Pleasure Bound (Hard to Get 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound (Hard to Get 2)
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“The one and only.”
After returning to her seat, her mom said, “Hmm, a weekend away with Jonas. I think I need to hear the rest of that story.” The mischievous smile playing at the corners of her lips didn’t bode well for Deanna.
“It’s no big deal, so don’t go reading too much into it. He asked me to go to that beach house he co-owns with Wade. I said yes. The end.”
“You must like him, though, or you wouldn’t have said yes,” she surmised as she continued to nibble on her cookie.
Deanna picked at her own chocolate chip treat, not really interested in eating it anymore. “He’s a nice guy, good-looking in a rugged sort of way. He’s been trying to get me to go out with him forever.” She shrugged as if it meant little to her. “I decided to put the guy out of his misery.”
Does one go to hell for downplaying the truth?
Deanna would definitely have to give that one some serious thought later.
Her mom reached across the table and covered her hand. “It’s more than that. You like him, don’t you?”
“I’m attracted to him, yes. Is there something besides physical attraction, though? I don’t know. I’m hoping to find out in Miami.”
“You know, Susan down at the Shop n Bag didn’t use words like
when she talked about Jonas. The way she described him made me think more along the lines of a strawberry cheesecake. She kept using the word

Deanna saw red. “Susan Lyttle is too young to be checking out men like Jonas. Is she even twenty years old yet? And how does she know Jonas anyway?” Ew, was that the little green monster of jealousy in her voice? Not the least bit pretty.
Her mom laughed. “She’s twenty-five, which is a very legal age, and since it’s no big deal, why do you care?”
Too late, Deanna realized she had revealed more than what she had intended. This was why she never told her mother lies. She ended up trapped like a blasted lobster. Time to come clean. “Maybe I care a little. Maybe I’ve always cared a little,” Deanna admitted with no small amount of fear in her voice.
“I thought as much,” her mom replied with a gentle smile. “You’ve always been a little too sarcastic to him. I wondered if maybe you had a crush on him.”
“Sarcasm isn’t flirting, Mom,” Deanna said, confused.
“For you it most certainly is. There are little things you do and say whenever you like a guy. Sarcasm is one of them. You also stammer a little.”
Her cheeks heated in mortification. “I do not!”
Her mother nodded. “Yes, you do. But don’t worry, sweetie, I don’t think Jonas caught on.”
Lord, she hoped not. “Can we change the subject now?”
“One more question first. Have you told Dean and Wade about your weekend with Jonas?” Deanna shook her head. “Well, I can tell you right now your brothers aren’t going to like it.”
“I’m a big girl now, Mom. They don’t run my personal life.”
“I agree, but they might see it differently.”
“It’s not my problem. What Jonas and I do is not their business.”
Her mom tsked. “Don’t be snide, Deanna. Your brothers can’t help it if they love you and want the best for you. It’s in their DNA. Besides, you’d be the same with the two of them.”
Deanna laughed. “Yeah, you’re right. I guess I can’t fault them for caring, can I?”
Her mother sat up a little straighter, her eyes a little too watery for Deanna’s peace of mind. “Since I’ve been working at that shelter, I’m beginning to realize that what we have is a whole lot more than what a lot of people have. We shouldn’t take it for granted.”
“You’re right. I’m pretty lucky to have such a loving family,” she replied, meaning every word. “Speaking of family, Jonas never talks about his. Why do you think that is?”
“He talked to me about them once.”
Now that, Deanna hadn’t expected. She leaned closer. “He did?”
Her mother let out a deep breath and tucked her hair behind her ear. “It was at Wade’s birthday party one year. Jonas mentioned never having had a party for his birthday.”
Deanna frowned. “He’s an only child and his parents never celebrated his birthday?”
She shook her head. “No. At first, I didn’t think I’d heard him correctly. After he told me a little more about his mom and dad, I realized just how different his upbringing had been from the way your father and I raised you three.”
“What do you mean?”
“His parents are very rigid people. Wealthy too. They don’t have family get-togethers, no parties with streamers hanging from the ceiling. He said when he turned ten, his mother took him to his first piano lesson. That was his present, even though he’d asked for a basketball hoop and had zero interest in learning to play the piano.”
Deanna immediately hated Jonas’s mother. “I take it he never got the hoop?”
“No, his parents explained that it would look trashy attached to the house.”
“Wow.” Her heart ached for the little boy Jonas had been.
“No wonder he always looks a little baffled at our family functions.”
Her mother nodded. “Like a fish out of water. And it’s also why Wade’s opinion is so important to him. He’s like a brother to Jonas.”
