
That’s not all you should know about her but I can’t bring myself to tell you the rest. Please forgive me...
“I really think you should talk to him about her, find out what he says.”

Faith nodded and looked around the bar. “Sometimes I wish he wasn’t like this...I thought it was just something he’d grow out of but he seems to be getting worse.” The sadness in her voice brought another pang of guilt.

“You can’t change him. That’s not your job.”

“Lord, I know that,” she replied with a chuckle. It seemed like she was about to say something but Lauren got the feeling she shouldn’t prod. After a moment, Faith looked up and continued. “I know you’re leaving, probably just in time...”

“How did you—”

Faith smiled warmly. “I went out with Ali the other day and she accidentally let it slip. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t say anything to Parker about it but I’m really happy for you. It sounds like a great opportunity and you’re moving to California! I’m honestly jealous. She also said you’re with Landon DeWitt now. He’s a real hottie, good for you!”

“I’m gonna kill her, you know. She can’t be trusted with any secrets,” Lauren grumbled. “Wait, what did you mean when you said I’m leaving just in time?”

Faith looked around the bar conspiratorially, as if checking to see if the coast were clear. “The company isn’t doing too well...

“Well, I know we haven’t raised yet but there are still plenty of hats in the ring.”

“No, it’s worse than that.” Faith leaned forward and dropped her voice. “Parker’s been getting cash injections from his father to keep the company afloat. Not to mention, both he and Philip have been giving themselves bonuses. That’s why Phil ended up in rehab and Parker bought his yacht. He actually just got a huge lump sum only a month ago and it’s all gone.” She exhaled loudly and seemed to sit up straighter. “God, that feels good to say. You know me, Wren. I
stuff like this but because I’m with him and I’m essentially in charge of all the accounts...”

Lauren couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She actually had never considered how the company was doing financially, figuring that if Parker was in control of anything, it’d be the money.
His dad’s been floating us all along? Holy shit...

“Wait, what about the books we show investors when the come in? Any accountant would be able to pick up on it.”

“Probably, but no investor has taken it that far. The company essentially earns just enough money to break even but Parker makes it look like we’re really profitable by concealing his dad’s money here and there.” She crossed one arm under her breasts and lifted her drink. “I swear, if he spent half as much energy doing good as he does doing bad, he might actually be a half decent guy.”

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