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Authors: Juliet Cardin

BOOK: PocketJump
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Pocket Jump



Marley is testing a Pocket Jumper for her high-tech company.
For just fifteen minutes per jump, she’s able to go back to any point in time
she wishes—and what Marley wishes is to have hot sex with rugged, warrior-type

When the Old West cowboy she’s with bears a striking
resemblance to the gladiator from Roman times, Marley figures the two must be
distant relatives. Then another jump into the distant past brings her
face-to-face with a sexy yet familiar caveman…and Marley begins to suspect
perhaps her historical lovers aren’t as random as they seem.


sci-fi erotic romance
from Ellora’s Cave

Pocket Jump

Juliet Cardin


Chapter One


“Do you like that m’lord?” Down on my knees, I flicked out
my tongue to lick the knight’s cock.

“Aye.” His face tensed and I detected a slight quiver in his

I swirled my tongue around his tip and then sucked him deep
into my throat, only to move my head back and gaze up at him innocently. “Are
you certain?”

“Quite.” A droplet of sweat rolled down his cheek and then
to his neck, becoming lost beneath his mail-covered gambeson.

It was a hot summer day. August fifteenth to be exact, year
of our Lord 1330, 4:10 in the afternoon. The knight I pleasured was the
champion of the day’s tournament.

I’d watched the last few minutes of the joust in
anticipation. This knight unhorsed his opponent on the first pass, winning a
bag of gold and my adoration in record time. As soon as I’d seen him remove his
helm, I’d wanted him. I’d followed him to his tent and made my intentions
clear. Sneeringly he told me to seek my coin elsewhere. He assumed by my
peasant gown I was lowborn and not worth his time. If he only knew who I really
was, he’d be more than a little shocked.

Though tempted to slap his arrogant face, once I dropped my
simple gown and stood naked before him, he’d accepted my invitation. Ordering
his fidgeting squire outside, he’d licked his lips and reached for my tits.

His cock was huge and despite wanting to tease him
mercilessly, I was running low on time, plus, I wanted him inside me—now. He
wore several layers of intricate clothing, which I didn’t want to remove, so I
turned around and put my head low to the ground. “Take me then, m’lord.”

I could hear him drop down and maneuver himself behind me.
His finger slipped into my pussy, the other hand reaching to fondle my breast.
He squeezed my nipple hard while slipping another finger inside me. Soon a
third finger joined the others. He let go of my breast and plunged a finger
into my ass. Then another.

“Oh!” I gasped in delight. I wanted him to conquer me
thoroughly, as he had his opponent on the field.

Moments later, he removed his fingers and I felt the head of
his cock push against my pussy. In one great thrust he impaled me. There was no
playing around with this one. He got about his business quickly, as I’d seen
him do on the field. It appeared he was no different in his lovemaking.

“Take that, wench.” He began to plunge with deep, hard

“Yes, m’lord,” I gasped in delight.

His strong hands gripped my waist while he pumped into me. I
wanted him to take my ass as well, but I’d already spent too much time waiting
to get him alone.

He lengthened his strokes, and despite my anxiousness to
hurry, my body relished the thorough fucking. What a pleasure it was to be with
such a man. A mighty warrior, dangerous and formidable, the ultimate lover.
Long had I been subjected to tender loving, soft kisses and gentle caresses.
I’d had enough of that. What I wanted, no, needed, was a man who would take me
hard. A man who knew I would not break.

Sounds of the shuffling feet and anxious sighs of the squire
just beyond the tent flap made their way to my ears, reminding me that time was
of the essence. Even now others knights and squires, not to mention camp
harlots, were milling about the grounds preparing for the evening meal. I did
not belong here, in this place. Quickly I must take my pleasure or risk exposure.

Teasingly the knight plunged deep and then slowly withdrew,
bringing my thoughts back to this moment, making me bite my lip in
anticipation. This here, this primal, lusty act, was my goal.

“Yes, wench,” he ground out, his fingers tightening their
grip. I’d be bruised afterward, but I didn’t care. I wanted his roughness—after
all, I had chosen him for his strength. I would savor being sore and aching,
well knowing I had been fucked.

“Please, m’lord. Hurry,” I begged him. Unless he wished to
witness something he was ill-equipped to handle.