She instantly felt guilty for giving Jonas such a hard time for getting Wade’s approval before asking her out. “He basically asked Wade for permission to ... you know.”
Her mother smiled and pride lit her eyes. “I imagine he did. Jonas might not have much experience with family, but he understands honor.”
“I wonder, though, what if Wade had said no.” That question had nagged at her mercilessly.
Her mother winked and placed her hand on top of hers. “Jonas doesn’t strike me as the type of guy to give up so easily, sweetie.”
A zing of pleasure ran through her as she thought of how incredibly persistent Jonas had been. “Definitely not.”
“So, next weekend when you’re off having fun with that big cutie, just remember one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“There are no do-overs in life. You have to grab it while you can and enjoy every second of it, because you never know when it’ll be snatched away.”
Deanna heard the little catch in her mom’s voice and knew she missed her husband. They’d been so in love; it broke Deanna’s heart to see her sad. “I’ll remember, Mom. I promise.”
“Good.” She stood and said, “Now, how about you show me what you’ve been working on for that new client.”
That quickly, Deanna’s mind switched into designer mode, but then she remembered there was something else she’d wanted to discuss with her mom. “Before I do that, I wanted to ask you something.”
“Anything, dear.”
“Are you sure you’re okay with me quitting nursing?” Deanna bit her lip, afraid she’d disappointed her mother when she’d quit her day job in favor of the design work.
“Of course I am. I want my kids happy, and nursing wasn’t doing that for you.” She frowned. “Why do you ask?”
Deanna shrugged. “Because you were a nurse and, I don’t know, I thought maybe you’d be a little upset that I wasn’t following in your footsteps.”
“Oh, don’t be silly. It’s true I enjoyed being a nurse. I found it quite rewarding. I want my kids to get the same sort of pleasure from their jobs, no matter what that is. Interior design has always been your passion, Deanna. I’m proud to see you turning that passion into a successful business.”
Deanna’s throat closed with emotion. “Thanks, Mom.”
“You’re welcome,” she said, kissing her on the cheek.
They spent the rest of the day talking about various types of material and the Asian-inspired design her client had in mind for his home. It wasn’t until she lay in bed later that night that Deanna let herself think of Jonas. His mouth. His hands. It was crazy to want a man as badly as she wanted Jonas. Friday seemed light-years away.
only came here to talk to my brother. To tell him about the trip. Go away, Jonas.”
Jonas had been heading to his car when he’d spotted Deanna’s little red coupe pulling up to Phoenix-Wade Investigations. When she’d parked and gotten out, he’d all but swallowed his damn tongue. Today she was wearing a tight pair of dark blue jeans, knee-high leather boots, a black leather jacket, and her hair was up in a high ponytail. She looked like a kick-ass chick in an action movie.
It’d taken him only a few seconds to alter his course.
As he cupped her cheek now, Jonas decided to taunt her a little. “Wade and I are business partners. You knew I’d tell him I was going away this weekend. So why are you really at our office, Deanna?”
“There are other things I wanted to discuss with him too.”
“It’s Wednesday and we haven’t spoken since I called on Saturday about our flight time.” He winked and cocked his head to the side. “You sure you weren’t missing me?”
“I-I’m sure.”
The little stammer in her voice belied her words. Taking hold of her shoulders, Jonas maneuvered their bodies so that she was pinned between him and her car. It was already dark out, even though it was only six-thirty in the evening, and the street was all but deserted. Jonas put his hands on the roof of the car, caging her in and effectively keeping her from escaping. “I told you once not to lie to me, kitten.”
He noted the way Deanna took in their surroundings, as if to confirm that they were alone. Apparently satisfied, her attention landed back on him once more. “It’s not a lie,” she murmured.
Jonas leaned close and whispered, “Then why are you turning red?”
She slapped his arm. “Because I’m being suffocated by a big, annoying guy!”
“Do you want me to let you go?” Jonas pressed his erection into the softness of her belly and just barely contained a groan. “And be honest, Deanna.”
She was so silent and still, Jonas wasn’t sure she’d heard his question. Finally, she shook her head.
“Always so stubborn,” he gently chided as he placed a quick kiss to her lips. She moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck. Shit, he loved the way she responded to him. He couldn’t wait to get her to Miami. “I want to ask you something. Something intimate. May I?”
She shut her eyes tight and mumbled, “Yes.”
“Have you ever ... thought about me?”
Her eyes shot wide open and Jonas watched her swallow several times. “You mean, like, fantasized?”
Jonas nodded.
“Yes,” she answered, with a bluntness that Jonas admired. When Deanna lowered her head, as if unwilling to meet his gaze, he knew the admission had been embarrassing for her. It’d cost her. Bold yet shy, the woman was such a contradiction.
