Pleasure Bound (Hard to Get 2) (13 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound (Hard to Get 2)
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He kept his hands in balled fists at his sides as he raised his head. “You need to get dressed.” Deanna nodded, unable to speak past the lump in her throat. “If I stay here another second, I’ll be inside of you, kitten.” Without waiting for a reply, Jonas stepped back and closed the curtain, leaving Deanna utterly breathless.
After Jonas paid for the racy bra and panty set, they left the store. The walk back to the house ended up being an extremely quiet trip. Neither of them spoke. Words weren’t necessary, though. They wanted each other; it was that simple.
onas had kept his damned hands to himself in the store, but kissing her had been a matter of necessity. He’d been so hungry for her that he’d had to have a little something to tide him over. Still, he knew that if he had put his hands against that luscious ass of hers, he would have to be inside of her. No way would he have had the self-control to keep from sliding his cock deep.
Christ, when had he become so greedy? Hell, he never allowed his cock to rule the show. Of course, that was before he’d sampled Deanna. Before he’d seen her eyes go dark with passion. Before he’d watched her shout out her pleasure. All other women paled compared to her. He’d always known that if he ever got her into his bed, he’d never be the same again.
In his gut, Jonas had known for years that Deanna was the only woman for him. When he’d teased her, she’d all but ignored him. When he’d tried to charm his way into her good graces, she’d practically given him the finger. She’d been a challenge from the beginning, but now it was more. Far more. She’d somehow wiggled her way into his heart, and damn if he didn’t like her there.
Jonas slid the key into the lock on the front door and turned the knob, letting her in ahead of him. Once they were both inside, he closed and locked them in before placing his wallet, keys, and cell phone on the entryway table. Deanna turned around, and Jonas watched as she put her purse next to his things, then dropped her packages onto the floor. She didn’t bend to pick them up, only stood there quietly watching him. So eager, yet willing to let him lead. The knowledge turned him on something fierce. Christ, to hell with the bed. To hell with the couch, even. He moved, pinning her against the door.
She lifted her head and their lips found each other. Deanna opened her mouth, and Jonas took advantage and delved inside. His tongue tangled with hers. She tasted sweet, but he wanted more. He wanted all of her. He gripped the hem of her cover-up and hiked it up. Soon, their clothes were littering the floor and he was pushing his cock inside her tight heat. God, she felt good. Tight and hot, and so fucking slick with her juices. Then he remembered. No condom. He pulled out instantly.
“Christ, I can’t believe I forgot.”
“A condom.”
“I’m on the pill, Jonas,” she said, her voice husky with her passion. “And I’m clean.”
“I got a clean bill of health last month, and I haven’t been with anyone in longer than that, but are you sure?”
“I’m sure. Please, I need you.”
“I’m here, kitten.” He wrapped his arms around her and cupped her ass. “Guide me in,” he urged. When she took his cock in her small fist, it was all he could do to keep from coming. Deanna brought him to her entrance and he thrust forward. His cock pushed between her pussy lips, but it wasn’t enough. He needed the fast, hard loving she’d talked about the night before.
Jonas lifted her off the floor and sucked in a breath as Deanna wrapped her long, lean legs around his waist. Her arms came around his neck next, and Jonas heard her moan his name. He held her tight as he impaled her with his hard cock.
“Ride me.”
When Deanna’s lower body began a slow, torturous rhythm, Jonas felt his balls drawing up tight. “Fast,” he coaxed, “like you wanted. Fuck me good, Deanna.”
“Thought you’d never ask,” Deanna murmured as she slammed her pussy onto his dick.
“Ah, God,” he gritted out. His fingers dug into her ass cheeks. Jonas let loose a string of curses as her inner muscles clutched and held him tight. Then she lifted up once more, until he was barely seated inside her an inch. As the bulbous head kissed her pussy lips, Deanna thrust onto him again. Their mouths met, and Jonas gently bit her lower, plumper lip. He suckled, then dipped his tongue inside, teasing a moan from her.