“Do not order me.” His forceful strokes accented his words.

But hurry he must. I bore down on his cock the next time he
plunged, squeezing my pussy with all my might. As I knew it would be, it was
too much for him to bear. Myself as well. I came as hard as he, our cries
escaping the confines of the tent, to the tender ears of the young squire
standing guard.

Expelling his lust all over my backside, the knight stilled
for only a moment or two before bracing his hands on my ass to lever himself to
his feet. Kneeling, I cleaned myself off with my gown.

“Leave,” the knight said, his tone arrogant once more. I
frowned as a few coins landed beside me in the dirt. I got to my feet unaided
and arranged my gown to cover me modestly.

“Of course.” Not bothering with any parting banter despite
the intimacy we had shared, I slipped out of his tent, leaving his coins where
they lay.

“Wait.” I heard him holler. I ignored him and made a beeline
for the woods, right past his anxious squire. “Stupid girl,” the knight yelled.
Sights and sounds, both tantalizing and wonderful, filled my eyes and ears. I
craved to linger, to stay just a while longer, but I had no time to waste. I’d
had my fun and now must make my escape.

I cleared the cover of the woods just in the nick of time.

Then I vanished.

At least that’s how it would appear to anyone here in this
century. There was a flash of blue smoke, gone in a smidgen of a second. Next a
swirling, tumbling sensation before I materialized in 2020, my time, landing in
the middle of my bedroom floor.

It took a moment for me to adjust. After several deep
breaths I walked over to the mirror and stood before it. I looked the same,
albeit disheveled. Long dark hair, terribly knotted, and sparkling green eyes.
A large, well-satisfied smile played on my lips. Sometimes I expected I’d
return a little taller, or shorter, though I still appeared the same, five foot
four. The dress I wore had been bang on. It paid to do research. It was all
about fitting in. Other languages were my specialty, so I learned enough to get
by before I left, although my accent might be a little strange. I’d heard of a
guy who nearly lost his life because he failed to appear convincing enough. I
dropped my gown to the floor and headed for the shower, grinning as I went.
Who’d have known that one of the greatest inventions known to mankind—or
perhaps womankind—could be such fun?

The Pocket Jumper allowed a person to slip back in time for
a total of fifteen minutes. Just long enough to observe or slightly experience
life without causing any damage to the time continuum.

And I was all about the experience.

The hot water caressed my aching, tender skin. I discovered
bruises dotting my hips, faintly, in the image of fingers splayed wide. This made
me smile. Battle wounds they were. Hard fought and won, they showed I’d been
the victor in the past and now reaped the rewards of the well-sated in the

Once out of the shower I padded to my bed like a Cheshire
cat, climbed in and slipped beneath the covers. On my nightstand were a notepad
and a pen. I picked up both and crossed Medieval Knight off my list. Next on
the agenda was Gladiator.

List aside, I settled in for a nice, long sleep.

Tomorrow would be a busy day.

Chapter Two


“I don’t think I want to wear a toga,” I said to the lady in
the costume shop the next afternoon. “I do like the sandals though.” The
picture in the book I held showed a woman wearing a beautiful white gown, gold
belt, sandals and a circlet of golden flowers in her upswept hair.

“When’s the party?” the lady asked.


“You’re leaving it kind of late. If I had more time I could
order something in.”

“It was a last-minute idea,” I said, debating my choices. It
was the toga or a Roman slave tunic. Perhaps I could refashion the toga somehow
to look more authentic?

At home I laid out the book and got to work with an
old-fashioned needle and thread. A few tweaks and the garment was ready. I
tried it on and stood before my mirror. Yes, with my hair up and the adornments
of the belt and hair accessories it’d be perfect. I’d opted to dress as a
highborn Roman lady instead of a slave, figuring it’d be easier to maneuver
around that way. Not to mention gain access to the gladiators. Once my hair was
styled and dressed up and I’d slipped on the sandals and belt, I reached for
the Pocket Jumper.

If my company only knew I was using their precious device to
jump around time screwing warrior-type men, I’d probably be fired. I’m pretty
sure it’s not what they had in mind when they handed out the Pocket Jumper to a
select few of us to try out for the week. We were expected to travel around
time and then return to work the following Monday with a written report on our
experiences and any suggestions or comments. They planned to mass-produce the
device for public use, but I’d seen a government official sniffing around the
office and I got the feeling they were going to confiscate it before that
happened. If I wanted to have fun with this thing, it had to be now.