“I’ve thought of you too. So damn many times.”
She lifted her head and smiled. “I sort of figured, considering you’ve made no secret about wanting me.”
“You don’t have to be a rocket scientist, that’s for sure,” Jonas acknowledged. “So, what do you do when you think about me, Deanna?”
The intimate question seemed to bring her shyness right back, because she didn’t answer. Jonas wouldn’t let her retreat from him. He moved his hips lower so that he was pushing and stroking the tempting juncture between her legs. She whimpered and thrust her lower body against him.
“Tell me, kitten,” Jonas softly demanded as he began to give her little butterfly kisses along her lips and cheeks. When he reached the shell of her ear, he growled, “Do you touch yourself? Do your hands caress and your fingers stroke?”
She buried her head in his chest and whimpered. A few seconds later, she lifted her head and met his gaze, searing Jonas to the bone with the fire of her desire. “Sometimes,” she stated in a low whisper.
Deanna’s simple answer made him nearly insane with need. She innocently brought the most erotic picture to his mind. Christ, did she have any idea of the dangerous effect she had on him? He ached for her in a way that he’d never ached for a woman. He could wait a few more days, he reminded himself. For now, he’d settle for details of her pleasuring herself.
“I want you to tell me exactly what you do, kitten.”
She shook her head. “We’re in public, Jonas. Wade could be watching us even as we speak.”
Jonas moved his hands, burying them beneath Deanna’s leather jacket. Her cotton-covered breasts resting in his palms were nothing short of heaven. “Wade and Gracie went out to eat. They won’t be back for another hour, at least. And it’s too dark for anyone to see more than a couple embracing.” He plied her nipples through the soft fabric of her T-shirt.
“You might’ve told me he wasn’t here.”
Jonas dipped his head and licked her lower lip before asking, “Would it have mattered?”
“Probably not,” she murmured, moving her hands to his head.
He felt delicate fingers delving into his hair, and Jonas knew a new kind of torment. Having Deanna turned on and not being able to do anything about it sucked raw eggs.
“Details, Deanna,” he chided. “Give me something. I’m dying here.”
His hands squeezed and massaged Deanna’s supple breasts. God, how he resented clothes. Naked, that’s what they should be. Naked and in a king-sized bed.
“I touch my breasts first,” she confessed. “But it doesn’t feel nearly as good as what you’re doing right now.”
Hell if that little tidbit didn’t have his dick harder than ever. “You like the way my hands feel on you, huh?”
“Oh, God, yes.”
“Mmm, you have perfect tits, kitten. You fill my hands as if you were made for me.” Jonas continued his pleasurable torture for another minute; then he slid his hands down her sides and heard her whimper. “Shhh, let me make you feel good,” he crooned.
“N-not here.”
“My body is providing cover, I promise.” He placed his lips against hers, desperate for a taste of her. His tongue swiped over her bottom lip, and he felt her shudder against him. “Trust me, kitten,” he insisted.
When she didn’t protest, Jonas took his hands out of her jacket and brought them around to cup her ass. “When you’re alone in the dark, do you finger yourself?” He moved his hips up and down. Shit, even through the denim, Jonas swore he could feel the heat of her pussy. “Do you slide those pretty fingers in deep and play?” he asked, needing to know if she was as crazy for him as he was for her. “Do you wish it were my cock instead, kitten?”
Deanna moaned and arched her neck. Jonas’s blood heated as he stared at the regal line of Deanna’s neck exposed to him. He touched her vein with his tongue and laved her. “Tell me what you do to yourself. Tell me now, girl.” He hadn’t meant to sound so demanding, but he was beyond reasoning.
“Yes, I use my fingers and I ... imagine it’s you.”
“Christ, that’s a pretty visual.” Jonas reached between them and went to work on the front of her jeans. In seconds, he had them open and his hand inside. His thumb grazed her clit through the silky panties she wore. He was tempted to look down to see what color she wore today, but he didn’t want to break the spell around them.
“Look at me, Deanna.” Her eyes fluttered open, and Jonas felt triumphant when her warm mocha gaze landed on him. He pinched her clit, then used two fingers to caress her slit. Her panties were already damp, and his mouth watered for another taste of her cream. “You’re wet, kitten. Did this hot, little pussy miss me?”
“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” she said, her breathing labored. “My Lord, anyone could come along.”
Jonas continued to slide his fingers up and down, touching and teasing her through the soaked material. “Yeah, they could. But isn’t that part of the thrill?”