Deanna pulled almost painfully at fistfuls of his hair, then rode his cock hard, forcing him clear to the hilt. Jonas almost lost his balance, but he swiftly pumped back at her, and the pace was on. They took from each other, demanding—hell, almost punishing. He sucked at her tongue; then he felt her mash her breasts against his chest, and he pulled his mouth off her so he could watch her pretty tits bouncing with each rapid movement.
“Jesus, you’re a sight,” he crooned.
She was out of control, thrusting up and down. Suddenly, she screamed and flung her head back against the door as her orgasm bathed his cock. Jonas erupted, filling her with jets of hot cum.
Deanna slumped against him, boneless, completely done in. Both of them breathed heavy, their chests rising and falling in fast, shallow pants. She’d thoroughly worked him over.
“Well, that should hold me over for at least an hour.”
She lifted her head and eyed him as if he had a swarm of spiders crawling all over him. “Are you kidding? I’m dead. You killed me.”
As he released her thighs, she slowly slid to the floor. Jonas waited until he was sure she wasn’t going to fall before he stepped away. “You’re the one doing all the pounding, kitten. All I did was stand here.”
She laughed and started toward the stairs. “Shower, or are you hungry?”
“Shower, but only if I get to be your loofah,” he teased.
When her feet hit the first step, Jonas’s gaze drifted down her body. That’s when he saw marks on her buttocks. Bruises? He drew closer. Christ, he’d hurt her. He’d been too rough.
“Deanna,” he called out.
She stopped her ascent and looked over her shoulder at him. Jonas closed the gap, then knelt down behind her and kissed the bruises forming on the soft skin of each cheek. One by one, he touched his lips to each mark he’d left on her perfect skin. “I should be tied up and beaten.”
“Jonas, maybe you weren’t paying attention just now, but I was the one going all cavewoman.” Deanna cupped his cheek, caressing his jaw. “I like the stubbles on you, by the way. You should let it grow out a little.”
He looked up at her from his position, her tender expression and sweet smile tugging at his heart. She was so delicate. From her big, caring heart to her soft, creamy skin. “I could do a little bit of a beard. For you.”
She cocked her head to the side. “Really?”
“Mmm, really.” As he stood back up and took her into his arms, cradling her against his chest, he said, “I’m sorry, kitten. I should have been easier with you.”
“Jonas, please don’t be sorry for needing me as much as I do you. I never want you to be anything other than what you are. You are a passionate lover, but you’re also an incredibly gentle man.”
“If that’s true, then why do you have marks on your ass?”
“Love marks,” she said softly, “and I sort of like seeing them there.”
“You like them, huh?”
Her whispered answer drifted over Jonas’s skin. To have his mark on her was a sign of possession in Jonas’s eyes. Knowing she liked it gave him a small measure of hope. He wanted her emotionally involved with him. With all his might, Jonas clung to the small kernel Deanna unwittingly offered. Damn, how he ached to hear Deanna say that she wanted him to make love to her, and not just sate her lust. If he had anything to say about it, she’d give him something before their weekend was over. Some sign that he meant more to her than merely a fun weekend.
As he took her up the stairs to the bathroom, he flicked on the light, then put her on her feet. He went about the task of getting the water in the tub the right temperature before he asked, “How about a bubble bath instead?”
She nodded and crossed her arms over her breasts. “I love bubble baths.”
He pointed to a shelf next to the mirror. “Hand me the bottle on the top shelf.”
She moved to grab it but had to stand on her tiptoes to reach the top. The move put her ass in direct line with his mouth. He grinned and leaned forward, then dropped a kiss directly above her ass cheeks. She yelped and swiveled around, nearly dropping the bottle on his head. He quickly grabbed it and cupped her hip to steady her. She batted his hand away, and Jonas had to turn around to hide his grin. As he dumped a good portion of the creamy liquid into the warm water, he heard Deanna mumble something from behind. He turned his head and quirked a brow.
“I said, you’re entirely too fascinated with my butt.”
He shrugged, totally unrepentant. “It’s a very nice butt.”
“Just nice?”
He chuckled at her disgruntled tone. “It’s the best butt I’ve ever kissed.”
She stood straighter and shot her nose into the air. “That’s better.”