Images began swirling on the small screen of the Pocket
Jumper as I spun the date timer to Ancient Rome. I slowed it down to scan a
wide view of the area and then zeroed in on a large amphitheater for the
location. I paused, seeing a fight ensue between two gladiators. This was
I wanted, now I just needed to find the exact
I wanted.

I flipped the Set switch on and laid the device down on the
bedside table. It directed a beam of thin light out of its side, which
stretched and widened into a hazy blue bubble projecting a larger version of
the picture window scene. Now I had a good view of the event taking place. I
couldn’t appear in the ring and risk getting caught in the fight, not to
mention freaking out the people in the stands, so I moved about the
amphitheater using my hands in a swimming motion to steer the picture bubble. I
was looking for a place close to where the gladiators would be kept. Time was
of the essence, so I needed to be near, but safe as well. I found an alcove
below the stands, inconspicuous enough for my purpose. I took another sweep of
the area, making sure it was secure. Then I took a deep breath and stepped into
the bubble and back through time.

The Pocket Jumper remained in the future. No matter where I
moved back in time, it would track me and bring me home in exactly fifteen
minutes. It was practically foolproof. There was the risk of trouble though.
Once transported, I was as vulnerable as anyone else in that time. If I got
hurt, or even killed, I would still be brought back in fifteen minutes. No matter
what I was doing. Even if I was still in the throes of passion. Luckily the
device would only bring
back, and nothing or no one else. It also
wouldn’t bring back any DNA from another time, so worrying about pregnancy and
STDs wasn’t a problem. If I’d hoped to come back pregnant with a king’s
offspring and lay claim to a fortune in this time, it wouldn’t happen. If I
thought to steal, it wouldn’t work. Only what I brought through with me would

My feet landed firmly on the wooden platform in one of the
many passageways built beneath the amphitheater. The jump itself was painless,
while somewhat jarring. I felt slightly dizzy and short of breath for a moment
or two. The smell was usually the first thing that hit me. Strange scents would
assault my nose, sometimes overwhelmingly. Right now I could smell a
combination of sweat and blood. Overhead, the crowd thumped their feet and
shouted their pleasure or displeasure at those in the ring—it was hard to tell
the difference. A fine layer of dust floated down from above and swirled around
the air. The fighting continued, providing a distraction for me to continue on
my quest.

After a quick peek to make sure the coast was clear, I
stepped out into the main underground corridor, which was wide enough for man
or beast to pass through with ease. My heart beat with excitement and a little
fear. I walked along, soaking up the atmosphere, in wonder and awe at the
sensations coursing through my body. Life in my time was predictable and safe.
The past worlds I entered were the complete opposite. Back in time, life was so
precarious, making it all the more precious.

Guards ahead milled about as I approached the vicinity where
they kept the gladiators. I stiffened my back and strode toward them, giving a
nod at the barred double doors, indicating I wished to enter. I was not
challenged or questioned as they opened one for me. I slipped through and the
door was quickly shut behind me. More guards lined the walkway. If I happened
to make eye contact, I merely nodded in acknowledgement, wishing to draw as
little attention to myself as possible. Thankfully no one spoke to me. My
limited knowledge of Latin and Greek, not to mention my weird accent, might be
a dead giveaway that I didn’t belong here.

On either side of me were several stalls, like in a stable,
although the primitive slats of wood went all the way to the ceiling. Heavy
padlocks kept the thick wooden doors secure so the occupants could not escape.
I peered between the cracks into each stall, inspecting as I went, and saw that
some contained more than one man. Not all of them were guarded. It surprised me
that I wasn’t jeered at or catcalled as I strolled along.

At the end of the hall I approached an unguarded stall and
saw that a lone man lay within on a bed of straw. He appeared to be resting as
he lay still and sweating on his back, one muscular arm thrown over his head,
the other bent over his eyes. He was very large and strong, and no doubt
dangerous. He probably hadn’t enjoyed a woman in a long while. I licked my lips
in anticipation.

He was the one, I decided. Now all I needed to do was get
into the cell and convince
of that.

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