Deanna’s gaze filled with wicked intent as she moved one hand out of his hair and slid it down the front of his chest and to his abs. She didn’t stop until she’d reached his cock. When she cupped him through his jeans, Jonas cursed. “Jesus, girl, don’t push me. I swear I’ll fuck you right where you stand.”
“Not until Miami, remember?”
He widened his stance to give her better access. When her hand moved up and down, massaging his length, he lost all reason. “Damn it,” he bit out before slamming his mouth down over hers. His tongue coaxed the seam of her lips until she surrendered and gave him entrance. Ah, now that’s what he needed. Deanna’s unique brand of sweet, innocent passion.
At the first easy touch of his tongue to hers, Jonas felt her legs quiver, as if she could barely hold herself upright. He wrapped one arm around her waist and held her steady while he plundered and explored. He flicked her clit, then stroked her pussy with his fingers. Deanna’s small hand squeezed his cock. Goddamn that felt good. Jonas had to grit his teeth against the need to shove his pants down to his knees and give her free rein—to hell with public indecency laws.
When he plucked at her clit, he felt the throbbing of her body’s hungry response to his ministrations. Something inside him shifted as he watched her climb higher and higher, her hand on his dick pumping faster. He knew then that no other man could ever touch her in the same way and live. The desire she kept hidden from the world was for him.
Without hesitation, Jonas delved beneath the waistband of Deanna’s panties and encountered wet, silky skin. His nostrils flared to life as he picked up her succulent scent. “Mmm, such a sweet kitty,” he murmured as he fondled and toyed with the little nub of her desire. Dipping two fingers deep, he finger-fucked her. Without warning, her inner muscles tightened.
“Jonas,” she pleaded, removing the hand she had cupped around his dick in favor of clutching onto his shoulders instead, as if desperately needing the support.
“That’s it, Deanna, let it go. I’ve got you,” he soothed.
As if she’d simply been waiting for his permission, Deanna exploded all around his fingers. Jonas quickly covered her mouth and swallowed her screams. The feel of Deanna coming undone in his hands was the sweetest thing in the world.
As he lifted his head, his fingers still buried deep, Jonas caught her watching him, a sexy little smile playing at the corners of her mouth. He kissed her cheek. “What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking that once again you got shortchanged. And I’m starting to think that where you’re concerned, I’m way too easy.”
Jonas slowly removed his fingers and brought them to his mouth. “That’s not the way I see it,” he replied in a voice gone raw with desire as he sucked each digit clean. “Licking your juices will keep me satisfied until Friday, believe me.” Then he cupped her chin in his palm. “And as long as I’m the only man you’re easy with, then I don’t see the problem.”
Deanna remained silent, unmoving. Her eyes, those deep brown pools of chocolate, seemed to see clear into his soul. After a few seconds, she said, “I also think that I have a lot of making up to do when we reach Miami.”
He grinned in anticipation. “And I think I’m seriously going to enjoy every second of it too.”
Jonas kissed her, keeping it brief so as not to get distracted, then went about buttoning and zipping her jeans. When she removed her hands from his shoulders and stepped back, Jonas missed the connection instantly. “Soon we’re going to be in a bed doing this, and there won’t be any of this dressing and leaving afterward either.”
“At this point, I’m not sure Miami is all that necessary.” She crossed her arms over her chest and looked down at the pavement. “We could just, you know, go back to your place.”
Hell of an idea, Jonas thought. Then he remembered why he wanted her out of the state to begin with. He took her head between his hands and urged her to look at him. With her gaze on him once more, Jonas gave her the unvarnished truth. “We could find a bed if that’s what you really want. But I don’t want a quick lay. I want more from you than that.”
“You want to prove that you aren’t a player.”
He nodded. “I won’t stand here and tell you that sex isn’t on my mind. Where you’re concerned, it’s pretty much always on my mind. But in my gut I know we can have more than that.”
“And what if—”
Jonas placed a finger against her lips and cut her off. “No what-ifs. Give me a chance, Deanna. That’s all I ask.”
After she nodded, he removed his finger. When Deanna reached inside a pocket on her leather jacket and pulled out a set of keys, Jonas hummed his approval. “You look damn good in leather, kitten.”
She frowned and planted a hand on her hip. “Okay, I have to know. Why do you call me ‘kitten’?”
He leaned close and whispered, “Because every time I see you, I have this wild urge to pet you until you purr.”
He chuckled at her short, one-word reply. “Now scooch, before I lose what little control I have left.”
She rolled her eyes and walked around to the driver’s side. “You’re a very bad influence on me, Jonas Phoenix.”
He bobbed his eyebrows and shot right back, “You have no idea,

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