He gestured to the tub. “Your bath awaits, my lady.”
She smiled and got into the foamy water. Jonas waited for her to relax before stepping in behind her and sitting down. Pulling her against his chest, he ground out, “Ah, yeah, that’s good.”
“I agree one hundred percent.”
They sat there for a few minutes, enjoying the hot water and fragrant bubbles. It was Deanna who broke the silence. “Tell me about your parents.”
Jonas scowled. “Why?”
She tilted her head back to look him in the eye. “Because I want to know more about you.”
“There isn’t much to tell.” He stroked her cheek with the backs of his knuckles. “My mother gave birth to me and so they raised me. That’s about it.”
She slapped his thigh beneath the water. “That’s a fairly cold, short story, Jonas.”
He picked up a sponge and squirted some bath gel onto it. “My parents are fairly cold people.” He started on her shoulders, rubbing the sponge up and down her arms. “They derive pleasure from money. The more they have, the happier they are and the more they want.”
Deanna relaxed against him, her hands drifting up and down his thighs on either side of her body. He wasn’t certain she even knew she was doing it. “They don’t sound like very nice people,” she said in a faraway voice.
“They weren’t cruel.” He worked his way over her chest, paying special attention to each of her breasts. “Just not parent material. My mom told me once that she’d miscalculated and missed taking one of her birth-control pills. That’s how I was conceived. In her mind, she made a mistake and rectified it by raising me instead of aborting me.”
She clutched his thighs in her hands, her short nails digging into his skin. “God, that’s awful, Jonas. Babies are a gift. A blessing.”
He nuzzled the top of her head as he drifted the sponge beneath the water to her belly, and beyond. “I knew you felt that way. I’ve watched the way you are around your little cousins a time or two, Deanna.”
“You have?”
“Yeah. You’re a natural with kids.”
Her exploring hands moved higher, coming precariously close to his cock. “Okay, your parents are robots, but what about cousins, aunts, and uncles?”
Jonas caressed the sponge over her pussy, and he felt her shudder from the gentle abrasion. “I have one uncle on my dad’s side, but he’s single and a workaholic. I’ve seen him a handful of times.”
“So, I guess Wade’s approval when you asked to date me was sort of important because he’s like a brother to you?”
“It’s more than that.” He paused and tried to put his feelings into words, something he seriously sucked at. “When you depend on someone to have your back in a war-torn country like Afghanistan, it forges a bond.”
When her fingers barely grazed his balls, Jonas had to force himself to stay on track. “I always knew I could count on Wade when we went into an op together, and vice versa. I wasn’t about to flip my finger up at that relationship by dating his baby sister. At least, not without talking to him first.”
“And if he’d said no?”
“Then I would’ve figured out a way to get him to say yes.”
Jonas dropped the sponge and cupped her chin. He tugged until she was looking at him. “Are you looking for me to say that I care about you? That you matter to me? Because I do, Deanna.”
Several seconds drifted by as she stared up at him, not speaking. Finally she looked away and said, “Do you know why I was hurt that day at Gracie’s apartment? When you backed down to Wade?”
“Damn it, girl. I told you I was sorry about that. Will you never let it go?”
She swatted at him from beneath the water, and Jonas sucked in a breath at just how close she’d come to smacking his balls. “Shush and listen,” she chided him. “It wasn’t for the reason you think. It wasn’t because you didn’t stand up for me. I know you thought that. It hurt me because it felt like you saw me as Wade’s kid sister. I didn’t want to be that, not to you. I wanted you to see me as a desirable woman. Not an extension of Wade.”
Jonas snorted. “Kitten, I stopped seeing you as Wade’s sweet, little sister the first time I met you. You wore that black one-piece and I about swallowed my damn tongue. I wanted to eat you up that day.”
“I wanted you too. Like crazy.”
“If I’d known that then, I wouldn’t have left, at least not without you. And as much as that thought is appealing, it would’ve damaged my friendship with Wade.”
“I understand. You don’t have to explain. I wouldn’t appreciate it if someone stuck me in the position of choosing between my family. It would be awful.”

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